LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 102 We only have the last step to turn the tide!

At 2 minutes and 44 seconds, Li Hao pushed his troops and reached level 3.

At 2 minutes and 49 seconds, the blue side counted the soldiers that Syndra had not dealt with in the previous wave. There were 9 soldiers. When the first melee soldier entered the tower, Li Hao saw a man and horse coming from the lower half. The three wolves stepped out.

After looking at the time, Li Hao knew Kangdi's jungle clearing route.

The Demon Swamp Frog, the Blue Buff, and the Three Wolves can only reach this level and health line if these three groups of wild monsters are cleared.

Kandi, who was stepping on the blue buff, had less than half of his health and only half a tube of mana.

This large wave of soldiers was not sent by Sindra, so Kandi would definitely eat it.

When Li Hao moved forward to touch the first melee soldier, he glanced at his W skill, pretended that Qiu had done nothing wrong, and then touched the defense tower.

After A, he immediately pulled back, making him appear to be walking on thin ice.

At 2 minutes and 54 seconds, the defense tower's attack hit another melee soldier for the second time.

This melee soldier is in front of the left side of the tower. If the troops want to eat it, they have to pass through the gap between the defense tower and the wall on the left.

Just as Li Hao thought, Emperor Kang waved his sword and moved forward.

"——This is your first lesson on the long journey of cultivation!"

The little sparrow of Shurima suddenly spoke forcefully, and her body suddenly changed its movements, moving in the same direction as the centaur.

Kandi felt something was wrong and was about to turn around.

However, at a distance of 900 yards, Yanque had already started casting spells.

——Rock Burst (W)!

Taliyah creates a ledge in the target area and throws it in the direction of her choosing.

Li Hao entered the defense tower and spread the stone array directly to the feet of the troops.

At this time, the W skill was triggered, and the men and horses were pushed to the direction of the rock bird and entered the stone scattering formation.

Reasonable land development and planning is one of the cores of Yanque. Li Hao's Q skill hit five more stone penetrations. Because Kangdi's position was between the defense tower and the wall, there was no room to dodge. The troops and horses were hit by the third blow. At that moment, he let out a scream.

Then a death animation of people falling on their backs appears!

The defense tower chased another attack. Li Hao had 52 drops of blood left and narrowly escaped.

"The W skill of Yanque hit, and the men and horses were pushed to the stone formation. The King followed up with the Q skill! This, this man and horse are going to die!"


"Kangdi took full damage and was killed in seconds! The blue buff also ran to the rock bird. This wave of greedy soldiers will cause big trouble."

"With a head-to-head ratio of 1-3, WE had a good start. Unexpectedly, Snake chased us back just after three minutes."

"The heads are concentrated on The King, which is quite scary!"

In the WE player seat, Kandi and Xiye's expressions were both stiff.

Li Hao returned to the city and bought a pair of shoes and a bursting wand.

In order to prevent being unreasonably beaten to death by Syndra, the first piece of equipment is the Abyss Scepter.

On the board, Xiye only had 11 last hits. Li Hao calculated that he could not make any equipment except buying real eyes and medicine when he returned home this time.

Whether it was damage or the ability to push the line, the gap was already reflected when the two sides re-aligned.

After Xiye was resurrected, he returned to the line first, inserting his vision into the grass in the upper half of the river, and at the same time blocked out Li Hao's real eye inserted there.

And in the voice of Snake team:

"Red, red, red!"

"The line is under Nal Tower, capture the men and horses!"

Ueno was communicating, and Li Hao immediately responded: "I can get there."

The men and horses died once, and when both the middle and upper ranks had an advantage, of course they couldn't let Kandi get the buff comfortably.

At the same time, WE is also constantly sending signals.

Ekko disappeared. Of course, 957 was conscious. He didn't need the two last hits left and immediately went to the jungle to support him.

At 3 minutes and 43 seconds, Kandi's eyepiece inserted next to the red buff saw a fat man drinking. He looked at the blood volume of the red buff and knew something was wrong.

Zzr throws the rolling barrel (Q), with the W passive effect, hitting the red buff hard. After the Q explodes, the two mobs become residual health, the barrel E adds punishment, the red buff and the mobs, Take it all in one go.

(PS: During this period, the red and blue buffs still have two followers.)

Kangdi couldn't grab the wine barrel, which was the killing line.

Ike rushed up to deal with the troops together with the wine barrel. When he saw his family coming together, Kandi did not retreat immediately and started sprinting. QW rushed into the grass from the wine barrel and Ike.

Gnar came and started to attack Ekko with his Q, and Syndra also arrived from the middle. The two sides fought together, and the man with remaining health used E to kill back from the grass, kicking someone farther away from him. On the nearby wine barrel.

Syndra was across the red buff wall, and WQE pushed Ike to stun. Holy Spear Brother turned into residual health and leaned against the red buff wall.

Xiye came over and made a basic attack, and Gnar A made two attacks, which was just short of the third pass.

The awakened Holy Spear brother hurriedly flashed across the wall, followed by a basic attack from Cinder, accompanied by a purple thunder!

Flandre was startled, but luckily the blood was locked.

Li Hao arrived, 957 chased around the grass, and the wine barrel's E skill improved again, instantly knocking Gnar out.

With the sprinting rock bird and the passive walking fast, the rock burst is controlled by the wine barrel, and the stone formation is set up.

Gnar was pushed onto the stone formation, and Gnar, who had only one Dolan Sword, was instantly disabled by the burst of damage!

957 flashed, but did not leave the range of Yanque's Q skill. Two shots penetrated the stone, and 957 was killed.

Xiye also sprinted over. Brother Shengqiang knew that he couldn't run away, so he threw the Q skill while backhand E, and then used the basic attack to hit Syndra with three rings.

Using the acceleration effect, Brother Holy Spear wanted to pull, but Xiye was not a mallet either.

A dark magic ball hit accurately, and he followed A to collect the head.

The wine barrel used the red buff to stick to Xiye. When the next rolling wine barrel exploded on Syndra, Xiye was reduced to half health.

The E skill is improving again, but the wine barrel and the rock bird are not in the same direction.

In the end, Xiye made a difficult decision, QE pushed Yanque unconscious, and the head was accepted by the wine barrel.

As for Kandi's troops, due to their remaining health and lack of improvement in their E skills, they could only go shopping back and forth, which was borderline OB.

2 for 1, the red buff was gone, and a nest of F4 was countered by wine barrels. Although Syndra got a kill in the middle, she lost a large wave of troops. Everyone in WE knew that the rhythm was exploding, and they felt a little heavy.

The 60e players at the scene have not been happy for two minutes since the start, and now they are worried again.

The King, without realizing it, has four heads!

However, all Snakes fans were extremely excited.

In the front row of the auditorium, a young lady holding a support sign for The King jumped for joy and felt full of involvement, while the girl next to her holding the luminous letters 'xiye' secretly placed the luminous letters on the ground.

The little girl stared at the 'The King' sign next to her, feeling a little confused.

Should I backstab 60e?

At 6 minutes and 03 seconds, another wave of lines in the middle reached the defense tower, with Yanque at level 5 and Syndra at level 4.

Li Hao made a small detail to pull the melee soldiers slightly to bring them together, and then released E to cover the entire troop line.

Use W to push the three melee soldiers and the artillery truck together, then use Q and hit A twice towards the artillery truck, clearing all the lines in one wave.

The rock bird reached six and disappeared directly from the field of vision.

Syndra, on the other hand, was locked in the tower by a large wave of soldiers.

"Miss! Miss!"

Xiye transformed into a ruthless signal transmitter, constantly sending out signals.

Kandi found a wave of opportunities. He slipped all the way to the top lane, and finally cooperated with Gnar to kill Ike, who was in an aggressive position, and evened the head ratio again.

However, bad news came immediately from the bottom lane.

When the WE duo saw the wine barrel emerging from the grass behind the next tower, it was already too late.

Little Sparrow launched his ultimate move, blocking the retreat of Brother-in-Law and Zero. Snake's troops entered the tower, and the four of them jumped directly over the tower.

The 957 on the road can't teleport, because Ike's aggressive PK just now has severely disabled his Gnar. If he wants to return to the city and teleport again, it's already too late.

In order to protect his brother-in-law, Zero died first and was killed by Wheel Mom's basic attack.

Of course, the fortune teller couldn't escape and died on the rock formation of Yanque.

After getting off the tower without pushing, Snake took the first wind dragon.

For the next few minutes, Snake kept his eyes on the bottom lane, and after Flandre had her ultimate move, she yelled in her voice, saying that if she was caught to death again, she would be a Muggle.

In the next few minutes, my brother-in-law felt really uncomfortable.

On the opposite side, Yanque was already strong at pushing, but now that he has five kills, his push is even more difficult.

Once the middle lane disappears, the bottom lane becomes tense.

At 9 minutes and 46 seconds, the troops went to the middle to gank, preparing to cooperate with Xiye to use damage to force the rock bird to death.

However, Kangdi obviously didn't understand Cuihua's way of playing jungle.

After seeing the men and horses moving towards the middle through an eye in the upper half of WE, the wine barrel has been lying in wait on the wall outside F4.

When Emperor Kang rushed up, before Xiye could follow him, he saw the wine barrel coming out, knocking the men and horses unconscious.

Following the EWQ, all the troops ate up the rock bird, and then were bombed under the tower by a big move from the wine barrel. Li Hao received a basic attack. In the desperate situation, Kangdi used a big backhand to scare the rock bird, and then was beaten by the attack from the defense tower. The man fell on his back and his horse fell over.

Xiye's QE stuns Yanque, and WR does full damage.

However, the Rock Bird is one level higher, and she already has the Abyss Scepter on her body, so Syndra really can't drop it in a second.

On the contrary, Karma from the bottom lane came to support and cooperated with the wine barrel to knock out Syndra's flash.

At 10 minutes and 34 seconds, Snake's revenge came.

Syndra, who did not flash, was controlled by the wine barrel's E flash. Coupled with the damage from the rock bird, Xiye's screen instantly went black.

The bottom duo came to support, but WE Nosuke was unable to defend and was pushed off the first tower in the middle.

Syndra's first tower was lost early, which greatly affected Xiye's development.

With his vision lagging behind and not knowing the opponent's position, he simply did not dare to cross the middle river.

At 14 minutes and 45 seconds, all the top laners of both sides moved TP to the bottom lane. Snake's support was faster. Before WE's midfielder arrived, a wave of five guaranteed three. After WE's precarious bottom tower was pushed down, Gnar, Tahm and The fortune tellers were all submerged in the Snake crowd.

Xiye and Kangdi really had no choice at all. Yanque's wall isolated them from the team for 7 seconds.

Centaur has to rely on ultimate moves to get over the wall, and Syndra has to rely on flash. Isn't this bullying!

The related reaction was that Snake was so powerful that he pushed WE's second tower in the bottom lane. Then the second half of the wild area was completely cleared, and the second water dragon was taken away by Snake.

From this wave onwards, the gap between the two sides was completely widened.

At 23 minutes and 45 seconds of the game, Li Hao cooperated with Li Ke and Ike to kill people near the second tower on the top lane of WE. Snake turned around and started to attack Baron.

The brother-in-law stood to the left and right of the red buff and fired R towards the Dalong Pit, but was directly interrupted by Li Hao using Rock Bird's ultimate move.

Zzr punished the baron steadily, and within the next five minutes, WE lost all the outer towers and two highlands.

At 30 minutes and 24 seconds, there was a team battle in the WE Highlands.

Jiezou's fan mother RQ hit Syndra who was clearing the line. When Ike opened W and rushed up, Tam saved Syndra and followed the wine barrel E to dodge to attack the fate master, but was dodged by his brother-in-law.

However, the wine barrel's R blasted the brother-in-law in the direction of Snake.

Yanque took over the EWQ, and the cripple died suddenly on the spot.

The angry men and horses sprinted, charging into the formation with high-speed movement, and kicked E at the rock bird, but Li Hao's subsequent ultimate move was dodged by a dodge.

957's Gnar grew bigger and stepped forward, R flashed and shot the rock bird onto the crystal.

Syndra kept up with the output, and Xiye finally killed the rock bird.

However, when everyone focused on Li Hao, no one cared about Brother Jingshu.

The wheel mother with 3 kills and 303 last hits already has a blue-sucking knife, a small demon-drinking knife, endless, attack speed boots, and a green fork.

The explosion damage and AOE continuously killed Syndra and Centaur. Gnar was tied up by the fan's w and was also killed.

Gangzi killed Tahm again and got a wave of Wow Q, and the team voice was filled with the excited roar of Flowerpot Man!

Backstage at Snake, the uniforms were in a state of excitement.

World Championship!

That's the World Championship!

We are just one step away!

('-'*ゞ2022, January 1, Happy New Year, book friends!

Thank you all for your monthly votes and subscriptions!

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