Bloodline returns to ancestors!

Seeing this, the White Snake Sage swung his tail, and immediately several pythons crawled out of the darkness, came to Yagawa Satonosuke, opened their mouths and spit out things from their mouths.

A blanket engraved with dense incantations, a transparent glass container, a long and thin needle, and the last snake slough.

“These are the things needed to practice the immortal mode. You should know how to use them.” said the White Snake Immortal.

Yagawa Satoshi nods and doesn’t say much. These things in front of him are all recorded in the scroll.

Among them, the blanket is to amplify the natural energy induction and needs to be draped on the body.

Snake slough is used to protect the body from assimilation due to excessive impact of natural energy.

Those fine needles identify acupuncture points and can guide natural energy.

Finally, the liquid in the container is actually snake venom, which is used to paralyze the body. Its function is to reduce the pain when practicing in the immortal mode, so as to prevent the practitioner from being too distracted and eventually unable to bear it and being assimilated by the natural energy.

The steps are complicated, but every aspect is taken into consideration.

By the way, the immortal modes of the three holy places are different, but if we really want to talk about it, the immortal mode of Longdi Cave is the most dangerous, but also the most powerful.

Yagawa Satoshisuke thought for a while and decided to follow the method on the scroll. It was one thing for him to be confident, but it was another thing to ensure that no accidents occurred.

As a researcher, the most important thing is to prevent accidents and strive to minimize all unexpected factors.

Yagawa Satoshisuke sat cross-legged on the ground, regardless of whether the environment here was safe for him, and just started practicing the sage mode.

Take off the feather fabric and top, expose the upper body, then apply the snake venom on yourself, then wrap the snake slough around the body, then use fine needles to pierce the acupuncture points on the body, and finally put the blanket on the body, and the process is completed After all this, he closed his eyes.

It is said that it is practice, but it is actually just an attempt, but even if it is an attempt, it is a beginning that is difficult for others to understand.

“Natural energy, all things in the world…”

In the first moment, Yagawa Satonosuke crossed the induction threshold, located the natural energy with extreme precision, and then began the steps of absorbing it into his body.

When natural energy enters the body, Satoshi Yagawa immediately feels the difference. The chaotic feeling in the energy, if ordinary people try it, it will probably directly cause confusion in people’s thinking, but for Yagawa Satoshi As far as I’m concerned, it’s easy to deal with it.

As time went by, patches of light gradually condensed on his body, a bit like the shimmer of chakra, but with obvious differences.


Gradually, his body first hardened, but then the hardening disappeared, followed by a soft feeling, until finally the soft feeling disappeared, and instead, the body returned to its original state.

Above, the White Snake Sage lowered his head slightly, carefully inspected Yagawa Satonosuke’s condition, and then nodded slightly.

“It’s such a terrible talent that it reached the final step in such a short period of time.”

Thinking like this, he saw red facial makeup lines appearing on Yagawa Satoshi’s face.

The lines started from the wings of his nose and extended to his temples. It looked like two narrow lines of eye shadow were painted on him, making Satosuke Yagawa’s overall temperament become enchanting.


The White Snake Immortal raised her head subconsciously and swallowed the snake letter. This scene really shocked her.

But what happened next was even more shocking.

However, they saw that the facial makeup lines on Yagawa Satoshi’s face suddenly changed, the eye shadow disappeared, and were replaced by two groups of red lines like dark circles, and a circle with a dot in the center appeared on his forehead.


White Snake Sage could no longer hold back. He got down from the huge stone chair at the top, climbed to Yagawa Satonosuke’s side, lowered his head and observed carefully.

“This is not the sage mode of Ryuji Cave!”

She was naturally familiar with her own things, but the sage mode shown by Yagawa Satunosuke at this time made the White Snake Sage particularly unfamiliar.

“It looks a bit like that guy from the Shiggou Forest.”

Just as he was thinking this, he saw a new change in Yagawa Satoshi’s facial makeup.

However, he saw that the lines on Yagawa Satonosuke’s eye sockets began to shrink, only surrounding the eye sockets, and then started from the lower eyelids, and two straight lines extended to the chin.

“Changed again! Is this… Miaomu Mountain?”

The White Snake Immortal only felt novel, but was shocked inside. However, she always felt that these two facial makeup changes were somewhat inconsistent with the other two Immortal modes she knew.

Finally, Yagawa Satoshi’s aura reached its peak, and the light gradually became brighter. There was no wind around him, and the blanket made a sound.

Puff puff!

Suddenly, the thin needles piercing Yagawa Satunosuke’s body burst out at the same time, and the blanket was torn instantly, along with the torn snakes wrapped around his body.


With Satonosuke Yagawa at the center, violent airflow exploded in all directions, and for a moment it felt like sand and rocks were flying.

Such movement would naturally not affect White Snake Sage, but she still raised her head and stared closely at Yagawa Satonosuke’s every move.

Suddenly, the makeup on Yagawa Satoshi’s face changed again, but this time the change was invisible to the White Snake Sage.

I saw that the original lines on Yagawa Satunosuke’s face disappeared one by one, replaced by Yagawa Satunosuke’s original face, but then two red lines appeared from the corners of Yagawa Satunosuke’s eyes, and then gradually spread to half of the face. His forehead, seen from a distance, looks like he is wearing a half-wrapped helmet.

The change was not over yet, but two bone sharp angles were seen extending from the front of his forehead. They were thrust upward at a 45-degree angle, with a backward curvature, and extended out for about ten centimeters.

The bone tip showed a white-gray color similar to skin color, with layers of spiral patterns on it, which looked very strange.

White Snake Sage was shocked and subconsciously exclaimed: “Dragon transformation!? Impossible! How could dragon transformation happen? He is not a snake!”

The next moment, Yagawa Satoshinosuke opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed away.

“It’s not dragon transformation, it’s just a reversion to the ancestors.”

Yagawa Satoshinosuke said, then lowered his head, looked at the many lines on his body, and frowned slightly.

The lines he saw at this time made him feel inexplicably familiar, somewhat similar to the thing he knew called wedge.

But he knew that this was not a wedge, because these lines did not contain his soul power.

“I see, but I didn’t expect that this attempt actually fully activated the gene belonging to Otsutsuki in the body, haha…”

With a hint of smile, Yagawa Satonosuke just felt it, Just know what kind of changes have occurred in your body.

All aspects of ability improvement, this improvement is not just a little bit, but an improvement several times or ten times, which is simply exaggerated.

“Return to your ancestors? Who are your ancestors?” White Snake Immortal asked in a deep voice.

“The existence named Otsutsuki.”

Satonosuke Yagawa did not hide anything.

The body of the White Snake Immortal stiffened, and its tail whipped the ground unconsciously. After a moment, it exhaled.

“I see, is it Kaguya Otsutsuki?”

Satonosuke Yagawa nodded: “It’s her.”

“I never thought that you, a brat, would actually hide such a secret.”

White Snake Sage climbed onto the stone chair again. , coiled up the snake body again, but this time he said nothing and fell into silence.

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