LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 104 Red Dragon Shirt Two drops of blood messed up fate!

"Brother Crystal flashes!"

"Brother Holy Spear flashes!"

"Snake is desperate and uses all his strength to defeat the old crystal!"

"A dropped, A dropped!"

"Congratulations Snake!"

"3-0, Snake made it out of the bubble. They will become the third seed in the LPL and compete in the S6 World Championship!"


In the center of the Snake player's seat, Li Hao stared at the screen with sharp eyes and exhaled softly.

The image of the broken old WE crystal was still flying in his eyes. Between the broken lights and broken shadows, Li Hao seemed to have seen a dreamy picture.

That's right, that's the World Championship battlefield!

No matter how rich his experience is in the life simulator, at this moment, for a veteran who has been fighting for many years, the excitement is uncontrollable!

The first real world championship in my career is finally here!

On the side, Snake's remaining four people were even more excited.

With a 'swish', he stood up from the gaming chair without any pretense.


"Brother Hao, we are going to North America to play Season 6! Damn it, it feels so sudden. My dream has come true."

Seeing Flando making such a fuss, Li Hao couldn't help but smile.

Gangzi on the side said happily: "Just have fun secretly. We will treat Brother Hao to dinner later to make up for it."

"If Brother Hao hadn't come back from injury, we might have lost this S6."

"That's necessary!"

"Okay, go shake hands and take care of WE's mood." Li Hao did not let them continue to beep.

"Go, go, go."

Everyone in the WE contestant box had taken off their headphones at this moment, with bitter expressions on their faces.

Although I was mentally prepared when I fell behind 0-2, at this juncture, my mood was unavoidable.

Brother Leg looked at Li Hao in front of him and felt very emotional.

He started playing in WE.F in June 2014. He did not enter the league as early as Li Hao, but they are the same age.

This summer, 957's performance in the top lane position was not bad at all. His name was included in the nomination for the best top laner in this year's LPL.

However, compared with the veteran of the same age in front of him, he obviously pales in comparison.

Especially in the game just now, when Snake was at an overall disadvantage, this vampire was really carrying the team forward.

What's more, he's still injured!

957's emotions were a bit complicated, and even the feeling of losing the qualification to participate in S6 became a trance.

While everyone in Snake went to the stage to enjoy the applause that belonged to the winner, the five WE people could only lower their heads and pack their equipment, except for occasionally looking over there.

"Xiye, don't be discouraged."

"He is indeed very strong now, but his age is there. Maybe he will become functional next season. Even the Big Devil can't change this. You are four years younger than him. When he was your age, he was still There is no such thing as you."

"I can feel it now, not to mention that he is still playing in the middle."

957 spoke earnestly and patted Xiye on the shoulder.

"The future is yours."

"Next season, let's get our face back!"

Xiye smiled bitterly after hearing his words: "Brother Leg, I'm not as fragile as you think."

"It's just that if you don't want to give in, you still don't want to give in!"

957 stopped talking. Why was he feeling like this?

Unfortunately, the done thing is done.

"Let's give Snake another round of applause!"

"I hope they can achieve better results in the S6 World Championship and show the style that belongs to our Chinese LPL division!"


After a simple post-game interview, Li Hao and his team returned to the backstage.

Following that, the entire backstage lounge was in a state of excitement.

For the Snakes, getting here this summer has been considered a success.

Entering the global finals was the dream of this team when it was first established.

Today, this step has finally been taken.

In the evening, when everyone returned to the base, after a simple celebration, Zuo Wu talked about the S6 expedition ceremony tomorrow to get everyone ready.

No one saw the strange look on Li Hao's face when he mentioned the S6 expedition ceremony.

A strange scene couldn't help but appear in his mind, which was the famous scene that some summoners later called the 'shroud descending from the sky'.

When Li Hao arrived at the venue with the team the next day, he understood

What is coming will never be avoided.

In the evening, the starting members of the three teams, EDG, RNG, and Snake, entered the lower part of the stage after being tossed by the makeup artist.

The LPL official set up an easter egg, but did not explain in advance the style of "S6 Conquest".

The players from the three teams have some expectations.

15 players, 5 in a row, standing in a triangle.

As the stage rises, correspondingly, the 15 ‘shirts’ in the sky are also hung by machines and then land.

The bright red color full of temptation, with a strong rustic feel, slowly descended in front of the contestants.

Even though they were surrounded by flashlights and cameras, some people's faces couldn't stand up.

Bright red, from shoulder to chest, there is a tattoo of a shoulder-length dragon.

To be honest, this golden dragon pattern is quite domineering.

But Li Hao felt that it was a bit aggrieved for the dragon to follow these clothes.

The hem and collar of the clothes are fat and look very uncoordinated.

"Gangzi, you see it, this is the S6 jersey you have been dreaming about."

Brother Holy Spear beeped softly.

Gangzi rolled his eyes: "I thought it was similar to S5, but I didn't expect it to be so far apart."

The S5 expedition jersey combines blue and white porcelain with Chinese dragons, which is very unique.

Jiezou asked Cuihua next to him: "Zhanran, what do you think?"

Cuihua touched her nose: "I think my grandma in my hometown likes this style very much."

Jiezou burst out laughing when he heard this.

"Okay, everyone, be a little more serious."

The contestants were taking off the clothes from the hangers on the machine. This scene gave a sense of being on the street selling goods and randomly picking 3 pieces for 30 yuan.

When the camera panned to the scene, several boys could be seen in the audience, grinning and taking pictures with their mobile phones.

They discovered Hua Dian.

The surrounding lights are red, and white mist is created on the stage to enhance the atmosphere.

After all, this is the red dragon shirt!

When the contestants faced the camera and zipped up their clothes, the barrage was filled with excitement.

"Hahaha, which genius designed this costume?"

"Being able to lock in Brother Wolfberry's appearance with a set of uniforms is truly invincible."

“Although red has a lot of meaning, the design can’t be more earthy.”

"The golden dragon is quite handsome."

"It's okay if the jersey is ugly, but it's ugly because of the poor record in the World Championships."


Then, the scene rang out a "war song":

"He is a hero and has no strong enemy across the world."

"He is a hero. Hengdao immediately shocked the past and present."

"Heroes stand side by side, overcoming obstacles and moving forward bravely."

"Heroes join hands to clean up the world and win first."


“S6’s journey will surely create a legend!”

Although it was said to be a 'full score composition', it gave me the feeling that the wind is rustling and the water is cold, and that a strong man will never return once he is gone.

Under the camera, Qi Jiang, who is competing in the World Championship for the third time, seems to have written all over her face:

When will this embarrassing thing end?

When large amounts of white smoke erupted around the stage and pieces of colorful paper fireworks fell from the sky, the expedition ceremony was finally over.

Afterwards, they attended the official banquet.

LPL official staff also came to Li Hao to express condolences and inquire about his injury. Although the expedition ceremony was ordinary, this kind of humanistic care was quite in place.

From the surface, the bruises on Li Hao's hands have obviously faded compared to when he took IM.

They did not return to the base that night. The officials arranged for the hotels for the three teams to stay.

The next day, there will be a series of expedition activities, fan meetings, press conferences, etc.

After the dinner party in the evening, we finally returned to our respective bases.

The competition for the final spot in the LCK is in full swing.

The LCK this summer is really in a state of flux.

First of all, the spring champion SKT was not stable in the summer. In addition to its own performance decline, the LCK also saw the emergence of several strong teams.

The Tigers secured their spot in the S tournament ahead of SKT.

Next, SKT battled with KT.

Because SKT has higher points in the spring split, as long as it defeats KT in this round, it can still lock in the second spot.

However, something unexpected happened.

All SKT fans never thought that the SKT team led by the Demon King would be beaten by KT after leading 2-0!

In the finals, RoxTiger battled KT.

If KT defeats the Tigers, KT will become the No. 1 seed and send SKT to the bubble tournament.

If RoxTiger defeats KT, then KT will enter the bubble tournament and SKT will get the second seed.

The Tigers were stronger, but KT's performance in the finals was surprising.

Fly's performance was a factor, coupled with the old captain Score, through the sacrifice of Hachani, KT and ROXTiger tied 2-2, looking like they were going to win the championship in an upset.

In the last game of BO5, there was no economic gap between the two sides at 22 minutes.

In the following games, KT gradually caught the rhythm of the game and won two team battles in a row!

Everyone can feel that KT is going to win!

However, somewhere down there, maybe there really is a God of Destiny.

After KT won the team battle, they directly opened the baron. The Tigers had no time to defend. If the baron was captured, KT would win the game!

However, just when the dragon was about to be killed, Smeb released the captain's ultimate move into the dragon's pit.

Death bombing!

Score punishment fell, he never expected that Baron Nash would be captured by Smeb with only 2 drops of blood!

The dragon changed his fate against the will of heaven, and the two sides exchanged offense and defense.

RoxTiger broke through three highlands of KT in a row, and with the help of three super soldiers, the game ended in one wave!

When the Tigers lifted the heavy trophy, old captain Score slapped the keyboard angrily.

At that moment, he was so annoyed and regretful.

Two insignificant drops of blood have completely different fates.

But that’s part of esports.

Celebrating with the Tigers is also the SKT club.

The Tigers unknowingly pushed their biggest enemy into the World Series.

Once SKT enters the bubble match.

So, it's really hard to say whether we can get the third seed.

Because, the bubbling match will encounter SSG.

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