The Special Characteristics of Otsutsuki

Yagawa Satoshisuke ignored White Snake Sento’s surprise. He had already stood up, feeling all the changes on his body, and he only felt novel.

The feeling of increased strength is very obvious, but given Yagawa Satoshi’s exquisite power control, such an increase does not make him feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, this feeling made him feel comfortable and had a feeling that his life was gradually growing.

“Is this the life form of the Otsutsukis?”

Yagawa Satonosuke sensed himself and had this idea, but then he shook his head.

“Probably not. The life forms of the real Otsutsuki should be more perfect than this. To be precise, every Otsutsuki has basically evolved to the pinnacle of existence. The current self is only based on the degree of evolution of life genes. In other words, it is far inferior to Otsutsuki, but…”

Satonosuke Yagawa smiled, and with a wave of his hand, he opened a gap in the space.

“Even so, it is enough for me to use several abilities imprinted in Otsutsuki’s genes.”

This is the scene in front of me. This space gap is like a black curtain, surrounded by a torn gap of incomplete space, and inside is a Pitch black.

What Satonosuke Yagawa did was to tear apart the space and connect it to another space that he was familiar with.

“This is the prototype of Hirazaka’s technique.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke raised a smile on his lips and activated all the Otsutsuki genes in his body, so that the genes returned to their ancestors, allowing him to master some of Otsutsuki’s abilities. Only then did he discover the true power of Otsutsuki.

The previous genetic research on Otsutsuki was still a bit too superficial. Now it seems that the real Otsutsuki is completely capable of inheriting abilities, and it is a dual inheritance of genes and chakra.

To put it simply, Otsutsuki has two sets of genetic factors, one of which is the genetic expression. The Otsutsuki imprint the expression of abilities into their genes. As long as the next generation grows to a certain stage, they will be able to decipher this gene expression and master the corresponding abilities.

The second is about chakra. Otsutsuki will pass the same ability to the next generation genetically, so that the next generation will be born with extremely high talents and also be able to naturally master active abilities.

So from this point of view, Yagawa Satonosuke felt that the evolution of the Otsutsukis must have reached an extremely advanced stage, which was far beyond what the ninjas in the ninja world could compare with.

It should be said that they are a race that can span the starry sky.

White Snake Sennin did not bother Yagawa Satunosuke anymore. She could see that Yagawa Satunosuke was getting familiar with his own expanding power at this time.

A moment later, Yagawa Satoshinosuke exhaled and looked at White Snake Sage with a smile on his face.

“Thank you very much, White Snake Sage!”

White Snake Sage just waved his tail and said calmly: “No need to thank me, it’s just mutual benefit.”

Yagawa Satoshi’s smile did not change: “Well, I understand, I will let Long You will get what you want in the underground cave.”

White Snake Sage stared at Yagawa Satoshinosuke, slightly silent, and then said: “Don’t destroy the peace of Ryūchi Cave.”

“Please rest assured, I will not disturb you if nothing happens. ”

White Snake Sage lowered his head again and placed his head on his torso. There was helplessness in his voice: “Then leave.” ”

Yes, I understand.”

After hearing this, Yagawa Satoshi no longer stayed and took a step forward. , the body had already stepped into the black space crack, and then the crack disappeared, along with the figure of Yagawa Satonosuke.

After he left, the White Snake Immortal swallowed the snake letter again and hissed in his mouth.

“What a terrible kid. At that moment, I felt like I was going to be killed by him. This kid… his mind is really gloomy and terrifying.” The reason why the

White Snake Immortal changed his attitude before and after was because he was After Satoshi Yagawa cultivated into Sage Mode, she felt a vague malice. Although it was extremely hidden, she was still caught by her.

In other words, Yagawa Satonosuke seemed to have ill intentions towards their Ryūchi Cave from the very beginning.

The reason why it was not discovered before can only be said that Yagawa Satoshinosuke controlled his own power too strongly and did not reveal his own aura at all. And it can be sensed later, thanks to Yagawa Satunosuke’s own surge in power after mastering the sage mode, he did not block all his breath at the first time, which allowed White Snake Sage to feel some clues.

Don’t think that the White Snake Immortal is just a big snake and not very powerful. It is really not unusual for an immortal like him to have the ability to perceive good and evil.

Therefore, after feeling the malice of Oyagawa Satunosuke, White Snake Sennin changed his initial attitude and did not want Yagawa Satonosuke to continue to stay in Ryūchi Cave.

“Hiss… It really scared me to death, no! The Longdi Cave must be closed. If such a guy comes here again, I will be scared to death?” The

White Snake Immortal said to himself like this, and flicked his tail.

The other end of the space rift is naturally Yagawa Satoshinosuke’s laboratory in Konoha. Yagawa Satoshinosuke appeared in the laboratory, and it felt a little strange for a while.

This transformation of time and space was completed almost in an instant. In Yagawa Satoshisuke’s eyes, his vision went dark, then lit up again, and he had arrived at his destination.

“It’s really magical, but there should be a lot of room for improvement in this ability. In the end, it can be completely enhanced into a method of space travel from the Soul Society to the present world in the Shinigami world.”

Satoshisuke Yagawa said . In an instant, he had already thought of the many applications of this ability. In addition, he was also trying out his other new abilities.


The air twisted slightly, and then a black ball appeared behind Yagawa Satunosuke.

This black ball was actually faintly distorting the surrounding light, creating a sense of confusion like the boundary of the horizon. However, it did not have the terrifying gravity of a real black hole. It was just pure chakra that was condensed to the extreme and then spread out. The aftermath only distorted the air and space.

Yagawa Satoshi made a move, and the black ball fell into his palm and floated quietly.

This object is very similar to the yin-yang jade and even the soul quality he developed before, but it is fundamentally different, because this object is the famous seeking jade.

Only after truly mastering the Jade of the Way did Yagawa Satoshisuke discover how different his previous ideas were compared to this object.

Prior to this, Yagawa Satonosuke had also developed a seeking jade, but he had created several prototypes. Even though they all had similar annihilation powers, they were still not true seeking jade, but were produced by changes in the nature of chakra. It’s just a destructive effect, not a real power of annihilation.

The special thing about the Taoist Jade is its high density of chakra and the power of annihilation that is born after the chakra is condensed. This power of annihilation is not the destructive effect of this thing, but is closer to a Plant…authority!

Yes, this is the only description Yagawa Satoshinosuke can imagine.

Because the Qiudao Jade can really destroy all things! Even Satoshisuke Yagawa was shocked by this. Regardless of whether he used the Yin Yang Jade or the soul quality, the final result was destroyed by the Qiudao Jade. The only special thing is that he can be destroyed and disappear with the Qiudao Jade. That’s all.

At this point, Yagawa Satonosuke was able to understand what powerful and terrifying power the Otsutsuki possessed, but at the same time, he also had a strong curiosity about the Otsutsuki.

“I really want to capture an Otsutsuki to study.”

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