LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 497 The power of ants

Zaun and Piltover, offshore.

While the Wind Leaders were struggling to resist the undead invasion around the world, Janna and Levi were always fighting to the death with Mordekaiser in the black mist barrier.

The wind of change and the king of the underworld, the vast power of the two gods, poured out unreservedly at this moment.

The brutal air current and the surging black mist are like two flood hurricanes meeting head-on.

The two were constantly entangled, colliding, and clashing in this boundary space. Their confrontation caused thousands of turbulences and shattered countless flying clouds.

If Mordekaiser's black mist barrier hadn't isolated the inside and outside, then the aftermath of this battle of true gods alone would have been enough to set off thousands of giant waves on the sea, crushing countless undead.

"Hammer of Destruction!" Mordekaiser slapped Levi away from him for an unknown number of times.

But Janna's fiery airflow could always protect his body intact, and her resuscitating monsoon could always make him recover after fatigue.

I saw Levi's figure flying backwards for thousands of meters in an instant, and did not stop until he hit the solid black mist barrier.

But in the blink of an eye, with the blessing of Janna's divine power, he was swept back with endless violent air currents, wielding the invisible blade condensed by the storm, and came back menacingly.

"This..." The more Mordekaiser fought, the more he felt something was wrong.

According to his assumptions, shouldn't the goddess Janna become weaker and weaker as her followers disappear?

Why did the two sides fight for so long, and Janna's divine power not only did not weaken, but also became faintly stronger?

This is actually easy to explain.

Mordekaiser was distracted, looking through the dense black mist barrier in the direction of Zaun and Piltover:

He saw that the coastal defense system that had been defeated in his eyes was still standing firmly there.

At this time, there were so many undead pouring into the mortal world that they occupied the entire sea within Mordekaiser's field of vision.

The sun has set. But the fluorescent will-o'-the-wisp that covered the clouds and sky almost turned the dark night into gloomy day.

But even so, the coastal defenses of the Twin Cities still stand. It stood proudly in front of the Sea of ​​the Dead, blocking the waves of death for the bustling city behind it.

"How dare these humans survive until now?" Mordekaiser couldn't believe it.

For the first time in his life, he couldn't help but be surprised by the power of a mortal.

Zaun and Piltover, this city was a weak city-state that was under the wings of the Noxus Empire more than two years ago, and even an imperial battle group had to be carefully guarded by its soldiers and generals.

But now, its people stand bravely in front of the sea of ​​​​the dead that is destroying the world and has persisted without flinching until now!

The city is still the same city, and the people are still the same people.

How did the weak Shuangcheng people become so powerful?

"No..." And it's not just the Twin Cities.

The undiminished divine power of the goddess Janna has shown that not only in the Twin Cities, but also in Shurima, Demacia, Noxus, Ionia, and Bilgewater——

In every battlefield in Runeterra, the leader did not retreat, was not defeated, and was not destroyed!

"I said it." Janna's ethereal and powerful voice sounded calmly at this moment: "Our people will definitely be able to complete the mission."

"But your arrogance makes you arrogant and blinds you to the great power that mortals possess - and this is doomed to your failure, Mordekaiser."

"Failure?" Mordekaiser smiled.

He was a little annoyed, but more mockingly retorted: "Yes, I admit, the performance of those ants is beyond my imagination."

"It's remarkable that they held out for so long against my army of the undead."

"But..." Mordekaiser's voice turned cold: "What can this change?"

"Ants are just ants after all!"

"Faced with the great flood that swallows up the world, the ants' struggle can only delay their drowning process and make them endure more despair and pain before they die!"

In Mordekaiser's view, Janna's current performance is nothing more than a reflection of a terminally ill patient.

Yes, the willpower and combat effectiveness of those leaders were stronger than he imagined.

But are their physical abilities unlimited? Is magic unlimited? Are weapons and ammunition unlimited?


"I want to see how long you can hold on!" Mordekaiser sneered.

His army of tens of millions of undead may have been reduced to a fraction by now.

And what about the leader? It would be great if the total number of troops that the leader has mobilized urgently around the world is 1 million.

In any case, the strength of the troops in this battle is tens of millions versus one million. The advantage is obviously mine!

As the war lasted from dusk to dark, the physical strength, weapons and ammunition of the leaders must have been almost exhausted.

The leader is just the end of a powerful crossbow. Even though they have been defending until now, they have not been defeated. Maybe in the next second, that shaky defense line will collapse.

That's what Mordekaiser was thinking...

"Withdrawal?" He saw the leaders on the coastal defense line suddenly starting to retreat backwards.

They have abandoned their long-standing coastal defenses and are desperately shrinking towards the cities behind them.

"Hahahaha..." Mordekaiser couldn't help but laugh: "Janna, what now?"

"Your followers can no longer hold on - where is the 'mortal power' you called now?"

Janna was silent. She seemed to have fallen into despair over this scene.

This retreat of the leader seems to be just a limited strategic change. But everyone could see that it was also the beginning of a great rout.

After all, even the strongest coastal defense line cannot be defended. When the undead pour into the city, will the tired leader of the division be able to hold it?

"Hahaha." Mordekaiser admired this scene proudly.

He saw the leaders, like bereaved dogs, trying their best to delay the advance of the undead with various weapons while running towards the rear in embarrassment.

Gradually, as the leader continued to withdraw, the sea of ​​the dead finally flooded the coast under the impact of this wave, and poured into the bustling city behind.

For a time, fluorescent lights covered the ground and will-o'-the-wisps shot into the sky. The city was slowly engulfed by the wave of undead, and was about to collapse before his eyes.

Although the residents of the coastal urban area had already retreated to the rear for refuge before the leader retreated.

But the Twin Cities are so big, so how can there be so many places to hide behind?

When the undead army crosses the coastal city and pours into the hinterland of the city, what awaits millions of people in the twin cities will be a despairing massacre.

"Look, Janna!" Mordekaiser sneered: "Those mortals you want to protect will soon perish in front of you."

"And without the faith of millions of people, how long can you persist in front of me?"

Janna remained silent, as if she no longer had the confidence to refute.

Mordekaiser looked at her proudly, as if he wanted to appreciate the despair in the goddess's eyes.

But what he saw was not despair.

But it is calm, and there is silent anger in the calm, just like in the early days.

"What?" Mordekaiser's heart sank.

He finally realized something was wrong.

The reason why he was laughing arrogantly and just talking without taking action was because he knew that Janna's current strength was almost the same as his.

Now the fight continues, and there is no winner for a while.

So it is better to stop and hang up and type taunts, wait until the twin cities are completely fallen, all the wind leaders are dead, and the power of the goddess Janna is weakened to the point that she can no longer compete with her, and then solve the battle with one blow.

The advantage is his, and so is his time.

Therefore, Mordekaiser had the patience to wait.


"Why don't you do anything?" Mordekaiser stared at Janna.

The one who is about to lose now is obviously her! Shouldn't she seize the time and let go and fight to the death before her strength is weakened too much?

But she also imitated him and hung up on the spot, doing nothing.

Why? Is it because she was so desperate that she gave up resistance?

"No..." Janna's eyes said it all.

She finally responded: "Because I'm waiting too."

"What are you waiting for?" Mordekaiser felt inexplicably uneasy.

"Wait for my comrade," Janna said.

"?" Mordekaiser didn't understand.

He never imagined that there would be gods in this world who would call their followers "comrades" with equal status.

But he knew that Janna was the God of Faith, and the God of Faith had only one source of power, and that was believers.

So Janna is waiting for her followers?

But can a believer who needs time to develop appear out of thin air in this short battle?

If Janna wants to have the power to crush Mordekaiser, she may need the faith of dozens or millions of people.

Where do you find so many believers? Do they all rely on the progressive masses to make breakthroughs on the spot and enter the Tao?

"You still can't think of it?" Janna sighed softly: "Mordekaiser, have you forgotten..."

"At this moment, aren't there thousands of intelligent beings pouring into the material realm?"

"This..." Mordekaiser was stunned for a while: "You mean..."

Those undead? !

Mordekaiser looked at the sea of ​​undead in disbelief.

These undead souls are all his slaves and loyal servants! How could they be followers of the goddess Janna?

It is not that Mordekaiser has not thought about the possibility of the Wind Leader coming to Mitna Rachen after his death.

But the leader had a smooth journey in the past, but how many people did they die in total?

How many of these people can persist in not getting lost and dissipating under the attack of the wind of the underworld?

What's more, the connection between them and the goddess Janna will definitely be completely severed due to the barrier of the plane.

Even if these pitiful leaders who have lost the blessing of the goddess are still alive in the underworld, what kind of waves can they make?

"You are too arrogant, Mordekaiser." Janna sighed for the third time.

She looked down at the undead on the sea and said: "We stand too high. So whether humans or undead, they always seem so small and insignificant."

"It's just that I know how great they are."

"But you treat them as ants, as slaves, as machines that can't think, as tools that have no threat."

So Mordekaiser never thought that these weak souls enslaved by him would resist him.

He didn't take these undead in his eyes at all, and he didn't believe that they had the power to resist.

This used to be considered an objective fact.

But now...

"I gave them power." Janna waved her staff lightly, and the divine light of faith condensed around her.

"They also gave me strength." The fluorescent white sea of ​​the undead suddenly erupted with a dazzling light.

That is the thread of faith, the faint fluorescence of countless threads of faith, condensed into a bright light.

Countless tens of thousands of threads of faith were drawn from the group of undead enslaved by Mordekaiser, and then stretched majestically into the sky.

It’s not just the Twin Cities, it’s not just the undead.

Countless threads of faith from the living and the dead converge from all directions. Looking around, the entire sky seems to have become a sea of ​​light.

They crossed the mountains and the sea, penetrated the black mist barrier, and converged on the goddess Janna.

"This, this power..." Mordekaiser couldn't believe it.

Janna's power was rising rapidly, and she had far surpassed him.

"Why?" He looked at Janna frantically, as well as the sea of ​​undead that was providing strength to Janna: "Why is this happening?!"

Why did his slaves become followers of Janna, and why could the Wind Leader develop to such a large scale in the underworld?

"Thank you for this, Mordekaiser!" Levi replied mockingly.

Mordekaiser's extreme oppression of the undead and his suffocating eternal slavery have already made the undead hate them to the extreme and despair to the extreme.

All the leader needs to do is give them hope and ignite their anger.

But even so, the leader's missionary work in the underworld did not go smoothly at first.

Because the wasteland of the underworld is very large, and the undead are always scattered in the wasteland like lonely ghosts, wandering aimlessly.

You have to rely on luck to meet other people, let alone develop followers on a sustainable and large scale.

But more than three months ago, Mordekaiser assembled his troops in advance in order to counterattack the mortal world.

With one order, he summoned all the tens of millions of wandering spirits in the wasteland outside the Immortal Fortress, and asked them to stand there like logs, waiting quietly outside the city.

And Mordekaiser is too arrogant.

He didn't care at all what these undead thought, let alone think about and investigate. During the more than three months that these undead gathered outside the city and waited, they were chatting with the people around them.


"The large gathering of tens of millions of people lasted for more than three months."

"Mordekaiser, guess..." Levi asked murderously: "How many believers have you helped us develop in the underworld?"

"How much more power can these believers add to the goddess Janna after returning to the mortal world?"

The faith of believers in the underworld will be weakened to the extreme due to the barriers of the plane, and there will not be much left after paying the "toll".

But what if these believers all crossed the plane passage and returned to the mortal world?

So Janna was waiting for them.

The millions of believers in the underworld stood relatively concentrated among the tens of millions of undead armies.

Because they are still enslaved by Mordekaiser, they can only passively follow the army of the undead. Only when the vanguard of the army rushes into the mortal world can it be their turn to return to Runeterra.

So Janna needs to wait, and the leader of the mortal world needs to stick to it until the comrades who stick to the underworld return.

"And in the end, they all succeeded -"

"Humans, whom you regard as ants, have blocked your undead army;"

"You treat me like a wandering ghost of a slave, and I even sent you to the grave with your own hands!"

Mordekaiser: "..."

He fell silent.

He never expected that these weak wandering souls, as humble as insects, would completely subvert his rule just by chatting.

"No...stop! Stop it all! Don't go back to the mortal world again!" Mordekaiser reacted in horror.

He roared in his heart and wanted to order the undead not to return to the mortal world and not to provide more power to Janna.

But it's too late.

Ever since Janna calmly revealed the truth, there was no chance of him making a comeback.

"Mordekaiser——" Janna slowly waved her staff.

Thousands of threads of faith, countless people's ideals and hopes, all condensed into the purest magical power at this moment.

This force is so powerful, vast and unstoppable.

"This is the power of 'ants', the power of people!"

The storm surged, crushing the originally indestructible black mist barrier.

The wind of change was so powerful that it swallowed up Mordekaiser in an instant.

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