The two dare not start the speedboat. Although the sound of the waves can cover up the sound of the speedboat's motor, they are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Put the heavy weapons on your back and the ammunition box, and walk south along the shore.

Passing through the beach, there are several reefs ahead, and not far away is the north side of the cliff, where there is a small piece of sand on which four speedboats are parked.

A large oil tanker and two small cruise ships were parked below the cliff, plus the freighter.

On the cliff, there was a gleam of light from Fang Yin, but there was no house on the top of the mountain at that time.

Dahei asked in a low voice: "Wang, should we start from the boat first?"

Wang Yuan thought for a while and said: "Look at the light above, we didn't see it on the mountain, so this becomes an uncertain factor, so I decided to start with the light first."


The two put down their backpacks and hid all unnecessary loads under the reef.

Bazookas, light machine guns, and ammunition boxes are all brought.

Destroy those speedboats first, and quickly run to the north of the cliff, where there is a stone step leading directly to the top.

The two climbed up the steps gently. On the cliff was a flat grass field without a single building. Where did the lights come from?

The freighter is quite tall, the highest point is almost higher than the cliff, but the lights on the ship can't reach here.

The two walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. It turned out that the cliff was divided into two layers. The light came from the lower layer. No wonder it couldn't be seen from the top of the mountain. It was almost as high as the deck of a freighter, which was very convenient for loading and unloading. goods.

Next to a stone ladder hewn by hand, the two hid the rocket launcher, machine gun and ammunition box in the grass, and followed the stone ladder to the lower floor.

This floor is a platform about ten meters wide and twenty meters long. There are several openings near the wall. Two of the openings are two large iron doors with two large locks hanging on them. The opening on the north side is an ordinary wooden door. , The light is shining through the glass on the wooden door.

Dahei put the silencer on the pistol, and gently pushed open the door. There is not much space inside, it should be for pirates on duty. Six people are drinking small wine around a table, and the appetizers on the table are very Rich, stewed pork, stewed duck, chicken and bacon, anyway, Dahei can't tell what it is.

Those six people turned their heads to look at Dahei, and immediately stopped talking.

Wang Yuan and Wang Yuan placed their spears in the corner.

Dahei picked up a towel from the side and washed it in the basin,

Wiping off the rain on her head, she took a long breath and said, "Emma, ​​I'm soaked through."

Seeing that the six people were still looking at the two of them, Dahei stepped forward to tear off a chicken leg and took a bite: "You should eat and drink, don't worry about us."

Wang Yuan lit a cigarette and watched Dahei's performance. The six people knew at a glance that there were three pirates and three crew members.

The pirates thought the two were crew members, and the crew thought they were pirates, and then the six continued to eat and drink.

Dahei walked up to one person and patted him: "Hey, do you have any cigarettes?"

The man looked at Dahei suspiciously: "Jiiligulu, wow wow."

Dahei stretched out his index and middle fingers, making a smoking motion.

The man nodded, took out a cigarette and handed it to Dahei.

Dahei took the cigarette and lit it, and suddenly caught a glimpse of something under the corner of the wall behind the table.

That thing was orange-red, very attractive, Da Hei's heart moved, and he gave Wang Yuan a wink.

Because of the angle, Wang Yuan was blocked by those people, so he didn't notice it.

Seeing Dahei's wink, his heart moved, he took off his shirt, walked to the washstand next to him, and made a gesture to wring out the clothes.

Those people glanced at him, ignored the two of them, and continued to eat and drink.

In fact, Wang Yuan has a lot of things in his coat pockets, and it is impossible to twist the clothes, but this angle is just right to see the things under the corner of the wall over there.

As soon as Wang Yuan turned his head and saw that thing, he was shocked, it turned out to be a black box!

I thought that I knew the whereabouts of those materials and had completed the task. I got the data of a black box, which was regarded as helping the army to complete a task. I didn’t expect to see another black box here.

Think about it, too. Today's airliners generally have at least two black boxes that collect data in all directions on board.

Now that I have touched it, this black box cannot fall into the hands of others.

These three crew members should have come to carry the black box, and they will be lifted onto the ship when the wind and waves stop and the freighter is stable.

Now even if you don't want to kill people, you have to kill people. If you want to take the black box away, these people on the island have to die!

He put on his clothes, stood at the door, and winked at Dahei, who nodded.

The hunting time begins! !

b1u! Biu! Biu! ...

After the weak gunshots, the house became quiet, only the sound of wind, rain, and sea waves from outside came in.

Wang Yuan walks to the wall

In the corner of the black box, I squatted down and checked it. Seeing the letters and numbers on it, I immediately confirmed that it was the plane that crashed.

Dahei put on the magazine, searched around, found nothing good, found two pairs of tactical gloves, and threw a pair to Wang Yuan.

The two put on their gloves and came to the edge of the cliff, about five or six meters away from the deck of the freighter. There were not many lights on the ship.

The freighter is constantly swaying and sinking with the waves, and it is simply unrealistic to jump on it.

Wang Yuan took a few steps back, put his equipment on his back, took a run-up, jumped, and fell rapidly when he reached the edge of the deck, reached out and grabbed the anchor rope, and fell onto the deck three times and twice.

Beckoning to Dahei, Dahei imitated Wang Yuan's movements and flipped onto the deck.

It was raining heavily outside, and there was no one at all, probably hiding in the room for entertainment.

The two swaggered into the driver's cab, and there was no one inside. They wreak havoc under the operating platform and installed it. It is impossible to restore it to its original state unless it is overhauled.

Then the two went from top to bottom in the cabin, harvesting the lives of the crew. There were only twelve or three people on the freighter, some were resting, some were gambling, and some were entertaining themselves.

This time the two searched very carefully, fearing that something would slip through the net like last time, they went through every corner of the freighter until there was no one alive on the freighter, and then they went out and boarded another large oil tanker .

There were only two people sleeping soundly in the room, and they didn't wake up until they lost their lives.

After going around to the other two small cruisers, the two returned to the deck of the freighter and put on the gangplank. Although it was a little shaken, it was not a problem for the two of them to pass.

Going back to the hut on the cliff, I found a bunch of keys, picked up a small solar lamp, went to the entrance of the stone cave next to it, opened the stone door, and the two walked in.

"Wow! There are too many supplies here!" Dahei couldn't help but sigh.

The space inside is very large, perhaps because of the large tanker, there are a lot of fuel reserves here.

"Hehe, Dahei, choose one of the two small cruise ships outside, the fuel here is enough for you to squander for several years."

"Hey, it's a pity that we can't take all of them away, and if we stay here, we are afraid of being discovered by others."

"This is easy to solve. Two small cruise ships, one for each of us, I will bring a little fuel, and you can bring more. The remaining ships and fuel will be taken over by the army when you return home."

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