Dahei smiled and said: "Okay, with these ships and these weapons, I don't think it will be difficult not to get promoted. I'm afraid I can at least be promoted to lieutenant colonel when I go back!"

"Well, maybe you can be the captain of the special brigade."

"Hey, that's a good thing, I'll hire a few instructors from your country's army later."

"Haha, I think you are just lazy and don't want to train the troops yourself. Okay, let's see what weapons are there."

The two searched, but found that there were not many weapons, twenty or thirty guns, but a lot of ammunition, at least thirty thousand rounds of bullets alone.

Dahei complained: "King, there are too few weapons here!"

"Well, it may be that the pirates are not short of weapons, or they may have been distributed, but there are definitely no more than fifty of them left. We will collect their weapons later, and you can just take them back."

"That's the only way to go. How do we fight this time?"

"It's just a few people. Let's take the grenade and push it over."

"Hey, I like it!"

Afterwards, Dahei was covered with grenades inside and out.

"Dahei, won't this affect your movements?"

"Don't worry, it will be over soon, you don't understand the thrill of throwing a grenade, that feeling is exciting!" m.x.com

Wang Yuan thought to himself, why do people still have this kind of hobby? How can throwing grenades be fun? The so-called continuous shooting is always cool, and then pick up a bazooka.

The two climbed to the top of the cliff and took out the hidden weapons and ammunition.

Wang Yuan checked the time, it was past eleven o'clock, and said, "Dahei, walk along the path they stepped on, be careful of landmines."

"Do not worry."

The two quickly entered the woods. Although they could hardly see anything around them, the path that had been walked out on the ground was obvious.

Suddenly, a bamboo ladder was found under a big tree. Wang Yuan made a gesture, put down the gun and ammunition in his hand, drew out his dagger, and gently climbed up the bamboo ladder. Dahei raised his gun and aimed upward.

A small tree house was built between the branches with tarpaulins and planks. This should be the last sentry post of the pirates.

There was a slight snoring sound from inside, and this weather was the most suitable for sleeping.

I walked in gently, and sure enough, there were two pirates inside, leaning on the side and falling asleep.

The two pirates were easily dealt with, and Wang Yuan and Dahei moved on.

When I got to the edge of the woods, I found that the color board house was surrounded by barbed wire

, a total of four rows of rooms, some windows are still lit.

Set up the machine gun and open the small iron door in the middle of the barbed wire.

Wang Yuan said in a low voice: "Dahei, let's use the bazooka first, and focus on the rooms with lights. I saw that there are six rooms in total. You go from left to right, and I go from right to left. Each person has three shots. Start the assault when you're done."


Each of them took three rockets, climbed to the tree, loaded the ammunition, looked down from the heights, looked at their targets, and aimed.


The two pulled the trigger at the same time, then continued to load the ammunition and fire.

"Boom boom boom..." The pirate camp exploded continuously.

After firing three rockets each, the two jumped down, dropped the rocket launcher, and rushed towards the pirate camp.

At this time, the pirates all woke up and rushed out to check the situation. There was noise, shouting, and wailing, and they were in a mess.

After Wang Yuan and the two rushed in, while the pirates were not paying attention, grenades were thrown into the crowd and the room.

There were explosions one after another, and Dahei threw out more than a dozen grenades in an instant, leaving only two, and suddenly felt lighter.

"Da da da..." The assault rifles of the two continued to spew tongues of flame.

When the two walked around the camp, there was no one standing besides the two of them.

The pirates hardly noticed the two of them, and even if someone saw the two of them, they were all killed instantly.

From the time the two entered through the small door, to the time they turned around and came back, it took less than five minutes, and there was only wailing on the scene.

Pulled out the pistol, opened the safety, and loaded the bullet.

The two walked in again, not letting go of every room.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The two stood in front of a bombed-out room. There were two people lying on a bed, a man and a woman, naked. The woman was a black man who was bleeding from the shock wave of the rocket. He was dead. The man was a white man. , the inner corners of the eyes and nostrils are bleeding a few threads, and he is still breathing, but he is not dead. The appearance of these two people looked very scary.

The white man opened his eyes and looked at the two: "Save, save... I, I, I will give... you... money. I... I am... Maud..."

Dahei picked up the pistol and pointed it at the man's head: "The ones who killed are the members of your Maude family."

The white man looked terrified and struggled: "No! Don't, don't kill me!"



The sound is quieter, the sound of the rain is also quieter, and the world seems to be quiet.

He took off the white man's watch, and there was indeed a micro-locator. There was a black bag lying under the bed. When he opened it, it was a laptop.

Confirming that there are no more survivors, Wang Yuan checked the time, it was only after twelve o'clock, and said, "Dahei, collect supplies, and take them all away when the wind and waves subside."

Dahei said excitedly: "Okay! I'm the best at looting supplies!"

The two collected the supplies into a complete room, and Dahei even collected all the pots and pans in the kitchen, and was collecting clothes and bedding.

Wang Yuan shouted: "Dahei, just collect those valuable things. When the time comes, you bring the troops over and even tear down the house and take them back."

"Oh, good, good. Am I not afraid of poverty?"

The country of Dahei is still very poor and there are a lot of refugees. With these supplies, many people can be saved.

Suddenly, Wang Yuan found a suitcase under a bed in a room destroyed by rocket bombs.

The person on the bed has been killed, it looks like it should be the leader of the pirates.

The suitcase is not big, but very heavy, and it is taken to the house.

I searched for supplies, including guns and ammunition, daggers and bayonets, watches and jewelry, cash and jewelry, although there are not many things, but the value is very high, and the cash alone is more than 20,000 euros.

The suitcase had a combination lock, and Dahei found a tool to open it violently.

Opening the Setsuna, Daiko exclaimed: "Wow! We're rich!"

There were bundles of euro coins inside, and Dahei counted them, and there were exactly twenty bundles, totaling two hundred thousand euros.

"Wang, we are half of each other, let's divide it."

"No, I don't need it at all. It's all for you. You can take it back and live a good life. If you have time, you can take the natives back. The rest of the money will contribute to your country, build a few orphanages, and let those homeless The returned orphans have books to read and school."


Wang Yuan waved his hand and said, "Dahei, we are brothers, and our country is also a brother country."

"Thank you, king."

Ten years later, through a series of philanthropic initiatives, he became the youngest president in the history of country A, Hemand, leading country A to become the most powerful country in Africa, a supporter of China, and the friendliest friend of China in Africa. the allies. m.x.com

The two lay on the bed, chatting with each other, and finally fell asleep without knowing it.

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