LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 112 The ultimate blood lock, the will of pigs and dogs!

October 10th.

LPL official TV station.

In front of the screen, today's commentary team is PDD and the Haier Brothers.

When the game was about to start, the screen of the LPL official TV station was already filled with barrage:

"Brothers, the No. 1 seed and the No. 2 seed have already boarded the plane. Whether we can save any face in the LPL competition today, I hope it all depends on Snake."

"What kind of dignity does LPL have? Many people on Twitter are ridiculing it. Even European and American trolls are now saying that the LPL region does not deserve three World Championship spots. Damn it, it can make people mad!!"

"I'm a fan of Snake, and we're the only one left in the LPL. It's not easy for Snake to play all the way to this level. Please be gentle."

"Have some confidence, okay? I have watched Snake's games all summer. As long as there is no accident in the middle, Snake can play very well. Didn't you see how the three teams in Group D were beaten by The King in the first round? ?Although The King is old, he is very strong this season!"

"Come on Snake, come on Brother Wolfberry!!"

"Little Broken Snake, give me a duck!!"

There are cheers and encouragements, but there is never a shortage of doubts.

The LCK troika is driving at a high speed, putting a lot of pressure on people.

To be honest, judging from the current paper, there is really no hope for the S6 LPL division.

The first game of Group D at 7 o'clock, Snake vs. TSM.

When the camera showed the contestants' seats on both sides, the slut in the studio yelled:

"Okay! Brothers, the game is about to start. Snake is 3-0 in the first round of the group stage. If you win any game today, you will advance. Everyone, come and cheer!"

Saozhu was not originally scheduled to commentate today, but he was really frustrated when he explained the EDG game the day before yesterday.

If it hadn't been for the strain on his hips now, he would have wanted to rush forward and choose the prince of Demacia again.

It's not enough for an LPL team to just be fierce in internal battles, they have to be bloody in external battles!

The reason why Saozhu applied to work overtime to commentate on this game was because of Snake's playing style and temper.

After all, in the first three games of the group stage, Snake killed everyone!

The prostitute teacher really came here with passion today, and her voice was raised several decibels.

Wawa also said: "The shouts for TSM were very loud, and everyone cheered for Snake in the comments!"

The camera turned and Snake and TSM entered the BP interface.

Compared with the first round of the group stage, in this game, the two sides swapped red and blue, with Snake on the blue side and TSM on the red side.

Snake takes down: Tam, Jace, Vampire.

TSM eliminated: Snake Girl, Ice Girl, Leopard Girl.

On the first floor, Snake locked onto Syndra with almost no hesitation.

"Syndra was the first hero The King used in the summer split. He used various triggers. This was the first time he used it in the World Championship."


The red side TSM selected Rambo and EZ.

After Snake took out the Excavator and added Kennen, TSM took out Verus and added the Bullhead.

This move of Varus was a hit. It had appeared many times during the World Championship. Of course, Bilson had practiced it. He was defeated miserably in the hands of Snake in the last round. In order to win the game, the North American cult also revealed its hidden trump card in advance.

Snake locked onto Jhinja Zyra with both hands in the end!

This is a very strong bottom lane combination. Although they are fragile, the skills of the two are enough to form a combo. Under continuous control, in addition to their own high burst, the ability to cooperate with the jungler is also very strong.

Jiezou, the hero of Zyra, has been practicing since September and has been practicing privately recently. This is the first time she has used it in a game.

Not only the commentators and spectators found it novel, but the coaches of some World Championship teams also noticed it.

Of course no team will underestimate Snake who went 3-0 in the first round.

TSM selected Spider in the last move, the heroes changed positions, and the lineup was locked.

Blue side Snake: Kennen, Excavator, Syndra, Jhin, Zyra.

Red side TSM: Rambo, Spider, Varus, EZ, Bullhead.

On the stage, Chris shook hands with the TSM coach, and the game officially entered the loading interface.




The cry of the North American cult has sounded again.

The camera showed the scene. Some people put their hands together in front of their mouths and shouted. Some people stood on their seats, took out a big flag and waved it. The scene was quite crazy!

The hero enters the Summoner's Rift and the game officially begins.

Both sides of the bottom lane have a tacit understanding to insert their wards in the river near Xiaolong, to prevent the duo from being invaded and harassed by the opponent when fighting the first group of wild monsters.

Li Hao controlled Sindra to stand in the middle. After seeing Bilson's vision, the Danish midlaner showed his dog tag to provoke.

However, Syndra didn't respond at all.

This is Bjerzen's third time participating in the World Championship, and the LCS King must have a temper.

Bilson showed his dog tag again and charged up [Piercing Arrow] at the same time.


The sound of a fully loaded crossbow suddenly sounded, after the gay-skinned Varus, the heart-seeking archer, was brewing.

An arrow shot!

The arrow passed through more than 1,200 yards, and the pale pink arrow flashed very quickly.

However, Syndra moved sideways and dodged quite easily.

I thought Syndra would show a dog tag to taunt her, but she didn't make any move and just stood there calmly.

The director cut the camera to Snake's player box.

The man in the mid lane position had the same expression as in the first round, tough, cold, and solemn.

Everything Bilson did in front of him seemed to be unable to move him in the slightest.

I don't know why, but those viewers who supported TSM suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

They also thought about some comments made by European and American e-sports forums about TheKing during this period:

——SS.TheKing, the coldest killing machine in the first round of the group stage!

Li Hao's summoner skill is the same as Bilson's, which is sprinting and flashing.

Online, the ball girl is worthy of Varus.

Ball Girl's Q consumes less mana and has a shorter CD.

Varus' Q has a CD of 20 seconds and consumes more mana.

Just now Bilson had an empty Q, and when the minions came online, his Q skill had not improved yet.

Bilson moves back and forth next to the army line, and the French King's position is quite cool.

However, the ball girl's dark ball (Q) hit Varus's feet from an extreme distance of 800 yards, and still dealt 50+75% of the magic power's damage.

Bilson used a short backhand to charge up his Q, then replenished his troops and shot at Syndra at the same time.

Li Hao saw through the Dane's greedy intentions and moved away again.

In the TSM player's seat, Bjergsen's expression changed.

Something big happened, Varus has been hiding from Q, and most of his line has been wasted.

Li Hao didn't face him at all. When the second Q shot hit Bilson again, the latter immediately drank a layer of corruption potion.

Before the second wave of soldiers came online, Li Hao fired three Q skills at Varus. Bilson only dodged one, and his health dropped by more than half.

Varus is retreating, Syndra pursues, A drops the seventh remaining health soldier and upgrades it to 2.

Bilson took advantage of this moment to move forward for almost two hundred yards. Li Hao learned W in seconds, used his telekinesis to grab the magic ball on the ground, and hit Varus from the extreme distance of 925!

There was a sound of "Boom~".

The mind power ball collided on the ground, and Bilson's blood dropped again.

Varus was slowed down for 2 seconds. Li Hao controlled Syndra to catch up, took Bilson's Q, and exchanged basic attacks at the same time, and the thunder landed suddenly.

The subsequent wave of blood consumption is not very profitable, but now he is in a healthy state, and Varus is in a hurry regardless of whether he has a blue bar or a health bar.

4 seconds later, Li Hao's Q skill improved and he continued to press forward, knocking Bilson directly out of the experience zone!


Saozhu excitedly shouted: "Pilsen failed to line up, and suffered a big loss this time. TheKing, whether it is moving to avoid skills or using skills, this wave of operations is full!"

"The Dharma King should also be aware of this. Show the dog tag in front of me, The King, and I will write you into the murder book later."

Brother Haier also answered from behind:

"Zzr came very quickly. After finishing the red buff and F4, he came directly over and counter-crouched."

"If this wave of spiders dares to come over, TSM will most likely be attacked."

"Svenskeren knows for sure that Spider has no intention of coming to the middle. I guess the TSM coach has already said that Zzr has counter-crouched more frequently than a stupid chicken recently."

"But if the spider doesn't come, Bilson will feel uncomfortable in the middle!"

"Svenskeren should wait until level 3 to at least knock out Syndra's flash, so that Bilson can feel more comfortable."

The excavator squatted for a few more seconds and went to the blue zone to brush the jungle.

At this time, the director's lens was shown to the bottom lane.

Jhinja Zyra made the TSM duo unable to mix.

After Zyra E hit EZ, Jhin Huacai immobilized it, Zyra hit Thunder, and Jhin just hit a critical hit and added Q.

Two-thirds of the senior brother's health was directly knocked out. After avoiding the hatred, the Snake duo immediately pressed forward, and TSM's bottom lane was also pushed out of the experience zone!

At 3 minutes and 05 seconds, the mid laner's single lane experience was around 884, and Syndra was promoted to level 3.

Bilson had knocked down two layers of Corruption Potion, but he had been attacked again just now, causing him to only have one-third of his health left.

Li Hao calculated the time correctly, and the Thunder's CD started to improve again after 23 seconds. After he took a look at Bilson's health, his murderous intention suddenly increased.

Bilson suddenly moved forward, charging up the piercing arrow at the same time. Li Hao looked toward the exit of the river opposite the red zone.

At this time, his jewelry eye has gone out, and the previous action of inserting the eye should be caught by Bilson. The spider will wait for time to come over, which is a routine operation.


The spider with the red buff appeared, and Li Hao sprinted instantly, twisting his body.

Svenskeren aimed at Li Hao and threw the cocoon.

And Varus also shot an arrow at Syndra!

What the audience didn't expect was that Syndra advanced instead of retreating, eating Varus' arrow, but avoided the cocoon, and instantly closed the distance with Varus. EQ pushed Bilson unconscious with his backhand, and used his telekinesis After receiving the basic attack, thunder falls together!

In an instant, Pilsen was severely disabled!

Syndra was taking drugs while getting close to Varus, waiting for the short interval between her and A. Taking advantage of Bilson being stunned for 1.5 seconds, A launched a second basic attack and brought the two sides closer.

Svenskeren threw W and quickly transformed into spider form. His E skill went up to the sky and landed in front of Syndra, trying to stop Li Hao's next move.

The spider's damage knocked Syndra down to less than half health, but she couldn't get rid of it instantly.

After Bilson's stun was lifted, his instinct flashed towards the defense tower and he tried to survive.

But even if it is killed by Syndra A, the opponent will lose flash and leave a longer pursuit distance for the spider.

Li Hao flashed decisively and followed up, killing Varus with one basic attack and gaining first blood!

Because of the sprinting effect, he moved directly towards the red square F4 wall.

The spider turns into a human form and attacks normally, and is slowed down by the red buff.

Syndra also became severely disabled, but Li Hao did not give up.

After the Q skill is improved, hit the spider while moving.

Svenskeren was afraid of an accident, so he flashed closer to Syndra.

The two sides pursued all the way to the wall outside F4. Just when Svenskeren's spider was about to kill Syndra, an accident happened!

On the big screen, the excavator rushed towards the middle lane as soon as the attack started. E passed the wall outside his F4, then passed through the grass in the river, and flashed across the wall on TSM's side.

The Queen of the Void lifted the spider up, opened Q and continued basic attacks, and put on the red buff to slow down.

The angry Bite of Wildness (E) also beat the spider to the lowest level of health.

Syndra's W skill improves, and her backhand slows her down.

The spider hit again. Svenskeren expected the red buff to burn Syndra to death, but Syndra succeeded in taking medicine to lock her blood.

Svenskeren's face turned pale, and it was difficult to hit Syndra.

Cuihua keeps attacking with basic attacks, and takes the spider head after 3 seconds.

Li Hao looked at his locked blood volume, which was exactly 12 o'clock.


He was moved in his heart, maybe this is the will of the pig and dog.


"This wave of The King not only killed Varus, but also escaped to the limit!"

"The excavator arrived very timely. If Zzr just slows down a little, even if the spider gets one more A, Syndra will be gone!"

"The devil has a stupid chicken, and the wolfberry has a green flower!"

"This is a tacit understanding!"

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