Liver Adult Martial Saint

Chapter 140 Officially Entering the Eighth Level Divine Power Realm

Time passed quickly.

The power contained in the Dragon Tiger Strength Pill constantly tempered his muscles, causing them to transform, and increasing their toughness and strength.

At the same time, the pill also continuously released its medicinal power.

In a blink of an eye.

It was already the time when the moon was setting, the crows were crying, and the sky was full of frost.

Jiang Ning then slowly opened his eyes.

"It's done!"

He looked happy.

At this time, he had already felt that the Dragon Tiger Strength Pill in his body had completely evaporated, and all the medicinal power had been completely integrated into his body.

He could clearly feel that the muscles around him had been roughly tempered.

The toughness of the muscles increased, and the strength was greatly increased.

Then he stood up and clenched his fists, instantly mobilizing the strength around him.

Jiang Ning carefully felt his current strength, and then murmured: "About 2,500 kilograms of strength."

After feeling the strength he now possessed.

His eyes suddenly became brighter.

"So strong!"

"Two thousand five hundred kilograms, in a sense, my strength is no weaker than those masters who have achieved minor success in the eighth-grade divine power realm!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

He is no weaker than ordinary masters who have achieved minor success in the eighth-grade divine power realm in terms of strength, so his actual combat power will only be stronger.

After all, his Canglang sword technique has reached its peak and can burst out the fifth level of strength.

You know, Canglang sword technique is a middle-level martial art, and it is difficult for ordinary people to even get started.

After all, once you get started with Canglang sword technique, you can master the strength.

Now that the sword technique has reached its peak, the five-level strength is superimposed, and one sword can burst out the power of five swords.

In addition, he has mastered a sword technique and holds a spiritual weapon long sword.

It can also remove the physical restrictions and burst out the potential hidden in the body.

So Jiang Ning is not very clear about how strong he is.

But he himself, his current true strength must be able to dominate the eighth-grade divine power realm.

It is difficult for him to lose unless he is against the seventh-grade martial arts.

At this moment.

He thought of Tian Buyi, who he had finally managed to kill a few days ago.

That day, Tian Buyi was obviously injured internally.

Even though he used all his means, he did not really cause much damage to Tian Buyi.

The biggest damage was that the internal injuries he suppressed were triggered and completely erupted.

In addition, Tian Buyi could not breathe underwater like him.

The internal injuries erupted and the oxygen was exhausted.

The real factor that killed Tian Buyi was the environment.

After entering the deep water layer, the oxygen was exhausted and the internal injuries erupted. Under such circumstances, Tian Buyi could not hold on until he floated to the surface and completed the breath.

Not to mention that Jiang Ning was still watching him covetously at the side, so there was no chance for Tian Buyi.

"If I face him again today, I should be able to kill him with one knife!"

Jiang Ning showed a touch of confidence on his face.


He came to the courtyard.

Holding the spiritual weapon Longyuan.


When the long sword was unsheathed, the vibration sound of the blade sounded like the sound of a dragon's roar.

At this moment, the spirit in the knife seemed to have sensed his improvement in strength and congratulated him.

"No wonder I feel so excited. It turns out that my strength is a reminder that feeding you with blood can make your spirit grow faster!" Jiang Ning muttered to himself after receiving the information from the spirit in the spirit weapon that established a spiritual bridge with him.

The next moment.

He put his index finger and middle finger on the blade and scratched it lightly.

Even though he has now surpassed the ninth level of martial arts and entered the eighth level of divine power.

His skin membrane has long reached the level of being as tough as copper.

But in front of the blade of the spirit weapon in his hand, his fingers were still easily cut.

There was blood oozing from his fingertips.


He put the wounds on his two fingers on the blade.

The blood immediately flowed into the blade along the wound and was absorbed by the spirit weapon in his hand.

In this way, the spirit in the spirit weapon in his hand can grow faster. The stronger the spirit, the stronger the spirit weapon.

After a few breaths.

Jiang Ning's fingers were separated from the blade, and after a simple pressure from him.

The wound quickly showed signs of healing.

Last time, he dripped blood to let the spirit weapon recognize the master, and the wound on his finger healed completely after one day.

There was no sign of injury at all.

So Jiang Ning understood that with the continuous improvement of strength, all functions of the body will be improved.

The same is true for the healing of injuries.

Normally, even the shallowest knife wounds are difficult to heal completely within one day.

But he can do this now.

It means that his recovery speed is already several times faster than that of ordinary people.

After a while.

The wounds on the two fingers only showed a faint red bloodstain, and the blood had already solidified into a scab.

After reaching this step, Jiang Ning no longer cared about the two shallow injuries.

He held the knife in his right hand, and the power in his hand flowed.

In an instant, five powers were superimposed.

Then he slashed with a knife.


The void roared slightly.

In front of his knife, the air took on the appearance of water.

You can clearly see the traces of wind flowing through the blade.

This knife exploded with all his strength, a force of 2,500 kilograms.

When the knife fell and chopped into the void, it could easily explode with an explosive force of more than 20,000 kilograms.

Then the explosion of five layers of strength was superimposed.

This knife exploded with a terrifying force of about 100,000 kilograms.

According to Jiang Ning's understanding, an ordinary car in his previous life collided at a speed of 120 yards.

Its short-term explosive power is only more than ten tons.

In other words, the explosion of his current sword was several times the impact force of a car traveling at high speed.

And the damage caused by the impact force is also obvious.

It can easily knock pedestrians away more than ten meters, almost to the point of death.

Not to mention his current explosive power.

"This knife should be able to split a small car directly!"

Feeling his explosive power at this moment, Jiang Ning murmured.



Sheath the sword.

He felt the condition of his right arm again.

He opened his palm and shook it again.

"Not bad!" He nodded with satisfaction.

Because now even if he explodes with five layers of superimposed strength, his arm only feels a little strange.

Other than that, there was no obvious pain as before.

This also shows that after he completed the skin refining yesterday and his skin was as tough as copper, his right arm could barely withstand the burst of five overlapping forces.

It can also be seen from this that his physical defense has been greatly enhanced.

You know, he took action against Tian Buyi that day.

He only dared to explode four times of superimposed strength, and there was no need to explode five times of superimposed strength.

And even if he only unleashed four superimposed powers at that time, he could only manage to strike five knives.

Five swords were already the limit of his body at that time.

If you take action again in the future, it will have a great impact on the muscle fascia, arm body, etc.

If it is a skin injury, it can be fully recovered within a few days.

But if it is too severe, it may even become difficult to exert force on the right arm backward.

Therefore, Jiang Ning did not dare to continue to explode at that time.

Moreover, since he was in a safe situation at that time, there was no need to attack Tian Buyi and make him fight desperately.

Today is completely different from that day.

The explosion of five levels of strength only caused a slight strange feeling in his right arm.

This is enough to show that even if the fifth level of power breaks out, he can achieve far greater sustainability than before.

Not to mention too much, it’s no problem at all to cut it with twenty or thirty cuts.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ning was even more satisfied.

I am satisfied with the rewards I have received from my hard work during this period.

Such changes made him clearly feel that his strength had improved greatly.

Compared to myself a few days ago, the difference in strength between the two is huge.

[Source Energy]: 96.7

Looking at the column with the biggest change on his dashboard, Jiang Ning felt even more secretly happy.

The Dragon Tiger Power Pill not only gave him a strength of nearly 600 kilograms, but also gave him a strength of nearly 600 kilograms.

It even brought him more than 40 source energy points.

Now the source energy points are about to exceed 100.

Although the source energy points exceeded 100, it could not bring him immediate changes.

After all, on the panel, the only experience value that can satisfy the next limit break is the woodcutter method.

[Skills]: Wood-cleaving knife technique (four times breaking the limit of 5000/5000) (Special effects: by analogy, the knife is like the wind, the knife is handled like a god, the man and the knife become one)

And this sword technique has now reached the limit four times.

The fourth time he broke the limit, it consumed one hundred of his energy points.

You don't need to think about it to know that the number of source energy points required to break the limit for the fifth time must be more than one hundred points.

According to his calculations, it is estimated that two hundred source energy points are needed to complete the fifth breakthrough of the hatchet method.

For him now, this approach is definitely not worth it.

It is also the limit of one hundred source energy points.

There is no doubt that the improvement brought about by Wu Qin Quan to break the limit is far greater than that of the wood chopping knife technique.

Not to mention the special effects blessings obtained after breaking the limit between the two.

The special effect of the five internal organs hiding essence is obviously stronger than the combination of man and knife.

But even so, it is a good thing to accumulate source energy points.

At least on the panel, in addition to the wood chopping technique, there are two other skills that are easy to gain experience points for.

That is the art of water-based skills and the art of Canglang Sword Technique.

If the source energy points increase too much, he can also spend a few days to fill up the experience points of these two skills.

Whether it is water-based or Canglang Sword Technique, it is worth investing his energy points to break the limit.

The water-based breakthrough allowed him to breathe underwater.

Judging from this special effect alone, it only costs ten energy points, so it’s not worth it.

The water-based second limit-breaking only costs 20 energy points, which is also worth letting him try to break the limit.

As for the Canglang Sword Technique, let alone that.

This is a medium-level martial arts. After breaking through the limits, the special effects will be stronger than weak.

The first light of dawn appears.

"Finally alive!"

Jiang Ning stroked his belly and burped gently.

The whole day yesterday was spent in the process of digesting Longhu Dali Pill.

Even with the support of medicine, he felt hungry.

Now that he was completely fed and drunk, he dared to truly live on his own.

"After eating and drinking, it's time to continue practicing!"

Jiang Ning was full of motivation at this time.

The efforts made before have now brought obvious gains.

This extremely benign positive feedback made him more and more motivated.

Especially after reaching the current level of strength, the eighth-grade divine power realm, he can rest assured to do what he wanted to do before.

That is to go treasure hunting in Luoshui Lake, according to the news he got from Wanhua Pavilion.

According to the news he saw before.

He also knew that he had thought too simply before.

There were indeed many sunken ships in Luoshui.

But this world is different from the previous world.

The individual power in this world is too strong.

Especially the strong ones above the fifth rank.

Each of them is strong and has achieved the strength of internal breath like Gang.

In front of such strong people, even Luoshui Lake does not have many secrets in their eyes.

With the degree of tempering of their internal organs, they can easily hold their breath for more than ten hours, or even longer.

And their physical bodies are extremely terrifying, even the water pressure at the bottom of the lake can hardly have much impact on them.

So if those ships loaded with gold, silver and jewelry accidentally sink to the bottom of the lake.

Their value is too high, and they will definitely ask masters of this level to help fish.

So Jiang Ning also knew that his previous thoughts were too taken for granted.

Normally, it would not be his turn to search for treasures on ships that were really loaded with valuables, as they had already been fished out.

But it was not without value.

Because the Luo River was too wide and too vast, it was no different from the sea for ordinary people.

Such a vast body of water would eventually have many lost places.

In particular, there were several lakes that were known as Jedi, and even those top three-grade masters did not dare to go to the bottom of these waters.

And Jiang Ning's real goal was just those sunken ships that were missed.

Any large ship would often have people carrying valuables such as gold, silver and jewelry.

And these scattered valuables were not valuable.

It was not enough to invite those real martial arts masters to salvage them.

And for those martial arts masters of the fifth grade who had reached the level of internal breath, even ten thousand taels of silver would not be in their eyes.

They simply disdained to do what Jiang Ning wanted to do now.

But for Jiang Ning, it was different.

Let alone ten thousand taels of silver, even a thousand taels of silver is very important to him.

He has less than two thousand taels of silver now.

This amount of money is not enough for him to spend once.

Without money, his martial arts progress will inevitably be greatly reduced, and the growth of his potential points will fall into a state of stagnant growth.

No matter which point, he can't stand it.

Especially about the growth of potential points.

As long as the wealth is enough, he can buy more valuable medicinal materials.

Just like the fifty-year-old blood lotus he absorbed and consumed before.

One plant brings him twenty points of source energy points.

There are also spiritual fruits such as the Bull Demon Power Fruit, which also bring him a lot of source energy points.

So the importance of wealth to him is undoubtedly extremely important.

Source energy points are the top priority for him.

Moreover, he can find the so-called natural treasures in Luoshui, and at the same time increase the experience value of the water skill.

This move is a three-pronged approach for him.

After making up his mind, Jiang Ning left a note in the house and ran towards the Luo River outside the wall with a knife in hand.

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