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Chapter 939 Changes in Suramar and Azsuna

Elisande's problem is very real. As the leader of Suramar, she must consider the interests of her own people and city-state.

From a personal standpoint, Elisande has conflicted views on Azshara.

Like all Highborne, Elisande once fanatically worshiped the Light of Light, a demigod among mortals.

Relying on his loyalty to the Queen and his outstanding ability, Elisande was personally awarded the title of Grand Magister and the position of Suramar Consul by Azshara. .

Elisande is a more realistic person.

When she heard rumors that the Queen had somehow reached an agreement with foreign demons to massacre the people under her rule, Elisande hesitated several times, and finally chose not to help each other, using the Eye of Aman'Thul to raise knots. After the world, he will no longer interfere with foreign affairs.

For the next 10,000 years, Elisande indulged in the Eye of Aman'Thul, who possessed the power of time, and vowed to find a timeline that was most beneficial to Suramar.

According to the barrage, if Sharlayan hadn't come to Suramar in advance and strongly incited the uprising to wake up Elisande who was confused by the power of time, her final ending would definitely not be good.

But those are all things that happened in the future in another timeline, and have nothing to do with the lost Elisande.

After getting rid of the temptation of the Eye of Aman'Thul, Elisande's biggest heart disease - the addiction to magic, also disappeared because of the planting of the miracle tree Arcandor.

After learning from the pain, Elisande gave his consultants more autonomy, allowing them to bravely raise objections when they made mistakes.

With the full assistance of chief arcanist Talisa and others, after several years of hard work, the spiritual outlook of the Suramar people who had been self-enclosed for a long time has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Some clues can be seen from the Suramar reinforcements rushing to help the night elves this time. The magic swordsmen under Aluriel performed better in battle than before.

In just a few years, it is impossible for a magic swordsman whose strength has already entered the mature stage to grow by leaps and bounds, so the answer is obvious.

With Suramar's rebirth from the ashes, the soldiers guarding Suramar also have a firmer belief than before, allowing them to 100% exert their due strength, and will no longer be incomparable to the future as in the past confused.

Over the past few years, Elisande has handed over the major reforms to Suramar to Talisa. Salas College has made a lot of efforts.

Without the harassment of Naga, the coastline of Azsuna returned to calm.

With the long-term efforts of Talisa and other consultants, the number of withered wandering in the wild has also been greatly reduced, and the engineering team of Nightborne can work at full strength without hindrance.

Coupled with the help provided by Fadore, who is good at drilling holes, the Nazaras Academy, which was half sunk in the sea, finally reappeared.

Under Elisande's personal call, a large number of Suramar scholars, who had been gearing up for a long time, settled in the renovated Nazaras Academy.

Quel'Thalas and Fadore also sent many scholars here. The Minister of Syndra Affairs, Thalerville, was unable to leave as a cabinet minister. He sent his right-hand man, Syndra Senior Scholar Ledros. Host collaborative research.

The reason why Sharlayan dared to boast in front of Azshara was that the most important source of confidence was the completed rebuilding of Nathalas Academy.

Scholars from Quel'dorei, Syndra, Fal'dorei, and Shal'dorei gathered here in large numbers. They were already waiting for a large-scale research project worthy of everyone's full cooperation. Sharlayan took it from Azshara The lesson came at just the right time.

Although the saying that academics have no borders is not absolute, there are indeed many scholars who are obsessed with research and have no interest in complex international issues such as politics and diplomacy. They just want to explore the truth of the world and the universe step by step.

They don't need to worry about the social problems that may be caused by turning Naga back into night elves. All these scholars need to do is to immerse themselves in research and contribute their own strengths in the upcoming large-scale research projects.

Sharlayan did not give a clear answer to Elisande's practical questions.

"You shouldn't be asking me this question."

Sharlayan smiled and said, "The deal between Suramar and Naga should be discussed by both of you, and I, an outsider, should not talk too much."

"However, I can assure you that Azshara's determination to complete this research is firm."

"In addition to the independent claim of the city-state of Suramar, you might as well take this opportunity to ask her for some benefits."

Knowing that Azshara was still alive, Kael'thas and Elisande both considered the same question first.

If Azshara declares that Quel'Thalas and Suramar are part of the Night Empire as the Elven Lord, how should they respond as the leaders of the race?

However, Azshara is obviously not such a shortsighted person who insists on a false name. When she had an in-depth exchange with Salayan in the Eternal Palace, she saw through Salayan's concerns at a glance.

Azshara generously gave a guarantee that she would not interfere with the normal life of the elven branch races such as Quel'Thalas and Suramar, and recognized their autonomy as independent countries (city-states).

After getting the most important guarantee from Sarlayan, Elisande finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, I will assign Talisa to take full charge of this matter. I hope that after the cooperative research project is completed, we can get a satisfactory result that satisfies all parties."

Sharlayan still had a lot of things to do. After passing the news to Elisande, he didn't stay in Suramar City for a long time. He flew in the direction of Azsuna along the rebuilt road.

After many days, it changed into a storm crow flying freely in the sky again, and Sharlayan's depressed emotions accumulated in the sea were swept away.

When overlooking the outer city of Suramar, which he hadn't seen for several years, Sharlayan was not surprised to find many Nightborne people who had relocated here from the city.

Thanks to the joint efforts of Fal'dorei and Shal'dorei, the wild withered in Suramar are almost extinct, and most of them were captured back to Suramar and Falanaar, where they became research material for scholars.

It's a pity that the withered whose brains are burnt out by the addiction can no longer turn back into the Nightborne, but the research results of Talisa and others can effectively restrain the violent nature of the withered, allowing them to get rid of the endless torment of addiction. Relieved, the mood becomes calm.

It is said that this research was born out of the principle of Arcandor, the tree of miracles, using natural energy to neutralize the violent and uncontrolled arcane energy in the withered body.

Without the threat of the Withered, Suramar City reopened to the outside world, and a large number of Nightborne who could not find a chance to succeed in the city boldly went to the wilderness.

It is not accurate to say that it is a wilderness. This area that has long been covered by dense vegetation was once part of Suramar City, and there are still a large number of architectural ruins left over 10,000 years ago.

The Nightborne who are re-exploring outwards can rely on these ruins to establish a stronghold, and gradually rebuild the once prosperous outer city of Suramar.

After crossing the border river between Suramar and Azsuna, another picture appeared before Sharlayan's eyes.

Compared with the thriving Suramar region, the ruined Azsuna still needs more time.

Dazzling arcane brilliance shone from the top of the magic tower of Narsalas College, which stood in the center of Azsuna again, and strong arcane energy fluctuations spread out from the center of the college.

However, apart from the surrounding area of ​​this landmark building, most of the area of ​​Azsuna is still full of ruins, and only the area near the Zahnar magic net in the north is more popular.

Since the old blue dragon Senegosa reconciled with Malygos and the whole family moved back to Caldara Island, the blue dragon family did not completely abandon the blue wing habitat that had been established for tens of thousands of years.

But generally speaking, the number of blue dragons in the Azsuna region still shows a clear downward trend.

Under the personal guidance of Harleen, the leader of the blue dragon stationed here, the Nightborn and the Azsuna Night Watchmen cooperated to repair the broken Zahnar magic net, which can continue to provide Nathalas Academy with sufficient supplies. Arcane energy.

Unlike the Suramar region that has returned to order, there are still traces of withered activities in the Azsuna Wilderness, which is not yet developed enough.

In order to prevent the past nightmare from recurring, each of the three parties dispatched part of their personnel to garrison the Zahnar Magic Net for a long time to prevent it from being destroyed by the wandering withered again.

When he came to Azsuna this time, Sharlayan’s goal was not the Narsaras Academy standing in the middle of the lake, but the Night Watchman’s stronghold located on the south side of the academy—the Farondis Palace.

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