The battle for intelligence supremacy

Yagawa Satonosuke landed and faced Orochimaru. The python behind him, with two fangs cut off, suddenly sprang out at this moment, and his body tensed up, trying to wrap around him.

But Satonosuke Yagawa didn’t look back, as if there were eyes behind him, he turned aside and got out of the way of the python’s twisting force.

At the same time, Yagawa Satonosuke just raised his hand, with the tip of the short knife in his hand facing outwards and the blade facing inward, as if the python had specifically bumped into it. The blade followed the python’s open mouth and followed the python’s twisting path. Potential, separate it from the middle.


The python fell to the ground and was almost split in two from the middle of the snake’s body. In an instant, organs and blood were scattered all over the floor. The powerful vitality of snakes means that even if the python is disemboweled, it still does not die directly. Instead, it twists on the ground and makes a hissing sound.

Yagawa Satoshisuke did not turn his head during the whole process, and kept looking directly at Orochimaru, with the same solemn expression as before.

The two looked at each other, Orochimaru grinning.

“In terms of taijutsu alone, Satoshisuke-kun, you are almost as good as those special jounin who are proficient in taijutsu.”

This is Orochimaru’s evaluation. The battle just ended and started in the blink of an eye, and it was extremely time-consuming. It’s short, but it shows murderous intent everywhere.

Yagawa Satunosuke can deal with it calmly. At least in Orochimaru’s view, there is no shortcoming in physical skills. This alone is enough for him to take a high look at Yagawa Satunosuke.

Don’t forget, in the final analysis, Satinosuke Yagawa is just a child under the age of twelve, even if he is already a chuunin. But in Orochimaru’s view, in terms of combat experience, he is naturally not as rich as those adult ninjas.

But Yagawa Satosuke used practical actions to break this perception, allowing Orochimaru to see the power in him.

Calm, alert, and perseverant.

These qualities can be placed in Yagawa Satoshinosuke, how can he not make Orochimaru take a high look?

“Teacher Orochimaru, please comment on my ninjutsu.”

Yagawa Satinosuke took the initiative.

Orochimaru’s smile remained unchanged and he did not speak. He also made no other movements, but he showed his attitude with actions. He was waiting for Yagawa Satoshi’s attack.

And Satonosuke Yagawa didn’t hesitate at all, and his figure disappeared again.


Orochimaru raised his head and saw Satonosuke Yagawa falling in mid-air.


Orochimaru was slightly surprised. The moment Satoshi Yagawa jumped up, he had already caught his figure, but he happened to be dazzled by the sunlight behind him.

When he reacted, he saw that Yagawa Satoshinosuke’s figure had been divided into three.

Shadow clone?

Orochimaru raised his eyebrows slightly, and had already pulled back before Yagawa Satoshisuke came down.

But the next moment, he was surprised to find that there was movement behind him.


A sharp blade pierced his lower back.

Orochimaru’s eyes showed surprise.

Puff puff!

The three Yagawa Satonosuke fell, and the broken blades in each hand pierced into their bodies.

“It’s so fast, even I didn’t notice when did you create another clone.”

Orochimaru said, but his figure gradually became soft, and dirt began to fall on his body, and then gradually turned into a puddle of soft mud.

It’s Earth Escape again!

Only this time it was a soil substitute.

Satonosuke Yagawa was not surprised. Others did not know it, but he knew that Orochimaru was a powerful ninja who could master the changes of seven chakra attributes. It was normal for him to be able to escape from the earth.

It’s just that he didn’t expect when Orochimaru used the earth substitute, especially when he was paying attention the whole time.

It can only be said that the three ninjas who are famous in the ninja world cannot be underestimated in any way.

The four Yagawa Satoshisuke looked at each other, then turned around at the same time, leaning against each other, and watching their surroundings.

But at the next moment, the mud under the four people’s feet suddenly exploded, and then long snakes shot out from it, each one was at least three meters long, submerging the four people almost instantly.

In the blink of an eye, all four of them were covered with venomous snakes of all colors.

Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru’s figure rose from the mud, holding a kunai in his hand, and placed it on the neck of one of them, Satoshi Yagawa.

“This should be your true body, right, Satoshinosuke-kun? You lost.”

The corners of Yagawa Satoshisuke’s lips were slightly raised.

“Teacher Orochimaru, ninjas have to be vigilant at all times.”

Orochimaru’s expression changed slightly. Just as he was about to react, he suddenly discovered that his feet were entangled with a wire.


“When the clone and I just landed, the mud you left behind, Orochimaru-sensei, was a bit deliberate, so I guessed that it must be the starting point of your next attack, Orochimaru-sensei.”

Orochimaru-sensei Maru narrowed his eyes slightly, and then his expression suddenly changed as he thought of something.

“Is it an illusion!?”

He thought of the moment when he was dazzled by the sun.

Satinosuke Yagawa smiled. Instead of feeling distressed after his method was revealed, he seemed very happy.

“Was it so easy to be discovered by Orochimaru-sensei? As expected of Orochimaru-sensei, one of the three ninjas, this kind of insight is really amazing.”

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, unable to tell what his emotions were.

“Hehehe, kid, you impressed me with admiration. You showed off your physical skills, ninjutsu and illusion skills in one battle. And with your grasp of the timing of the battle, even I can’t find anything wrong with it. , I recognize you.”

As he said that, Orochimaru’s body gradually softened, and then in a moment, it turned into a ball of small snakes and suddenly exploded.

Not long after, a figure walked out from the shadow not far away, it was Orochimaru.

Seeing him smiling, he said: “But at any time, don’t forget to hide yourself. This is the first lesson I want to teach you.”

The four Yagawa Satoshisuke lined up and bowed to Orochimaru Salute.

“Yes, Mr. Orochimaru, I remember it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, four muffled sounds sounded in the field.

Bang bang bang bang!

In a burst of white smoke, Yagawa Satoshinosuke’s figure disappeared.

Orochimaru’s smile froze on his face, and then as if he felt something, he slowly turned around, only to see Satoshi Yagawa walking out from behind a tree, with the same smile on his face.

“Teacher Orochimaru, a ninja battle is a competition of intelligence. It seems that my understanding of you is better than your understanding of me.”

Orochimaru stared at Satoshi Yagawa for a moment, and then his lips widened.


As if he remembered something funny, his smile gradually widened.


At this time, Orochimaru raised his head and laughed, inexplicably a bit like the Uchiha laughing wildly.

“Amazing! Satonosuke-kun.”

This compliment was sincere, and Orochimaru could not hide his appreciation and affection when he looked at Yagawa Satosuke.

“It seems that you have made preparations in advance for this battle?” Orochimaru asked what was in his mind.

Yagawa Satoshi nods, without concealing anything, and replies: “Yes, Mr. Orochimaru, actually from the moment the Hokage told me that the instructor would be you, I have already begun to intentionally collect information about you.

” After a slight pause, he smiled and continued: “I guess after coming into contact with you, there will definitely be a battle. This is the tradition of Konoha. So a few days ago, I have already started to rehearse this battle. .”

The battle of ninjas is based on intelligence. Yagawa Satoshisuke fully agrees with this, and it can even be said that he regards it as a guideline.

Even though he has the advantage of foresight, Satinosuke Yagawa never takes his guard lightly when dealing with enemies.

It was obviously being targeted, but after Orochimaru heard this, the smile on his face became more obvious, and in the end he couldn’t help but lick his lips.

“Very well, Satoshisuke-kun, you won’t become a short-lived ghost on the battlefield. If that guy from the rope tree had a character like yours, he wouldn’t…”

He shook his head and ended the topic.

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