LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 109 Coster analyzes TheKing

After watching the final results of the two teams at the end of the game, in addition to the barrages from the LPL side, several commentators in the European commentary booth also had shocked faces.

"SPY's qualifying situation in Group D is not optimistic. I didn't expect Snake to be such a terrifying team!"

The one who spoke was a man with an afro, and he was analyzing seriously:

"The player The King was not famous before, but I believe many European viewers watching the game now have some impressions of him. He is really a surprising guy!"

"Sencux is considered a genius in the European competition, but this time he was beaten by The King without any sound. Snake's extreme reaction in the middle, I think it was the best operation of the two game days."

"Oh~, Bill, you are right."

The commentator with slicked-over hair next to him spoke up: "I mentioned before SPY played Snake that TSM had been punished for underestimating the enemy, and TheKing's men killed everyone. SPY was careful enough in this game, but not targeted enough. , look at that man, he knows exactly what he wants to do."

"After The King's Snake Girl rises, SPY can't resist it at all. Trashy should support Clockwork early, and his blind monk should support the middle lane in the first wave!"

"I dare to conclude that if any team dares to ignore The King in the following games, they will lose miserably! The most deadly venom of Snake is in this guy!"

"If I'm wrong, I'll live broadcast kissing the donkey's ass!"

"Hahaha, Coster, are you imitating Barkley? Where does your confidence come from?"

European commentator Coster said seriously: "I have started to understand The King since the last Snake game."

"This is a veteran who has been dormant for a long time and suddenly burst into vitality this summer. His concentration in every game is amazing, so it is difficult for you to find mistakes from him."

"Calm, efficient, wait for the moment, and then deliver the fatal blow! Like a killing machine."

"However, if you do this in every game, the mental pressure will be very high, especially in such a high-intensity world competition. Therefore, this also explains why he always has such a cold and cold expression."

"The King has invested a lot. It can be said that he put all of himself into the game."

"Time and injuries are the most efficient weapons to destroy an e-sports player. For some veterans, if they do not seize the only opportunity in their career, then it will only be a pity."

"And time and injuries, two fatal things, have all found their way to The King. This S6 may be his last glory. The King is a conscious player, and he will give everything he has! The Snake team, especially That centaur, they seem to be guarding The King’s final glory.”

"SPY didn't respect him enough, which was an important factor leading to failure!"

"I believe you will still remember the scene of Dyrus crying goodbye to the S5 arena."

The two commentators around were surprised. Coster's analysis angle was very tricky. If you look at it carefully, it really makes sense.

Next, Coster shared other information he learned about The King.

Especially when talking about the legendary battle in the summer split where he took off the bandage and then fought through the injury, many European viewers were shocked when they heard about it.

Coster even said that he is already a fan of TheKing.

It must be said that his wave of publicity has enriched The King's image in the hearts of European Union audiences.

However, the more the SPY uniforms staff heard, the more something was wrong.

Fake, SPY is the European team!

Coster, a pig, didn't care about the local team, so he turned his elbows outwards and went up to the sky!

Snake's team members returned backstage, and everyone was in a good mood.

The second point in the group stage is obtained, and the road ahead is getting clearer!

"Brother Hao, your snake girl's reaction is invincible."

"Kenan suddenly showed up in Ka's field of vision, and was petrified by you in almost an instant!"

Chris clicked his tongue in surprise.

Li Hao smiled slightly: "I have a prejudgmental nature. At that time, I felt that the clockwork was moving strangely, so I kept paying attention to that side of the wall. It happened that Kenan returned to the city at that time, so I had already taken precautions."

After listening to his words, Zuo Wu gave a thumbs up.

Snake’s staff are also all glowing. Snake is definitely the most brutal team since the World Championships.

Neither game lasted longer than thirty minutes, which is far less than the average length.

And this Brother Hao in front of him is killing people indiscriminately in the World Championships!

At 11 o'clock, H2K played against INTZ.

Yue Lun's Snake Girl performed superbly, scoring 3-0-4, while Odoamne, who is known for his stability in the top lane, played Kennen and scored 5-0-2. Jankos, known as Mr. Key, uses a scorpion to assist Fan Mom to constantly bring back key players to start a group.

12-1, H2K beat INTZ hard and defeated the wild card brother in 30 minutes and 27 seconds.

The piggies were a little panicked. INTZ defeated EDG and H2K defeated INTZ. According to the theory of canyon relativity, wouldn't Guodian be in trouble?

At 12 o'clock, EDG fans were waiting in front of the screen.

EDG vs. SSG.

The unfolding of this game also disappointed fans.

SSG mid laner Crown Brother suddenly showed off his power, and his first-hand Victor developed under the care of Master An.

Then SSG targeted EDG's bottom lane. After Deft's EZ died twice in a row, Chi Di's wheel mother took off directly.

The factory director's excavator was also constantly being captured, but EDG lost control of the rhythm. In a wave of battles in Xiaolongkeng, SSG played 1 for 3. Aguang, who was on the road, met CuVee and could not gain the slightest advantage.

In the 32nd minute of the game, Samsung defeated EDG’s old crystal after a wave of team battles!

EDG did not underestimate their opponent in this game, but Samsung seems to have made a breakthrough in this world championship and is better adjusted than in the summer split.

After a 0-2 start, Guodian was really nervous.

October 2, the third day of the group stage.

The first game that started at 7 o'clock was an upset.

The wild card ANX fought fiercely for 40 minutes and defeated the North American Wings of Hope CLG with a head count of 18-16.

In the next game, ROX played against G2. After G2 gained a huge advantage in the early stage, ROX suffered a comeback.

At 9 o'clock, C9 made a comeback and defeated Flash Wolves.

Following a game, LPL fans cheered up again.

RNG vs. SKT!

After 37 minutes and 29 seconds, the barrage on the LPL official TV station really exploded.

"0-2 again?"

"The big devil dreams of returning to his peak. Syndra plays this game so well!"

"What do you know? There's Xiao Hei in front of me. I've replaced Stupid Chicken this time. The Big Devil must be comfortable. I just saw the incense pot caught, and I knew it was going to happen. Stupid Chicken's excavator counter-crouched and the Big Devil succeeded. Take two heads and Xiaohu will blast them right through!"

"There must be a stupid chicken within a thousand yards of the devil. It's really not a joke."

"Uzi and Mata are in the bottom lane, and there's nothing they can do against Bang and Wolf. I'm really scared when I see Bang's EZ. I've expected 0-2. This group B is so difficult! Can RNG qualify? It’s time to put a question mark.”

"To be honest, the fighting style of SKT is similar to that of Snake. The stupid chicken squats in the middle, and Zzr also squats in the middle. However, I feel that the current Wolfberry brother is more violent than the big devil. If SKT and Snake fight, then It’s wonderful.”


At 11 o'clock, North American Cult defeated SPY amidst cheers of 'TSM'.

Team Snake appears again.

The opponent in this game is none other than AHQ.

This is Snake's last game in the first round of the group stage. After this game, the second round of the group stage in Group D will be announced on October 10th.

Because of their wonderful performances in the previous two games, many spectators already applauded the Snake players when they came on stage.

Can this LPL third seed continue to be strong?

Old Americans like to see this kind of dark horse rise.

Over at the LPL commentary box, today we have Wawa, Su Xiaoyan and Senior Colonel Guan.

"Snake is on the blue side this time, and The King will face Ximen Ye."

Just after Su Xiaoyan finished speaking, Colonel Guan said excitedly:

"Everyone knows this player Ximen, right? He has a card in his left hand and a fishman in his right. I don't know if I can pick it today."

Wawa smiled: "This version also has a grasshopper, and Ximen's Ice Girl can also play with it. His current play style is also biased toward support."

As he spoke, Snake pulled out two hands in front of the blue side: cards and fishmen.

With the third move, he took down Tahm who has a strong ability to secure the C position.

Snake's goal is very clear. The focus of this AHQ is still on Xiao An, the AD. It can be seen from the front that he gave Xiao An a big core like Jinx.

AHQ defeated Snake, Karma and Centaur.

AHQ obviously watched the last game between Snake and SPY, and both Centaur and Snake were blocked.

After some selections by both sides, the heroes swapped positions and the lineup was locked:

Blue side Snake: Kennen, Blind Sin, Ice Lady, Lucian, Braum.

Red side AHQ: Rambo, Olaf, Grasshopper, Jinx, Bard.

Li Hao's teleport and flash, Ximen's sprint and flash, both sides used Dolan's ring and two reds to go out.

Both sides did not cause trouble at the first level and each defended the jungle area. It was very peaceful.

The hero Grasshopper is weak in the lane, but he can limit the opponent to cooperate with the jungler to seize opportunities by pushing the lane. The output in mid- to late-game team battles is considerable, and you can start a team fight or backhand.

But because of his short hands and lack of explosiveness, he has no ability to end the game.

Simon actually didn't want to play with grasshoppers, but Snake banned everything he could play with.

Fortunately, the other party didn't kill them all and still retained a handful of grasshoppers.

If the grasshoppers are also banned, then we can snatch the ice girl.


Ximenye said: "WDNMD!"

It is estimated that Wanwan fans will shed tears as Westdoor retires on the spot.

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