LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 459 “Large Construction Machinery”

Magical creations are difficult to replicate, but mortal creations of wisdom can.

Since castles and blast furnaces are essentially the creations of mortal craftsmen.

It is not difficult to imagine that in the future, Demacians will build this steel city called the "Industrial Zone" in front of them like a castle in every part of the Kingdom of Demacia.

There will be countless such majestic iron-making blast furnaces standing in this vast land.

Demacia will become a true "Hearth". Their territory will be filled with inexhaustible rivers of molten iron, making the price of iron unimaginably cheap.

This emerging industry will create a large number of jobs, and these jobs that represent a better life will, like the tempting wheat bread, continuously attract Freljord people to come south.

Tryndamere couldn't think of how to stop such an enemy.

Because his enemy is not people at all, but the torrent of history, the tide of the times, and the storm of change.

"..." Tryndamere froze there, unable to speak for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Lux noticed something strange about him.

"I..." He suddenly came back to his senses.

Facing Lax's innocent and concerned gaze, Tryndamere hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help but asked tentatively: "Miss Laxana, this industrial area is simply like the legendary furnace town of Ornn."

"I have never seen so much iron... If there is so much iron to use, will all the Freljordians be able to come here as blacksmiths in the future?"

Of course Tryndamere knew that Demacia couldn't allow millions of Freljordians on the ice to work as blacksmiths.

There is always an upper limit to market demand. No matter how large this emerging steel industry is, it cannot be so large that it requires millions of blacksmiths.

What's more, Demacians themselves need jobs.

He speculated that Demacia was so proactive in recruiting Freljord furnace owners because of the shortage of professional talents. In the future, Demacia will definitely give priority to training its own people to be blacksmiths, rather than endlessly recruiting Freljord immigrants.

That's why Tryndamere deliberately pretended to be stupid, trying to get a rough figure out of Lux's mouth to see how many manpower the Demacians planned to absorb from the Freljord in the future.

He wanted to know how many ice tribes Demacia could poach, how strong this attack would be, and whether Ashe and her Avarosan Alliance could withstand it.

"Will all Freljordians have the opportunity to come here as blacksmiths in the future?" Faced with Tryndamere's question, Lux did not answer directly.

She just looked at the "silly guy" in front of her thoughtfully, and asked a little curiously: "Tryndamere, why do you suddenly ask that?"

"Well..." Teda Milton was suddenly a little nervous.

He thought that this aristocratic girl, who looked immature but was actually shrewd and capable, had discovered something fishy about herself.

So he had no choice but to explain: "Miss, I... I just think... life here is very good."

"So I've been thinking, it would be great if all Freljordians could come to work in Demacia and live a life of bread every day."

"This..." Lux's eyes lit up upon hearing this.

She suddenly looked over unexpectedly and appreciatively, and even her original look of looking at him was completely gone.

"Tryndamere, it's great that you think so." Lux sounded very pleased.

In the eyes of the Freljord people, there is almost no concept of country or nation, only tribes. They have always been indifferent to people outside the tribe and regard them as potential opponents or even prey.

But it's not enough for Tryndamere to live a good life himself. He also hopes that all Freljord compatriots, except his own tribe, can live such a good life.

This level of thinking is already quite advanced for an iceman.

"I look forward to your next progress." Lark praised Tryndamere without hesitation.

Then she replied, "No, of course we can't have all the Freljordians work as blacksmiths."

"Right now, our machinery factories have insufficient production capacity, so we need craftsmen to help absorb the steel production capacity. When the next batch of machinery factories assisted by Zuan are built, we won't need so many blacksmiths."

"Oh?" Tryndamere was delighted when he heard this.

Machinery shop, what is that? he does not know.

But he could vaguely hear that this seemed to be something that could replace a large number of blacksmiths.

Just like the iron-making blast furnace, a small manual furnace can replace thousands of blacksmiths.

Doesn't that mean that these Freljord furnace owners who moved to Mithril City will collectively lose their jobs sooner or later?

Will Demacia's immigration door be closed to the Freljordians sooner or later?

This is not good news for most ice people. But it is good news for the Avarosa Alliance.

Tryndamere was thinking so...

"But don't worry." Lux said in a sincere tone: "Even if the second batch of machinery factories are built in the future, you will not be unemployed."

"We will find ways to provide you with sufficient cultural knowledge and vocational skills training during this period, and strive to train you into industrial workers who can adapt to mechanized production."

"Although it is a bit difficult to be a technical worker...but I think you can still do some simple operations that do not require high knowledge reserves."

"And it's not just you. It's the rest of the Freljord as well."

"Demacia's door will always be open to the ice fields, welcoming them to work and live here."

As she spoke, Lux showed a smile as warm as the sun.

But Tryndamere couldn't laugh anymore.

There is no need for a blacksmith in the future, and you will continue to recruit Freljordians?

And you still go to great lengths to help these "barbarians" learn culture, find jobs, and help them adapt to civilized life?

"Why?" Tryndamere gritted his teeth and asked, "Miss Laxana, why are you so nice to the icelanders?"

Which ice tribe can resist this series of Whiver policies?

This is simply killing their Avarosa Alliance!

Are the Demacians really so extravagant that they burn their money like paper in order to deal with Ashe?

"Because this is our ideal." Lux answered seriously.

"Huh?" Tryndamere looked confused.

"You may not understand it now..." Lux knew that these Freljordians, who had never seen feudal society, could not understand Janna's theory.

So she tried to put it in words everyone could understand: "In short, Tryndamere:"

"Just like you hope that all Freljordians can live a good life with bread every day, what I hope is that everyone in the world can live such a good life without worrying about food and drink, even better than this. better life."

"Regardless of country or race. Unite everyone and the world will be united."

"What?" Tryndamere thought she was crazy.

He thought this was something only a madman could say.

Krax has clear eyes and a firm expression, and her green face is filled with the brilliance of ideals. She is as pure and holy as a goddess under the sunlight.

Tryndamere was not the only one speechless. The Iceborn warriors present were also fascinated.

They had an inexplicable feeling... What this girl said was serious.

"But, how is this possible..." Tryndamere couldn't understand: "How is it possible for everyone in the world to live such a good life, regardless of country or race?"

"Why is it impossible?" Lux said: "As you have seen these days: Isn't everything we are doing now just working towards this goal?"

"Using alchemy technology to produce fast-growing chickens can make more people affordable to eat meat."

“Blast furnace iron produced using alchemical technology can make iron affordable for more people.”

“Farmers have more useful iron farm tools, gain strength from eating meat, have agricultural machinery, chemical fertilizers, water conservancy facilities, and technological breeding. They can also improve labor efficiency and land yields, and produce more food... .”

"If it's just about putting bread on the table for everyone, we can do it pretty quickly."

Lux explained a wonderful future, leaving Tryndamere stunned.

But he still couldn't understand: "Why? Even if there is enough food for everyone to eat one day, why do you want to help us Freljordians who have nothing to do with you to fill our bellies?"

"Because liberating productivity is ultimately about liberating people." Lux replied.

"?" Tryndamere couldn't understand even more.

"Haha." Lux didn't answer in a hurry. She smiled heartily and said, "This is my ideal, and it will also be your ideal."

"You will understand later - someone will explain all this to you in the cultural class at the Workers' Night School."

Tryndamere was still confused.

But Lux didn't intend to continue explaining.

These ice people with backward civilization don’t even know what the main body is. Naturally, they cannot understand the endogenous defects of the main body, nor can they understand why people long for the main body of Janna, and why the main body of Janna is The inevitable development of history.

Now that I have explained it, they don’t understand it either.

Even if they could barely understand her, they would only regard her as the legendary divine virgin, not a Janna Lord Yi warrior.

"You will understand these things later."

With that said, Lux waved her staff gently and flew into the sky lightly: "Your place of work is almost here. I have official business to attend to, so I won't continue to see you off."

"Tryndamere, if you really want to know the answer, then cheer up, work hard, and go to class."

Lux gave her last serious instructions and flew away.

Tryndamere and the others were left with a bewildered look on their faces, and drove towards the factory in front of them in a truck.

"This..." Tryndamere's eyes were filled with confusion.

What is Lux's ideal? Let everyone in the world live a good life?

Although this wish is absurd, it seems not difficult to understand.

So what other specific content does she have in her faith, and why does she need to go to class to understand it?

Also, Demacia accepts the Freljords so it really for the so-called ideal?

"Tryndamere." The Iceborn warriors all looked at him with concern: "That girl seems to be serious."

"You say...can these Germans really allow all Freljordians to live the kind of good life she said?"

"If they can really..." Everyone hesitated to speak.

Although the Iceborn warriors did not dare to say what they said clearly, the light in their eyes showed that they were moved.

I can't help it, the bread is so delicious.

If the Demacians can really fulfill their promise, allowing them to eat bread forever, and even allow everyone in the Avarosan Alliance to live such a good life, then...

Why wouldn't they do it?

And don't go against the Demacians. Just let Ashe take the big guys and come to Demacia to eat bread.

"No!" Teda Milil suddenly woke up.

He suddenly understood everything.

"What makes everyone live a good life...this is all a lie!" Tryndamere said through gritted teeth.

"Demacia is not like our tribe. Everyone is united and selfless."

"Their nobles are a bunch of selfish ghosts, a bunch of blood-suckers who value their own interests above all else! Then why do they spend so many resources to help the Icelanders just for the unrealistic ideals of a little girl?"

"Oh, I think the ideal she talked about is just a way to break the ice people's will to resist!"

Tryndamere didn't believe Lux, let alone the beautiful future she described.

"As long as food production increases, everyone, including the Freljordians, can have enough to eat?"

"It's ridiculous! Was there not much food in Demacia in the past? No, no less! Which of their noble families' granaries were so full that they would be able to eat it all in a lifetime?"

"But even so, aren't there still many Demacians who don't have enough to eat?"

Thinking of this, Tryndamere suddenly woke up from that beautiful dream.

"These German nobles treat their own people as slaves and are not willing to leave them even a morsel of extra food."

"How can you believe that they will sincerely be kind to the people of Freljord and will bring us a better life?"

"Wake up!" Tryndamere said excitedly to everyone: "There is no kind savior in the world!"

"You can only catch prey by yourself. Don't you understand this truth?"

"This..." The Iceborn warriors suddenly woke up.

yes! Why do they believe that a group of selfish and greedy foreigners will bring them a better life?

The Germans are not their long-lost biological father. Why do you want to help them so kindly?

Picture the so-called ideal?

No, how could there be such a noble saint in the world.

Even if there were, it would be impossible to have a group of such saints.

Even if there were a group of such saints, their numbers would not be large enough to control a kingdom.

This is inconsistent with their understanding of the real world.

"This must be a Demacian conspiracy!"

"The reason why they are so kind to the ice people is because there is an Avarosa Alliance on the ice."

"When our alliance is shattered, our power disintegrates, and we are no longer able to pose any threat to Demacia - by then, will Demacia still be so good to us?"

Tryndamere understood the value theory of united front without any teacher.

In his view, Demacia now treats immigrants so favorably simply because they still have united front value.

The reason why they have united front value is entirely because of the existence of the huge threat of the Avarosa Alliance.

Once enough ice tribes surrender to make the Avarosa Alliance cease to exist, the Germans will definitely tear off their hypocritical mask and use the cruel methods they used to treat their own serfs to double the oppression and exploitation of those ice tribes that have been reduced to a piece of loose sand. people.

"These Demacians are really evil!" Tryndamere said with regret.

Material attraction and ideological penetration, while watching the disintegration of the resistance of the ice people, they also concoct a set of high-sounding rhetoric to make you believe that they are the saviors.

This combination of punches is really terrifying.

Tryndamere can understand all this, but can those people in the ice plain who just want to eat bread understand it?

No. The land in the ice field is too barren, and the life of the people in the ice field is too hard.

Even if someone understood, few would refuse the bread that was immediately available.

"Then what should we do?" The Iceborn warriors looked over worriedly.

"No way." Tryndamere sighed longly.

Ashe's original plan to kill the Germans with a wave of immigration was no longer feasible.

"The only option is to start a war." He thought for a moment and said, "I will send a message back now to convince Ai Xi to lead the army south as soon as possible."

"Huh?" The Iceborn warriors were slightly startled: "Are we really going to start a war?"

"But what War Mother Ai Xi means is that we should try to avoid..."

"There's no way to avoid it. These Demacian sugar-coated bullets are so powerful that we can't even use them up."

"The only thing we can do better than the Germans now is our axe." Tryndamere was about to say this.


"Boom--" There was a sound of earth shaking and mountains shaking in the distance.

Everyone looked around in confusion, and saw a white stone giant with wings on its back, slowly walking out of the valley outside Misilver City.

It feels about tens of meters high, like a moving mountain.

And Lux, who had left them before, was now flying far away beside the white giant.

"What is this?!" Seeing Lux suddenly flying out of the mountain, the Iceborn warriors' hearts sank.

"Don't, don't be nervous..." Tryndamere tried to calm down.

He pointed at the giant and said, "Look, its body is made of stone. It looks like a man-made product."

"I guess... it's probably similar to a truck. It's a construction machine made by Demacia craftsmen."

"It's just a large construction machine, it shouldn't have much combat effectiveness." Tryndamere was saying this.

Then, through his transcendent ears, he heard Lux ​​say to the giant from a distance: "Gario, thank you."

"Without you, our industrial zone would not have been able to be built so quickly."

"You're welcome, little blond man," the giant replied angrily.

It just spoke softly, and the sound echoed in all directions.

"With only the last mountain left, this road line can be completely opened." Galio pointed to the hill in front of him and asked: "Little blond man, are you going to crack the mountain open, or flatten it directly? "

"Just bulldoze it." Lux said, "Mithril City will have to be expanded in the future. The more flat land, the better."

"Okay." Galio nodded.

Then, accompanied by a powerful and suffocating magic wave: "Justice Punch!"

Galio pushed forward with all his strength, and half of the hill fell over like a soft cake.

"War Gale Wind!" Then he spread his wings and set off a powerful magical storm.

The collapsed earth was blown up by the strong wind, and was swept away like pieces of paper in one fell swoop.

Tryndamere: "..."

Ice Warrior: "..."

There was a delicate silence.

"Don't, don't be afraid..." Tryndamere swallowed: "Ashe has the power inheritance of Avarosa, we are no weaker than it."

That's what I say, but...

"Tryndamere." The Iceborn warriors suggested hesitantly: "How about we eat again... and observe for a few days before starting a battle?"

"Didn't that girl also say she wants to teach us? Let's see what she wants to teach..."

"..." Tryndamere thought for a while.


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