Wang Yuan walked along the reef coast, prying off a few oysters and putting them in his pocket, he saw a plastic five-liter peanut oil drum stuck between the rocks, which was greasy and empty. Pick it up quickly, open the lid, fill it with seawater, grab some sand and put it in, shake it vigorously, clean it, and use a knife to open two big holes symmetrically in the upper part, so that you can carry it.

Put the oysters into it, carry the oil barrel and walk around the seaside and come back, and picked up another peanut oil barrel and half a barrel of seafood.

"Wow! So much seafood!"

"Well, I also picked up two buckets."

More than a dozen oysters, two sea urchins, several sea reds, and a large coconut snail. Coconut snails are very hard, so Wang Yuan smashed them with his hands, washed the snail meat with sea water, and cut it into thin slices with a knife. The two ate it separately, and ate the rest of the seafood. Biqu library

"Huh, I'm so full!" Ren Yuanyuan rubbed her stomach and said.

"You take a break, I'll go up and have a look." Wang Yuan laid down the foam board and motioned Ren Yuanyuan to lie down.

"Okay." Ren Yuanyuan took a coat as a pillow and lay down.

Wang Yuan climbed onto the reef again and stood on it looking around. Suddenly, in the southeast direction, it was gray, as if there was an island, too far away to see

too clear. Eighty percent are islands.

"Yuanyuan! Yuanyuan! Come on, there's an island!" Wang Yuan hurriedly shouted down.

"Where is it?" Ren Yuanyuan got up abruptly and rushed out.

"Over there!" Wang Yuan pointed to the southeast direction.

Ren Yuanyuan looked over and saw a gray shadow, waving at Wang Yuan and saying, "Quick! Pull me up!"

Wang Yuan jumped down and asked, "Does your foot still hurt?"

"It's only a little pain, but it's much better."

Wang Yuan could only carefully pull Ren Yuanyuan up along the slope.

The two raised their eyes and looked southeast.

"Eighty percent of them are islands, and there are many bright and hidden reefs around the islands," Wang Yuan said.

"You know quite a lot."

"Hehehe," Wang Yuan scratched his head, "We have to find a way to get there. We can't last a few days in this place. Maybe we'll be submerged when the tide rises."

"How do we get there?"

"Swimming, can you swim?"

"I will, but not very far."

"Well, let's swim there tomorrow."

"There are no sharks in the sea, are there?"

"I can't guarantee it. It depends on luck. I don't know when the rescue team will come. I

We can't wait to die here, the seafood here will be eaten up soon, and there is no fresh water. "

"All right."

"It's good for us to eat only raw food. I'll go down and find something to cook in the sun. I'll take it with me tomorrow and eat it on the way. Are you going down to rest?"

"You go, I'll sit here for a while."

Wang Yuan jumped down and walked to the beach with the oil drum.

Ren Yuanyuan sat for a while, watching Wang Yuan knocking something on the rocks by the sea, with a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth. After looking at it for a while, I stood up and climbed down carefully, and slowly walked to the beach, took off my high heels and put them on the side, and walked to the beach with bare feet, rolled up my trousers high, revealing my delicate calves, from the pocket He took out the stockings and washed them in the sea water.

Suddenly, I seemed to step on something under my feet. I reached out to touch it, and fished it up to have a look, haha, a clam. He is not small.

She hurried to the shore, put the stockings on the rocks to dry, then ran back, slowly groped with her feet tentatively, and bent down to fish out a clam after a while, Ren Yuanyuan jumped up happily.

About half an hour later, Wang Yuan came over with an oil drum, saw Ren Yuanyuan jumping and laughing and asked, "What are you doing?"

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