"Thank you." The stewardess said.

"You're welcome, Tianya is also a fallen person, let's help each other."

"Is there any water? I'm so thirsty."

"No, look at our situation, how can there be water?"

"Can you still walk? Is there any problem with your body?"

Wang Yuan saw that the stewardess was wearing a stewardess uniform, silk stockings on her long legs, and high heels on her feet. Fortunately, the shoes did not fall off.

Seeing Wang Yuan staring at her, looking up and down, the stewardess couldn't help but blushed.

"Fortunately, there is no injury, and there is no problem with the body."

"Well, let's look along the beach to see if there is anything to eat."

"it is good."

Wang Yuan stretched out his hand to pull the stewardess up, but the stewardess blushed and stretched out her hand, and was pulled up.

"My name is Wang Yuan, how about you?"

"My name is Ren Yuanyuan." The stewardess bowed her head.

"Haha, we are very destined, our names are Yuan, and I am the source of water."


"Let's start looking from the left."

"it is good."

The two walked to the left.

After walking for a while, Wang Yuan found that there was no sound behind him. Looking back, it turned out that Ren Yuanyuan was walking carefully on the reef. Only then did he react.

"Sorry, I forgot to wear

wearing high heels. "

Ren Yuanyuan blushed again and bowed her head in silence.

"Why don't you take a rest here, I'll go around, it's not big here."

"I...," Ren Yuanyuan said shyly.

"Okay, it's such a big place, you can see the head at a glance, and I'll be right back."



Wang Yuan walked towards the seaside reef. I found two mineral water bottles in the crevices of the reef, but unfortunately they were both empty, so I continued to search with the two bottles.

After turning over the stones for a while, and looking at the crevices of the rocks for a while, I found a few small crabs, but unfortunately they were too small to be eaten raw. On the reef, I found several sea lilies, which were very big, and I picked up a stone and knocked it down.

In less than half an hour, I went around along the seashore and knocked on a total of more than a dozen sea lilies, all of which were very large. It should be enough for two people to fill their stomachs.

"Come on, let's eat some of this first." Saying that, Wang Yuan knocked open one and handed it to Ren Yuanyuan.


After a while, the two of them finished eating the sea lilies.

"It's delicious, very delicious, it would be great if there was horseradish." Wang Yuan said.

"Hehe, this is pure wild, I have never eaten such delicious sea lilies

. "Ren Yuanyuan laughed.

"Well, you can't eat it in the city, but I have eaten a lot of wild things."

"Oh, what do you do?"

"I'm just a security guard."

"Then you are rich?"

"What, I'm just a poor man. I used to be in the army, field training or something. I often had nothing to eat for several days. I had to catch wild game by myself, and I could only eat it raw."

"Then what have you eaten raw?"

"The big ones include hares, mice, and snakes, and the small ones include grasshoppers, ants, and earthworms..."

"Stop it. I want to throw up!" Wang Yuan was talking vigorously, but was interrupted by Ren Yuanyuan.

"Uh, I'm sorry." Wang Yuan looked embarrassed.

"What kind of soldier are you? How can you still eat this?" Ren Yuan said after a while.

"Field Army, Infantry."

"Tch, only ghosts believe it."

"Er. Really."

For a while, both of them were silent. Wang Yuan lay on the beach with his arm pillowed, looking at the moon in the sky.

Ren Yuanyuan also imitated Wang Yuan and looked at the moon with her arm pillowed. After a while, he turned his head to look at Wang Yuan, and found that he was really handsome, especially those deep eyes, which seemed to attract all the light.

"What are you thinking?"

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