Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 978 Difficult choice, choosing death for survival

Kel'Thuzad's speculation about the action mode of the Dreadlord is not unreasonable, but Sharlayan thinks that he has not considered comprehensively enough.

"Indeed, no matter where the Nathrezim are lurking, their hearts are always toward their creator, Denathrius, but..."

Sarlayan emphasized seriously: "The Nathrezim are not stupid, they will not act rashly to reveal their true position."

"I speculate that the dreadlord who sneaked into Lordaeron should try to adopt a strategy that has the best of both worlds. It can not only send more souls to the warden, but also not arouse the suspicion of fraudsters."

Kil'jaeden the Deceiver is no easy fool. When the eredar civilization existed, Kil'jaeden was one of the three archons of the eredar.

Having held a high position and held power for a long time, Kil'jaeden, who was already capable, developed a pair of piercing eyes.

Even if Nathrezim was a born actor and spy, it would be impossible to openly serve the Maw without Kil'jaeden's eyes.

Therefore, even if those big bats have their own little nines in their hearts, at least on the surface they will do the scene work seamlessly, so that Kil'jaeden will admit that they are acting for the benefit of the Burning Legion.

[It's strange to say that Archimonde was very good at engaging in political struggles in Argus. 】

[One of his most outstanding achievements is to slander his immediate boss Sakir and replace him, becoming one of the three consuls who hold the highest power in the Eredar civilization. How come the Burning Legion has become a mindless pollution By? 】

[It's swollen, it's quite normal when you think about it carefully. 】

[When you are used to using the simplest violent method to solve problems, why bother to fight wits with the air? 】

[The Burning Legion has traversed the universe for tens of thousands of years, and there are very few planets that can cause trouble for their expedition. 】

【Even if there is, as long as Sargeras takes action himself, all problems will be solved. 】

[Under the situation where the universe can be flattened without using the brain, it is not surprising that Archimonde, who has obtained a powerful infusion of evil energy, gave up thinking and learned from Sargeras. 】

Of all the eredar, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are the most special.

As the second of the three major consuls of the original Eredar civilization, Sargeras hoped that they would lead the Burning Legion composed of demons, and condense these chaotic guys into one rope, completely for Sargeras to use.

Therefore, Sargeras infused them with extremely powerful pure fel energy, causing their bodies to rapidly expand in size, many times larger than normal eredar.

Facts have proved that Sargeras' decision is correct.

Although it is a pity to let Velen, the head of the three consuls, run away, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde have indeed ushered in a relatively orderly era for the once chaotic Burning Legion.

It is not easy for the demons to follow the established rules. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are well versed in the strategy of sweet dates and sticks, and both punishment and reward are used.

After a long period of hard work, the unbearable punishment after the failure of the mission finally made the demons who were able to resurrect infinitely and fear nothing and fear nothing in their hearts.

This brutal institution of punishment was the Shivarla Coven, run directly by Sargeras himself.

Almost none of the demons who have entered the witch's association can come out completely, and the Dreadlord is no exception.

According to the barrage, Varimathras, who failed many missions, was thrown to the Witch Guild for severe punishment in the future of the original history.

The skin of this poor big bat's whole body was peeled off, and it was tortured by the Witch Council's endless methods, making it insane and irrational.

No demon is willing to enter into an unspeakable witch for punishment if it is not a last resort.

Therefore, when they perform tasks outside, they will forcefully restrain their chaotic nature, and take the completion of the task as the top priority.

Of course, chaos is the nature of demons after all, and there are not a few demons who can't restrain their instincts to play off during missions. The group of psychopathic destroyers in the witch society will never lack materials for torture and fun.

With such a strong deterrent force on Argus, the few high-ranking Nathrezim who received Kil'jaeden's mission to enter Azeroth's front line did not dare to act rashly.

To this day, the Knights of the Silver Hand headed by Uther haven't really touched the core, and those killed by them are all the bewitched people pushed by the demons to block the guns, and they are all human beings.

However, under the pressure of the Silver Hand, the chips in the hands of the Burning Legion became less and less.

Even so, based on the information obtained from the Scourge provided by Kel'Thuzad, those big bats still have no plans to evade it for the time being, and seem to want to take this opportunity to fight the Silver Hand head-on.

The Knights of the Silver Hand are Lordaeron's trump card army. For Zovar, who is trapped in the Maw and desperately needs strength, the souls of these heroic knights are much more valuable than those long-decayed nobles of Lordaeron.

Sharlayan's analysis of the behavior pattern and purpose of the Dreadlord made sense. Kel'Thuzad bowed his head in thought for a moment, and basically approved of his judgment.

"In other words, the Silver Hand and the vanguard of the Burning Legion are destined to have a battle in the royal city of Lordaeron?"

Sharlayan nodded: "Both sides have a strong will to fight. If there are no accidents, this local conflict should be inevitable."

"So." Kel'Thuzad asked calmly: "Does the Scourge have a chance to fish in troubled waters in this conflict?"

"Well." Sharlayan put his chin on his hand and thought about it: "I suggest that you still follow the original plan, adopt the strategy of encircling the cities from the countryside, and slowly expand your power from the border area of ​​Lordaeron, which is not well-prepared."

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. No matter which two parties win the battle between Arthas and Calia, the Burning Legion and the Silver Hand, Lordaeron, which has a strong capital, will not be able to move quickly because of this. collapse."

"If Alsace, who is inexperienced and impulsive, is in charge, Lordaeron's decline will inevitably lead to another acceleration, which is also a good thing for the plan of the Scourge."

"And if Calia wins..."

Sharlayan's eyes flashed brightly: "You can persuade Arthas, who lost everything after the defeat, to join the Lich King's command, and use the bait of regaining his throne as a bait to arouse his ambition again."

【...It's bad enough, you're catching Alsace and Lordaeron frantically picking up wool. 】

[I think there is nothing to blame for Sarlayan's actions. A dead fellow is not a poor man. From the standpoint of Quel'Thalas, it is understandable to weaken the strength of a powerful neighboring country to a certain extent. 】

[And this can be regarded as restoring the history to a certain extent, making the future that has undergone major changes more predictable and controllable, which is convenient for further layout in the future. 】

[But the premise of this plan is that Princess Jialia can win this royal infighting. 】

[Heh~ Haven't you seen it yet? 】

[Xiao Sa said that he would not directly intervene in the battle between the two kings of Lordaeron, but in fact, it is impossible for him to let Alsace, who has a grudge against Quel'Thalas and himself, take the throne. 】

【Look, Jialia, who is temporarily at a disadvantage, should soon usher in a turning point. 】

[Hello, brother, goodbye, brother. 】

[The person who pretends to be an X riddle gets out of the live broadcast room, knowing what he knows, what he doesn't know is not knowing, don't pretend to be deep and foggy over there. 】

【... That's all I'm saying, believe it or not. 】

Sharlayan ignored the barrage of arguments and exchanges.

At least one sentence in the quarreling barrage was right. With the intentional restraint of both sides, the scale of this internal strife in Lordaeron will not be too large, and the winner should be decided soon.


Originally, Sharlayan just wanted to confirm Stratholme's position by meeting with the new Rivendell. Unexpectedly, Kel'Thuzad had the audacity to follow Baron Rivendell into the hinterland of Quel'Thalas.

This can also be regarded as a wake-up call for the high elves who blindly believe in Bandin Norrell's enchantment.

People who have already obtained the permission to access the magic net usually will not undergo a second review, which is easy for some nimble-minded guys to find loopholes to take advantage of.

After Kel'Thuzad defied the law, under the urging of Sharlayan, the Royal Arcane Society, who was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, began to arrange a second review session.

But that's all for later.

In front of the gate of Flaming Eagle Manor, after personally watching Baron Rivendell and his party enter the portal, Mathis sighed with a complicated expression.

"I've heard long ago that the current Baron Rivendell has been weak and sick since he was a child, and was predicted by the priest in his childhood that he would not live to be 20 years old."

"Thanks to the old baron asking the kind-hearted Archbishop Alonsus Fao to help, Titus managed to overcome the first hurdle in his life."

Sharlayan also took the words with some emotion and said: "Alonsus Faol passed away a few years ago, and no one in Lordaeron today can save Baron Rivendell when he has a serious illness next time. He had no choice but to save himself."

"It's just..." Sharlayan frowned slightly and looked at the cloudy sky that had just turned cloudy: "Is it really worth choosing to die in order to survive?"

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