"Look! What is this?" Ren Yuanyuan took out a handful of clams from her pocket and handed them to Wang Yuan, bragging.


"Hee hee." Ren Yuanyuan grabbed a handful of clams from another pocket and handed them over.

Wang Yuan took it and put it into the oil drum, saying: "This is a white clam, the pattern on it is very beautiful."


"Let's go and dry these up."


The two found a large flat rock and poured all the seafood in the oil drum on it.

More than 20 sea reds, more than 20 oysters, fifteen or six white clams, four or five coconut snails, four or five spicy snails, and a dozen or so small conchs. The two smashed it with stones, picked out the meat, and put it on the stone to dry.

"Huh!" Wang Yuan stood up and exhaled, "What size shoes do you wear?"

"36, what's wrong?"

"Take a break and wait for me." After speaking, Wang Yuan ran back to Shi Run, opened the suitcase, found the pair of sneakers, and found two pairs of men's underwear.

"Oh, never mind!"

Tear apart the two pairs of underwear, pull out the rubber bands, stuff the rags into the two shoes, spread them back and forth, and hand them to Ren Yuanyuan.


Try it on, if it doesn't fit, I'll adjust it. "

"Yeah." Ren Yuanyuan took it and put it on, stood up and tried it on.

"Haha, it's just right, you are too good! Haha!" Ren Yuanyuan threw herself in front of Wang Yuan, and slapped Wang Yuan's face.

"Uh..." Wang Yuan touched his face.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I... I'm too excited... Thank you..." Ren Yuanyuan's face was flushed to the neck with embarrassment.

"Uh, well, I found a backwater bay over there, and there are a lot of seafood in it, let's go get some for dinner." Wang Yuan pointed to the east. Then he turned and walked over. After walking a few steps, he turned back and said, "Uh...well, help me carry the bucket." After speaking, he left again.

"Pfft!" Ren Yuanyuan covered her hot face and burst out laughing. He picked up the oil drum and followed.

"Oh!" Ren Yuanyuan cast a sly glance at Wang Yuan and shouted, "My feet still hurt a little."

"Oh...well, why don't you take a rest here, and I'll go there by myself."

"It's okay, it's only a distance of more than ten meters."

"Uh, what, I'll carry you there?"

"No, just give me a hand." Ren

Yuanyuan thought: "Hmph! Straight man!"

Ren Yuanyuan stretched out her right hand to Wang Yuan, and Wang Yuan had no choice but to reach out and grab Ren Yuanyuan's hand, and walked forward carefully with the help.

When they arrived at the edge of a water bay, they helped Ren Yuanyuan to sit on a rock.

"This is Huishui Bay. When the tide is high, a lot of seafood is washed in. When the tide is low, it is blocked by the surrounding stones, and the seafood cannot get out."


"You sit here, I caught the seafood and threw it over, you pack it up."


Wang Yuan took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his trouser legs, and slowly descended from the bay into the water. The water was not deep, and the deepest part was only up to his knees.

Wang Yuan bowed slowly, carefully touching the water with his hands. After a while, he touched two conch shells the size of fists and threw them at Ren Yuanyuan. Biqu library

"Go on!" Wang Yuan threw it to Ren Yuanyuan's feet.

"Ah, hahaha!" Ren Yuanyuan laughed happily and picked it up and put it into the oil drum.


Another fist-sized object flew towards Ren Yuanyuan, the distance between the two was only three or four meters, and the throwing of the object was not fast, until Ren Yuanyuan saw it clearly, it turned out to be a sea urchin, she quickly retracted her outstretched hand.

"Ah! You hate you to death!"

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