Completed the treatment of more than 20 people

From this point, it is not difficult to see that Yagawa Satonosuke’s reputation in Konoha, although it is not yet well-known to everyone, will not be too far off. Especially among the ninja class, Satoshi Yagawa is already quite well-known, and the name of Konoha Sun is more than just talk.

After walking forward for a few more minutes, we soon came to a camp that was heavily guarded and patrolled by ninjas, but the atmosphere inside seemed very solemn.

Baiyun Yeshan took Yagawa Satoshinosuke and several jounin, and walked towards a tent together. When he entered, he saw a man with long hair and a pale complexion.

This person is none other than Orochimaru, with long black hair, long golden pupils, purple eye shadow extending to the wings of his nose, and pale skin, which makes him feel cold and difficult to get along with.

Seeing the person coming, Orochimaru raised his head and said: “Welcome, Hayama-san.”

Baiyun Hayama bowed slightly: “Sir Orochimaru, the support team has arrived, please arrange the task.”

Orochimaru nodded, but did not directly issue the task. , but said: “Let’s rest for a day. Sunagakure should not have any other actions recently. You take this opportunity to rest and come over. There will be tasks for you later.” ”

Yes, Lord Orochimaru.”

Baiyun Yeshan said Then, he took out a small scroll from his ninja tool bag and handed it to Orochimaru, and said: “The Hokage-sama has entrusted me to bring Satonosuke Yagawa, please Orochimaru-sama to hand over the mission.” The reinforcement is

Konoha official . It is a tactical mission, so the mission is completed when the people arrive, and taking Yagawa Satoshinosuke with him is the Hokage’s personal entrustment. According to the mission requirements, a mission handover needs to be done.

Orochimaru’s eyes stayed on Yagawa Satoshinosuke for a second, then he opened the scroll to check, and then nodded.

“I see, your mission is completed, go down and rest.” Orochimaru said.

“Yes, Lord Orochimaru. In addition, Yagawa-kun knows some medical ninjutsu. I heard that there is a shortage of medical ninjas in the station. He should be able to help to some extent.”

Orochimaru put away the mission scroll and nodded slightly: “I see, Konoha Taiyang has shown great ninja talent since he was a child. It seems that Konoha will have an amazing guy in the future. Haha, I am very satisfied with the old man’s arrangement.”

Seeing this, Baiyun Yeshan bowed again: “Then, I’ll take my leave.”

After saying that, he patted Yagawa Satoshinosuke on the shoulder, gave him a look without saying anything more, and then left the tent directly.

Yagawa Satonosuke also did not speak, but bowed slightly to Baiyun Yeshan, appearing very polite.

After the people left, only Orochimaru and Yagawa Satoshisuke were left in the tent. The smile on the former’s face faded and his eyes were on the latter.

“Sonosuke-kun, can I call you this?”

Orochimaru said, his voice as hoarse as ever, coupled with his pale skin and face, giving people a cold pressure.

But Yagawa Satoshi ignored all this and bowed again: “Of course, Orochimaru-sensei.”

According to Sarutobi Hiruzen, when he comes here, Orochimaru will become his instructor. This is authentic The identity of master and apprentice is the same as the relationship between Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato in the original plot.

“I already know what the old man means, so tell me, Sonosuke, what is your dream?” Orochimaru asked with a smile.

Yagawa Satoshi was somewhat surprised, but thinking that Orochimaru at this point in time did not seem to have the idea of rebelling against the village, he did not care much about this problem.

“I want to be someone who can help everyone. If my existence can bring some changes to Konoha or the entire ninja world, that would be great.” Yagawa Satoshisuke said.

Hearing this, Orochimaru nodded slightly and said thoughtfully: “Hokage? It is indeed what a person of your age would think.”

However, Yagawa Satoshinosuke shook his head directly.

“No, Mr. Orochimaru, you misunderstood. I don’t want to become Hokage.”

This time, it was Orochimaru’s turn to be surprised.


“Because I don’t have the mentality to become Hokage yet.”

“The mentality to become Hokage?”

“Yes, Mr. Orochimaru, being recognized by everyone and becoming Hokage is not that easy to do. I won’t Set your goal on this. In fact, as long as it can have an effect on Konoha, it has been successful for me.”

Orochimaru was startled, and then his smile widened.

“I have to say that you are the most sober one among the young people I have met. Now it seems that the old man’s arrangement is indeed very satisfactory.”

Yagawa Satonosuke bowed again, this time The tone was much more solemn.

“Thank you for your recognition, Mr. Orochimaru, I will not let you down.”

Sure enough, the system prompted again.

[Hey, congratulations to the host for completing a behavior that conforms to the character template once. The score is S. You will be rewarded with a copy of “Aizen Soyousuke’s Soul Basic Research Notes”. The rewards have been stored in the system warehouse and can be claimed at any time. 】

First is the basic research on the spirit child, and then the basic research on the soul.

It is obvious that Yagawa Satoshisuke knows where his next focus should be. These two research notes may not mean anything to others, but to someone like him who has a world view that is different from ordinary people, it is valuable. major.


Orochimaru chuckled: “Relax, Satoshisuke-kun, come with me first to see the wounded. Also let me see how far you have mastered medical ninjutsu. ”

Sonosuke Yagawa said, he knew that the next step would be the basic exam, but he was not worried.

The two people left the tent and soon came to the rest area for the wounded. There was a faint smell of blood and medicine, and one or two painful groans could be heard from time to time.

Entering it, you can see several large tents. In one of the tents, intense medical treatment work is being carried out. Three medical ninjas are busy non-stop. From time to time, light green light emerges from their hands and acts on the injured.

On the other side, there were slightly injured people waiting for treatment. They were wrapped in bandages and bleeding was still oozing from some places. They looked miserable.

“Go.” Orochimaru said.


Yagawa Satonosuke rolled up his sleeves without any hesitation, formed a seal with his hands, and with two bangs, two clones appeared beside him.

Arriving in front of the wounded, he first observed and then removed the bandage on one of their arms, revealing a palm-long wound inside.

The wound was so deep that the bones were almost visible, and the skin and flesh were turned out. I only applied some basic medicine to stop the bleeding, but there was no time to do anything else.

When the man saw Orochimaru coming with a young man, he instinctively wanted to get up, but Satinosuke Yagawa held his shoulders.

“Senior, please relax, I’m here to treat you.”

Seeing this, the man took a long breath and nodded: “I understand, please trouble you.”

Yagawa Satoshisuke just smiled and didn’t say much. He reached into the ninja bag on his waist and took out a kunai. He turned his fingers and the kunai danced between his fingers like a swimming fish.

Before the wounded man could react, he saw a flash of cold light in front of his eyes, followed by severe pain in his arm.


He gasped, but when he saw Satoshi Yagawa cutting off a small piece of flesh from his wound, blood started to flow out again in an instant.

“The wound was caused by a ninja sword. It doesn’t look like a kunai, but more like a special blade. It should have been caused by the knife on the puppet. There is toxin on it. Although it has been detoxified, it is not complete, so This piece of flesh needs to be removed.”

Satoshisuke Yagawa explained, but the movements of his hands kept moving. With one hand, he closed the two sides of the opponent’s wound toward the middle to let the flesh and blood adhere. With the other hand, he made a seal with one hand, and the tips of the two fingers A light green light emerged.

Orochimaru, who was standing aside and watching all this, was slightly startled.

“Palm Immortal Technique?”

He saw Yagawa Satoshinosuke moving his fingers slowly from top to bottom along the gap in the wound. Wherever he passed, the skin healed rapidly.

“It’s not palm senjutsu!”

With Orochimaru’s eyesight, he quickly discovered the difference.

“It should be a medical ninjutsu similar to palm ninjutsu. Was it developed by him?”

Palm ninjutsu is not an ordinary medical ninjutsu. Its learning difficulty is A level. There are many medical ninjas in Konoha, but There are not many who can master the Palm Immortal Technique proficiently. Every medical ninja who can master the Palm Immortal Technique proficiently is a senior existence in this category.

Let’s put it this way, in the original plot, Haruno Sakura learned the palm magic and it took more than two years to become useful. This is based on her own talent in medical ninjutsu, and having a top medical master like Tsunade as a teacher, so that she can learn and master palm senjutsu within two years.

For a normal ninja, it would be impossible for a normal ninja to master the art of Palm Immortality without several or even ten years of serious study.

At this time, Yagawa Satoshisuke said: “I used medical ninjutsu to heal your dermis and epidermis, but the muscle tissue inside is still in a cracked state. However, as long as there is no strenuous activity, the cracked muscles will begin to heal within three days. Nodules, all that’s left is to practice and wait for healing.”

The man exhaled at this time, feeling the pain subside, and couldn’t help but nod: “What an amazing craft, very powerful!”

Yagawa Satoshinosuke smiled and said: “You Thank you. Senior, just continue to rest. It doesn’t matter if you do some basic movements. The wound will not open again. I’m going to help others treat it. Goodbye.”

The man nodded quickly and watched Satonosuke Yagawa go to the next person. Then he whispered to Orochimaru: “Lord Orochimaru, this boy is very powerful.”

Orochimaru raised the corner of his mouth and said: “His name is Yagawa Satoshinosuke, you should have heard of him.”

The man said A look of surprise.

“It turns out it’s him, no wonder.”

Seeing Satoshi Yagawa and his two clones, the three of them acted quickly. Among the more than 20 wounded people, the one who was injured was probably as serious as the first person, and the remaining All of them were minor injuries, and Satoshisuke Yagawa adopted first-person treatment methods.

The wound is first cleaned, then the dermis and epidermis are healed, and finally the cells of the internal wound are activated with chakra, allowing initial healing within three days. After such a process, he dealt with all the more than 20 wounded people of varying severity in about half an hour.

Orochimaru watched the whole process and naturally understood what Yagawa Satinosuke meant by doing this, and he was very satisfied.

“Sonosuke-kun, that jutsu just now was not the Palm Immortal Technique, right?”

Yagawa Satoshisuke was cleaning his hands and nodded after hearing this.

“Yes, Mr. Orochimaru, I have never been exposed to Palm Senjutsu. The technique just now was developed by me through basic medical ninjutsu knowledge. I named it Finger Healing Technique. The learning difficulty should be C level. “

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