Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 937 Azshara's Expectation

In the whole of Azeroth, Alfa's reputation is not obvious, and not many people know of his existence and ability.

But in such a small circle of druids, Alfa's reputation is still very loud as a grandmaster of the professional Thorn Whisperer of the druid branch.

Since it was difficult to officially invite night elf druids to participate in the research, Sharlayan simply changed the angle and used Old Bear's connections to privately organize a group of druids to join the research project.

According to Danmaku, a large-scale research project will inevitably split into many sub-groups.

If the people at the top don't take the initiative to stand up and paint a big picture, many grassroots researchers...commonly known as scientific research dogs, don't know or want to know what the large-scale projects they participate in research are, and just bury their heads in responsible for the part of the task they have received.

If the old bear Alfa took the lead in summoning the druids, he must be the one who led the research on the druids himself, and he didn't have to tell the people below what the specific purpose of studying these detailed projects was.

Just like a large jigsaw puzzle, no one knows what kind of pattern it will eventually form until the moment when all the parts are assembled, except for the designer who knows in advance.

"Drust, Thorn Whisperer..."

Azshara tilted her head thoughtfully: "I seem to have heard of these two terms somewhere, Vashj, do you have any idea?"


Vashj, who often served as Azshara's secretary, bowed his head respectfully and replied: "The Drust existed long before the troll empire appeared, but they have always lived in a corner, living a peaceful life without contention. Life."

"According to the research materials of the Royal Academy of Magic and Magic, the Drusts are an excessive race before the flesh and blood Vrykul degenerated into modern humans. In a sense, they can be said to be the ancestors of humans."

"As for the Thorny Whisperer, this is a brand new profession developed by the Drusts based on the druid way and their special culture."

"As the Marquis of Deep Shadow said, Thorn Whisperer is a branch of druids. More specific information is not recorded in detail in the data."

'Inviolate from the world? '

Sharlayan was a little surprised by Vaschi...or the Royal Academy of Magic of the Night Empire.

But after thinking about it, Gorak Tul and his fallen Thorn Whisperer should not have officially grasped the right to speak in the ethnic group when the Dark Night Empire was active. .

Although the Thorny Whisperers are different from the regular druids in that they study the power of balance between life and death, they are inevitably influenced by the druid culture. fight.

Even if Gorak Tul had usurped power at that time, facing the Dark Night Empire, which was gradually entering its heyday, with Drust's population, he could only behave with his tail between his legs.

Think about it carefully, the Drust who have experienced brutal internal strife can't even defeat one of the Arathi pioneers who came across the sea, so why should they compete with the mighty Dark Night Empire?

With Gorak Tul and his followers thrown into the Maw, whether it is Azeroth or the Shadowlands, the remaining Drust are determined to restore the original gentle way of the Thornwhisperer, completely Abandon the false ideas brought to the Drust by the house of Gorak Tul.

The Shadowlands are fine, and a large number of Drust souls still live and work in peace in the Blazing Wilderness.

If the information provided by Orfa is correct, the Drust who are still living in Azeroth have become a rare species, and it is questionable whether the group can continue.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Old Bear Alfa has long thought about it.

If it is impossible to continue the race, at least the research results of the Drust people over the years - the correct way of the Thorn Whisperer must be passed on as proof that the Drust people once existed.

Old Bear Alfa is very old, and he doesn't know how many years he has left to live.

To Alfa's relief, he met an excellent successor worthy of entrusting the Thorn Whisperer's inheritance at the end of his life.

That is Sharlayan Deepshadow who accidentally broke into Drustvar a few years ago.

Orfa has helped Sarlayan solve various troubles more than once, as long as Sarlayan makes a reasonable request, this time he should not refuse.

Azshara nodded thoughtfully: "Since you are sure, I will give you full responsibility for inviting the druids to join the research."

"I will send someone to secretly contact the decision-makers of Suramar and Quel'Thalas, and complete the transaction between the three parties as soon as possible to form a research team. Don't delay too long."


Before this prelude ended, Azshara suddenly made a request.

"Help me give Inasia a message. If she is free after work, remember to come to Nazjatar to chat with me."

Azshara has been trapped under the sea for many years, and there are very few people who can communicate with her on an equal footing.

No matter how powerful a queen is, she also has her own social needs in private, which cannot be met by a loyal and respectful subordinate like Vashj alone.

Sharlayan smiled and nodded to accept it: "I will bring your words to you truthfully, then...Queen Azshara, I will take my leave first."

"I wish you good health and the early realization of your long-cherished wish for many years."

Watching Sharlayan walk away gracefully and slowly under the leadership of the maids, Azshara looked at his back with great interest.

"Vashj, what do you think of Inas's child?"

Vaschi's expression moved slightly: "What does Her Majesty mean... What kind of opinion?"

Azshara glanced at Vashj strangely: "Of course it's his ability, otherwise?"

"Well..." Vaschi was a little disappointed in her heart, but she replied calmly with thought on her face: "Excellent, even in the dark night empire in its heyday, there are very few heroes who can speak so eloquently with the queen's infinite charm. .”


Azshara chuckled inexplicably: "You know, who does he remind me of?"

Vaschi: "Please forgive my ignorance."

Azshara didn't care about Vashj's "ignorance", and continued with a smile: "Illidan Stormrage, that rebellious elf who dared to ask in front of me."

"Unfortunately, Illidan exchanged his eyes for Sargeras' fel infusion. After the War of the Ancients, I have never heard anything about him."

"I don't know if the legend of the golden pupils of the night elves can be fulfilled in him. I'm looking forward to it."

'Legend... huh? '

Vashj could understand what Azshara meant.

There has always been an unknown legend among the night elves - the night elves with golden pupils will surely make great achievements in the future.

Azshara was the first person to achieve the legendary golden pupil. With this example, many people also poured a lot of expectations on Illidan.

Unfortunately, at least so far, he has not reached the height of people's expectations.

When Illidan broke into the Eternal Palace to rescue Tyrande who was captured by Xavius, he had a relationship with Azshara.

Azshara was deeply impressed by his rebelliousness hidden under the appearance of humility.

As Tyrande was the priest of the moon god Elune, even Azshara could not offend Elune too much. She had no intention of doing anything to Tyrande.

Out of a moment of bad taste, Azshara persuaded Tyrande to give up Elune's belief and become her maid, which also made Vashj jealous and hate Tyrande.


Azshara, who had been interested before, suddenly seemed a little dull, lazily leaning on the armrest of the throne, staring blankly at the zenith of the Eternal Palace.

"It's been ten thousand years. If Sharlayan hadn't unexpectedly brought us some hope of returning to the form of night elves, maybe sooner or later I would be driven crazy by this boundless loneliness and loneliness."

As the undisputed number one beauty in Azeroth, Azshara's self-admiration is also planet-level, and she has always been very proud of her beauty.

Except for Vashj and other personal maids, no one knows how unhappy Azshara was after being forcibly transformed into a naga, and this negative emotion has accumulated for a full 10,000 years.

Under the long-term mental devastation of the ugly Naga form, Azshara, who loves beauty so much, can still maintain normal sanity as she is now, which is considered to have amazing willpower.

A faint sigh came from the palace hall where only Azshara and Vashj were left: "I hope that this large-scale research proposed by Sharlayan can really achieve the expected results, otherwise..."

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