The Danger of Immortal Mode

The White Snake Immortal has barb-like scales on his body, which are very sharp. He is obviously a snake, but he has long orange hair, a black turban on his head, and a slender cigarette rod in his mouth. Indescribably weird.

Yagawa Satonosuke was sizing up the White Snake Sage, and the White Snake Sage was also sizing him up. Neither of them spoke at the first moment.

After a moment of silence, the White Snake Immortal finally broke the atmosphere and spoke first.

“You are finally here.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke was surprised, and then asked: “White Snake Sage, you seem to know that I will definitely come?”

White Snake Sage did not deny it, but continued: “Yes, from the time you signed with Ryūchi Cave The moment we signed the contract, I knew you would definitely appear here.”

“Well, that’s it.”

Yagawa Satoshi was thoughtful, looking at the White Snake Sage above, and then asked after a slight silence: “White Snake Sage” , have you had a premonition of what will happen in the future?”

“Are you predicting the future?”

White Snake Immortal sighed.

“I’m not as keen on predicting the future as that toad, but I can also see some fragments of the future.”

As he spoke, White Snake Sage stared at Yagawa Satoshinosuke, and his voice became heavier.

“So, you are really a scary kid.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke became interested and immediately asked: “What did you see?”

Hearing this, the White Snake Sage seemed to be lost in memories, and he seemed to have thought of something terrible. Something happened, the snake’s tail swung twice unconsciously, and it seemed that its body became a little stiff at this moment.

Yagawa Satoshisuke did not urge him. He was very interested in the preview ability of these so-called “immortals”, but he was more interested in what the future they saw was like, especially whether this future would be changed because of him. What strange changes occurred.


White Snake Sage exhaled a puff of smoke, then lowered his head again and stared at Yagawa Satoshisuke.

“It was a desperate future. I saw a long sword that cut through the world, and a figure sitting on the throne. Under the gaze of that figure, the ninja world fell into deathly silence, and people outside the world It has become the nourishment of the earth. Everything in the world surrenders to the gaze of those eyes, no one can escape, and no one can stay out of it.”

Hearing this, Yagawa Satoshisuke narrowed his eyes slightly, thoughtfully.

“So, who is that figure that Immortal White Snake saw?”

Immortal White Snake shook his head: “I don’t know who the owner of those eyes is, but I know you, kid! In the future, I saw you leading A group of guys in white clothes have turned the entire ninja world into a mess.”

“Well, is that so? It’s really exciting. I actually have such a powerful ability.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke smiled, seeming very satisfied that he could He became so powerful in the prophecy and had the ability to disrupt the ninja world, but those who really knew him knew that he would only take it for granted.

Not to mention the future, even now, if he really wants to, he has the ability to disrupt the ninja world now.

“So kid, what’s your purpose here?” Immortal White Snake ended the previous topic and asked directly.

Satoshinosuke Yagawa did not hide anything, and said directly: “I want to master the magic of Ryūchi Cave!”

“I see, I will teach you.”

Achieving the goal so easily surprised Satoshinosuke Yagawa, but After a second thought, it became natural.

It seems that… Longdi Cave has no need to reject him. After all, he is the contractor of Longdi Cave. Well, strictly speaking, he only contracted Wan She, but for Longdi Cave, he was also one of the contractors.

With a contractor like him, Ryuji Cave will naturally win over him. After all, compared to Shiggou Forest and Mt. Myoboku, Ryuji Cave is not well-known in the ninja world. Winning over Yagawa Satoshinosuke will strengthen Ryuji Cave in the ninja world. Among them, anyone with a discerning eye will make a choice.

Then, a python crawled out from a corner. It was colorful and had a waist as thick as a bucket. However, such pythons can be seen everywhere in Longdi Cave.

Then they saw the python coming to Yagawa Satunosuke, opening its mouth and spitting out a scroll.

“This is the immortal mode cultivation method in Longdi Cave. The dangers involved are all recorded in it. I think you should have been mentally prepared for this. If you die, then your chakra will belong to me. “White Snake Immortal said.

Yagawa Satonosuke just nodded: “I understand.”

Then, regardless of the White Snake Sage, he sat cross-legged in front of him, then unfolded the scroll and looked at it.

Seeing this, Immortal White Snake had no intention of disturbing him, but just watched quietly.

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was more than half an hour. Yagawa Satoshinosuke read all the knowledge on the scroll and had a comprehensive understanding of the Sage Chakra pattern.

The so-called sage chakra mode is simply to combine the absorbed natural energy with your own physical energy and mental energy. The ratio is 1:1:1 to achieve a perfect balance, thereby condensing special chakra. This brand new chakra is condensed and is called senjutsu chakra.

To complete the above steps, perceiving natural abilities and absorbing natural energy become the key. As natural energy that is ubiquitous in nature, it represents the energy that circulates among all things in the world. This energy represents nature and also represents disorder. At the same time, energy contains the complexity of all things in the world.

Therefore, it is definitely not a simple matter to absorb natural energy. If you are not careful, people will be assimilated by natural energy, resulting in special appearance on the body.

This kind of appearance is expressed in the sage mode of the three holy places, namely the petrification of Miaomu Mountain, the liquefaction of Shi bone forest, and the melting of flesh and blood in Ryūchi Cave, which are all very dangerous.

In addition, if you want to complete the Sage Mode, there is another limitation, that is, you must have a huge amount of chakra. Otherwise, the natural energy will easily swallow the body, and it will basically be assimilated by the natural energy in the blink of an eye.

If you want to start practicing in the immortal mode, there is still a hurdle that needs to be crossed. Regarding the dangers of subsequent cultivation, this step may not seem dangerous, but it is extremely critical.

That is sensing natural energy!

Although natural energy exists in everything in the world, it is not that simple to successfully sense it.

Let’s put it this way, without a certain level of perception, this step alone can trap a person for a lifetime.

Therefore, if you don’t have certain talents, you will basically have no chance of immortal mode.

And coincidentally, Satinosuke Yagawa’s talent in this area is very outstanding. In fact, even if he does not come to Ryūchi Cave and is just left to study alone, Satunosuke Yagawa can figure out the Sage Mode on his own, but it just takes time.

Therefore, Ryūchi Cave’s sage mode training method is just a time-saving shortcut for Yagawa Satoshisuke.

As for natural energy sensing, let’s put it this way, Yagawa Satonosuke was able to feel it when he was six years old, but he knew the dangers involved, so he didn’t make any attempts from the beginning, and waited until his body had almost grown up. , only after the amount of chakra has increased, can we be completely sure.

“What do you think, kid, are you planning to try it? I’d like to remind you in advance that taking this step is very dangerous.”

Seeing that he was silent for a long time, the White Snake Immortal couldn’t help but remind him.

Yagawa Satoshisuke closed the scroll and said with unchanged smile: “It is indeed dangerous, but for me, it is still within control.” ”

Then you want to start now?”

Yagawa Satoshisuke nodded: “Of course! “

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