At this moment, Old Orn was accompanying Rowan, with his eyes narrowed, watching Rowan forging with his hammer.

Orn would occasionally express his opinions and instruct Rowan on what to do, saying that this was what forging was.

Although his tone was unkind and he was complaining that Rowan was a fool, every time Orn gave him advice, Rowan found a better way to exert force.

This made Rowan think of one thing.

That was Jax's independent force technique.

He had already mastered Jax's force technique, but even so, Rowan still felt it was difficult to meet Orn's requirements.

Therefore, Jax's force technique could not perfectly meet Orn's needs.

"Although you are very stupid, you are much better than many humans."

"But I must say that you are still very stupid. Old Orn, I have seen a group of humans who are clever, flexible in forging, and imaginative in thinking. Humph, even I have to learn from them. We are both teachers and friends. They are much smarter than you, a human!"

Rowen hammered the iron block. Of course, he knew who the group of humans Orn was talking about were.

The people of the Hearthland, the first group of people to follow Orn, were also the believers recognized by Orn.

For them, Orn fought with Volibear and turned against him completely. Because of losing them, Orn fell into loneliness for a long time.

In Rowan's view, whether from the background story or from the voice, Orn gave people a feeling of...old tsundere?

That's right, the goat is a god with a sharp tongue but a soft heart. He keeps saying that he doesn't need believers and just wants to be alone. But after the people of the furnace town disappeared, the goat's actions all showed his emotional integration with humans.

Just like now, although his tone is not very friendly, the meaning of his words seems to be that he is really afraid that Rowan will be impatient, so he always belittles Rowan a few words, and then quickly praises Rowan.

This is like pua Rowan.

"Hmph, you hit it wrong again, human, why can't you control the force every time?"

"Hammering, this is an art, human!"

"Try to hit it with your heart."

Old Orn said, blowing his beard.

And Rowan's arm has begun to ache at this moment.

Are you kidding, is the hammer made by Orn so easy to hold?

Rowan's arms had started to go numb after hammering for so long, and he even felt the steaming heat burning his heart. The heat from the hammer and the energy from the iron rushed into his heart through his blood vessels, making Rowan, who was at the peak of the Rule Realm, sweat.

No, the Rule Realm was no longer considered a human being. Beings at this level would not sweat at all, and they had even abandoned this physiology, but Rowan was sweating profusely now.

His arms ached, his breathing was disordered, and his lungs were so painful that they seemed to be spitting fire. Rowan used all his strength for every breath, but he persisted and seriously completed what Orn said.

"Yes, that's it. When hammering the iron, you need to make every bit of strength you use the same, and a skilled craftsman can perfectly exert 120% of his strength, every time."

"Of course, I'll be better, old Orn."

Orn said beside Rowan.

Rowan took a deep breath, and while hammering, he frantically absorbed the surrounding elemental power, converted it into spiritual power, and healed the pain in his arm.

Did Ornn completely forget that Rowan had just experienced a big battle?

He had asked Janna to heal his injuries before he and Lissandra came.

Ten minutes ago, there was no good part of his body, but now, he was holding a hammer weighing tens of thousands of pounds and hammering a piece of iron ore that Ornn didn't know where he got from.

After hammering silently for half an hour, Rowan's eyebrows suddenly raised when he hammered again.

[Ding: Comprehending skills, current progress is 1%]

[The domain-level skill [Craftsman] has been detected. The host's current level is insufficient, and the mastery proficiency is reduced]

[Ding: Comprehending scriptures, current progress is 1%]


Rowan became excited. Sure enough, Ornn's forging method is a skill!

But think about it, this forging method, while hammering the iron block, isn't it also hammering itself?

Therefore, Rowan is likely to master a passive skill that is more powerful than Jax's power technique!

No, you can tell by just looking at the skill level!

This is the first domain-level skill that Rowan can actively master!

"Don't stand there, human."

Seeing that Rowan's hammering speed slowed down for a moment, Ornn said with some displeasure.

Rowan quickly lowered his head to hammer the iron block.

Demacia, War Academy.

Lux looked at Jax who came back alone and couldn't help asking, "Where is Rowan? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"The witch called him away, and went to thank the goat together." Jax thought for a while and said.

"Witch?" Lux paused, then spoke faster, "Is she beautiful?"

"Hmm" Jax was slightly stunned, because from his aesthetic point of view, the witch was too tall and too cold, and it would be uncomfortable to get close to her, which did not conform to Jax's aesthetics, but the witch's helmet was good, covering the upper half of her face, very handsome, which was what Jax liked.

So, Jax said: "Should be considered beautiful?"

"I know that Rowan will never let people worry every time he goes out." Lux couldn't help saying.

But her tone became much more relaxed, and she raised the corners of her mouth slightly and said: "So, Principal Jax, the war is over, right?"

Of course, Lux also saw the scene that was like a natural disaster before, and she would certainly be anxious about Rowan's situation.

But at the same time, Lux also knew that such a war was not something she could participate in.

If she blindly participated in it, it would only cause trouble for Rowan, so. She could only wait silently behind.

Of course, Lux was unhappy with herself for being like this, after all. She really wanted to help Rowan.

"Well, it's over."

Jax said.

Lux nodded, then hesitated and said: "So, Principal Jax, if it's convenient, can you tell me what happened? I want to know, I want to know what happened on the battlefield."

"No problem." Jax said.

On Mount Targon, a group of Vastaya live here.

Since the dispute between the Vastaya and the Ionians, most of the Vastaya races no longer live only in Ionia, they live in all corners of Runeland, just like the mermaids live between the waters of Shurima and Demacia, and the meat-toothed people live in the jungles of Ixtal.

There is also a group of Vastaya creatures on Mount Targon.

And at this moment, several small, beast-like young Vastaya are sitting obediently in front of the thatched hut in the snow, facing a purple-skinned woman with goat horns, dignified manners and beautiful looks.

There were two cute Vastaya cubs lying on her legs, and her legs were actually bent animal legs, but these legs did not reduce her charm, but added a bit of mystery and strangeness.

Because her body proportions were so good, sitting there, she looked like a beautiful painting.

"So, Ms. Soraka, when can we control our transformation into human forms like adults?"

A cub raised its head, looked at her, and asked with its head tilted.

She reached out and stroked the cub's head, and said gently: "Then you have to eat well, sleep well, and study hard."

"Only by growing up healthily can you master this ability."

"Woo woo, Ms. Soraka, what happened just now, can you tell us? You are so smart and so powerful, you must know what happened, right?" The slightly older, chubby Vastaya cub asked Soraka.

The Targon Peak is surrounded by starlight, but even so, the little guys sensed the previous movement. Vastaya is a congenital magical creature. Moreover, even if you don't sense the restless elemental breath in the air, the sky in the north is amazing just by looking with the naked eye.

That movement is really scary! ! !

Soraka was slightly stunned when he heard it, and then said: "It's a war. A war just happened over there."

"A group of guys who think they are the creators are trying to completely control another group of free guys, and then they started fighting."

"Is it the Protoss?"

"Yes." Soraka nodded.

"Ms. Soraka, you are not from our planet either?"

"Yes, but I am different from them."

"Of course! We all know!" A group of Vastaya beasts immediately shouted loudly, and several times they began to circle around Soraka.

Soraka is of course different from other Protoss!

If there was no Soraka, this Vastaya race would have disappeared long ago.

It was Soraka who saved this Vastaya tribe, brought them a place to live, taught them knowledge, and led them to survive under the Targon Peak.

Therefore, this Vastaya tribe only believed in Soraka, and even until now, the position of the chief of this Vastaya tribe is vacant.

Although Soraka never asked them to do so, the tribe regarded Soraka as the chief.


Looking at a group of happy cubs playing in front of her, Soraka laughed.

She began to applaud, clapping for the little beasts, and watching the scene in front of her with a smile.

She liked these creatures in Runeland, she liked these creatures whose lifespans were not long, some only had a few decades, some had a hundred years, and some could live for a thousand years. Although they were different, but in Soraka's place, their lifespans were not long.

Because Soraka herself was wandering in the heavens, and couldn't bear to see the Targon conquer the heavens, and used this method to express her anger at the Targon, she had been wandering for tens of thousands of years.

She was one of the earliest Protoss, but she was different from all of them.

The planet where Soraka was located was conquered by the Titans. Some of the tribesmen died in the heavens, and some joined the Titans. Soraka did the same. But later, facing the increasingly cruel Titans, who would destroy the creatures of an entire planet to satisfy their desire for conquest, Soraka decisively chose to remain silent, no longer attending the internal meetings of the Titans, and began her wandering journey that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.

After encountering the Runeland, Soraka began to pay attention to this planet.

The love, hatred, and wars of mankind over the past hundred years have gradually made Soraka find something.

So, she resolutely endured the pain, gave up her training, and fell on this planet.

Just like now, Soraka is also enduring the pain of burning.

The inside of the body seems to be on fire, burning from the inside out. This pain is the pain of the soul.

And now, Soraka looked at the Vastaya beasts in front of him, and then looked to the west.

Then, she smiled and said, "Do you want to study?"

"Study? Ms. Soraka, aren't you our teacher?" The little Vastaya on Soraka's lap climbed up and said.

The little guy put a pair of paws on Soraka's chest and asked fiercely.

Soraka picked up the little guy, sighed and said, "But I don't know everything."

"So, I will try."

"By then, you may have to leave here."

"We are willing!"

"Mom said, let me listen to you, and the adults also said that we have to go wherever you go." The little beast held by Soraka chuckled and said.

"Yes, we are willing!"

"Then I understand." Soraka laughed and nodded.

Yes, time waits for no one.

Unlike those arrogant guys, Soraka learned some secrets that the giant gods didn't know during her time in Runeland.

For example, the seal of Thor is being lifted.

The fragments of the crown have begun to fall off.

Time waits for no one, and at the fork in the road, you can only choose one of the two.

Soraka made a choice.

Freljord, deep in the crater.

Aoun looked at the human who was soaked in sweat and gasping on the ground, and a trace of satisfaction appeared on his dark red face.

"Okay, you have mastered this skill. The next thing to do is to let it melt into your bones."

"Human, learn how to use this skill, it will benefit you infinitely. Forging is the same as fighting. You just need to treat your enemy as a piece of iron, keep hammering it, and make it submit to you."

After Orn finished speaking, he turned his back to Rowan.

Old Orn was driving people away.

He knew that he was not welcomed by the outside world, just as he did not welcome the outside world.

The last furnace town is gone, and humans have forgotten who he is.

They forgot who brought them the first beam of fire and taught them the craft of forging.

But, Orn will not blame them.

But then, the words of that human made Orn stunned.

"Ornn, can I learn from you for a while longer?"


"Whatever you want." The goat said.

"Thank you, Ornn, thank you." Rowan thanked sincerely.



"You seem to thank me a little too early, human."

"If, if you are too stupid, and don't work hard enough, then I will drive you away."

"Be prepared."

Rowan smiled weakly, nodded and said, "Okay, Ornn, I understand."

[Ornn's favorability towards you increases, the current favorability is 2.5 stars]

[Soraka's favorability towards you increases, the current favorability is 2 stars]

Rowan paused happily.


Ah, how come another powerful guy came out.

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