LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 458 Mortal Magic

"Why, why?" Looking at the iron mountain in front of him, Tryndamere was confused.

He asked the camp cadre: "Why is iron so cheap?"

"Because we have alchemy technology." The cadre had something to do, so he left in a hurry without saying anything.

"This..." Tryndamere completely fell into panic.

Alchemy technology! It’s this magic called “technology” again!

Can the magic of these Demacians really make iron so cheap and inexhaustible?

Tryndamere doesn't understand the industrial revolution, but he understands simple logical reasoning:

"Magic" has improved, iron materials have become cheaper, more people can afford iron tools, the demand for iron tools has also increased, more blacksmiths are needed, and the employment problem of Freljord immigrants has been solved. The people of Freljord can then be self-reliant and create wealth for Demacia...

So with more than 10,000 mouths, can they still defeat the Demacians?

No, it's impossible.

"Oops!" Tryndamere suddenly realized why these Demacians welcomed the Freljordians so much.

Co-author: Those mortals who can only be regarded as a burden on the ice sheet are high-level talents worth introducing here!

If things go on like this, the ice tribes that Ashe finally united will all be sucked up by Demacia?

"Ashe's blood alliance." The Iceborn warriors all looked at him nervously: "Then what should we do?"

"This..." Tryndamere was also at a loss.

There is simply no solution to this problem.

The first creed of the ice people is survival, a better survival.

Therefore, except for tribes that are integrated by blood relations, the Icelanders have no concept of "loyalty, filial piety, and righteousness" towards anyone outside their own tribe.

Whoever can lead everyone to survive on the ice sheet, whoever can give everyone a better life, is the person worth following.

Previously, this person was Ashe.

And now...

Tryndamere looked up at the blond girl flying in the air, Laxana Crownguard.

Ashe is of course the greatest and most charismatic leader in his mind. There's endless bread here in Crocus!

To be honest, if he is not Ashe's blood alliance, but just an ordinary ice warrior attached to the Avarosa Alliance...

Then he would definitely choose to betray Ashe and go south to seek refuge with this Demacia girl.

"What should I do?" Tryndamere thought for a moment and realized how irresistibly attractive the conditions here were to the ice people.

"What should I do?" The Iceborn warriors also looked at him blankly, seeking advice from the only intellectual hero in the team.

"Perhaps..." Suddenly, Tryndamere raised his head with eyes bright: "Perhaps, iron has become cheaper, but it has not become as cheap as we feared."

"After all, magic is always an expensive thing, isn't it?"

"This..." The Iceborn warriors were slightly startled.


They simply understood "technology" as a kind of magic, and soon thought of the scarcity of magic itself.

Magic needs to be cast manually by mages, and mages are a rare talent that is unique in every place.

By hiring noble spellcasters to "stimulate" the production of steel, can the production cost of this steel really be reduced to the cabbage price they are worried about?

"I see..." Tryndamere thought of all the information he had learned over the past few days about the current situation in Demacia.

He knew that Demacia had officially abolished the ban on magic and abolished the Demon Seeker Corps.

He also knew that the Crownguard family had a special force composed entirely of mages. They were once demon-tainted sinners imprisoned in the Forbidden Demon Tower, and later became private soldiers loyal to the Crownguard family in the name of the "Mage Prisoner Army".

Misilver City happens to be the territory of the Crownguard family.

"The Crownguard family must have enslaved those mages and forced them to work! Otherwise, these magical creations cannot be so cheap!"

Tryndamere felt like he had found the answer.

No wonder the iron in Mithral City is worthless. It turns out that the Crown Guard family happens to have a group of cheap mages on hand, who can cast the production-increasing magic called "Alchemy Technology" at a low cost.

And since all of this comes from magic, from a group of mages who are suspected of being enslaved, then it is a special case that cannot be copied.

"There must be a limit to the production of this low-cost steel." A wise light flashed in Tryndamere's eyes: "Even the Crownguard family can no longer conjure so many obedient mages out of thin air to use the method of increasing steel production. The magic!”

Since this production model cannot be copied or expanded, the problem is easier to solve.

It’s nothing more than continuing to consume it!

"The cheap steel produced by the mages may provide jobs for more than 10,000 icefield furnace households."

"But there are tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of furnace households on the ice sheet, and our Avarosa Alliance still has the energy to send more people. And what about the Crownguard family? How many mages can they bring out, and how many cheap offers can they provide? Iron material?"

"not to mention..."

"These mages are not mortals. They are as special as the iceborn on the ice field. Are these naturally noble spellcasters really willing to be enslaved by the Crownguard family and work as free labor for these nobles?"

Tryndamere found a new breakthrough against Demacia, which was the human problem of the mage of Mithral City.

The scarcity of mages themselves means that the cost of magical creations cannot be low.

But the Crown Guard family was able to produce such cheap "magic iron".

What does this mean?

It shows that the remaining value of the mage must be completely squeezed out by the Crown Guard family!

They are definitely enslaved by the Crown Guard family, and they cast spells for the Crown Guard family for free every day.

"Perhaps, we can find those mages and convince them to join our team." The more Tryndamere thought about it, the more feasible it became.

By uniting those mages to fight against the Crownguard family, they can not help but destroy Mithril City's cheap steel industry from its roots, and it can also add assistance to the Avarosa Alliance on the battlefield.

This is simply killing two birds with one stone, getting the best of both worlds.

"Wonderful! Tryndamere!" The Iceborn warriors all looked at the wise man with admiration.

The name they called him unconsciously changed from leader Ai Xi's bed-warming girl to his own name.

Tryndamere has used his superhuman wisdom and outstanding wisdom to break away from the shackles of his status as a female family vassal and win the respect of everyone.

And just then...

"Tryndamere!" The leaders have finished unloading the goods, and the cargo compartments of the alchemy trucks are also empty.

Then, unexpectedly, the noble Miss Laxana flew down from the sky and came to Tryndamere, the inconspicuous leader of the small tribe.

"Lady Laxana!" Tryndamere pretended to be respectful.

"You don't need to call me Sir, just call me by my name." Lux spoke in a very approachable manner, not like a noble lord at all.

But Tryndamere always felt that somehow, the way she looked at him was a bit unpleasant.

"Tryndamere, you are the first batch of employees selected into the blacksmith cooperative."

"Now that the site and equipment of the Handmade Agricultural Tool Factory have been prepared, you can come back to the Miyin City Industrial Zone with me after dinner and try to start work."

After saying that, Lacus silently added: "The food you earn by yourself tastes good. After you go there, you have to work hard!"

"Yes!" Tryndamere nodded naively.

Coincidentally, he also planned to find an opportunity to leave the immigration camp and go to Mithril City to inquire about the situation.

Now Lux is sending them to work in the Mithril City Industrial Zone...In the industrial zone, could this be the place where the Crownguard family forced those mages to work?

Once they go there, will they be able to find mages who know how to use "technological" magic and invite them to launch a counter-offensive against Demacia?

When he thought of this, Tryndamere's work attitude became more positive.

As soon as he wiped his mouth and put his job away, he took the initiative and said, "Miss Laxana, we can go to work now! We will definitely work hard and repay your kindness!"

"Oh?" Lux's expression suddenly softened a lot.

She no longer looked at people like she was looking at others, but said happily: "Okay, you guys pack up and get in the car with me."

"Yes!" Tryndamere nodded, turned around and summoned the accompanying Iceborn warriors.

Soon, nearly a hundred people were assembled.

Under the guidance of Lux, they all boarded the cargo bed of the alchemy truck.

After Lux explained a series of work contents to the camp cadres, she also flew into the sky above the truck convoy:

"Let's go! Let's go back to Mithril City!"


A long time later, outside Mithril City.

The truck that Tryndamere and others were riding in was slowly driving on the muddy dirt road in the mountains.

"Ahem!" The Iceborn warriors pinched their noses and endured the alchemical smoke that the truck kept spitting out.

Because Zaun has never clicked on an environmentally friendly technology tree in the past, this alchemy truck is like a vehicle-shaped Singed, releasing "poison" all the way.

"This car smells really bad." The Iceborn warriors complained in low voices: "But..."

They were still like babies who were new to the world, curiously touching the steel giant beast under them.

"Is this made of iron?" Obviously it is.

A chariot made of steel, this is understandable.


"It's not driven by magic?" The Iceborn warriors were surprised.

After careful observation and immersion in perception, they could not feel the magic power fluctuations from this giant steel beast that could move on its own.

"Yeah..." Tryndamere also murmured: "This is not magic."

The size of this truck is comparable to the mammoth on the ice sheet, and its carrying capacity is far better than the Enuk bull in their tribe.

In addition to being too slow, it seems to have no combat effectiveness. It is almost equivalent to a household version of the Juvask wild boar!

But this thing doesn't eat grass or drink water, and it's not powered by magic...

How did the Demacians make it move?

Tryndamere was simply confused at first, and then gradually felt nervous: "It was clear that no magic was used, but it achieved a magic-like effect."

What is this?

What kind of magical power do Demacians possess?

The more Tryndamere thought about it, the more he felt inexplicably panicked, and then...

"Mithril City is almost here!" Lux, flying in the sky, shouted softly, bringing his mind back to reality.

At this time, the truck convoy just drove out of the last mountain pass and slowly drove towards the high plain where Mithril City is located.

Then, Tryndamere immediately noticed the difference.

Because the road has changed.

The road is no longer a dirt road in the countryside, but a very smooth and smooth road surface that has been hardened with some special material.

When a truck drives onto such a road, its speed suddenly increases.

The scenery on both sides began to flicker by like a revolving lantern, and the breeze blowing on the face gradually became stronger.

"This..." This is simply magic! Without magic, who could make such a long muddy road so hard and smooth?

But this is not magic.

Because Tryndamere saw the red flag waving in the distance.

He saw many ordinary mortals, working hard to level the land and build roads with the help of giant steel beasts of different shapes.

"All of this was created by mortals?" Tryndamere became more and more shocked and confused.

He looked at the truck at his feet, and a bold and ridiculous idea came to his mind...

Could this magical monster, which uses no magic power, also be created by mortals?

"No, it won't be..." Tryndamere didn't want to believe it.

If Demacians can create magical creations out of mortal bodies, doesn't it mean that those "magic steels" that are as cheap as cabbage may also be...

Tryndamere was panicking.

At this time, as the truck accelerated, the outline of Mithril City gradually appeared in front of their field of vision.

The current appearance of this city can be said to be a very strange combination.

In the distance are the tall and holy white city walls and the solid and elegant Crownguard Castle. At first glance, it looks like a standard Demacia city, with the classical aesthetics of the country of knights everywhere revealed.

However, what rose outside the old city was a new city made of steel.

Towering chimneys, neat factory buildings, flat roads, giant steel beasts running on the roads... the style of painting feels completely different.

"Ahead is the industrial area of ​​Mithril City, where you will work in the future." Lux's voice sounded from the air at the right time.

"Tryndamere, look!" The Iceborn warriors pulled Tryndamere in shock and asked him to look around.

I saw another truck convoy passing by right next to their truck.

And what's on these trucks are all... gray-black balls.

"What is this?" Tryndamere and others were a little confused.

"This is iron ore." Lux noticed their curiosity and slowly flew down into the sky to answer.

"Iron ore? Why does the iron ore look like this?"

These ice people are proficient in metallurgy and forging. But they have only seen natural iron ore, not such regular-shaped "iron balls".

This is obviously a man-made product.

"This is pelletized ore." Lux explained simply: "The concentrator extracts iron concentrate powder with an iron content of more than 64% from the ore, and then re-burns the iron concentrate powder through the pelletizer into blocks. This is Looks like it."

"Iron fine powder is in powder form. If added directly to the blast furnace, it will easily burn unevenly and pose a risk of explosion. Therefore, it will cause pellets...well, these are the 'iron balls' you see."

"They are actually the raw materials for blast furnace ironmaking."

"Huh?" Tryndamere and others looked confused.

Obviously they are all part-time blacksmiths, but they can't quite understand...

Mineral processing plant? Iron powder? Pellets? Blast furnace making iron? What are these?

According to the traditional craftsmanship of the Freljord people, they manually grind natural iron ore into small particles, and then go through multiple manual screenings. They use this primitive method to reduce iron-making raw materials as much as possible. impurities in it.

If you want to go further, you can only call on those noble forging mages and use special magic methods.

Therefore, they cannot understand how the mineral processing plant works and how it extracts iron concentrate powder in large quantities from natural iron ore with a lot of impurities.

Yes, the focus is on large quantities.

"So many vehicles..." Tryndamere and others looked at the convoy transporting iron ore.

The trucks were connected end to end, so long that it was almost impossible to see the end.

With so many trucks, how much iron-making raw materials must be loaded this time?

"How long will it take you to use so much iron ore?" Tryndamere asked puzzledly.

"Haha, that's not too much." Lux said with a smile: "What you see now is just the daily usage of our Mithril City Steel Plant."

"One day?" Tryndamere couldn't believe it: "You can smelt so much iron ore in one day?"

"Yes." Lux smiled but said nothing.

Because as the truck drove into the industrial park, the answer was already in front of everyone.

Tryndamere felt a gust of hot wind coming from ahead. When he looked up, he saw a...

Stove several stories high.

Yes, this is an iron-making furnace.

Tryndamere checked for a long time before he recognized that this behemoth was an iron-making furnace.

Different from the small furnaces of furnace owners, it is completely a huge monster made of steel.

There is a special transmission channel responsible for transporting ore and coke from the blast furnace silo at the bottom to the top of this huge furnace, continuously feeding raw materials to this greedy beast.

Tons upon tons of ore were immersed in the blazing fire of this huge furnace. With the abundant oxygen coming from the hot blast furnace drum that was also several stories high, it was quickly melted into magma-like molten pig iron.

An unimaginable amount of molten iron gurgled out from the bottom of this huge furnace.

They flowed like a stream into the large torpedo-shaped molten metal tank that was as big as a car, and were quickly carried by the molten iron truck towards the steel plant.

"This is...the blast furnace?" Tryndamere murmured.

He was stunned.

This huge furnace in front of us, this sky completely occupied by steel and molten fire, is simply like the furnace home of the demigod Ornn in the ancient legend of Freljord.

This should obviously be a god, a wonder that can only be created by an extraordinary and powerful person.

Only a powerful transcendent can create such a large furnace and control this river of flames and molten iron.

However, the blast furnace that appeared in front of him...

"Is it a creation of magic?" Tryndamere asked in panic.

He didn't sense any magic fluctuations from the stove. This isn't magic.

"No." Lux gave the same answer: "This is a creation of mortals."

"It was those ordinary scholars and craftsmen who created it with their wisdom and labor."

"Can a mortal create such a monster?!" Tryndamere couldn't believe it.

"Why not?" Lux smiled and looked at the Crownguard Family Castle in the distance.

That majestic castle was also made by mortals.

Mortal creativity has always been great.

"Now, we're just building something more complex."

"..." Tryndamere was silent for a while.

It's over. It's all over now. This is not magic! This is the power of mortals!

"Ai Xi..." He clenched his fists in despair: "The enemy this time is too powerful."

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