Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 141 White Dragon Fish, Treasure in the Water


Waves rise from time to time on the water surface.

But underwater, it looked unusually calm.

It is peaceful, but it also contains many risks.

Luoshui is too big, too wide, too wide.

The underwater terrain is diverse and the undercurrents are unpredictable.

Once you are involved in it, you will realize that human power is limited, but the power of nature is endless.

Mastering the flow of water is a basic skill for every underwater treasure hunter.

As the saying goes, you can rely on mountains to eat mountains, and you can rely on water to eat water.

On the banks of Luoshui, many people make a living from Luoshui.

There are many fishermen, but there are also many underwater treasure hunters and explorers.

Everyone living on the banks of Luoshui knows that there are many opportunities to get rich under the lake.

Whether you catch a spiritual fish, discover underwater treasures, or find an unknown underwater shipwreck, you can become rich overnight.

at this time.

Above the lake.

A two-foot-tall building boat rested on the lake.

On top of the building boat, a flag fluttered in the wind.

If you look from the side, you can see the green snake on the flag.

Anyone with some knowledge knows that this is the ship of the Green Snake Gang in Luoshui County.

"Gang leader, this guy said that a sunken ship was found under the water here." A man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks came to Shi Xiaoyuan carrying a dark-skinned man.

Then he raised his hand and flicked it. The dark-skinned man stumbled and fell on the deck of the building.

Just from his appearance, it is obvious that this swarthy man has been surviving on the water all year round.

Long-term exposure to the sun and wind can cause this skin color.

At this time, as he fell to the deck, a look of pain suddenly appeared on his face.

The fall on the bandaged wound on his left arm obviously caused the originally bandaged wound to be torn, and bright red blood flowed out.

"You saw a warehouse of iron ore in the sunken ship below?" Shi Xiaoyuan glanced at the dark-skinned man in front of him.

"What is the gang leader asking you?" The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks raised his foot and kicked the man.

With this kick, the look of pain on his face became even worse.

But even so, he did not dare to hesitate any longer.

Because his family and children are now in the hands of the Green Snake Gang.

His strength has not yet reached the top level of martial arts, and there is no room for resistance in front of the notorious Green Snake Gang.

The dark-skinned man immediately said: "If you go back to the gang leader, you did see it!"

Hearing the affirmative answer, Shi Xiaoyuan's face lit up.

Iron ore is an extremely important resource.

There is no need to worry about selling this kind of resource.

A warehouse of iron ore is a considerable fortune even to him.

Immediately, he spoke again: "Tell me more about the situation at that time."

"Yes!" The dark-skinned man's face turned a little pale, and he endured the pain and continued to speak: "A few days ago, I went into the water to explore with Zhang Jiu, Wang Chang and others, and accidentally discovered the sunken ship underwater."

"We didn't have high expectations at the time, but when we entered the sunken ship, we discovered that the ship contained a warehouse of iron ore."

"But the next moment, before any of us had time to be happy, we were attacked by a white dragon fish."

"That white arowana was too powerful, and none of us were able to resist it. In the end, I was the only one who escaped."

Hearing these words, Shi Xiaoyuan's eyes suddenly condensed.

"White Arowana?"

"Did you read that correctly?"

The dark-skinned man shook his head repeatedly.

"I'm absolutely right! My left arm was bitten off by that beast. I can't be wrong. It's a white arowana."

Shi Xiaoyuan suddenly nodded with joy on his face.

"If it is true as you said, then it is no wonder that this sunken ship has not been discovered. It should be that those who discovered the sunken ship before were buried in the belly of the white dragon fish."

"The gang leader is wise! I think so too!" The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks hurriedly responded.

Then he continued: "Gang leader, if that white dragon fish has such strength, it must be a spiritual fish that has already gained spiritual wisdom. As long as the gang leader catches this spiritual fish, its strength will definitely be further improved."

Shi Xiaoyuan said: "You are right! Compared with the iron ore in the warehouse, the white arowana with intelligence is the real good thing! Moreover, the white arowana does not want to leave its territory, maybe it is guarding Some kind of natural treasure.”

"Treasures from heaven and earth?" The man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks shone with eyes.

"Yes! It's the treasures of heaven, materials and earth!" Shi Xiaoyuan said: "According to the records in the book, in the wilderness, many treasures of heaven, materials and earth have guardians. The guardians are not only protecting the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, but also protecting them. Take those heavenly, material and earthly treasures as your own.”

"That white dragon fish has such strength. Without special encounters, it would be impossible for it to evolve to this point."

"If there is a natural treasure guarded by the white dragon fish, then it is the real treasure!"

When the man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks heard this, he immediately spoke quickly.

"Congratulations to the gang leader, congratulations to the gang leader!"

"If the gang leader gets this opportunity, he will definitely be able to enter the seventh level of martial arts. Under the leadership of the gang leader, our Green Snake Gang will definitely become the largest gang in Luoshui County."

Shi Xiaoyuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"You do know how to talk, but you're right!"

"As long as this gang leader gets this opportunity and is at the seventh level of martial arts, I will definitely bring you the most popular, spicy, and most beautiful women in the future!!"

"The leader is wise and powerful!" The man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks complimented repeatedly.


Shi Xiaoyuan looked at the dark-skinned man.

"What's your name?"

The dark-skinned man had just been listening to the conversation between the two silently. When he heard Shi Xiaoyuan's question, he said, "My name is Huang Saner."

Shi Xiaoyuan said, "Huang Saner, you will follow this leader from now on. Do you have any objections?"

"No objection!" Although Huang Saner was quite upset at this time, he knew that it was meaningless to oppose, especially since his family was still in the hands of the Green Snake Gang.

Then he said, "Then the leader, my family"

Before Huang Saner finished speaking, Shi Xiaoyuan interrupted him.

"Don't worry! Since you are a member of my Green Snake Gang, your family must be safe."

"As long as you do a good job, I will let you live a rich and noble life in the future."

"Thank you, leader!" Huang Saner said.

Shi Xiaoyuan nodded, and then said: "Go and prepare, and go into the water with this gang leader and enter the sunken ship. Huang Saner, you will lead the way later."

"Yes, gang leader!" Huang Saner nodded in response.

Then, he went back to rebandage his wound under the guidance of the sharp-nosed monkey-faced man.

After a while.

Several people were ready and returned to the deck.

I can't bear it anymore, the next chapter will be in the daytime

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