LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 113: First there is Wei Shen and then there is Heaven. With one arrow from Dharma King, the

"Show your dog tags? If you show your dog tags in front of my brother Wolfberry, your head will be smashed!"

"Just damn your name is Bilson, right?"

"What kind of North American cults are all rubbish in front of my Thermos Cup Cult!"

"Basically, everyone is sitting down, don't be six."

"Cuihua: This game doesn't require any fancy understanding. I am from the Baoda faction and can defeat all TM methods with one move!"

The LPL audience was really excited to see it, and they felt like they had vented their anger from the previous two days.

In the commentary box, the three commentators also cheered loudly.

The prostitute teacher excitedly shouted: "This is The King! If it were given to an ordinary mid laner, it might be more reliable to escape in a flash, but he is different. He can accurately release his backhand skills and show off TSM!!"

"Ya'er, it's so cool. This kind of invincible momentum is what I want!"

"The King is a veteran who has been in S2 all the way. He knows what the LPL needs!"

Li Hao did not return to the city. With Cuihua's cooperation, he directly pushed the troops into the tower. The next wave of troops was reset in the middle, which would make Varus suffer even more losses.

Go home to the Demon Codex, straw sandals, and a murder ring.

The stunted Varus returned home with only enough money for a long sword.

When the middle lane returned to the line again, the Danes were educated, and it turned out to be much more wretched.

The line power is completely controlled by Syndra.

What excited the LPL audience was that at 4 minutes and 9 seconds, Syndra's E skill pushed the ball and hit Varus. He approached on the way to W, and the basic attack A came out of Thunder.

Li Hao continued to pursue. Varus turned around and released a rain of evil arrows, also slowing down Syndra. The next Q, which turned well, hit Varus again. Bilson's face froze because he was behind in level. This wave was directly knocked out of most of the blood.

He turned around and took advantage of Syndra being slowed down to return a Q, but the damage done to both sides was no longer on the same level.

Svenskeren did not dare to come to support because the excavator was draining the river channel.



The signal sounded again on the red side, and it was from the senior brother. Svenskeren was quite overwhelmed, because the disadvantage in the bottom lane was also very big.

They keep asking me to go to the bottom lane. How can I go if the middle lane is so disadvantaged!

Especially during the time when he died just now, EZ and Niutou didn't even gain experience, let alone the last hit.

As a newcomer, Biofrost has performed very well this season.

After Yellowstar left the team, Biofrost's addition made up for TSM's needs in time.

At the same time, the emergence of Biofrost made the team's new bottom lane combination impressive from the beginning. His KDA of 8.1 led the LCS.NA data. This season, he also won the Best Rookie Award in the 2016 LCS Summer Split.

However, Biofrost is really struggling this time. His Bull Head is too weak in the laning phase. If there is no numerical advantage, WQ may not be able to come back.

Zyra and Jhin continued to control each other, which was completely unreasonable.

Except for Hauntzer who is on the road, everyone else is in a bad situation.

However, Hauntzer, the top laner, has always been positioned this summer as a player who can sacrifice his own economy in the top lane to allow his teammates to develop.

He chose a Rambo to play in a group.

If a teammate pulls his hips, don't expect him to carry you.

The power period of Snake's lineup is coming soon. TSM, who is at a disadvantage at this moment, will not be able to fight Snake in small team battles. If they cannot defeat Snake quickly, they will suffer from Snake's various controls.

At 6 minutes and 12 seconds, TSM's audience fell into despair again.

Bilson was killed alone again!

Poke style Varus doesn't do enough damage and can't hit the bleeding line to suppress it, so half of its effect is wasted.

Leaving aside the damage for the moment, Li Hao dodged Bilson's Q many times.

The Dharma King may have practiced Varus many times in private, but compared to his mage, this AD mid laner is obviously not refined enough.

At least, compared with the god-level Varus of the old days, Bilson's arrows had no internal flavor.

A few seconds ago, after Li Hao's EQ pushed Bjergsen out, W followed R, and there was a ball on the ground. It was an easy 5-ball kill.

Syndra is level 6, and the Dane is only level 4. The picture is terrible.

Hauntzer's Rambo actually performed well. After Flandre was hit by the electronic harpoon, Rambo W moved forward to roast Gap and attack, knocking out half of Kennen's health.

Coupled with the blood volume consumed before, Flandre retreated to the tower to take medicine, hoping to wait for Rambo to push the line in.

Svenskeren seized the opportunity and went to the top lane to gank, hoping to cooperate with the Hauntzer tower to kill Kennen.

However, the spider encountered an excavator in the wild area, and the two fought in the wild area.

Although Cuihua was attacked first by Svenskeren, she was not deterred at all. Not only was Kennen on the top lane rushing this way, but Syndra in the middle lane was also sprinting towards her.

The top lane troops entered the tower, Hauntzer passed through the defensive tower, and the four Ueno players fought in the wild area.

Because of Rambo's ultimate move, Flando was almost killed, but he also used a beautiful ultimate move. After Cuihua lifted Rambo up, Hauntzer was almost killed.

Rambo flashed and fled to the river, and in a blink of an eye he saw Syndra running towards him.

Hauntzer's expression on the TSM player bench darkened, and Bilson's expression also darkened.


QW's simple second company, Yoder's machine exploded, and the screams were endless.

The spider still took Kenan's head, but Svenskeren was also severely maimed by the excavator.

To Bilson's despair, the head that reached his mouth was spat out by the excavator, and Sindra took it back.

Do you want to be so heartbroken?

I'll eat one myself!

Bilson's face turned dark.

Farke, if you do this, how can I play?

Svenskeren is considered to be the key to TSM's victory in the game. He joined the team in the spring of 2015. Since then, he has almost single-handedly taken on the team's early aggressive tasks.

And his 4.9 KDA and 66% team participation rate have indeed proved that he is a very good jungler.

Pilsen had also approved of Svenskeren before, but he had to compare with others.

Look at the junglers and all kinds of help in the middle.

You teamed up in the jungle and did me a disservice, and all your heads were given to Syndra.

Farke! I'm afraid she's too slow to stack the murder books, right?

Cuihua's selflessness can also be seen as his strict implementation of his established tactics.

Just two minutes later, everyone saw the brilliance of the excavator.

Syndra, who got the kill, directly killed Varus with unresolved damage in the middle, and Pilsen blasted through the middle.

On the contestant bench, Cuihua showed a proud smile.

Is this dad awesome?

Hehe, I raised him.

Syndra cooperated to invade the wild area, and the excavator ate the opponent's red buff. They came to the top lane, and Rambo was still awake and teleported away.

The North American audience, which had been holding back for a long time, finally burst into applause and shouts, celebrating Hauntzer's escape.

However, Snake's bottom lane is also celebrating with a shot.

The elder brother moved and stepped on Jhin's trap. Ezreal's E had already been handed in the previous wave. He wanted to move to hide, but he succeeded in moving in the previous wave.

Unfortunately, this time he was immobilized by the fortune teller W. Jiezou did not hesitate and flashed EWQR.

——The perfect curtain call!



Gangzi fired his ultimate move, and the bull's head was lifted up by Ziela. Before he could help his senior brother block the gun, the next bullet from the Destiny Master, combined with Ziela's considerable damage, directly killed EZ!

Tautou took Jhin's last shot, and Biofrost didn't even reach level 6. He was seriously disabled and was killed by Zyra's basic attacks.

After this wave, TSM was at a three-way disadvantage.

At 11 minutes and 9 seconds, Sindra caught up with the excavator.

This time, Hauntzer had nowhere to escape, and he only struggled when he unleashed his ultimate move. Kennen took the kill.

Snake pushed off the upper tower and started to pick up the pace.

In 14 minutes, Snake took down Tulong and pushed forward in the middle.

The advantage of the lineup is revealed. Snake's hands are too long, and TSM does not have a front row that can stand. In addition, TSM was not stable in the early stage. As a result, whoever gets a control now will be controlled by a combo. , the bull's head can't hold it even if it's wide open.

In addition to Rambo's ultimate move, TSM's ability to clear troops is worrying.

At 15 minutes and 34 seconds, the spider that released W forward was pushed by Syndra's EQ at the extreme distance. Gangzi gave W remotely, and the electric rat stepped forward to QW. The moment Li Hao threw his ultimate move at Svenskeren, he saw the spider flash under the tower. , came to Varus.

The dark sphere followed, and Svenskeren flashed to move the grave!

Maybe it was because this scene was too cruel, or maybe it was because the sliding trajectory of the dark ball touched Bilson's sight, reminding him of the painful memories of being instantly killed in the previous waves.

Varus, who was accumulating Q, suddenly shook his hand and shot the arrow in the direction of his home.

In an instant, barrage bombardments came.

Traffic on major live broadcast platforms is exploding and lines are tight.


“You @Wei Jiang and poked him. The other person ignored you and shot an arrow at you.”

"Wei Shen slapped the table, praised Bilson, and called him an expert."

"First there is God Wei and then there is Heaven. With one arrow from Dharma King, there is God!"

"Same gay skin, same canyon, same earth, Bilson, you and Wei Shen are both members of the Void Magellan fleet, you are both proving that the earth is round."

"Ah, beautiful! Bilson shot Sindra to death with an arrow. Yes, at some time in the future, if you let the arrow fly for a while, the arrow will always come back from the other direction."

"Brother, you can't come back. Bilson's arrow is in the opposite direction to Wei Shen. They will collide together."

"Woooo, Wei Jiang, we misunderstood you! It turns out that you have expected this scene a long time ago. S5 shot that arrow just to offset Bilson's arrow, right?"

Some people say that this is a tribute to God Wei.

Some people say that Bilson was predicting the flash, but his prediction was slightly more 180°.

Some people also say that this is the Danish fairy tale of Pilsen.

Others say that the truth is that he was scared by Brother Wolfberry.

In the TSM player box, Bilson appeared in a trance.

He was really frightened because of his nervousness.

Just now, when he saw Syndra's ultimate move coming suddenly, Bilson thought he was going to be beaten again.

Regarding the operation of reverse archery, the Danish mid laner has a strong psychological quality and doesn't care at all.

However, the middle tower cannot be defended.

TSM already sensed problems with their lineup, and they were at a disadvantage and didn't play.

At 18 minutes and 34 seconds, TSM lost all six outer towers, and its economy fell behind to 11,000.

At the beginning of 24 minutes, Snake didn't even fight the baron. There was a team battle in the highlands. After Jhin fired his ultimate move, Electric Mouse rushed into the crowd and cooperated with Zyra's ultimate move. After Li Hao flashed and killed the North American senior brother, TSM suffered a rout.

Ten seconds later, TSM's old crystal was broken.

At this time, Syndra stood on Varus's body, and when the old crystal shattered, he flashed back the dog tags Bilson showed twice at the beginning.

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