LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 101 Teacher Wolfberry is in class

On the big screen, the camera finally showed the man in the middle of Snake's box.

Perhaps it was because the series was not completely over and he did not see much joy on his face after a big victory. The occasional smile was still directed at his teammates.

However, after a summer, many viewers are no longer unfamiliar with this tough style of painting.

When Li Hao and others returned to the backstage lounge, it was quite lively.

Everyone was talking about Li Hao's move in the middle, and there was a constant stream of praise.

The uniform team asked about Li Hao's hand injury again, and they breathed a sigh of relief after Li Hao said there was no problem.

To be honest, whether it was Zuo Wu or other Snake staff, their moods were hard to calm down.

A restlessness was brewing crazily, but it was temporarily suppressed because of the wrong timing.

Zuo Wu and others felt thirsty at the thought of the global finals.

There is no other way, the eldest girl gets on the sedan chair for the first time.

As for WE, the atmosphere is really depressing now.

The calamity just now was a nightmare!

This season, no matter what team WE plays, the situation is often 50-50.

There are really not many times when they are crushed. When they faced EDG in the semi-finals, they fought fiercely until the fifth game.

I played Snake today, and in such a crucial qualification battle, I was beaten to the point of being breathless!

Thinking back to the six-to-four playoffs, Snake was so easy to play at that time.

I never expected that TheKing, who came back injured, would trigger such a big chain reaction.

This weirdo can really change the Snake team!

Coach WE knew that this was not going to work, so he cooperated with several staff members and fed them chicken soup, which finally stabilized their mentality.

The players' mentality is stable, but the mentality of the WE operations department is really a bit broken.

The exaggerated mid laner opposite used to be from WE!


TheKing was even younger at that time. If he had known earlier that he could shine in the mid lane, why would he still be on the top lane or in the jungle?

The WE front office staff fantasizes about making TheKing a few years younger and putting him in WE's mid lane.

Woohoo, what a wonderful scene that is! !

What the hell, why should you send him away!

Perhaps, WE's former glory has been recast long ago.

The cornerstone of the dynasty was discarded as a useless brick, and then Snake took advantage of it.

I feel wronged, but I won’t say it

After all, the bubble game is not over yet, and WE still have a chance.

After regrouping, the players returned to the field.

In the second game of BO5, Snake chose the blue side and WE chose the red side.

Snake knocked down the excavator, the captain and Shen.

WE defeated Zed, Ice Girl and Vampire.

"From the beginning of the 2016 Summer Split to now, Zed is in the ban position for the first time!"

"There's nothing I can do about it. The King revealed his identity as a Snake in the last game. Now is the time when the hand feels hot. It's better to be cautious and pull it off."

"In this way, the cards will be released. WE has a record of being sanctioned by The King's cards."

"The Enchantress is still outside. If The King takes the card, Xiye will definitely not be as careless as last time. Snake will probably not grab the card."

I remember that as soon as I finished speaking, Snake locked the rock bird on the first floor in seconds.


"The King's rock bird!"

"Although this is not the first time The King has used this hero this season, the meaning of using it this time is different. Xiye's mentality may be affected to a certain extent."


"Everyone stand up, Teacher Wolfberry is in class!"

"TheKing: I'll teach you how to play rock bird."

"WE feels very uncomfortable. Brother Wolfberry has made it clear that he will eat Xiye to death. This will put Xiye under a lot of pressure!"


In the barrage, the words ‘Teaching Bureau’ can be seen everywhere.

The red team WE quickly grabbed Gnar. Although WE's Rock Bird and Gnar didn't use their ultimate moves in the last game, it doesn't mean Snake can't do it either.

Knowing that the opponent wanted to roam for support in the middle, WE also selected Tahm Kench again on the second floor.

Snake slightly changed their tactics. After the opponent's Tamu was determined, they locked the dual-mother combination on the second and third floors and used Poke ability to control the line.

WE hesitated for a moment. They considered choosing cards to let Xiye and Theking play against each other. However, the current Yanque is at the T1 level, and the cards cannot be advantageous online, so the priority is not as high as the Yanque.

On the third floor, Xiye finally chose Syndra.

Syndra's ability to push the line is not weak. Although it is not as strong as Yanque, she still has the opportunity to kill the opponent alone.

The last one was so badly beaten by the robbery that Xiye also held his breath.

On the fourth floor, WE still helped Mystic choose the playmaker, and the bottom lane combination remained unchanged at all.

Snake's last two hands were locked on Ike and the barrel.

In WE's Counter position, Condi wanted to choose Leopard Girl, and he also planned to work in the middle this time, but Syndra's dizziness was not stable, and TheKing's positioning in the previous game was really scary. In the end, he wanted a Centaur and horse, increase control and cutting capabilities.

The heroes switch positions and the lineups of both sides are locked.

Snake: Ike, barrel, rock bird, wheel mother, fan mother.

WE: Gnar, Centaur, Syndra, Jhin, Tamm.

The coach shook hands again and the game entered the loading interface.

WE also had a trick in this game. Syndra did not go to the middle, but stood in the bottom river grass with Tam at 0 minutes and 33 seconds.

This is a tactic that has been prepared for a long time, because they found that the Snake duo likes to look this way at level 1.

I originally wanted to wait for the decisive game to use it to defeat Snake, but this game was very crucial. When the WE coach came off the field, he once again told them to implement the tactics.

Of course, this does not mean that there is a 100% success rate, it can only be said to be a sudden attempt.

Brother-in-law's Jin was wandering in the grass in the middle of the lower river, wary of Snake's group invasion.

0 minutes and 45 seconds.

A scene that excited WE fans appeared. Snake's wheel mother and fan mother walked out of the triangle grass together and carefully groped down the river.


"Karma, Karma!"

WE are three people, of course we have to fight.

The one who took the lead was Jiezou. He didn't see Syndra and Tamu at the first moment, and directly RQ bombarded the fortune teller with a large ball of spiritual flames.

Li Hao was originally standing at the F4 position. When he saw Karma making moves in the bottom lane, he accelerated directly against the wall.

Zero walked out of the grass, whipped his giant tongue (Q), and licked Karma with his tongue, slowing him down.

Jiezou hit Jhin with a basic attack to trigger thunder. Syndra Qed towards Karma. Brother Crystal threw a spinning force. The flywheel hit Jhin and Syndra at the same time, and then continued to basic attack Syndra.

Jiezou used a backhand to weaken Syndra. Under the output of the three WE players, he was half-healthy in an instant, and Tam was chasing after him.

Li Hao came to support, and the six of them instantly fought together in the river!

Stone Penetration (Q) was released at Jhin, Mystic fired a headshot at Fan Mama, Wheel Mama healed him, and Fortune Teller also healed him. Jiezou became severely disabled, took drugs and escaped in a flash at the same time.

The brother-in-law, who was running low on health, also flashed across the wall and stood in a safer position to avoid Yanque's Q skill.

Li Hao used the remaining Stone Penetration to hit Syndra, Tam licked three layers of passive on Wheel Mother, and Xiye chased after Karma with A's remaining health.

On the big screen, both Syndra and Rock Bird started sprinting.

Jiezou moved to avoid Xiye's Q. Wheel Mom's second Q skill turned better, and she chased and threw it in the direction of Syndra. When she was hit by Q for the first time, she was hit by Yanque and Karma. Xiye, who was attacking with basic attacks, quickly flashed out.

Li Hao flashed to catch up with Syndra and entered the WE blue buff area all the way.

After the next round of Q skill improved, although he was also thundered by Xiye's AQA, he was still able to kill Xiye with the damage of 5 stone bullets.

Unfortunately, this was not first blood. Kandi's men came at a sprint from the river in the upper half of the area and killed Kalma first.

Tam stood up and cooperated with Weakness to kill the wheel mother.

Li Hao was surrounded by three WE. Finally, he walked in the direction of Tam, wanting to give Zero his head. Unfortunately, Jhin caught up and killed him with one shot.

1-3, WE first-level group makes big profits!

WE's uniform team and the 60e people on site shouted excitedly, feeling proud and proud at last.


"It's too careless. You shouldn't think about consuming the fortune teller." Jiezou's voice echoed in the team's voice.

Gangzi complained: "These people are so shady."

Li Hao immediately responded: "It's okay."

"You guys are strong enough in the bottom lane, just poke and hit. Tahm is short-handed."

"Don't worry, Brother Hao, we can hold on."

"Cuihua, you have two waves of wilds, and you will catch them at level 2."

"Sindra didn't dodge. Look at me at level 2. If I dodge directly with E, Xiye won't be able to survive this wave."

"I understand, Brother Hao!"


Listening to Li Hao's voice, Snake felt a lot more at ease backstage.

With a record of 1-3, Snake suffered a big loss at the beginning. Fortunately, his thighs finally recovered and got a kill.

According to the expectations of the commentators, both sides should be very steady and slow in this crucial match.

The fact is, the pace is faster than imagined.

Li Hao had only one head. He didn't make any other equipment when he went home, so he just went out with a real eye.

In the middle, the two mid laners faced each other again.

The advantage of Yanque in pushing the line is very obvious. The small area of ​​damage that Stone Penetration has not removed is the magical skill of pushing troops.

The camera was shown to the bottom lane. Although Jhin and Tahm Kench each took a head, Tahm Kench did not go home. Jhin only bought a real eye and a reusable potion, and his combat effectiveness did not increase much.

Snake's side relied on the strength of Fan Mom to firmly occupy the line.

Jeizou squatted in the grass next to the red defense tower, which made his brother-in-law and Zero very uncomfortable. They could only wait for the troops to enter the tower.

At 2 minutes and 23 seconds, the wine barrel brushed away the double stone and red buff, and went directly to the middle.

At 2 minutes and 33 seconds, Li Hao noticed that the wine barrel had reached the grass in the lower river, and Cuihua was looking for an opportunity.

Just 2 seconds later, as the melee soldiers moved forward, Syndra's position was given up.

Wine Barrel didn't hesitate. After the grass emerged, he hit Syndra with a direct E-dodge.

Li Hao spread the stone array (E) forward, creating a stone minefield that can slow down, causing damage of 70+40% of magic power and a slowing effect of 20 (0.04*ap)%.

Although the second stage E cannot be triggered, the damage is enough.

The Q of the wine barrel inflicts damage and slows down, and the basic attack creates thunder.

Li Hao's second basic attack was also hit by a thunderbolt, and Syndra's health was low.

Stone Penetration (Q) turned well again, Xiye hit three rocks in a row, pulled his body to the lower right, and dodged the last two rocks.

However, Li Hao's basic attack landed firmly on Syndra!

As the record became 0-2-2, the monitor in front of Xiye turned gray again!


"Xi Ye is crazy!"

"The rock bird got another head!" Coach WE wailed in the background.

However, soon, he broke through the defense even more.

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