Sharlayan never fights unprepared.

The last time Dorothy was allowed to run away, on the one hand, it was because the timing of the killer was not yet ripe, and it was necessary to keep this guy for the game.

On the other hand, it was also because Dorothy was cautious enough to turn around and run away after just a preliminary contact.

In order to ensure that he could win this powerful Naga commander in the decisive battle, Sharlayan asked senior coalition officers, including Garrod, about Dorothy's fighting style and characteristics for several days.

Although the cautious Dorothy seldom goes to the battlefield in person, in order to maintain her condition and avoid sudden encounters with hands in battle, she will occasionally follow the army to practice hand-to-hand when fighting against the wind.

There is one thing to say, in the underwater where the action is not flexible, the last thing Sharlayan wants to encounter is the agile thieves and the turret-type long-distance occupations. He would rather go head-to-head with those muscular Naga brothers.

In terms of mobility, Sharlayan, who is a land native, has never been able to compare with Naga.

After confirming Dorothy's fighting style, Sharlayan made a plan in advance to defeat the enemy with one blow.

There is only one chance, and if it fails, the vigilant Dorothy will never give Sharlayan another chance to behead him.

Relying on his low profile to show weakness to the enemy, Sharlayan finally lured Dorothy to give up her mobile and active attack.

And he really seized this fleeting opportunity, and drove Dorothy, who had insufficient intelligence on the enemy, into the Shadow Realm.

Dorothy's defeat and death were never expected by the Naga Legion. Her adjutant was very dedicated and wanted to gather the troops and withdraw to the camp to regroup.

But... If they were allowed to escape so easily, Garald, known as a genius commander since 10,000 years ago, could screw his head off and kick it as a ball.

Witnessing Dorothy's defeat with his own eyes, Garrod, who had full confidence in Sharlayan and was prepared for it, had a gleam in his eyes.

"Send a signal to let Hydraxis and Moraka act according to the plan!"


The orderly next to Jarod immediately opened the bamboo tube in his hand, thick black paint flowed out from the tube, and quickly floated upwards under the effect of the druid's wind control spell.

Hydraxis and Moraka are hiding behind the huge sea giant and waiting for a chance to fight.

After noticing Garrod's agreed signal, Duke Hydraxis, whose hands were itching so badly, immediately cheered up.

"Crab! It's our turn to behave, don't hold me back!"

Moraka sneered rebelliously: "Take care of yourself, as the chief lord, if you don't kill as many enemies as I do, you, the chief, can abdicate to the virtuous!"

It is impossible for any force to be monolithic, and the water element is no exception.

The Duke of Hydraxis has been the chief water elemental lord for thousands of years. Some people obey him, but of course there are also people who are unwilling and try to pull him down and take over.

Moraka, which has the shape of a crab, is one of them.

Moraka was very loyal to the Tidehunter, but he had always disliked Hydraxis, and he had long wanted to pull down this old guy who refused to give up the chief position.

Moraka didn't say any more nonsense to waste the fighter plane. His huge crab body burrowed into the seabed very nimbly. A raised gully appeared under the seabed and moved quickly to the inside of the Naga camp.

"Heh~ brat."

Hydraxis didn't take Moraka's words to heart. Moraka was not the only one coveting his position as leader and lord, and he wasn't the one with the worst attitude.

"If you want to pull me down, you are still far away!"

Duke Hydraxis raised his hands and shouted: "Pure water is everywhere! Please obey my request and turn it into a strong cage to imprison our enemies!"

The three Naga adjutants who were retreating in three directions felt their bodies tighten at the same time, and the intense restraint made them temporarily lose their ability to move.

"What the hell is this?"

"Get it off! We're out of time!"

"We must reserve the last chance to counterattack for the coming reinforcements! We cannot die here!"


One of the Naga adjutants heard a muffled voice above his head: "Nave, you have no chance to come back!"


A huge heavy anchor fell from the sky and hit the position where the Naga adjutant was.

Although the muddy water caused by this attack has not dissipated, any fool can guess the ending of this unlucky guy.

The Naga lieutenant who rushed the fastest was the strongest, and he was the first to break free from the water prison where Hydraxis was distracted.

"Big words! Don't even think about it..."


A huge elemental crab suddenly popped out from the ground, and before the Naga adjutant could finish his ruthless words, the giant aqua-blue pincers hit him on the head.

"Huh? What did you want to say just now?"

Moraka sneered and sneered: "Sorry, I forgot that you can no longer answer."

The two targets were dealt with successively by Hercules and Moraka, and the freed Duke Hydraxis concentrated all his energy on the last Naga adjutant.

"Use this victory to declare the gorgeous return of the water element!"


The suddenly tightened water prison squeezed the Naga adjutant who was screaming into Naga sauce.

So far, all the senior officers under Dorothy's command were killed.

The panic-stricken Naga soldiers who lost their leader quickly lost their will to fight. They fled and surrendered, and the very few diehards who did not retreat were easily strangled by the high-morale coalition forces.


Witnessing with his own eyes that this years-long war ended in victory, Garald, who has been under tremendous pressure for more than a year, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sharlayan, who had already returned to Jarod, patted him on the shoulder: "Don't relax too soon, the war is not over yet."

"Ok, I know."

Garrod nodded with a serious expression: "The next step is to see how N'Zoth, who has suffered a big defeat in this battle, will take up the move."


After receiving the intelligence provided by the spies who had fled back from the port of Estorante in an emergency, N'Zoth, who planned to send reinforcements immediately, hesitated.

As Sharlayan and Jarod had guessed, N'Zoth behaved differently from his three siblings.

Because his own strength is much weaker than other ancient gods, N'Zoth has long developed the habit of using his wisdom to make up for the gap in strength between him and Yogg-Saron, C'Thun and Y'Shaarj.

But as the saying goes, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness.

N'Zoth really didn't expect that the spy who had been hiding his identity for several years revealed his identity ahead of time, and Maiev released him to deliberately reveal false news.

Otherwise, this Naga spy, who had been targeted for a long time, would not be able to escape from the port at all.

N'Zoth, who thought he had captured the enemy's weakness, changed his mind. He planned to exhaust the enemy's supplies, forcing the coalition forces dominated by night elves to retreat.

After Xavius's Nightmare Army and Deathwing's Black Dragon Legion stopped, N'Zoth was running out of cards to use. He wanted to preserve his vitality as much as possible and use them all in the final battle against Mount Hyjal. During the general attack.

If the enemy can be exhausted until they run out of ammunition and food, they will not only reduce their own losses, but also greatly damage the morale of the coalition forces.

Taking advantage of the enemy's morale plummeting, this time Dorothy will surely be able to break through that stubborn line of defense and formally invade the night elves' ground territory.

If N'Zoth dispatched reinforcements as quickly as possible, theoretically, those faceless men should be able to reach the battlefield before the end of the battle.

The morale of Dorothy's army, which has been strengthened, will definitely be boosted. It's really hard to say who will win and who will lose.

It was precisely to guard against this that Jarod made up his mind to use the spy to give N'Zoth a blow from the bottom.

When the defeated Naga soldiers who fled back to Ny'alotha from the front line told N'Zoth the real situation of the battle, the demon with thousands of beards, who claimed to be unparalleled in wisdom, suddenly broke his defenses and cursed, and the whole Ny'alotha reverberated Hearing N'Zoth's unwilling roar.

But things have come to this point, and there is no hope of a comeback.

N'Zoth could only restrain the rage in his heart, and ordered the other Naga legions under his command to guard their respective sea areas and stand still for the time being.

Although he was caught off guard and suffered a big defeat, the subsequent developments proved that N'Zoth's decision was calm and correct.

Dorothy is the most powerful warrior among all the Naga of the ancient gods. Her defeat puts the other Naga commanders of the ancient gods at risk.

If N'Zoth forcefully ordered them to attack at this moment, I'm afraid that many people would be obedient and obedient.

Sharlayan and Jarod led the coalition soldiers who had not let down their vigilance and waited on the front line of the battlefield for a week, but N'Zoth still did not make any movement.

At this point, Sharlayan really let go of his guard.

"Garrod, you can celebrate and triumph with peace of mind."

After telling Jarod the ins and outs, Salayan laughed and slapped him hard on the back.

"That old bastard of N'Zoth is scared. It has suffered such a heavy loss this time. It shouldn't dare to jump out to make trouble in a few years. We can get a few more years of precious development time."

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