On the endless sea, sparkling, a round of bright moon gradually rises from the eastern sea level, faintly illuminating a small island. Biqu library

The small island is more than 20 square meters in size. It is not so much a small island as it is a reef.

A figure was lying on the sand, with half of its body submerged in the sea water.

He opened his eyes in a daze.

"Who am I? What's wrong with me? Where am I?"

Slowly climbed to the shore, sat up, shook his head vigorously, and finally remembered what was going on.

Wang Yuan, the deputy security captain of a certain company, retired from the special forces of an airborne force in the Southeast Military Region of Zeng Huaguo.

After retiring, he was assigned to the Jiangluan Group as a security guard, and within a month he was promoted to the vice captain of the security guard. Mainly responsible for training, the work is relatively easy, and there is no need to stand guard and patrol.

Recently, Jiangluan Group has developed overseas and needs to transfer some backbones to Africa to carry out business. The president of the company took some backbones from various departments and flew to a certain country in Africa.

Originally, the security department could not go, but the chief of the security department said at the company meeting that Africa has been fighting all the year round, and public security cannot be guaranteed, so he requested to send several security guards to accompany him. And recommend the security captain to lead the team.

Jiang Hao, chairman of the company, said that the deputy captain of security

The army has just retired, and it is more than enough to take care of security. It's settled.

Of course, Wang Yuan didn't know about these things.

Wang Yuan stood up, his body was weak, he slowly got used to it, and looked around, with a radius of more than 20 square meters. The standing position is about a few square meters of sandy beach, and the rest of the place is full of reefs.

There is no grass or plants on the small island, and it will take no more than ten minutes to walk around the seaside.

What the hell!

After swearing, he sat down.

Head buried in knees, hands clutching hair.

After sitting for about ten minutes, I stood up abruptly,

If I want to live on, if I survive a catastrophe, I will have future blessings, and I will be useful if I am born with it.

Pulling away, let's see how to survive first!

After digging out his pockets, the cigarettes and lighters were confiscated by the airport security. I only have an ID card and a passport on my body, plus half a pack of tissues, but they are all soaked in sea water. On my wrist is a watch, which is of good quality and emits fluorescent light. It was eleven forty-two at night.

Wearing a set of special security training uniforms, a pair of special training leather boots, and nothing else.

It has been more than ten hours since the plane crashed, and the search and rescue team will come soon

If you can come over, you must first find a way to save yourself, the most important thing is to survive.

My stomach is already growling, let's find something to eat first.

Let's take a walk along the beach.

Start from the left first, and look under the rocks in the crevices of the reef to see if there is any seafood or the like.

The reef on the left is relatively short. Just as he climbed onto a reef, he was suddenly attracted by a reflection of light on the sea surface. Looking up, he saw a floating object floating on the sea surface, shining with metallic light.

The distance is about two hundred meters.

Wang Yuan saw a direct attack and stabbed it.

Swimming closer, it turned out to be a fragment of a foam incubator with tinfoil stuck on it, and a flight attendant was lying on it, desperate to die.

Wang Yuan hurriedly dragged the stewardess to the shore with foam.

Check your breath, you still have breath!

No matter, save people first!

Chest compressions, artificial respiration.

Finally, the stewardess coughed violently, "Cough! Cough!..."

"you're awake!"

The stewardess slightly opened her eyes, "Where is this?"

"I don't know either, we all fell out of the plane, we were in the sea, on a small island."

The stewardess sat up slowly, looked around, and knew that it was Wang Yuan who saved her.

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