LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 110 Defeat AHQ!

It is very easy for Li Hao's Ice Girl to line up with Grasshopper. Before level 6, Grasshopper did not do much damage and cost mana. He only focused on pushing troops to clear the line. He could not continuously consume the opponent. It was impossible to constantly exchange mana for blood. Arrived.

The current version of Ice Girl's passive is still [Ice Bloodline]. Every 18 seconds, the next skill does not consume mana. By slowing down enemy units, the cooldown of this passive can be reduced.

In the early stage of pushing the lane, the grasshopper can't push the ice girl.

Snake came up with this lineup with no intention of fighting AHQ until the late stages.

Ximen controlled the grasshopper to move back and forth behind the soldier line. Li Hao saw the right moment and passed through the soldier with a Q. The ice spear shattered and broke the cover on Ximen's body.

Ximen had short hands, so he ignored the Ice Girl and threw his E skill on the minion. Then he used A to perform a basic attack and let the evil star illusion pass on the minion.

With the blind monk's red buff activated, Zzr can directly use punishment to quickly reach level 2.

Follow along and you can see it on the big screen.

When Olaf brushed against the three wolves, the blind monk was already running towards the middle.

Grasshopper's passive has a 30-second cooldown in the early stage, and Li Hao's next Q only takes 6 seconds to turn around.

Seizing the opportunity of Grasshopper's A soldier, Ice Shard (Q) is thrown out again. In addition to the damage of 70+70% of the magic power, there is also a 16% deceleration effect for 1.5 seconds.

The grasshopper was slowed down, and the blind monk immediately crossed over from the river grass in the lower half towards the middle.

Ximen controlled the grasshopper's position, but Zzr did not release Q at all. He directly touched his eyes and got closer, and put on the red buff on flat A to slow down.

Li Hao caught up with the basic attack, Blind Monk Tianyin Wave hit, and the next basic attack hit thunder.

When Ice Girl A made her next basic attack, her thunder and blind monk's second stage Q hit the grasshopper together, and Ximen was hit with a flash!

If he doesn't pay this wave of flashes and is beaten to the bloodline again, he will be forced to go home.

Snake stopped as soon as he was ready, Blind Monk entered the river in the upper half of the area, Grasshopper took drugs behind the line, and Ice Girl took control of the line.

"Brother Hao, can I do it again?"

"Okay, this wave can kill, you wait for me to make the first move."

After Li Hao finished speaking, he cleared out the minions with a Q and was promoted to level 2.

After Ximen took a bottle of medicine, he walked forward again. The E dead soldier was also upgraded to 2. The blood volume restored due to the upgrade gave Ximen a more sense of security.


Just when he was about to step forward to attack the minion, Lissandra suddenly flashed forward.

The Ring of Frost (W) froze him in place, and Ximen caught sight of the blind monk out of the corner of his eye, screaming in his heart that it was bad.

This time, the blind monk directly kicked the grasshopper with his Tianyin wave, and followed up with his second stage Q. The ice girl and the blind monk kept attacking. Ximen sprinted and struggled, but he was still killed by the ice girl's next shot of ice fragments. .

Jungler Mountain didn't expect this scene in the middle, and neither did Ximen.

This blind monk gave up his own development and died in the middle lane!

You're playing the Shadow Ice Girl, right?

Zzr returned to the blue zone, and Li Hao inserted the jewelry eye at the mouth of the river outside F4 to guard against Olaf coming.

He did not return to the city and reached level 3 on time in 3 minutes.

At 3 minutes and 12 seconds, Mountain's Olaf was caught. The ice girl twisted to avoid the flying axe, turned around and slowed Olaf, without even using her E skill.

Mountain felt insulted. Olaf picked up the silver ax that he had missed just now. After turning the CD, he was ready to try again. The ice girl swung her butt back and forth with a graceful posture. Mountain's eyes were indeed locked on the ice girl, but the ax missed again. .

Two beautiful moves made the audience cheer.

Li Hao used a W to freeze Olaf, who was already close to within 450 yards of him, and turned around to attack A with Thunder.

The Ice Girl does not retreat but advances. With her keen professional awareness, Mountain's first reaction is that the blind monk is coming!

He was so frightened that he didn't dare to pick up the ax and ran away in a hurry.

This is a psychological warfare, Zzr is actually still fighting the Three Wolves.

If the opponent is in the silver rank, Li Hao really doesn't dare to look back.

Just kidding, if you send it to my real man's arms, I won't kill you with an axe!

But professional players are different. Many of them are old silver coins and think more.

Mountain's original intention was to help relieve the pressure in the middle, but it was ineffective and delayed his own development time. He originally had the opportunity to be in the second half of the field, but now he can only eat the crab in the lower half.

Zzr made up for the top lane crabs and gained experience back.

Gangzi and Jiezou knew Olaf's movements and immediately pulled up their pants in the bottom lane.

They fought very hard, and Xiao An only had half health left. If he hadn't drank the cappuccino brewed by Albis, his current condition would be even worse.

After the blind monk ate the river crab, he went on the road for a while. Ziv was still very stable. Although he had no vision of the river, he probably guessed the movement of the blind monk.

So, just stand far behind the line of troops and use E to last hits.

However, the audience watching the game in Wanwan all know that Snake's move is not easy.

Kennan is pushing the line, and the blind monk has already reached the grass opposite the stone monster.

In the middle, Li Hao's Ice Girl directly chose to return to the city after pushing the troops under the west gate tower.

I went home and updated the murder ring, the amplification book, a pair of straw sandals, and a real eye.

With the addition of medicine and Dolan Ring, the six grids are filled to the brim.

"Give me the eyes, I will."

"Ziv didn't leave, he's gone!" After hearing Li Hao's words, Flandre responded excitedly.

A few seconds later, Ice Girl teleported to the eye position given by the blind monk. The troop line just reached the Ziv tower, and Snake and the other three jumped directly over the tower.

"Hey~ Yeah yeah~!"

Soon, the Yodel machine exploded, making an extremely tragic cry.

Blind Monk's basic attack carried the tower, Ice Girl's W took over the control, Holy Spear Brother's Lightning Dart AQW took over the control chain, the damage to the three exploded, and Ziv's screen went black on the spot.

In the AHQ player seat, Ximen’s face turned dark.

He really doesn't want to play with bugs in the middle, it's simply a senior citizen's life.

I want cards, I want fishmen!

Although Li Hao was leaning towards the middle, he still didn't show his head at the first time.

This gave AHQ the illusion that Rambo was teleporting and that Snake could kill a carbine.

After all, he can do it even if he catches him continuously at level 2, so guarding him for a Rambo is nothing.

There was a huge wave of soldiers on the road. Although Ziv was tempted, he didn't dare to eat.

Li Hao missed a few shots in the middle, but this Polish game suffered even more losses.

"The King was also careful with his calculations. Knowing that Rambo would die, he added a murder ring."

"AHQ is now at a disadvantage in the middle and top lanes, so it's a bit difficult to handle."

"Olav just came to the bottom lane, but Bader's control is not stable, and Olaf only has one slowdown. There is not enough pursuit distance, so it is difficult to kill."

Guan Zeyuan nodded and said: "But now AHQ still has to focus on Xiao An's Jinx. He is now the most stable point in AHQ's development."

"In the last round of SPY, we also relied on Xiao An's Jinx Carry. I believe everyone still remembers that game. Xiao An performed very well at that time."

While the colonel was beeping, Jinx's hand on the screen shook and he missed a Ferrari.

The doll laughed: "You keep going, you keep going."

Colonel Guan smiled awkwardly and said: "What I said are all facts."

AHQ really wanted to develop the bottom lane, but how could Snake let it go?

The leader in development, Ice Girl, firmly controls the line in the middle. As soon as Li Hao finishes pushing the line, he will disappear immediately.

Ximen then turned into a signal transmission tower, constantly pinging the 'Miss' signal.

The terrible thing is that under Nakano Suke's vision control, the entire lower half of the field of vision is controlled by Snake.

Mountain demolished the real eye in the river grass at 4 minutes and 57 seconds. The blind monk walked out of the red zone and Tian Yinbo came up directly to stand with him.

Olaf is indeed not afraid of fighting, but Ice Girl is always faster than a grasshopper. Mountain saw Ice Girl's E skill reaching over and sprinted away.

At 6 minutes and 18 seconds, AHQ, which had just stabilized the situation, experienced a big explosion.

Snake linked up with the middle and jungle to seize the bottom lane.

In this wave, Ziv's Rambo was forced to teleport down, and Kennen also reached the bottom lane.

However, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not at the same level at all.

The wave of soldiers that he lost before has now become a huge hidden danger. When Rambo went to the bottom lane to protect AD, he was only level 5, while Kennen was already at level 6.

In an instant, thunder and lightning surged in the next tower of AHQ!

Li Hao W immobilized Rambo and Bard, used his ultimate move to Jinx, and combined with the blind monk's damage, Xiao An was instantly defeated.

Bard was hit with Braum passive, Li Hao passed through Rambo with a Q, and the fragments scraped Bard to death.

Ziv's head was also collected by Kenan, and Snake's heads were collected in all three positions.

Ximen and Dashan arrived late, and Snake took away the first water dragon without pushing down the tower.

It makes sense not to push the next tower, because next, Snake will no longer be a human being.

At 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the ice girl with the ultimate move went to the bottom lane again.

Blind Sin followed closely behind, and Bard's ultimate move was executed beautifully, which immobilized the Snake bottom duo.

However, this doesn't make sense at all.

The blind monk touched his eyes and kicked Jinx away unreasonably. Ice Girl's E skill came close, and WRQ killed Jinx instantly.

Bud escaped in a flash, but Gangzi caught up with him and killed him with a wave of holy spear baptism.

Ximen rushed over, and the Grasp of Hades (R) immobilized Lucian who was catching up. Mountain sprinted forward to deal damage, but their burst was not enough. Lucian healed and accelerated to move away, and Snake and the others also chased after him.

The AHQ duo had no choice but to give up.

In the next few waves, Ice Girl used roaming and teleportation to capture AHQ's bottom lane twice, taking the mobility difference between the two mid lane heroes to the extreme.

Xiao An kept watching black and white TV and became numb.

When the news came that the Electric Mouse killed Rambo alone on the top lane, AHQ knew that this game was going further and further.

"I'm not fierce, I'll jump over the tower and kill alone!"

"Haha, the viewers watching the live broadcast must be saying that Flando is awesome, and the barrage should also be rolling."

In the team's voice, Brother Holy Spear's voice kept coming.


"The gun is the most powerful!"

Teammates applauded.

Brother Holy Spear said excitedly: "How about rewarding me with a Lucian top laner?"


"We will tell Zuo Wu later that there is something wrong with Flando's thinking again. He wants to do acrobatics even in the World Championships."

At 21 minutes and 21 seconds, a burst of exclamations broke out in the market auditorium.

Xiao An's Jinx retreated near the second tower, and Bard was still with Xiao Loli. Ice Girl flashed out from F4, and W immobilized the two.

Follow RQEA and push the stick, instantly killing Jinx who has no magic resistance!

In the AHQ player seat, Xiao An was really dumbfounded.

Killing book, hat, push stick, law wearing shoes

The stunning ice girl!

Xiao An really wanted to hit a 'GG'.

Snake accepted the dragon, and Olaf, who had not flashed, could not come to grab the dragon. The mountain's current smoothness would probably melt it before it could reach the dragon pit.

At the early 25th minute, AHQ's two high ground was broken.

Ximen pressed Tab and looked at the equipment on the other side.

TNN’s doesn’t have a single mercury in it, right?

Is my sense of existence so low?

The angry Ximen directly restrained the blind monk who rushed in and wanted to roundhouse kick in the next wave of team battles. As a result, Kennen and Ice Girl on the opposite side rushed into the AHQ crowd together.

The feast of ice magic and thunder and lightning melted everyone in AHQ, and Bard's ultimate move before his death immobilized the ice girl and his own grasshopper with residual blood.

Ximen and Li Hao came together to win the gold medal.

The effect of the ultimate move passed, AHQ was hit with an ACE, and Snake won the game!

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