Pressure on the front line


Everyone responded and acted quickly. A group of more than 20 people was reduced to pieces in an instant, hiding in the surroundings.

Yagawa Satonosuke and Bai Yunhaishan were hiding behind a thick tree. Next to them was Hinata Hiroki who inspired his Byakugan to observe the front. The others also concealed their presence, and the surrounding area instantly became quiet.

This is already the destination of the team, but according to the mission briefing, when they arrive here, there should be people arranged by the front line to greet them.

This kind of greeting is not of a ceremonial nature, but a normal process for distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. But now there is no greeting person here, so it is obvious that there must be something wrong on the front line.

Baiyun Yeshan has rich experience and issued a warning order at the first opportunity. This method of handling is very suitable for this situation.

Time passed by minute by second, Yagawa Satoshinosuke held his breath and looked solemnly, staring ahead and on both sides, with solemn expression in his expression.

Finally, Hinata Yushu said: “There is no abnormality within one kilometer.”

Baiyun Yeshan frowned, raised his hand and made a few gestures, and then said: “Let’s go, catch up with Akira!”


The team moved instantly and dispersed in the area. Everyone around him disappeared from the spot and headed forward.

No one spoke a word, their expressions were dignified, and the atmosphere was solemn.

After walking a few hundred meters further, Baiyun Yeshan stopped. He saw the mark left on the trunk of a tree and ordered: “Go at full speed.”




When everyone heard the sound, their speed suddenly increased, and they soon caught up with Inuzuka Akira, who was sneaking in front of him with his whereabouts hidden. When the latter saw the team following, he said: “According to the analysis of the smell that Taiya smelled, there has been a battle here. But it’s not intense. The people on the front line should have moved, and the direction is over there.”

Without Baiyun Yeshan saying anything, Hinata Yushu had already looked in that direction, and then nodded: “There are indeed traces of movement on the ground. Are you going?”

Baiyun Yeshan nodded: “Be careful, let’s follow.”

Everyone moved quickly, making very little noise, and cooperated tacitly. They were alert to all possible situations around them, and everyone looked serious and focused.

The same was true for Satonosuke Yagawa. He didn’t show anything special and followed the others in moving in that direction.

After about half a quarter of an hour, they followed the trace for three or four kilometers. Everyone stopped, and Hinata Yushu said, “I saw someone. They should be our people. Do you want to contact them?”

Baiyun Yeshan thought for a moment. Thinking, he nodded to Inuzuka Akira: “Send the signal.”


Inuzuka Akira responded, and then patted the head of the ninja dog Oga, who rushed out with a whoosh, howling in the sky a hundred meters away He yelled, then got into the woods and disappeared.

Everyone held their breath and waited quietly.

A moment later, there was movement ahead, and a ninja team appeared in everyone’s sight following Daya.

Hinata Yushu nodded and confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the person coming.

Baiyun Yeshan walked out alone, met up with the ninja team, talked to each other, and then handed the other party a scroll. After the other party confirmed it, Baiyun Yeshan sent a safety signal to everyone.

The whole process was quite professional, from the search to the contact, every step was taken with care, until the two parties finally confirmed each other’s identities. Only after this trip could the handover of the task be truly completed.

Everyone walked out of their hiding places, still not letting down their guard. The people present were all experienced ninjas. Faced with the current situation, they all knew what to do.

Yagawa Satoshisuke has less experience in this area, but he will certainly be as vigilant as he should be. Just talk less, do less, watch more, and pay more attention, so that there won’t be any trouble.

Baiyun Yeshan asked about the specific situation, and then learned the reason from the arriving ninja team.

“We had a battle with Sunagakure half a day ago. The other party sent six ninja teams, including two puppet army teams, which caused damage to our station. Lord Orochimaru ordered a transfer.”

Baiyun Yeshan Asked: “What is the situation here now?”

The other party said: “The situation is not very clear. Sunagakure has increased its manpower. The atmosphere on the front line is very solemn. I feel… the war may start soon.”

Baiyun Yeshan frowned He frowned, it was not that he had not expected this situation, but it was still a bit unexpected for the situation to change so quickly.

“The village has already considered this. Has the intelligence from the front been sent back?” he asked.

The other party nodded: “Someone has already set out to send the information back. I believe it won’t be long before the village responds. You came just in time. With your reinforcements, the pressure here will be reduced.” Everyone was stunned

. He led them in one direction without saying a word, just listening quietly.

“We made a mistake in our judgment about Sunagakure. We thought they would show some restraint, but now it seems that they may be bent on starting a war. After all, you also know that the third Kazekage disappeared, making Sunagakure desperately want to find someone. A vent for emotions, foreign war is undoubtedly a good way.”

Baiyun Yeshan nodded, this kind of thing is easy to judge, the geographical environment of Sunagakure, as well as external factors, destined them to be unable to settle down, and they urgently need to attract internal people to the outside world. look.

And Konoha is undoubtedly a good target.

“We didn’t bring much supplies when we came here this time. There were twenty-four people in total, half of which were jounin. This kind of reinforcements should be able to withstand Sunagakure for a while, and then we’ll have to wait for the village to send a new team here. The situation should not be chaotic in a short time.” Baiyun Yeshan said.

The man nodded, then shook his head and said, “There is no shortage of supplies for the time being, enough for about half a month. The only worry now is that the wounded will not receive timely treatment.”

“Are there many wounded?” Baiyun Yeshan asked.

“There are seven seriously wounded people in urgent need of surgery, and there are more than twenty wounded people who also need treatment. However, there are only three medical ninjas on the front line, and they are already a little overwhelmed.” The man said.

Baiyun Yeshan frowned and said: “I can’t help you in this regard. There are no medical ninjas among the people who came here this time.”

The man sighed: “We have informed the village of this. It seems that we can only wait.”

Suddenly, Yagawa Satoshisuke raised his hand and said: “If you are treating the wounded, I should be able to help.”

Everyone looked at him subconsciously, and the latter looked as normal and said: “I have mastered a few low-level medical ninjutsu. Seeing this , Baiyun

Yeshan said: “Okay, after the handover of personnel is completed in a while, you can go directly to help.”


Yagawa Satoshinosuke nodded.

The three people in the team who came to greet them looked at each other, and one of them asked: “Why is the village sending out graduates of the ninja school now?”

Yagawa Satoshinosuke has the unique immaturity of a young man, and there is nothing he can do about his appearance. After all, he is only ten years old. At one year old, a discerning person can naturally tell his identity.

Baiyun Yeshan smiled and said: “He is Yagawa Satoshisuke.”

The simple name made the three people in the team look at him with suspicion.

“Konoha’s sun?” One person asked uncertainly.


Baiyun Yeshan chuckled, nodded and said: “Yes, the boy with the same title as Minato is him.” The three looked at each other

again, and the leader said: “I see, I heard that Yagawa-kun’s The ninja talent is very outstanding. It seems that the village should have special considerations when sending him out?”

Baiyun Yeshan nodded, but didn’t say much.

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