LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 326 Big Star Levi

With the help of Levi and Janna, everyone quickly flew back to the Wuji Village base area smoothly.

After a whole day of work, with the diligent arrangements of the Leader cadres and the full cooperation of the people in the base area, the tens of thousands of villagers rescued by the Leaders were able to solve the most basic problems of food and drink. was reluctantly settled.

But this is obviously not a long-term solution.

The Wuji mountainous area has rugged terrain and is closed and primitive, so it cannot support a large population.

Now tens of thousands of people were suddenly crammed in... One can easily imagine how crowded and chaotic the scene was.

Not to mention, the food supplies currently stored in Wuji Base Area can hardly satisfy the doubled personnel consumption out of thin air.

For the leaders of Ionia, what they need to face now and in the future is far more than just this problem.

There are many problems that they cannot solve by themselves, and they cannot think of answers.

Therefore, in order to solve these problems, Levi used the necessary methods to help leaders succeed——


As soon as Levi found some time, he summoned the leader cadres of the Ionia branch and held a meeting in a simple cottage.

And this meeting hasn't even started yet...

The meeting place has become very lively.

"President Levi, thank you, thank you!" Those like Feiya who had met Levi before could not help but feel their voices trembling with excitement at the opportunity to communicate with him up close.

"Thank you for saving Balu'e and saving us!" Those cadres who had never seen Li Wei before were so moved that their eyes filled with tears, and they held his hand and refused to let go.

"No need to thank me, it's not me who saved Balu'e this time, but you yourself." Li Wei said sincerely.

But this does not change the enthusiasm of the people.

People enthusiastically crowded up to shake his hand and express their sincere gratitude and even gratitude to him.

Even Riwen couldn't hide her admiration and expectation for Levi. This fierce female warrior who usually killed people without blinking looked at him as if there was light shining in her eyes.

Just like a lost traveler in the desert, after experiencing despair, he finally saw the Big Dipper that pointed him the way.

If someone who doesn't understand this scene sees it, they will probably feel embarrassed, confused, weird, and difficult to understand.

Those who are more thoughtful may subconsciously wonder if Levi has used magic to brainwash everyone.

In fact, Levi didn't understand it at first.

Ever since he became the leader of the Guild Leader and led the team to achieve certain results, he gradually discovered...

Unknowingly, his popularity in the Twin Cities was even higher than Seraphine's.

Everyone's gratitude and admiration for him almost reached an almost fanatical level.

Every time he goes to factories and communities for grassroots inspections, he is moved to tears by countless people.

The scene was so hot that it was difficult for Levi himself to accept it.

So much so that he subconsciously suspected that some people below were playing some traditional trick of "catching up with someone's favor" by hiring extras to present him with a shrine and an umbrella for all people.

But if you think about it carefully, the cadres of the leader are supervised by the goddess, and there is no such thing in his team.

Therefore, in line with the principle that if there is no investigation, there is no right to speak, Li Wei went to investigate carefully in person, and then he found out...

Everyone’s emotions are real.

On the contrary, he is a little out of touch with the masses and is still thinking like a "foreign guest".

After all, Levi is a modern youth in the 21st century, too far away from the passionate years.

So he instinctively couldn't understand the almost fanatical worship of him by the Zaun people.

He was wrong. He should think about this issue from the perspective of the original owner "Levi".

Because if you substitute the perspective of the most ordinary Zaunian, substitute "Levi", and substitute that Zaun apprentice, you will find:

If you are that "Levi".

You were born in the dilapidated Zaun ditch area. Ever since you can remember, you have breathed in the smelly factory exhaust, drank the turbid alchemy wastewater, and eaten food scavenged from the garbage dump, dumped by the people of Piltover. spoiled swill.

You have been without a father since you were a child. From the age of 5, you have to help your mother, who works in a factory, to take care of your younger sister. In order to help her mother support the family, she has to do some handicrafts that children can do, such as making paper flowers and sewing socks every day. Working from morning to night, there is not even a minute to rest.

You think that as long as you work hard and grow up, the situation at home will get better.

But a factory accident, a common occurrence in Zaun, can easily destroy your family. Your mother is dead. Your only relative, your uncle, wants to sell you and your sister into a brothel.

Fortunately, you killed your uncle in time and survived.

Moreover, your sister is still a promising student, and her grades are good enough to be admitted to Pi City University. Your life seems to be getting better again.

You gave everything you had to come to Piltover, hoping to gain a foothold in this progressive city.

All the spare money you have is used to pay for various expenses, and all your free time every day is spent on work. But even so, you still find... you still can't take root in this city.

You owe a loan shark and you can't afford it. Your body, which has been soaked in alchemy sewage for a long time, is also gradually weakening under the heavy work.

You are obviously only 19 years old, but you feel like a zombie with rotting flesh and blood. There seems to be no part of your body that is not in pain, and the short sleep you get every day does nothing to restore your energy.

But you still have to work, and you can't stop for a minute.

Finally one day, you can't hold on any longer. You lay on the narrow bed in the rental house, opening your mouth desperately, but you still couldn't breathe.

Only then do you realize that no matter how hard you struggle, your fate is destined to be a tragedy.

The Zaun people are not hopeless. Your college student sister is hope.

But there are too few lucky people who have the ability to seize this hope.

And there are too many unlucky people like you, or even in worse situations than you, in Zaun.

So, if this time——

A kind-hearted brother has come to you.

This eldest brother has cured your illness and taken care of your body, so that you can follow him in the future.

He also told you some things that sound like science fiction even in the Twin Cities, the capital of science:

It turns out that you don’t have to kneel;

It turns out that you can defeat the Alchemist Baron;

It turns out that through labor, the Zaan people were able to eat meat that did not spoil, drink clean water, wear new clothes, and live in good houses.

You followed this man dubiously, and you gave it a try...

Hey, he still meant it.

Your destiny has been changed.

The poor apprentice "Livy" who was lying on the narrow bed waiting to die has now become the glorious comrade "Livy".

And there are thousands of "Levi" like this in Zaun, thousands of people whose fate has been changed.


At this time, if that big brother came to inspect your factory, how would you react when faced with his smile so close to you?

It is perfectly normal to be moved and cry.

Levi, who comes from the 21st century, cannot understand this scene. But "Li Wei", a native of Zaun, understood.

And this feeling, for the Ionians present, was even more direct and touching.

They were rescued by the Wind Leader from the purgatory-like massacre and became the Wind Leader again.

Many of the untouchables who suffered from discrimination and oppression experienced the feeling of being treated as equals for the first time after joining the Leader.

Of course they are grateful to the legendary leader of the Wind Leader, the chosen one of the goddess Janna, Levi.

"Alas..." Levi sighed in understanding.

Although he understands, he actually doesn't want to be praised too highly.

Levi still wanted to work hard to reduce his own importance as an individual.

He doesn't want to become immortal. The ideal of Lord Janna is so lofty that even an immortal person cannot fully realize it. What is needed to achieve it is not one great man, but countless individuals and countless generations.

So what Li Wei hopes even more is that even if he is gone, even in the far, far future, there will still be countless "hims" who can take over his place and finish the work.

"Okay, okay, stop looking." So, Levi joked: "The statues of gods are for people to see. I don't want to be a statue of gods."

"If you really want to worship God, you might as well go directly to Janna. She is the boss, and I am just a part-timer."

"Haha..." Only then did everyone restrain their almost unlimited enthusiasm.

Those who were moved to tears also smiled and wiped away their tears.

Riven no longer stared at him like she was looking at her mentor. Instead, she took out a pen and paper with a focused expression, making a serious appearance of listening and taking notes at any time.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet." Levi gathered his thoughts and returned to the topic: "Let's have a meeting!"

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