LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 103 Flower Pot Man Flandre, let me take it down! !

"We won! It's 2-0, we got the match point!"

Zuo Wu shouted excitedly!

He was a little tearful. At this moment, he was both excited and nervous inside.

The Snakes are just one step away from the highest honor, highest gold content, and highest visibility in League of Legends!

This has been Snake's dream since he founded the team, but it is really difficult to break out of the LPL division.

Dreams have been put on hold, they have fallen on this path more than once, and the future seems uncertain.

Snake experienced a dark horse season, but his passion dissipated, his dark horse faded, and he sank for a time.

However, after unexpectedly signing TheKing, the Snakes started a dream moment this summer!

This time is the closest Snake has come to the World Championship!

"Yes, win!"

"We win this time again!"

Chris responded excitedly, his eyes flashing with excitement.

After S3 and S4, I, Chris, am back again!

The closed door to the World Championship is about to open again.

The people who once gave Chris hope were the talented boy Uzi, the talented Tangmen mid laner, and the talented ADimp

This time, Snake also has talented young players.

However, Chris's eyes always lingered on the man with a solemn expression!

Perhaps, he never thought that such a special guy would exist in his coaching career.

Snake returned to the backstage and could feel that the atmosphere in the entire lounge was different!


The S6 that everyone is thinking about!

As long as we win any of the next three games, everyone can go to North America!

Go play against the world's top teams and compete on a stage witnessed by hundreds of millions of League of Legends players around the world!

For professional players like them, it is really a dream place.

Li Hao felt the mood of his teammates, and everyone formed a circle.

He put his arms around the necks of the gang.

Everyone lowered their heads in cooperation.

"Don't be too excited. It's not the time to celebrate now. Everything will be finalized when we crush WE's old crystal next time!"

"Calm down and kill them in one go!"

"Yes, kill them!"

"Don't give me a chance, don't give me any chance at all!"

"Kill WE and rush into S6!"

"Snake, charge!!"

"come on!"


Chris also stood up and cooperated with the Snakes' data analysts to talk about several key problems in the previous game.

There are several key eye positions that are not inserted.

WE like to insert holes in places without sweeping them, such as the inside of Xiaolong Pit.

Brother Shengqiang’s aggressive move made Jiezou fall into a trap at the beginning

Chris recounted all the little details like this.

Although the next game won’t be able to cover everything, it can finally serve as a reminder.

WE over there.

The pressure on the coaching staff is also very high at the moment.

Falling behind 0-2, simple chicken soup no longer works.

When thinking about the last one, everyone in WE sighed.

The start was good, but I didn't expect that this advantage was not maintained for even two minutes.

The King's Yanque turned the tide, setting off wave after wave of rhythm, pushing WE into a dead end step by step.

"In the last game, there is no need for anyone to be stressed."

"To be honest, our chances in this round of bubble games are slim."

"Snake's condition is really good. It's not too unfair for us to lose."

"In the third game, you should play with a 0-3 mentality, perform well, communicate well, and try not to leave any regrets."

Seeing Coach WE looking like he was breaking something, Xiye and the others raised their heads instead.

Saying this actually made the tense nerves relax a little.

Seeing this, coach WE took advantage of the situation and discussed the problems of the previous game with them in a friendly manner. He did not criticize or accuse anyone, he just asked questions and looked for ways to improve.

Kangdi and others, who were originally silent, also joined in the exchange.

The WE uniforms didn't say anything, but they agreed with this approach.

At this point, letting the players relax will give them a chance.

If you think about it from their perspective, the mood of the Snake players should not be calm either.

Let’s see who can hold on to this breath.

They know in their hearts that as long as WE can win the third game, the pressure may slowly shift to Snake.

And they may have a feeling of not losing money when they lose, and making money when they win.

After a short break, both players took the stage again.

After BP, the blue team's WE lineup is: Ike, Excavator, Ice Girl, Big Mouth, and Bull Head.

Red side Snake lineup: Gnar, Barrel, Vampire, Wheel Mom, Braum.

The unfolding of this game is more exciting than everyone imagined.

After getting the Ice Girl, Xiye was very stable online. He was caught in several waves of wine barrels, but he used E skills and flash to escape.

The main reason is that the vampire is not very strong in the early stage and does not have stable control skills.

Taking advantage of the advantage of pushing the line, Xiye traveled through several waves and successfully caught Broon once, allowing the brother-in-law's big mouth to get first blood, and at the same time, he used Gangzi's double moves.

This completely reversed the matchup where WE had some disadvantages in the bottom lane.

WE continued to target the bottom lane, first using the excavator to catch in a wave for more than 9 minutes, and used the tower line to hit the teleportation of Holy Spear Brother.

After that, taking advantage of the TP difference, 957 Ekko went to the bottom lane to carry the tower, cooperated with his teammates to successfully kill the wheel mother, and got the first earth dragon.

A 2-0 start, everything was perfect.

Snake then changed his strategy. The barrel moved down the road, and cooperated with Braum to improve his vision very well. For five consecutive minutes, the two entered a peaceful development time.

At the beginning of 13 minutes, the excavator cooperated with the Ice Girl to grab a wave of power in the middle. Li Hao unleashed his big move in time, and then the blood pool avoided Kandi's top jump and hit him away.

The ice girl stretched out her crampons, flashed W to hold down the vampire and stood up, then used a big move to freeze, and combined with the damage of the excavator, Li Hao was directly disabled.

However, after the vampire control was lifted, the ultimate move and a Q skill restored blood and survived the most dangerous moment.

Ice Girl's Q failed to kill the vampire, but Wine Barrel arrived, controlled Ice Girl, and combined with the damage from the defense tower, Li Hao gained a key kill.

After Digger kills the vampire, he eventually escapes, and both sides trade one for the other.

The 3-1 head count lasted until the 19th minute.

In Xiaolong Pit, the two sides fought over a fire dragon.

This is a very critical team battle. Once defeated, the Baron may be lost.

When WE focused its fire first and killed Snake's wheel mother instantly, Li Hao's vampire rushed into the crowd, and combined with the control of the wine barrel, it also killed the opponent's well-developed big mouth.

In the subsequent team battle, the two sides played 2 for 2.

Ice Girl gets a head, and Ike gets a head too.

The heads on Snake's side were basically concentrated on vampires.

Li Hao knew that he had a heavy responsibility and did not dare to be careless at all.

Gangzi's development is relatively poor. He wants to carry, so he chooses AP equipment.

This way of loading does more damage, but the fault tolerance rate is very low.

At 25 minutes, there was a team battle in the bottom lane. WE surrounded and suppressed the Snake duo, and Big Mouth won a double kill.

Fortunately, Flandre pushed down the second tower of WE's top lane and brought the troops into the high ground, forcing someone to return to the city to defend.

Li Hao used a wave of skills in the middle to cripple the Bullhead, which was not full of blood, and shattered WE's chance of beating Baron.

The game became more and more anxious, both sides were very cautious, and it lasted until the 37th minute.

At this time, the core equipment of both sides has almost taken shape.

At 37 minutes and 34 seconds, a battle broke out between the two sides in the ancient dragon pit!

Xiye targeted Gangzi to death in this game, and the WE fans at the scene let out a shout of excitement. Wheel Mom was killed by Xiye and Big Mouth. Before she died, Gangzi only knocked out half of the blood from Big Mouth.

In this kind of team battle, if AD dies, the impact will be too great.

The Snake uniforms backstage all had their eyes widened and their hearts in their throats.

Wine Barrel E dodges and cuts the big mouth, but the brother-in-law dodges and dodges.

The second company of Niutou WQ knocked the wine barrel away.

Seeing that Snake's offensive was about to be dismantled, Brother Holy Spear, who had been silent in this round of bubble competition, finally stepped forward.

The great Nar Tathagata's divine palm flashed and stunned WE Big Mouth, Lissandra and the Excavator!

This scene is very similar to the scene where Naer was deprived of meat.

Li Hao's eyes lit up, and he flashed to get rid of 957's ice fist entanglement.

The blood plague was sprinkled directly on the WE crowd!

Then, a violent Q skill drained all the blood from Da Mou!

The E skill creates an explosive AOE, and cooperates with Gnar to kill the Ice Girl again!

Ike threw W, but he was blown away by the barrel's ultimate move.

Bullhead and Excavator have no ability to kill vampires at all. Bronn, who was beaten to a low level of blood by Big Mouth, also used his passivity and slowdown to save people.

The excavator and the cow head were sucked alive by vampires!

Li Hao relied on the storm rider's surge and sprint to stick to Ike with his backhand.

957 was forced to use his ultimate move and killed Bronn.

However, he was beaten out of the resurrection armor, and then the remaining three people of Snake guarded his body.

After killing 957, Brother Holy Spear teleported directly to the top lane and cooperated with the line of soldiers to push WE away and go to the tower.

The vampire and the wine barrel began to fight the ancient dragon.

After Wheel Mother was resurrected, Snake harvested the Ancient Dragon Buff, and took advantage of the fact that the excavator was not resurrected to capture the dragon again!

A wave of double dragons will allow Snake to completely reverse the situation!

The high ground on the road became a breakthrough point, and Snake easily knocked down the crystal.

WE temporarily avoided the battle, resulting in all three highlands being destroyed.

In 42 minutes, the troops came to the city.

A wave of team battles broke out on the WE high ground. This wave was extremely brutal. Under the protection of the bull's head, Big Mouth's output was terrifying, and he continuously killed several members of the Snake team.

However, Zzr blasted Big Mouth back with a key ultimate move, and Li Hao followed. Even though Big Mouth had magic resistance, he was still taken away by him in conjunction with his ultimate move.

Cooperating with Ice Girl's control, the vampires Li Haoquan output were also killed by focused fire because they penetrated too deep.

But it's already too late now. Gangzi and Holy Spear Brother, the two talented young men of the Snake Team, are now possessed by demons.

"Flowerpot Man, take it apart for me!"

"Flando, you piece of shit, hurry up and push the tower, I'm going to S6!"


"Demolish them!"

"Leave people alone, tear them down!"


Backstage at Snake, Zuo Wu and Chris also stood up, as if they were also trying their best.


"Tear it down for me!"

On the big screen, Bronn was killed and the barrel was killed!

Gnar flashes, Wheel Mom flashes!

Crazy demolition around the old WE crystal!

When the ice girl's crampons reached the wheel mother's side, Gangzi A made the last move!

The picture freezes!


WE, the old crystal exploded!

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