LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 498 Placement of the Undead after the War

The storm swept through the world, swallowing up all darkness and sin.

Mordekaiser struggled, but it was to no avail.

"No!" He roared unwillingly and angrily, but his voice was quickly drowned in the roaring turbulence.

The countless strong air currents containing vast divine power were like the sharpest blades and the toughest ropes. They bound him tightly, cutting and devouring his body like a meat grinder.

At the last moment before his soul collapsed, Mordekaiser finally recalled the cold and angry eyes he saw before marching.

"Go to hell, tyrant!" It seemed like tens of millions of people were shouting at him in the roaring storm.

But this time, he couldn't laugh anymore.

After a while...the storm finally subsided when the sky was clear and Yuyu was clear.

Mordekaiser's soul completely dissipated in the storm, leaving only an empty iron armor.

The black mist of death that filled the sky over the sea and the city gradually disappeared with the death of the King of the Underworld.

The dozen or so dimensional passages scattered around the world that were opened by Mordekaiser's evil magic also slowly closed after his death.

The boundary between the underworld and the mortal world was re-established, and no more undead souls poured into the mortal world.

The tens of millions of undead souls left in the underworld dissipated with the wind at this moment.

Most of them were able to live forever after death because of Mordekaiser's enslavement magic. Now that Mordekaiser is dead, these weak souls can no longer resist the winds of the underworld.

But this is not a tragedy, but the relief they dream of.

Mitna Rachen is a hell for the dead. Except for a very few people who are obsessed with it, no one wants to live here.

As a result, the undead took the initiative to jump into the wind of the underworld in the joy of freedom, and dissipated with the wind in the laughter of relief.

In Runeterra, those undead souls who had entered the mortal world were completely freed from Mordekaiser's enslavement at this moment.

No longer bound to Mordekaiser's orders, they were no longer forced to charge forward.

The Twin Cities, Shurima, Demacia, Noxus, Ionia...the undead armies all over the world quickly stopped at this moment.

"Mordekaiser is dead!" Goddess Janna waved her staff lightly, returning the concentrated divine power to everyone.

Leaders all over the world heard the goddess’s call at this moment: “We——”



At the same time, Zu An.

The undead that had flowed into the city uncontrollably like a flood now stopped with the death of Mordekaiser and as the black mist of death dissipated.

"Montero, look! We are free!" Sean looked at his comrades beside him excitedly.

The leaders who have sacrificed their lives in the past two years have spontaneously established dozens of underworld branches after their deaths.

The underworld branch led by Montero, a worker from Zaun, and Sean, a mage from Demacia, is one of them.

They were the first pioneers to fight in the underworld and the first to restore contact with the goddess Janna.

But now, they have returned to the mortal world together under the control of Mordekaiser, and they were lucky enough not to die under the fire of the comrades in the Twin Cities who were forced to defend themselves. They finally succeeded in getting rid of their shackles and regained their freedom.

This is obviously something to celebrate.

"Sean..." Montero was not so excited.

He said calmly: "We should go."

"Go?" Sean was slightly stunned: "Where are you going?"

Montero didn't say much, but pointed at the green belts on both sides of the road with his pale fluorescent hands.

Because of the overwhelming death energy brought by the undead, these flowers, plants and trees have withered and died, and there is no longer any trace of life as far as the eye can see.

Even the lifeless cement roads, concrete buildings, street signs, cars... everything around them was tainted with a strong aura of the undead due to the influx of these undead.

This coastal urban area has in fact become a polluted dead city.

The decay of vegetation is still a trivial matter. If a living person walked around here, even if he didn't die, he would probably be "radiated" and become weak.

"Well..." Sean finally reacted.

The undead are creatures that should not exist in the material realm, and they all more or less carry the evil death magic aura left by Mordekaiser.

Their existence itself is a threat to mortal life.

So even if these leaders of the underworld have regained their freedom and are left in the mortal world, it does not mean that they can return to normal life in the mortal world like the living.

"Zuan is so beautiful now." Montero looked at the brightly lit city ahead with joy.

This is his home, the place where he has fought.

This place was once a purgatory that was not inferior to that of Mitna Rachen. But now, everything has changed.

"When I died, Zaun had just been liberated. At that time, how could there be so many new apartment buildings and such wide roads in Zaun... even the downstairs of the workers' apartments were full of beautiful cars? "

"Tsk, tsk..." the former Zaun worker sighed: "The people of Zaun today are living the same life as the old Piltovers in the past."

"It's a pity that I died early."

Montero's words sounded a little lonely, but he always had that gratifying and optimistic smile on his lips.

"Let's go, Sean." He turned and walked towards the sea: "Mortal comrades have worked hard to build Zaun like this, let's not destroy it again."

"Yeah." Sean nodded with mixed feelings.

It's time for them to go. But where should they go after leaving Zaun?

They are like walking radiation sources, bringing only death and destruction wherever they go.

The material realm does not welcome them, and they are unwilling to turn the world they love into a lifeless one.

"Perhaps..." Sean tried to think: "We can open the Well of Souls in the Immortal Fortress and return to the underworld from the Well of Souls?"

The dozens of plane passages opened by Mordekaiser have been closed, but as a permanent bridge between the underworld and the mortal world, the Well of Souls has always been sealed deep in the Immortal Fortress.

Through the Well of Souls, they can return to the underworld and where they belong.

"This seems unnecessary." Montero said: "Sean, you have to know that even among us leaders, few of us can survive in the underworld for a long time."

"Even if we go back, we still have to face the deadly wind of the underworld."

It would be good if these millions of undead leaders could survive even 1% after returning to the underworld.

The wind of the underworld that never stops blowing is an eternal torture to the undead. No one likes this kind of immortality.

Only torture awaits them in the underworld, and the existence of the undead is not welcome in the mortal world.

"So, I think..." Montero led the undead toward the sea and looked back reluctantly: "Maybe it's time for us to bid farewell to this world forever."

"Montero!" You..." Sean instinctively wanted to dissuade him.

But Montero said calmly: "We are all dead, and dead people should look like dead people."

"What greets us in the underworld is dissipation and torture. Even if we stay in the mortal world, we cannot contribute to the leader. We can only become a burden that damages the environment and drags down everyone."

"If you're living like this, it's better to die early!"

Sean heard a moment of silence.

But he still said firmly: "No, Montero, our lives still have meaning."

"Perhaps most of the undead cannot survive in the underworld, but you and I, the most determined leaders, can still survive in the underworld with their own strength!"

"So, I still want to live..."

"I know." Montero said: "You want to live until you see the day when the Datong society is built."

This is Sean's obsession.

"But I'm not as persistent as you." Montero smiled.

He had endured the torture of the wind of the underworld and persisted because he was still worried about the future of the leader, worried that the leader who had just emerged at that time would not be able to establish a firm foothold in the mortal world, so that his success would be ruined.

Later, Montero waited until the news of the leader's complete victory in Runeterra, and his obsession was satisfied.

Now that the demon Mordekaiser has been beheaded, and the undead's struggle has finally won, Montero has no reason to persist in survival.

"I believe that the Datong Society will be built, and I believe that comrades in the world will be able to take over our tasks and complete the task - I don't need to see it with my own eyes to be convinced."

"And it would be pointless if I couldn't contribute to the process and could only be a bystander year after year."

As he said that, Montero smiled and said: "Looking at others working but you can't help yourself, it's better to get rid of it as soon as possible."

"No..." Sean shook his head: "We can help, Montero."

"Oh?" Montero looked puzzled.

"We can find ways to study undead magic and research spells that can transform Mitnarachen."

"Mordekaiser can find a way to build an immortal fortress in the empty wasteland of the underworld;"

"I think as long as we persist, we can also find a way to transform the underworld, and finally transform that desolate hell into an afterlife paradise for all mankind!"

This is a crazy idea.

If the underworld can really be transformed into an existence like Bandle City, then human beings can collectively achieve spiritual ascension and jump into the main world of Janna and the Datong society.

But the talented Mordekaiser failed to turn the wasteland into a paradise. Sean is just a second-rate mage, so how can he realize such a grand ambition?

"But I'm not alone." Sean looked at Montero sincerely: "I have you with me, and you, and the comrades who will go to the underworld for generations to come."

"As long as we can persist and not dissipate, we will have eternal life and eternal time - if we all work together, how can we say it is completely impossible to achieve it?"

"But I'm just a worker." Montero questioned: "I won't be able to assist your magic research even if I live."

"No, Montero." Sean encouraged: "Magic can be learned and mastered. As long as you are willing to spend time studying and researching, you will be able to help sooner or later."

"This..." Montero was infected by the crazy and romantic ideal light in Sean's eyes.

With this grand goal, survival seems to have meaning again.

Even if this goal seems so far away and so unrealistic.

"Okay!" Montero finally raised his head: "Sean, then I will accompany you back to the underworld and study with you!"

"Yeah!" The two found a new goal, and they vowed to continue fighting.


"Well, it would be great if we could stay in the mortal world without harming the living." After deciding to live well, Montero couldn't help but lament the harsh living environment in the underworld.

That place is still a purgatory. Although Montero has relied on his own strength to survive for two full years, he is not sure how long he can last under the invasion of the wind of the underworld.

He hadn't wanted to live forever before.

Now that he realizes that living has meaning, he is not willing to die so soon.

But the undead are not welcome in the mortal world. If they do not return to the underworld and stay in this material realm, they will only continue to cause harm to people and things around them.

There may be millions of undead stranded in the mortal world. Which land can accommodate such a massive "radiation source" and tolerate their existence?

"It would be great if there was a place in Runeterra where we undead could live for a long time without posing a threat to people and the natural environment..." Montero was sighing.

"Uh, wait..." Sean and he both raised their heads suddenly.

The two people who had been discussing how to survive in the underworld and how to pursue their ideals while suffering suddenly realized...

Runeterra seems to be a place that is not afraid of pollution and can live in the dead.


Three days later, Shadow Island.

This was once a highly civilized island.

However, more than a thousand years ago, an unprecedented magical disaster tore apart the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms, causing the two to merge.

Now, a malevolent black mist permanently haunts the archipelago, and even the land itself is tainted by malevolent sorcery. Any mortal who dares to set foot on this desolate shore will have his life force gradually stolen away, attracting the insatiable and predatory undead.

Every year on the annual Soul-eating Night, as the black mist of the undead spreads, the bloodthirsty undead will follow the footsteps of the black mist and launch a nightmare-like invasion into the distant lands.

Of course...this is all in the past.

At this moment, after the painful lessons of the past two Soul Eating Nights, the undead souls on Shadow Island have been "educated" by the leaders guarding Bilgewater to become harmless otakus.

The Shadow of War, Mister Hecarim, is one of them.

He was a bloodthirsty general during his lifetime, but after his death, he and his mount were fused into a ghostly evil spirit in the shape of a centaur.

In the past more than a thousand years, Hecarim's biggest hobby after his death was to lead his army of undead to go north to Piraeus during the Soul-Eating Night every year, and carry out a cruel and joyful massacre.

Soul Eating Night is like a Chinese New Year to him, he can kill and have fun every time.

But all this changed during the Soul Eating Night last year.

At that time, just like in the past, he was hiding in the black mist of the soul-eating night, excitedly killing Bilgewater.

As a result, they ran into the leader's naval fleet supporting Ionia head-on, and were blown to pieces.

His teammate Thresh was blown to pieces on the spot. Seeing that the situation was not going well, he turned around and fled, only to escape intact.

This year's Soul Eating Night was even worse.

The leaders are stronger than last year. In the past, the undead attacked the city, but this year it was the wind leaders who drove their boats and chased the undead across the sea.

Fortunately, Hecarim had four horse legs and could run fast enough when turning around, otherwise he might have ended up there completely.

And his soul was severely damaged in this battle, and he has only been able to recover now.

"I'm not going, I'll never go to that damn place again!"

Even though more than three months have passed, Hecarim couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he recalled the tragedy of this year's Soul Eating Night.

As long as I think of the humiliation of being a dignified shadow of war, but being chased around the sea by a group of bad fishermen...

He reluctantly decided that he would never invade Pigang territory again.

He will stay on Shadow Island from now on and never leave again.

Anyway, Shadow Island is a bad land for humans. If he hides here and doesn't get out, can the Wind Leader still break in?

That's what Hecarim was thinking...

"Huh? How come it's daylight?" He raised his head in confusion.

The sky, which had been shrouded in black fog for thousands of years, actually lit up.

However, what lights up is not bright sunlight, but a pale fluorescent field...

The endless sea of ​​undead is suspended in the sky by the wind.

Hecarim: "???"

For the first time in a thousand years, he showed a ghostly expression.

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