LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 327 There is Coca-Cola, and there is also ice-cream.

The theme of the meeting was about several issues that Ionia's leaders need to face now and in the future.

Among them, the most urgent problem to be solved is of course the one we are facing right now, which is the resettlement of the two batches of war refugees, totaling nearly 100,000 people.

And this question doesn’t even need to be discussed.

Li Wei immediately came up with a solution for everyone: "Wuji Village cannot accommodate so many people, so let everyone go to Zuan."

"I will now ask Mr. Tam to help me move the materials and personnel to build the Hex Flying Gate——"

"When the ultra-long-distance Hex flying gate connecting Zaun and Wuji Village is completed, we can transport these refugees to Zaun for resettlement, and transport the ordnance and supplies you need directly from Zaun."

Li Wei's plan is to evacuate as many civilians as possible and only use the Wuji Mountains as a pure military base for armed operations.

"But..." Feiya, who was a maritime merchant, well-informed and sensitive to economics, couldn't help but question: "President Levi, the operating cost of Hex Flying Gate seems to be very high, right?"

Of course it's high. This thing doesn't burn oil, but Hex gems.

Therefore, even the wealthy Noxus Empire would never use the Hex Flying Gate to transport soldiers and supplies on a large scale until a critical moment.


"Now is the 'critical moment'." Levi said: "Nearly 100,000 civilians are now trapped in the Wuji Mountains, and they are always facing the fatal danger of being surrounded and killed by the Noxus Empire... Human lives are at stake, and we have no time. Go think about saving money.”

Moreover, because he has mastered the synthesis technology of artificial Hex gems, the cost of using Hex flying gates can be further reduced.

What's more, the Leader Association, which has almost completely taken over the high-quality resources of the Twin Cities, is now considered a rich and wealthy person, and is not afraid of spending money at all.

"But..." Fiya clasped her fingers, and based on her understanding of market prices, she did some calculations, and her teeth became sore with pain: "Isn't this too luxurious?"

"Why don't we just use the Hex Flying Gate to move people, supplies, etc... we should find a way to go down the mountain to raise them, instead of using the Hex Flying Gate to transport them from Zaun."

"Your strength is still too weak. Going down the mountain to raise funds and materials will be very risky." Levi said: "And as long as there is no waste, we don't have to be afraid of luxury."

Those who lead the way all come from difficult backgrounds and cannot live a very good life.

But Levi believes that since the leaders now have money and conditions, there is no need to forcefully create a difficult environment.

In a world where faith is visible to the naked eye, leaders do not need to use these external forms of work to strengthen faith.

"We don't just need to use the Hexgate to divert the masses—"

"We also need to allow the soldiers who are standing on the front line of Baru'e to drink Coke shipped by Hex Flying Gate and eat canned meat and ice cream shipped from Zaun."

Li Wei graciously agreed to the promise, which made the leaders present excited.

They all expressed:

"What is Coke?"

"What is ice cream?"

"What is..." Fortunately, no one asked what canned meat was.

Most of these Ionians who live in an agricultural society have never seen the new things in the Twin Cities.

But in fact, Ionia also has Coke and ice cream.

Coca-Cola was shipped thousands of miles from the Twin Cities. The shipping cost was so high that only wealthy people could afford it.

Since ancient times, Ionia has used magic to make ice and mixed fruits and cheese to make "ancient" ice cream.

This kind of pure magic and hand-made ancient ice cream naturally does not contain any technology or hard work.

It is much higher quality than Zaun's ice cream mixed with various alchemical additives.

But it’s much more advanced, and also much more expensive.

Ordinary people simply can't afford it.

Not to mention that they can't afford to eat, they have never even seen him.

Ice cream is a purely noble food in Ionia.

The Ionians in front of me have worked hard in Ionia all their lives, but they don't know that ice cream was the first invention of Ionians, and they have never seen what ice cream looks like.

"President, is that delicious?" Someone smacked his lips curiously.

"Haha." Levi told them with a smile: "You will know, everyone will know."

"Because our leader's mission is to allow all Ionians to drink Coke and eat ice cream."

"Yeah!" Riven, Feiya, and the Wind Leaders all looked serious.

Because Levi has actually mentioned the focus of this meeting, which is also the most important issue that Ionia’s leaders need to face in the future——

How to change Ionia?

Yes, the mission of the leader is not just as simple as driving away the invaders.

What they pursue is to change the entire Ionia, so that everyone in Ionia can drink Coke, eat ice cream, and live a better life.

This problem is big and difficult. This is exactly the problem that Riwen and others cannot solve by themselves these days.

As a result, everyone unanimously looked at Levi, the legendary president of the association who can always point the way for people.

"This..." Levi thought about it seriously: "This question is exactly what I want to say."

"Winning the anti-aggression war, or even seizing the political power of Ionia, is actually not difficult for the leader."

Just like explaining the principle of how to lock an elephant in a refrigerator, Levi directly skipped over the theoretically very important and critical issue of how to win on the battlefield.

Because...there is really nothing to say about this issue for the leader.

First of all, Ionia must win and Noxus must lose. This is almost the consensus of the leaders.

As early as in several articles analyzing the social background of Noxus, such as "Why Noxus Fights" and "Who Can Save Noxus", Levi has already described the story of this seemingly majestic and great empire. The ripped panties were stripped clean without mercy.

Anyone who has read those articles knows that there are countless bombs buried within Noxus waiting to be detonated.

If the Ionians had held out just a little longer, the Noxians themselves would have blown themselves up.

And can Ionia continue to persevere?

This is not even a problem.

Long before the arrival of the Leader, just by relying on the private group training organized by the Ionians themselves, they had already moved Noxus from the stage of strategic attack to the stage of strategic stalemate.

Therefore, there is no need for Li Wei to write another article analyzing the principles of protracted war.

Almost all of the Leaders knew that the Noxians were doomed.

As for how the leader will seize power in Ionia after Noxus is finished?

The leaders, with the goddess Janna behind them, had almost no doubts about this.

If the goddess is so powerful, are we afraid that they will not be able to gain a firm foothold in Ionia in the future, will not be able to hold on tightly, will not be able to occupy the track, and will not be able to compete with those friends who have primitive technology and backward ideas?

"For an organization with ideals, conquering the world is never the most difficult problem."

"The most difficult question is always how to govern the world." Li Wei said with emotion.

The ultimate ideal of the leader is simply too lofty. Even if Levi had help from a plug-in like Goddess Janna, he would not dare to guarantee that he could build a truly harmonious society in his lifetime.

“All our generation can do is move forward as much as possible toward the goal.”

"And now we need to take the first step forward, which is how to change the old Ionia——"

"Tell me more details." Li Wei solemnly pointed out the theme of the meeting: "How can we change Ionia's feudal and backward production relations in the future under the special conditions where Ionia needs to pursue the balance of all things?"

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