Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 33 Gaining experience, your sword skills are about to be perfected!

At night.

Back to his own courtyard.

Jiang Ning opened his panel.


Reading and spelling (one-time limit of 238/2000) (Special effect: Photographic memory)

Five Animals Fist (Mastery 52/200)

"Reading and spelling experience points increased by 42 points!"

"I practiced the Five Animals Fist 18 times today. Except for the first time, I gained one experience point. The remaining 17 times of practice increased the experience point by two points. The Five Animals Fist increased the experience point by 35 points today. It's not bad!"

Jiang Ning nodded with satisfaction.

Although he lost the assistance of wild ginseng today, the maximum number of times he could practice boxing in a day was reduced by about ten times.

But because he mastered the key of the Tiger Form Fist, which is hard and soft, and soft and hard.

As a result, every time he practiced the boxing, the experience point of the Five Animals Fist could increase by two points.

So the speed of the boxing experience point growth did not decrease but increased, and the efficiency increased instead.

He was satisfied with such efficiency.

With this efficiency, he roughly calculated that it would take less than a week for his Five Animals Fist to break through the realm of minor success.

By that time, with his current progress, the accumulated Qi and blood will be enough to reach the realm of minor success, more than enough to penetrate one arm.

And the efficiency of condensing Qi and blood can be increased again.

The next day, the first thing he did when he woke up was to open his panel.

[Source Energy]: 6.4

"Sure enough, the points obtained have decreased! Yesterday, the source energy increased by 0.6, and today it only increased by 0.4."

"It seems that wild ginseng, a tonic, is really helpful to me."

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning shook his head slightly: "Forget it, I won't consider it for the time being! A wild ginseng is worth more than ten taels of silver. Where can I get so much silver now! And I haven't seen Brother Zhou Xing these days, and I don't know how much a wild ginseng is worth."

At this moment, when Jiang Ning thought of Zhou Xing in his mind, he also thought of another figure, that is, Sister Li Qing, who he saw on the first day of coming to the martial arts hall.

"I haven't seen Sister Li Qing these days, and I don't know where she went?"

In a blink of an eye, it was the next day again.

Yesterday, Jiang Ning spent an ordinary day.

In the morning, he took advantage of the rising sun to practice the inner alchemy health-preserving exercise, and practiced the breathing method facing the rising sun.

After a breath, the inner alchemy health-preserving exercise gained 12 experience points, which was a little less than the previous day.

Jiang Ning suspected that it was because he absorbed less energy from heaven and earth.

In addition, he practiced boxing, read books, and chopped wood to gain experience points all day yesterday.

Although it was boring, Jiang Ning enjoyed it.

Watching the experience points of the skills he mastered increase little by little, getting closer and closer to the goal, he felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

Especially when he felt that every time he practiced boxing, two strands of qi and blood were condensed in his body, and his physique became stronger, he was even more happy.

Therefore, he also gained a lot of experience in these two skills yesterday.


Reading and spelling (one-time limit 322/2000)

Five Animals Fist (mastery 90/200)

Inner Alchemy Health-preserving Exercise (beginner 25/100)

In one day, reading and spelling increased from 238 points to 322 points, a total of 84 experience points.

The experience value of Five Animals Fist also increased from 52 points to 90 points, and the progress of Five Animals Fist to the state of minor success is about to reach the halfway point.

"Yesterday's boxing experience value increased by 38 points. At this rate, it will take three more days. In three days, my boxing will reach the state of minor success, and the blood and qi will be enough to penetrate more than one arm! It can be called the minor success of blood and qi!!"

"This is really efficient! Asking Wang Jin for the key to the minor success of Five Animals Fist is indeed right!"

"If I hadn't mastered the key to the minor success of Tiger Form Fist, softness with hardness, hardness with softness, how could I be so efficient?"

Jiang Ning instantly became full of fighting spirit.

After getting up and washing up.

He sat cross-legged in the courtyard, quietly waiting for the sun to rise.

In a day, he only had this short twenty breaths to practice the breathing method in the inner alchemy health-preserving exercise to gain experience points.

So he naturally would not waste every day's opportunity.

A moment later, the morning sun rose, and Jiang Ning also hurriedly began to practice the breathing method of the inner alchemy health-preserving exercise.

[Internal alchemy health-preserving exercise experience points +2]

[Internal alchemy health-preserving exercise experience points +2]

[Internal alchemy health-preserving exercise experience points +1]


[Skills]: Internal alchemy health-preserving exercise (40/100 for beginners)

"It's almost halfway!"

Jiang Ning glanced at his panel and hurried to the toilet.

From the first day, he would go to the toilet after the morning breathing was over.

Jiang Ning felt that this was detoxification.

These days, every day he felt that his five internal organs became more relaxed and his energy was more abundant, which was of great help to his boxing practice.

Physical strength also seemed to recover faster!

Although he had not yet mastered the Neidan Health-preserving Exercise, it was already beginning to have an effect on him.

After coming out of the toilet, he rested for a while and went straight to the kitchen courtyard.

Yesterday he spent the whole day practicing boxing and reading, and did not chop wood, so he naturally could not be lazy today.

"And today is the day when I can perfect my chopping wood knife skills!"

[Skill]: Chopping wood knife skills (Great 633/1000)

Looking at the progress of the chopping wood knife skills on the panel, Jiang Ning's steps became lighter.

He originally wanted to complete this chopping wood knife skills at once yesterday.

But at that time, Auntie Sun told him that because he worked too hard, too much firewood had been chopped, and it could not be used up at once!

She asked him to chop firewood again tomorrow.

It was for this reason that he waited until today to perfect the skill of chopping wood.

A moment later.

Jiang Ning came to the backyard of the kitchen.

At this time, the morning sun had already risen.

It was originally hot in mid-July, and as the sun shone on the earth, Jiang Ning could feel the oncoming wind began to carry heat.

"This damn weather, it hasn't rained for two months, right?"

Jiang Ning muttered with some hesitation, and then recalled a little.

"It's two months!"

"Judging from this situation, this year's grain harvest is probably not going to be very good!"

"Forget it! What does this have to do with me?"

Jiang Ning shook his head and threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Then he grabbed the hatchet that weighed five pounds and held it.

"I'd better work hard to get my experience points!"

The thought flashed through his mind, and the hatchet in his hand fell.


The sound of the blade breaking through the air was heard.


The hatchet fell, splitting the heavy log standing on the woodpile in half.

[Experience Points for Splitting Wood Knife Skills +1]

"Hey, it really has become easier!"

After a long time.

Jiang Ning wiped the sweat dripping from his forehead.

Even with his current physical strength, he couldn't help feeling tired after splitting hundreds of pieces of firewood in a row.

[Skills]: Splitting Wood Knife Skills (Great 990/1000)

"Ten more to go!"

Looking at the progress display on the panel, his originally tired body was instantly full of energy.

[Experience Points for Splitting Wood Knife Skills +1]

[Experience Points for Splitting Wood Knife Skills +1]


With his current efficiency, ten experience points were obtained in a blink of an eye.

[Skills]: Splitting Wood Knife Skills (Great 999/1000)

When the last point of experience point increase prompt appeared in front of him.

This column on the panel also changed suddenly.

Next chapter tomorrow at 12 noon

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