Orochimaru’s Test

Following Orochimaru, the two came to an open space on the edge of the camp.

The two stood still, Orochimaru still had his back to Yagawa Satinosuke, and his tone was gloomy.

“Sonosuke-kun, what do you think of eternal life?”

In a place where Orochimaru did not see him, Yagawa Satoshisuke’s eyes flashed when he heard these words, he lowered his head slightly, and said solemnly: “Eternal life should be the most important thing in life. The ultimate pursuit, right?”


Orochimaru turned around and grinned clearly.

Yagawa Satoshisuke knew that Orochimaru said this as a test for himself. It was not malicious, but to see if he had similar ideas to him.

Ideas are insignificant to some people, but to others they are crucial.

Obviously, people like Orochimaru take ideas very seriously.

Snakes are solitary, but humans will seek out similar animals. This is instinctive.

No matter how weird Orochimaru’s personality is, the part of human nature and instinct that he is born with will drive him to seek out his kind.

Looking at the original plot, Orochimaru finally came to the opposite side of Konoha. This is because of his own height and vision, which is difficult for ordinary people to understand. In other words, it was his philosophy that made what he did go beyond what normal people could tolerate, and this is why things like rebelling against the village occurred.

But even if he betrayed the village, Orochimaru would always have people following him.

To him, those people were followers, experiments, and vessels. But looking at it from another angle, are those people not his kind? It’s just that he stood too high, making those people look insignificant.

At this time, Orochimaru has not yet reached the stage of rebelling against the village, but due to his character, from this sentence, Yagawa Satoshisuke can already understand that at this point in time, Orochimaru seems to have regarded eternal life as his lifelong pursuit.

It can only be said that Orochimaru in front of him is already in the initial stage of change in his life.

Yagawa Satonosuke took a deep breath and showed solemnity.

“Yes, Teacher Orochimaru. The meaning of life is reproduction. This is a continuation of one’s self when life cannot live forever, but that is just a continuation. The instinct of life is to resist death by nature.” This is Satoshi

Yagawa Nosuke’s understanding is that from a certain perspective, he is more persistent than Orochimaru when it comes to eternal life.

Only those who have died once know the preciousness of life.

Satoshisuke Yagawa is undoubtedly this kind of person.


Orochimaru chuckled, then stretched out his hand, formed the seal of opposition, and said: “Then Satoshinosuke-kun, let me see your ability.”

When Yagawa Satoshisuke saw this, his expression suddenly changed. He became solemn, took a deep breath, and then slowly formed a seal, which was also a seal of opposition.

“I’m sorry, Teacher Orochimaru, please be careful.”

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes slightly, his smile remained unchanged, and his whole expression looked even colder.

Without any hesitation, Yagawa Satoshi launched an attack on Orochimaru, and three shurikens were thrown out from his first hand.


At the same time, his figure also disappeared from the place.

Orochimaru remained motionless, but flipped his other hand, and a kunai appeared in his hand. With two random swings, he knocked away the three incoming shurikens.

Ding ding ding!

Amidst three crisp collisions, sparks burst out.

The next moment, Yagawa Satoshi’s figure appeared beside Orochimaru. The short sword in his hand was unsheathed silently and stabbed straight into Orochimaru’s waist and abdomen.

Orochimaru is close to 1.8 meters tall and has a tall and thin figure. Yagawa Satoshinosuke is over 1.5 meters tall and less than 1.6 meters tall. He is considered tall among his peers, but facing Orochimaru, he is still much shorter. .

Therefore, his choice of attack was not the key point at first, but the abdomen.

If someone is attacked here, there is a certain probability that a person will become stiff, because the core of a person’s power is in the abdomen. If the abdomen is damaged, the power cannot be transmitted, and the person’s activities will be somewhat limited.

Orochimaru has so much fighting experience that he naturally saw Yagawa Satoshi’s intention, and his reaction was quite direct. He just took a step to the left, twisted his body, and avoided the knife in the slightest.

But the next moment, Orochimaru’s brows raised, and he immediately took two steps back.


With a slight sound, a small cut was seen in Orochimaru’s ninja vest at his waist.

“Chakra Ninja Sword?”

Orochimaru overturned this guess and licked his lips.

“No, it should be the Wind Release Ninjutsu. Is it the one you developed just now? Can it be used in actual combat so quickly?”

After missing a hit, Yagawa Satoshinosuke did not stop. In a twist of form, he attacked Orochimaru again.

But Orochimaru didn’t make any extra moves. As soon as he raised his arm, several long brown snakes emerged from his sleeves.

The long snakes opened their snouts, and their fangs were sharp, biting towards Satonosuke Yagawa.

This is a camp after all, and the battle between Orochimaru and Yagawa Satoshinosuke is more of a test for them, so both of them have a tacit understanding of controlling the intensity of their attacks.

At least in Orochimaru’s view, this was the case. Whether he was dodging or counterattacking, he was deliberately controlling his own strength.

Because in his opinion, Yagawa Satoshinosuke has the reputation of being a genius, but he is still a boy after all, and his chuunin level cannot allow him to use his full strength.

But he didn’t know that while he was controlling his strength, Satinosuke Yagawa in front of him was also doing the same.

That’s too far.

Facing the attack of the poisonous snake, Yagawa Satonosuke did not pause at all. He formed a seal with one hand with his other hand, and several sharp earth thorns suddenly popped out from the ground under his feet, penetrating the head of the attacking poisonous snake with extreme precision.

And he himself passed through the gap between the poisonous snakes. With a slash of the short knife in his hand, he cut these poisonous snakes in two, and then attacked Orochimaru again without losing strength.

Orochimaru flew back, but still had time to speak.

“It’s a very good one-handed hand seal technique. In addition, the technique just now is also good. You can seize the opportunity very well.”

Yagawa Satonosuke behaved like a student who wants to be recognized by the teacher. He looked very solemn and not interested. With these words, the short sword in his hand was slashed straight towards Orochimaru.

But the next moment, Yagawa Satosuke’s figure swayed, and the foot he just stepped out also slipped, and the short sword unexpectedly passed by Orochimaru diagonally.

Looking down, he saw that at some point, there was a small puddle of water on the ground between the two of them.

If you look carefully, you can easily see that it is a piece of mud the size of a washbasin.

“If it’s earth escape, I can do it too.” Orochimaru said.

While speaking, he had already taken two steps back.

At the same time, just when Yagawa Satoshi was still standing, the ground around him cracked, and four pythons suddenly sprang out from the ground from four directions, opening their mouths towards him, trying to kill him. Swallow it into your belly.

Satoshisuke Yagawa’s expression remained unchanged, and following the shaking force of his body, he turned around directly, spread his legs, and stepped on the nose tips of the two pythons on the left and right. At the same time, the short knife flashed and stabbed directly into the head of the python in front of him.

At the same time, he turned around, pulled out his short knife, and struck the python behind him at the lower jaw, directly cutting off the two long fangs. At the same time, he used both feet to kick back the heads of the two pythons on the left and right. .

At this point, the crisis is resolved.

Orochimaru’s eyes lit up when he saw this scene.

“Beautiful taijutsu.”

But the next moment, when the remaining two pythons poked their heads to attack again, they saw Yagawa Satoshinosuke’s body turning rapidly, like a top, and the short knife in his hand turned into a cold light and flashed, poof With a few puffs, the two pythons were chopped into several pieces.

In an instant, a fishy stench filled the venue.

Orochimaru didn’t pay attention to this, but opened his eyes slightly, looking particularly surprised.

“Return to heaven?”

Yagawa Satonosuke exhaled, as if he didn’t have time to answer until now.

“It’s not Kaiten, it’s just telling the rotation to bring up chakra, and then using the sword technique to strengthen the cutting power, it only plays a defensive role. It is completely incomparable with secret techniques like Kaiten.” Orochimaru licked

again Lips, smiled softly.

“That’s a good idea. There are really more and more surprises coming to you.”

At this moment, Orochimaru was really fascinated by the boy in front of him. He looked at Satoshi Yagawa as if he was looking at something. A gem.

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