Wang Yuan took a deep look at Li Lili, and scanned the crowd again, trying to imprint everyone's appearance in his mind.

"Bao Lei, I'll leave this to you."

"But the chief said..."

"Okay, Bao Lei, I have to do some things. I didn't hear what the chief said. I only know that the group of pirates must be eliminated, otherwise more people will suffer!"


"Wang Yuan!"

Su Wenjuan and Awei said anxiously: "Let's go with you. Even if we can't kill the enemy, it's okay to show you the speedboat."

Wang Yuan reached out and rubbed their little heads, and said softly: "No, don't worry, I'll be back soon. Wenjuan, you have to train hard during the few days I'm away. If you don't understand, just ask Bao Snow."

Su Wenjuan wiped her tears: "Don't worry, Master."

Wang Yuan handed the national flag to Yao Baolei: "Hang up the national flag, let's go!"

Yao Baolei nodded heavily: "Good!"

After speaking, arrange for everyone to sail.

"Dahei, let's go!"

Wang Yuan and Dahei put their backpacks on their backs, took weapons and ammunition, boarded the speedboat, and started to drive away quickly.

Su Wenjuan stood on the side of the boat and shouted: "Master, come back early!"

"Boom!" There was a loud thunder.

"It's raining, let's go!" Yao Baolei shouted, the fishing boat started slowly, and the two small cruise ships followed slowly, leaving a dilapidated small cruise ship drifting with the current.

Bean-sized raindrops fell and became bigger and bigger, and lightning was like a silver snake, flying in the sky.

Wang Yuan wiped the rain from his face and looked at the sky. If the weather continues like this, it is a good time to kill people and sell goods, but he doesn't know what the weather is like at the pirates' place.

Dahei took out the food and said, "Wang, let's eat something."

"Well, good." At this time, you must maintain your strength.

At noon, the two ate something and switched places, and Dahei drove the speedboat to continue sailing.

The rain didn't mean to stop, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and the wind was getting stronger, and the waves came from behind layer by layer, which invisibly increased the speed of the speedboat.

The speedboat is like a leaf in the waves, it can be overturned at any time.

This place is very close to the pirate's island, even if an accident happens, the two of them can still swim there.

Wang Yuan filled the magazine with bullets, checked his equipment, and was ready for battle.

The distant islands poked their heads, Wang Yuan said

: "Dahei, clear the guard post first!"


The wind, waves and heavy rain covered the sound of the motor of the speedboat. Wang Yuan raised his binoculars to observe the situation on the island, looking for the location of the sentry post.

Sure enough, there is a small stone house on a hillside in the north of the island. It should be this sentry that found itself attacking the cruise ship yesterday.

Dahei parked the speedboat to the shore and tied it to the reef with a rope.

All the heavy weapons were left on the speedboat, and the two rushed straight up the hillside.

When we got outside the stone house on the top of the slope, we heard shouts from inside. It turned out that they were gambling.

The two opened the door and walked in. The three inside were sitting around the table fighting landlords. At this moment, they stopped their movements and looked at them suspiciously.

Dahei wiped the rain from his face and said: "It's okay, you go ahead, it's raining too much outside, we just came in to take shelter from the rain, and borrow a fire by the way."

As he spoke, Dahei took out a cigarette, picked up a lighter from the table, lit it and put it in his pocket.

Wang Yuan shook his hair, lit a cigarette and said, "Dahei, light it for me."

Dahei had no choice but to take out the lighter to light a cigarette for Wang Yuan, put it in his pocket again, and saw the surprised eyes of the three pirates when he looked up.

"Ah, are you out of cigarettes? Tell me earlier!"

As he spoke, he reached into his pocket again, and when he took it out again, he was holding a pistol.

"Bang bang bang!"

The three pirates lay down on the table, blood flowing down the corner of the table to the ground.

"Dahei, why don't you leave someone alive? Ask about the positions of other guard posts."

"Ah, I forgot. It's okay, just pay attention to the terrain that is easy to observe, and you will definitely find it."

"Okay, in this weather, they must have let down their vigilance and hid in the house."

Wang Yuan drew out the dagger, cut off the phone, and the two walked out.

Dahei continued to drive the speedboat and headed south along the shore, while Wang Yuan observed the terrain with a telescope.

Another small stone house was found on a hill to the south, and the two of them also went up to deal with the three pirates.

When the speedboat just turned around from the south, it saw the cargo ship showing its stern, bobbing and sinking in the waves.

Dahei immediately turned around, and the speedboat went around from the north again.

When driving to the west center of the island, I found another small stone house on the top of the mountain, which should be the highest peak of the island.

The top of the mountain is full of rocks, and the bottom is a dense forest. If you want to go up, you have to pass through the forest. There is a sandy beach on the shore.


The two dragged the speedboat into the grass, camouflaged it, and left the heavy weapons behind.

Taking out the machete from the backpack, the two of them went directly into the jungle regardless of the rainy weather.

Fighting in the jungle on rainy days, both of them have experienced it several times.

He chopped down the thorns and vines, and forcibly opened a path.

Perhaps the pirates had been entrenched here for a long time, and all the beasts on the island were cleaned up. The two of them did not encounter any danger, and they reached the bottom of the rock on the top of the mountain smoothly.

The two climbed up easily. The top of the rock was very flat, and it seemed that it was a stone house built with local materials.

There was no sound in the stone house. They opened the door and went in. One was cooking with a gas stove. The room was filled with a strong fragrance. The other two were reclined on the bed, flipping through a magazine with a colored cover.

Dahei sniffled: "Wow! Dabaixiang instant noodles! I like it!"

The pirate who was cooking the noodles turned his head to look at the two of them, frowned and said, "Ji Li Gua La, Chi Chi Wa Wa!"

Da Hei turned his head to look at Wang Yuan, and asked in a bewildered manner, "Why doesn't this person speak human language?"

Wang Yuan asked suspiciously: "Ah? Then is he a human?"

"Oh! Maybe not, so let's kill them, so that they don't look like human beings. Alas! I found that I am still too kind!"

At this moment, the two pirates on the bed put down the magazines, looked at the two of them, and were about to speak when a dagger cut their throats.

Wang Yuan looked at the time. It was almost six o'clock, and it was going to be dark. He picked up the binoculars and looked down, and soon found the place where the boat was docked.

There is a cliff, only this kind of place can be convenient for loading and unloading goods.

There are several rows of colorful board houses built not far from the cliff, which should be the old den of pirates. Those color-panel houses are surrounded by tall trees. Unless you look from above, if you look from other directions, you will never find those color-panel houses.

"King, it's time to eat."

Dahei added some vegetables to the instant noodles boiled by the pirates, and put two eggs in it.

The two of them were sweating all over after eating, and their bodies were no longer cold after being drenched in rain.

"Emma! It's delicious!" Dahei was full of praise.

After eating and drinking enough, it was getting dark, Wang Yuan turned on the solar lamp on the table, and the light came through the window.


The two returned the same way and took out the heavy weapons in the speedboat.

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