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Chapter 938: CP Head Vaschi

After the interview, Sharlayan politely declined the banquet invitation from the Naga nobles conveyed by Vashj, intending to leave this underwater city that made him feel very depressed as soon as possible.

After all, Sharlayan is a land creature. Even with the magic equipment given by Vashj to counteract the pressure of the deep sea, it is still difficult for him to get used to living in the water for a long time.

Azshara was quite friendly during the meeting, but at the moment Sharlayan revealed her plan, the momentary pressure almost made Sharlayan lose his grip.

After all, she was the Queen of the Night who once ruled most of Azeroth. Azshara's kingly temperament was not comparable to that of Kael'thas, who had just assumed the throne and was gentle in nature.

To put it a little further, among the many kings Sharlayan has seen, none of them can compare with Azshara in terms of momentum.

After successfully finishing the imperial conversation with Azshara, Sharlayan planned to leave the underwater environment as soon as possible and return to the land he was familiar with.

On the one hand, it is to prevent Azshara who is not emotionally stable from changing his face temporarily, and on the other hand, it is also to prepare the tasks assigned to him by Azshara as soon as possible.

[Although the cover-up is good, Azshara's mental state is indeed somewhat unstable. 】

[It's no wonder that since falling into the sea 10,000 years ago, Azshara has never left the only Eternal Palace that she feels familiar with. 】

[Squatting in the palace for thousands of years, surrounded only by Vaschi and other loyal maids, I can no longer summon officials and outstanding talents from all over the Dark Night Empire as I like before, and it is inevitable to feel aggrieved . 】

[More importantly, day after day, looking at the ugly appearance of those maids who have transformed into Naga, and then thinking about my current appearance and my former beauty, the huge gap is enough to drive Azshara, who loves beauty, crazy . 】

[So, in the past few years, Inas often met and chatted with Azshara, which relieved her internal friction to a certain extent? 】

【No wonder she specially asked Salayan to give Inas a message. After leaving the social terrorist Inas who had been with her for several years, Azshara might start to feel lonely again. 】

[My evaluation is... hurry up! At least get out of here before Azshara changes her mind! 】

The barrage said so, and Sarlayan did exactly that.

Bite the bullet and continue to rest in the side hall of the palace for one night. On the morning of the third day after arriving in Nazjatar, Salayan bid farewell to Vashj who came to ask if he had any other needs.

"So fast?"

Vaschi asked in surprise: "Don't you need to take a stroll in Nazjatar? This is the former capital of the Night Empire, Xin Aisha."

Salayan replied with a high EQ: "When the real Xin Aisalie reappears, I will definitely spare time to take a good look at this underwater city..."

Vaschi showed a look of comprehension and comprehension: "That's right, although we tried our best to restore the street scene of Xin Aisha, but because of the huge difference in the environment, there will still be many differences after all."

"Okay, I hope you can complete the task assigned by the queen as soon as possible. We also want to get rid of the current embarrassing situation earlier and return to the familiar life on land."

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "I will. After departing from Nazjatar, I will go directly to Drustvar to meet my mentor Alfa."

Sending Sharlayan outside the barrier personally, watching him transform into a killer whale form and speeding up to the sea, Vaschi sighed silently.

'Did I make a mistake? No, not necessarily, maybe it's just not ready yet. '

'The queen has always had concerns about her Naga posture, and now is not the right time to talk about emotions, let's observe again. '

The head of the CP, who has not been exposed, looked at the back of the killer whale with deep eyes.

'10,000 years of loneliness are too much torture for Her Majesty the Queen who has already been emotionally hurt. '

‘Although Sharlayan’s seniority is somewhat different from that of the queen, but... After looking at the outstanding opposite sexes we have seen over the years, this highborne and dragon hybrid talent is definitely the one who is most worthy of the queen. '


Vaschi's intention to make a match was hidden very deeply, almost never revealed, even Azshara didn't notice anything unusual, and it was even more impossible for Salayan and Danmaku to notice that this love-minded maid longed silently in her heart. Something is planned.

Not only Vashj, but many of Azshara's maids are eager to use a new relationship to dilute the emotional shadow left by the queen ten thousand years ago.

Different from the online deception against Sargeras last time, this time, the maids headed by Vashj planned to personally check and strictly screen every outstanding opposite sex who might win the Queen's favor.

Excluding Malfurion Stormrage, who has a completely different stand, Illidan, Jarod, Kael'thas and other elf celebrities are also impressively displayed on their secret list.


Sharlayan, who was speeding up in the sea, suddenly felt a chill coming from behind, subconsciously let go of his senses and looked back.

Nothing was found.

"what's the situation?"

Sharlayan's orca's head was full of question marks: "Isn't Azshara changing his mind and planning to take me back?"

[Catch him back and become his son-in-law? The prince is not a dream. 】

[Crap, it's more like a breeding machine. 】

[As the saying goes, thirty is like a wolf, forty is like a tiger, and fifty is like sitting on the ground and sucking dirt. How old is Azshara? At least more than fifteen thousand, right? 】

[Hey~ I'm terrified when I think about it carefully, there are three thousand female college students, and they are among the immortals. 】

Sharlayan rolled his eyes angrily: "Come on, you lsps are thinking about things all day long, can you be serious?"

[The love between men and women and the reproduction of offspring are important matters in human relations, why is it not serious? 】

[Well said, so did your wife have a baby? 】

[... People are hard to tear down, I'm still waiting for the country to send a wife. 】

Sarlayan, who was already close to the sea, didn't bother to pay attention to those barrage lsps who shouted "I'm sworn to death with gambling and drugs".

Nazjatar is located in the depths of the sea just east of the Maelstrom, not far from the Broken Isles.

Anyway, if he was going to Kul Tiras, he would pass through the Broken Isles on the way, so Sharlayan, who surfaced, simply took the opportunity to go to Suramar.

"Yo~ You are really a rare visitor."

Not long after Grand Magister Elisande returned to Suramar from Narsalas College in Azsuna, she warmly received Sharlayan in the Tower of Darkness.

"Why is the Marquis of Deep Shadow, who is so busy every day, free to come to Suramar? Good news or bad news?"

Elisande did not believe that Sharlayan came to Suramar to maintain relations.

During the few years he had known Sharlayan, Elisande had hardly seen him idle, and he was always on the move all year round, terribly busy.

Sharlayan smiled wryly and spread his hands: "I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do?"

"...Well, I really have something to tell you."

Under Elisande's joking gaze of "as expected", Sharlayan said helplessly: "I just came out of Nazjatar and reached an agreement with Queen Azshara that is also related to Suramar. Come here to let you know."

Hearing the name Azshara, Elisande immediately put away the smile on his face, and his expression became extremely solemn.

"Queen Azshara? How dare you go to meet her alone? Are you not afraid that N'Zoth will keep you here regardless of the consequences?"


Sharlayan smiled meaningfully: "En'Zoth? Through this joint operation to repel the Naga, you should be more or less aware of the discordant notes within the Naga, right?"

Elisande's eyes flickered slightly: "So, my guess is correct? Queen Azshara and N'Zoth broke up?"

Sharlayan: "It's about the same. Although I haven't officially turned my face, I'm already a stranger."

"The conflict between them was buried when the highborne elves who fell into the water were forcibly transformed into Naga 10,000 years ago. It is only a matter of time before it erupts."

Elisande nodded approvingly, and said with some regret: "I can understand Azshara's mood, after all, there are a group of Faldorei who have been transformed into ugly spidermen next door to us."

"That's the crux of the matter."

Sharlayan snapped his fingers lightly: "Azshara wanted to change back to her former night elf form even in her dreams. I made a deal with her on this matter. This deal involves druids, Suramar and The three parties of Quel'Thalas."

Elisande knew that Sharlayan was not someone who made empty promises casually, so he asked him solemnly: "What's going on? What does Suramar need to pay? What can I get in this deal? "

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