Soraka is certainly a powerful guy.

According to Rowan's understanding, whether it is Soraka in the old version of the story or Soraka in the story after Fist Eats the Book, Soraka in both stories is an extremely powerful existence in Runeterra.

In the old version of the story, Soraka is the saint of Ionia, and the werewolf Warwick is the monster turned into by Soraka's curse. Therefore, Soraka in the old version of the story also has a god-like character. of power.

Not to mention the new version, Soraka is the only one among the known protoss who is not a spokesperson, but is actually a protoss.

Kyle accepted his mother's inheritance and became a righteous star spirit.

Atreus used his will to ignite the Pantheon constellation.

Taric gained the approval of the protoss and became the spokesperson.

Zoe was attracted by the Twilight Celestial Spirit and offered herself up.

And Soraka is the only one who was originally a protoss. She is the only protoss from the Titan race who "came to the world" in Runeterra.

Therefore, Soraka will naturally not be weak, and according to Rowan's understanding, a being like Soraka who has not made much noise in the background story may be a guy like a sweeping monk.

But what’s interesting is that Soraka is an outlier among the protoss. She doesn’t want to conquer, nor does she want to be famous. She doesn’t need honor to prove herself, and she doesn’t need followers to believe in herself.

Soraka is a character like a holy mother. The holy mother here is of course a complimentary word. In a sense, Soraka is the same god as Janna, a god who has achieved "god loves mortals".

Because of this, Rowan did not panic after gaining Soraka's favorability.

Because if you think about it for a moment, Soraka's strength would have made it impossible not to detect the previous movement. So Soraka is very satisfied with her taking the lead in opposing the protoss?

So. Son of the Stars, Soraka is one of her own?

Rowan thought funny.


"What are you doing in a daze?"

Old Aoun on the side looked at Rowan in a daze, couldn't help but spit out flames, and said angrily.

Rowan immediately woke up, raised the hammer, and began to hit the iron block in front of him.

Titan Peak——

La Horak is an outstanding holy warrior in the Sun Sect, and his mission is to protect the sect and ensure the continuity of the Sun Sect.

The Dawn Goddess is the saint in the Burning Sun Sect.

For thousands of years, the Sect of the Burning Sun has been passed down continuously on Mount Targon, and the Lahoraks have also learned extraordinary power from the sun spirits. However, no one has ever been recognized by the Burning Sun, and has never appeared. The saint chosen by the sun.

But in this century, the saint appeared.

An outstanding and outstanding girl who has been hailed as a child prodigy in the sect since she was a child. She has supreme talent. She called out to the blazing sun late one night and was recognized by the sun. She became the object of allegiance to La Horak and also Became the guardian of the Burning Sun Sect.

Her name is Leona.

At this moment, the choice of the sun was standing alone in the temple, looking at the beam of Targon that bordered the heaven.

Particles of stardust are floating in the air, and a dream-like bridge connects the heavens and the runelands. No one has been able to see the scenery from the top, but at this startling glance, it is like seeing the silver tiles behind a mirage. A huge, gleaming building.

Leona closed her eyes, her hair was as bright as the blazing sun, and she was wearing a shining golden headdress. She was wearing a golden armor skirt and battle uniform. She held a giant shield in her left hand and a giant sword in her right hand. This pair of weapons symbolized Facing the scorching sun, she stood in the beam, calling out to her gods.

[Goddess of the Burning Sun, what should I do? 】

Leona thought silently in her heart.

After a moment, she heard a sound.

"What to do?"

The voice was passionate and extremely energetic.

[The star spirits are fighting with the original gods, don’t I need to help? 】

Leona asked.

She also saw what happened before. If it weren't for protecting the Sun Sect, Leona might have picked up weapons and joined the war.

The Protoss cannot exert their full strength in Runeterra, but Leona is different. As the spokesperson of the Protoss, they can perfectly use the abilities of the Protoss in Runeterra. Of course, this is also related to how much the inheritor has passed on. .

And Leona has 99% inheritance.

And in other words,

She is the incarnation of the sun.

"none of your business?"

The goddess Leona believed in spoke.


Suddenly stunned, Leona suspected that she had heard wrongly. How could the goddess say such a thing?

Hmm. I must have heard wrong!

So Leona said again: [You are also a star spirit, and I am your spokesperson. Don’t I need to participate in the war? 】

"Yes, I am a star spirit."

"But what does it matter to me about the affairs of the Titan Clan? I have long since stopped caring about their affairs. The only ones I care about now are the Burning Sun Sect and you fragile yet tenacious humans. Do you understand?"

In Leona's spiritual world, the figure of the goddess emerged.

The Sun Star Spirit is dressed in military uniform, like a Valkyrie. In front of her, Leona is as small as a bug. The huge Sun Goddess is lying on a chair, with her slender arms supporting her delicate chin, lazily Then he continued: "So, it's none of my business?"

Leona: "."

Taking a deep breath, Leona said in her heart: [Please tell me what I should do. 】

"Just follow your own heart, child. I am indeed a giant god, but I don't work for the giant gods. Just like you, you are my inheritor, but this does not mean that you are a member of the giant god clan. You belong to this planet. You are a human in Runeland. You grew up here. You have your own relatives, partners, and friends, don't you?"

The goddess of the sun stretched out her hand and gently touched a ball of light in front of her. In the ball, Leona saw her friend.

One, a friend who left her.

"Just like this child, forget her. You won't understand what I say. In short, I really don't like her, but she betrayed the giant god clan and killed several stars. It's still great." The goddess of the sun said with a smile.

Leona knew who the goddess was talking about.

The corresponding to the sun is the bright moon.

And Leona's best friend is the inheritor of the bright moon. But, but, but maybe, Leona and her are more than just friends?

【But, isn't this betrayal? 】Leona couldn't help but say.

"I joined the Titans for profit. They gave me status and I fought for them on countless planets. How can this be called betrayal?"

"Child, the Titans are not as united as you think. In short, you are not my tool."

"You have to have your own ideas and take action for them."

The Sun Goddess sat up. As if she heard the voice, she showed a trace of impatience on her beautiful and heroic face and said, "I'm leaving."

[I understand what you mean, goddess. ]

"Well, do it according to your own ideas. Remember, I will stand behind you at any time." The Sun Goddess said.

After that, she disappeared in front of Leona, leaving the young Sun Cult guardian alone in the temple.

Standing there and taking a deep breath, Leona couldn't help but pursed her lips.

"So. What should I do?"

Leona showed a confused look.

She was always at a loss, but the conversation with the Sun Goddess at least made Leona understand one truth.

That is, the Sun Goddess did not regard the Sun Cult as a tool, they were not dispensable, and Leona was not the goddess's mouthpiece, she could have her own voice.

So, what kind of voice should she make to lead the Sun Cult?

Late at night, Soraka closed the storybook, sent the little Vastaya to the furry bed, and said gently: "Okay, it's time to go to bed."

"Ms. Soraka, you haven't told us the rest of the story yet." A little beast said while lying on its back with its belly exposed.

Soraka stretched out her hand and scratched her belly, and said: "The story can't be told all at once, otherwise what will you listen to tomorrow night?"

"You're right, then we'll go to bed now."

Soraka raised her hand, put away the starlight that lit up the room, and then drew the curtain to prevent the light on the Targon from keeping the little beasts awake.

She walked out and ran into a Vastaya.

When the other party saw Soraka, he bowed and saluted.

"Domus, I told you not to do this."

"This is what I should do, ma'am." The young Vastaya said devoutly.

If possible, he would rather call Soraka the leader directly. Although the other party is not a Vastaya, it is because of Soraka that their race has survived.

And Domus was also raised by Soraka. In private, when Domus communicates with Vastaya of the same age, he often calls Soraka mother.

Although they have never called her like this in front of Soraka.

"Well, I think no matter how much I emphasize, you won't change, right?" Soraka blinked, with a smile in her star-like eyes.

"Are you going to pray again?" Domus asked.

"No, I won't pray today." Soraka shook her head, she looked at the stone in the distance, and pointed there: "I plan to meet someone today."

"Do you need our protection?" Domus said quickly.

Soraka shook her head slightly, "It's safe here."

The Solari will not allow others to climb Mount Targon, and this place is just near the Solari. It is not connected to the Solari, but it is protected by the Solari.

There are many small villages around like this.

The environment of Mount Targon is harsh, but because of this, it has gradually become a paradise, not devastated by the war in Runeland. As long as you can endure the loneliness and cold weather, it is very suitable for survival.

Animal husbandry is the mainstream industry here. The Vastaya race where Soraka belongs also raises many cattle and sheep. Those animals have thick fur that can withstand the high-altitude environment covered with ice and snow all year round.

Soraka said goodbye to Domus and knelt on the stone. Unlike the previous hands clasped together to pray for Runeland, she put her hands on her thighs and closed her eyes.

The beautiful horn on her forehead faced the bright moonlight, until the stars, and a star map gradually appeared around Soraka.

A human girl poked her head out of Soraka's tent and looked at Soraka sitting on the stone with her eyes closed. She sighed, brought a blanket to Soraka's side, and covered her with the blanket.

"Although I don't need it, I still have to say thank you."

A smile appeared on Soraka's lips, and she said with her eyes closed.

The girl said nothing, but returned to the tent.

She was a Rakkor, and just a few weeks ago she had dreamed of becoming a Rakhorak warrior, like her powerful mother, but now she was no longer obsessed with that path.

Just like what Soraka said to her.

[The world is very big, with millions of roads. Becoming a warrior is not the only way. If she did not choose the mountain or make determination, then the giant god would not respond to her. She would blindly pursue it, and the only thing waiting for her would be death. 】

And now, the girl has become a believer of Soraka, although she doesn't know if she is doing the right thing.

After all, before this, the Rakkor people knew Soraka as a demon.

But if Soraka is really a devil, then she will become a believer in the devil. After all, the girl does not believe that there is such a kind and gentle devil in the world.

"Have a good rest, you will continue to forge tomorrow."

Deep in the Flame Cave, Aoun said to Rowan. As he spoke, Aoun paused and said hesitantly: "Do you need something to eat?"

"It would be best if there was one." Rowan, who was too tired to move at all, raised his head and said to Ornn with difficulty.

Aoun snorted and nodded: "Wait here."

With that said, Aoun staggered out of the cave.

After Aoun left, Rowan closed his eyes directly. Fatigue swept over him, and Rowan felt that his consciousness was drifting.

Then, the tired Rowan suddenly felt his body become lighter, and with a voice, Rowan opened his eyes.

"Welcome, human."

In front of you is a strange world. This is definitely not a rune planet, but a world with no visible boundaries, full of green and life. There are deer, sheep, rabbits, birds, and all kinds of food in this world. Grass creatures, and, Rowan also saw a beautiful one, which cannot be described as one, because it is very impolite.

It was a beautiful humanoid creature.

She has holy white hair, a mysterious purple complexion, a pair of pointed ears and long horns on her forehead, a pair of eyes like shining orange stars, thin lips parted lightly, and a smile. Looking at himself.

Her temperament is very consistent with Janna's, but she is more gentle and holy than Janna.


Seeing her, Rowan reached out and rubbed the back of his head.

The physical fatigue completely disappeared, followed by endless vitality.

But do you gods like to meet people in dreams?

Rowan felt a little strange.

Lissandra is like this, Soraka is like this too?

"Where am I?" Rowan asked Soraka.

"This is in my world, and I'm sorry for bringing you in without your consent," Soraka said.

She took a step forward, put her hand on her chest, and whispered: "My name is Soraka, I come from the heaven, but don't be nervous, I am not associated with the giant gods, but a living creature wandering in the heaven."

"I brought you in this time because I have something to say to you."

Rowan nodded.

Does this count?

Talk to the stars?

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