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Chapter 927 Maiev, the Iron Maiden

The intermittent wars with the Naga over the past few years have made the night elves very irritable.

In the words of the barrage... It doesn't hurt much, but it is extremely insulting.

With the solid background accumulated by the night elves over the past ten thousand years, the damage caused by the Naga who failed to break into the core area was minimal.

But if Naga succeeds in breaking through this time, the ensuing huge impact will affect the entire Dark Night Republic, bringing serious consequences for the subsequent development of the situation.

Dorothy's Naga Legion was completely wiped out, which was also a heavy blow to N'Zoth, who didn't have many cards in his hand.

Regardless of the fact that N'Zoth still has a lot of Naga legions of the ancient gods in his hands, he also has a lot to guard against.

Apart from other things, Azshara, whose relationship with N'Zoth is getting worse and worse, needs to be extra vigilant.

Whether it is the quantity or quality of Naga, N'Zoth's subordinates are far inferior to Azshara.

The first is quality. The first batch of Highborne-transformed Naga were all united by their Queen of Destiny, without exception.

The ancient gods Pai Naga, including Dorothy, were born only in the next 10,000 years.

Followed by the Naga Incubation Pool.

This high-end technology developed by Azshara has always been firmly in the hands of the Queen's faction. Without this technology, the Naga of the Ancient God Faction would not be able to continuously grow Naga cannon fodder.

Although they took a lot of inventory before turning against Azshara, the remaining cannon fodder was used a little less and was a non-renewable resource.

So far, Azshara doesn't seem to have plans to completely tear herself apart from N'Zoth.

Even though the Queen's faction Naga has been raging, Queen Azshara still has the attitude of sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Without the queen's nod of approval, no matter how angry the people below were, they could only continue to suppress their strong dissatisfaction with N'Zoth.

As time goes by, this dissatisfaction will usher in the day when it will explode sooner or later.

With Azshara's shrewdness, Sharlayan didn't think that she would always suppress the opposition voices of the people.

And this just gave Sharlayan the confidence to persuade her to betray N'Zoth.

On the way to Kalimdor, Vashj sent Azshara an invitation in the name of sneak attack.

Now that the crisis in the sea of ​​the night elves has finally been resolved, it is time for Sharlayan to consider going to Nazjatar for an appointment.

But before that, Sharlayan had to return to Estorante with Jarod, and the members of the Night Council headed by Malfurion and Tyrande were still waiting for their triumphant return.


Sharlayan couldn't remember the last time he saw Maiev.

The irascible old lady was strict with others, and was equally strict with herself.

Since being awarded the position of member of the Night Council, Maiev, who is mainly responsible for intelligence work and official rectification, has been patrolling around the vast territory of the Night Republic.

On the way back, Jarod jokingly mentioned something interesting about Maiev to Sharlayan.

As the imperial envoy, Mai Wei shoulders the task of being called the "disciplinary committee" by the barrage. Wherever she goes, the local officials will be extremely nervous, worried that this strong woman with unruffled eyes will slap her. in the end.

Although Maiev is very strict with others and herself, she never wrongs innocent people.

But all the officials who were taken down by Maiev were 100% people with dirty buttocks.

Holding the elusive watchman organization in hand, none of the people Maiev wanted to investigate escaped the watchman's repeated interrogation.

Quel'Thalas, which was founded more than 7,000 years ago, has a large number of corrupt officials. Under Kael'thas' reforms in recent years, most of the officials who were dead and vegetarian were caught and severely punished.

The night elves have a longer history, and Tyrande was a political idiot who was in power before. It is not too easy for the officials below to fool her. This has caused the corruption problem within the night elves to be more serious than that of Quel'Thalas.

After running around for several years, the watchmen headed by Maiev finally deterred the corrupt officials in the country.

It's not that Maiev kills one at a time.

She wisely chose to make an example of others, and specially caught a few of the most arrogant typical characters.

With the full support of the Night Council headed by Malfurion, the resistance Maiev needs to face is only those local officials who think they can resist the central order.

The night elves are not a hereditary lord system like Quel'Thalas, and the officials in each region will change every once in a while, so it is difficult to have the kind of toubob who is caught by the military and government.

With Maiev's meticulous investigation and the ingenious operation of pulling one faction against another, it cannot be said that all the existing officials are as clean as water, but at least the official atmosphere is more than twice as good as when Tyrande was in power.

...After all, no one wants to be the next iron-headed baby who is first shown to the public by Maiev with a wheel saw.

The triumphantly returned coalition forces first returned to the night elves' underwater base from the battlefield area, and Jarod still carefully arranged the remaining personnel in an orderly manner.

In the next half month, Garrod plans to observe the situation again.

If N'Zoth still doesn't move, he will take advantage of the trend to expand the underwater outpost, gradually encroaching on N'Zoth's inherent territory.

After receiving Stellagosa, Tinagosa, Jaina and others who had recovered, the army officially returned to Estorante in triumph.

Maiev, who had just handed over the work in hand, greeted him personally at the port area on behalf of the Council of Darkness. Valeera, who was staying at the port, was communicating in a low voice with Maiev, who was smiling and in a good mood.

Sharlayan knew a long time ago that Maiev is an out-and-out supporter of his younger brother, and has always wanted his younger brother to become a dragon.

Jarod performed extremely well in the War of the Ancients. Maiev once thought that he would replace the missing Azshara as the new leader of the night elves, or at least one of the leaders.

Who knew that Garald didn't say hello to her sister, and suddenly sneaked away with his wife Sarah Hill one day, and no news came back for the next ten thousand years.

When the Garrods were finally welcomed back a few years ago, Maiev was both happy and angry.

In any case, Garald, who was accustomed to evasion, finally untied the knot in his heart, and once again shouldered the responsibilities he should have assumed, becoming one of the few high-level cores of the Dark Night Republic.

Maiev was very pleased with this, and became more motivated to work. In the past few years, she has tortured the low-level officials below.

When she met Maiev a few years ago, Valeera had consulted the old man for a lot of experience and skills.

Maiev's attitude towards the Highborne was not as extreme as Tyrande's. In her opinion, it was not the entire Highborne group that caused the collapse of the Night Empire, but some black sheep among them.

When Tyrande exiled Dath'Remar, Maiev had some criticisms, but she was far away from the center at that time, and could not raise objections to Tyrande's decision.

Maiev is very optimistic about Valeera, a studious junior, and will patiently answer her questions one by one.

Sarlayan has her own network of contacts, and Valeera has her own set of communication circles.

The relationship between Sharlayan and Maiev is very weak, and there is nothing to talk about except business.

Valeera has been in correspondence with Maiev over the years, and even though they haven't seen each other for several years, the relationship between the two is still quite close.

"Long time no see, Marquis of Deep Shadow, Ms. Aluriel."

Maiev shook hands with Sharlayan and Aluriel in a businesslike manner, and then turned to Jarod with a smirk on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Don't you know me?"

Garrod scratched his head with a wry smile: "I'm afraid it's a lesson to me, after all, you would reprimand me every time I met before."

Maiev's expression froze for a moment, then she shook her head helplessly: "What do you think of me? You did nothing wrong, why should I teach you a lesson?"

Nasa, Maiev's adjutant, stood up to smooth things over and said, "Marshal Shadowsong, Chairman Stormrage and Councilor Whisperwind have prepared a celebration ceremony for the soldiers, so let's set off now, we can wait until the banquet later to chat about the past."

In the ten thousand years since Garald left without saying goodbye, the lonely Maiev has only been accompanied by these watchmen around her. Adjutant Nasa is the one with whom she has the best relationship. The two can be said to be as close as sisters.

Salayan had obtained information from the barrage. In the original history, Maiev was completely bewildered because Nasa was plotted to die by Illidan.

'By the way, speaking of Illidan...'

Sharlayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully: "That paranoid demon hunter should still be imprisoned in the prison of the watcher in Ashenvale right now?" '

‘History has undergone major changes. I don’t know when and under what circumstances he will be released this time, or...will he be imprisoned for another 10,000 years? '

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