Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 979 Let the holy light

Sharlayan, who has the blood of the dragon, has been strong and healthy since he was a child, and he has no disease or disaster. He can't understand the feelings and choices of Baron Rivendell.

Sharlayan once heard a saying from the barrage.

There will be three deaths in a person's life.

The first was physical death when the heart stopped beating.

The second is social death after the funeral.

The third time is the absolute death when everyone in the world no longer remembers him.

Baron Rivendell, who has been weak and sick since he was a child, has been struggling between life and death all year round, and has long been aware that he may die at any time.

But it is one thing to have awareness, and another to be able to accept it.

It is human nature and instinct to struggle for survival. If it is not really helpless, who is willing to give up life so easily.

Titus Rivendell, who has been on the edge of life and death for a long time, has taken physical death very lightly, but he does not want his existence to be forgotten. Even if he abandons this fragile life, he still wants to continue to "live." "Go down.

Even Saint Alonsus Faol could not completely cure Baron Rivendell's congenital genetic disease, which basically declared that the Holy Light could not save him.

After Sharlayan learned of this during the meeting, he deliberately checked Baron Rivendell's physical condition with the power of his life.

The situation is not optimistic.

Years of lingering sickness had already made the organs in his body close to exhaustion. Even if Alexstrasza, the life-sworn person, did it himself, it would be hard to recover.

Choosing to undead is the last choice for self-help.

After learning of his old friend's choice, Kel'Thuzad, who never regarded death as the end, readily agreed, and soon introduced the noble lord who held considerable power in Lordaeron to the Lich King Ner'zhul.

Of course, this is just Kel'Thuzad's performance to show his loyalty, in order to further win Ner'zhul's trust.

Ner'zhul still insisted on this, and when he learned that the lord of Stratholme was coming to vote, he made a promise without saying a word, and would personally give Baron Rivendell a second "life" at the right time.

In human terms... he will personally instill the pure power of death into Baron Rivendell, and use the knowledge stored in Gul'dan's skull, as well as the technology he has learned from the Shadow Realm over the years, to make Rivendell The Baron became Azeroth's first true death knight.

The people of Azeroth first knew the concept of the death knight during the Second Orc War many years ago.

Since the second chief of the Horde, Orgrim Doomhammer, banned the use of fel energy, Gul'dan had no choice but to fiddle with death spells that he was not good at. The Shadow Council warlock who was about to be killed by Orgrim himself The soul was stuffed into the corpse of the human knight.

This is the original version of the death knight. The production method is simple and crude. It is nothing more than changing the body of those warlocks, replacing the original fel spells with crappy death spells.

Not to mention, these melee warriors galloping on the battlefield on skeleton horses and fighting with sword-shaped staffs really showed good combat effectiveness, causing a lot of trouble for the alliance's Paladin Legion.

The battle between the black and white knights ran through the entire Second Orc War, until the death knights headed by Talon Gorefiend slipped back to Draenor, which was dying slowly, and the battle finally ended with the victory of the paladins.

The second-generation death knight developed by Ner'zhul's stealth is the truly mature version. Compared with the first-generation degraded version made by Gul'dan, the second-generation death knight can no longer only cast spells on a horse.

According to Kel'Thuzad, the new death knight can effectively combine spells and melee abilities, and can also have some unique spells that have never appeared before.

As long as the body has enough experience and foundation before death, the combat power of the transformed and trained death knight will definitely not be weaker than that of the same level of paladins.

Ner'zhul had already tried it on the undead vrykul in Northrend, and the effect was not bad. He also absorbed the advantages of the rune magic of the vrykul, and developed a kind of magic called rune sword under the inspiration of Kel'Thuzad. Sword form staff.

Different from the pretentious staff and sword in the hands of the first-generation death knights, the new rune sword can take into account both melee ability and spell enhancement, and is the most suitable exclusive weapon for the second-generation death knights.

"A rune sword..."

Flipping through the research materials on the rune sword copied by Kel'Thuzad, Salayan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

"I don't know the similarities and differences between this way of depicting runes and the enchantment of Quel'Thalas. Let's leave it to the Royal Arcane Association to study it. Maybe it can further strengthen the power of Quel'Thalas' enchanted equipment."

Rune magic is a way of using spells inherited by the Vrykul from the guardian of the titans, and it has some advantages that are difficult to achieve with traditional spells.

The most typical feature of rune magic is that there is no need to chant spells to cast spells. With the help of prepared runes, it can truly achieve zero-chant and instant cast large spells.

Sharlayan hadn't studied the way of the arcane in depth, but he had been with Stellagosa and Tinagosa day and night for so many years, so he still had relevant common sense.

The arcanist's so-called chanting of abandonment is actually nothing more than reciting the spell silently in his heart.

The speed of thinking is much faster than speaking with the mouth, which can indeed shorten the casting time to a certain extent, but it still cannot achieve real instant spells.

If you don't use special skills such as calmness and leisure to forcibly abandon the chant, the power of the spell will be greatly reduced.

The choice between these two dilemmas has always troubled generations of arcanists, but no one has been able to completely improve this problem.

If the advantages of the rune magic concept can be absorbed, it may allow Quel'Thalas' magic technology to develop further.


In February 2015 at the Dark Portal, the infighting in Lordaeron that lasted for more than a month was not over yet, and the armies of both sides were still fighting back and forth near the town of Brill.

Due to the shortage of troops, Calia's army, which performed well in the early stage, gradually turned to the defensive.

Under the dispatch of the excellent commander Alexandros Mograine, the Alsace army, which has a numerical advantage, has never been able to find a chance to defeat the enemy.

But on the other hand, it is not so easy for Mograine to break the situation. He can only try his best to delay the time as Princess Calia said, and wait for the day when the wind direction changes.

At the same time, there was a bloody storm in the King City of Lordaeron recently.

After a long period of peace, the Knights of the Silver Hand, who had always given people the impression of gentleness and kindness, suddenly went on a killing spree uncharacteristically.

Uther, the leader of the Knights, abandoned his usual blunt warhammer and charged forward with a sharp two-handed knight sword.

This also seemed to mean that he abandoned his compassion and humility, and mercilessly swung his bloody sword at those nobles of Lordaeron colluding with the devil.

Uther, who let himself go, truly showed the powerful fighting power of the Lightbringer.

With the assistance of Tirion and Saidan, the two first-generation Paladin colleagues, the Knights of the Silver Hand basically wiped out the cannon fodder pushed by the demons hiding behind the scenes to block the guns in only half a month, and finally caught The first real demon.

It was a succubus who was good at provoking people's inner desires, a low-level demon of low rank.

In front of a large number of onlookers with fearful faces, Uther, whose face was still stained with the blood of the enemy, cut off the head of the succubus without hesitation, and used the tyrannical power of the holy light to crush her body. Thoroughly "purified", leaving only a cloud of black ash in place.

"Bah! What kind of bullshit purification."

Daniel Lie Yue, who was hiding in the dark and watched the whole process, curled his lips and complained: "It's just that the succubus was forcibly roasted to ashes with the scorching holy light. These believers of the holy light are still so good at packaging themselves."


Another masked thief next to Daniel Moon Hunter chuckled nonchalantly: "Daniel, calm down, this is not the first day you have seen the performance of the Holy Light Church, don't be so surprised .”

Daniel Lie Yue rolled his eyes helplessly: "Yes~ You are the chief, you have the final say."

The thief who stood on the clock tower with Daniel and opened the eagle eye technique to peek at the scene was named Galad Broken Star. He was once one of the most powerful officers under the leader of the Backlight Blade, Villes Deep Shadow, and was later transferred to the new establishment. The Defense Intelligence Agency served as the first generation director.

The change of Lordaeron's throne is likely to affect the future of Quel'Thalas. Sharlayan persuaded Kael'thas to pay more attention to it, and sent Galad Broken Star, who should have been on the mainland, to the front line Supervise the execution of tasks.

"It's about time."

Galad, who was still wearing eagle eye, aimed at a dark corner of the royal city from the corner of his eye.

"There is not much cannon fodder left, and those demons can't sit still. The battle that will truly determine the future of Lordaeron is about to begin."


Daniel spat out the grass in his mouth, and finally straightened his face and asked Galad: "So, it's time for us to act?"


Garald ordered calmly: "Follow the Duke of Deep Shadow's order, tell everyone to do their best to collect information, and make sure that the latest movements of every high-level demon can be delivered to the Knights of the Silver Hand in time."

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