LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 118 The first time in the LPL region! The most exciting moment! !

Then, Li Hao controlled Syndra to escape towards the opposite blue zone. Judging from the time when the opposite top laner Impact came online, he could probably guess that Poppy was helping the Spider to hit the double stone.

If you leave the red zone at this time, you will give Meteos, a veteran, a kill.

As expected, the spider chased him out from the exit of the red zone, but Meteos had nothing to do as Syndra had already escaped in a sprinting car.

Li Hao did not eat in the middle route, and was wary of being killed by the spider flashing his E face.

The wine barrel helped push the line, which just replenished the lost experience.

Meteos' spider showed up in the middle to make up the line, but Victor did not teleport.

The two sides reached the middle again. Li Hao went home and took out the amplification book and a real eye. Victor couldn't afford anything except two more bottles of medicine.

This real eye inserted in the river in the lower half has done its job. Meteos is a level 3 spider, ready to gank.

C9 knew very well that they could not let this Syndra go, they had to take action. This was also the tactic deployed by Coach Reapered at the beginning.

Syndra didn't flash, and Meteos tried to catch it.

However, after being seen by the True Eye, Syndra immediately backed away.

I looked at Meteos's feet. He hadn't received the blue buff yet.

However, Zzr is in the upper half and cannot support him temporarily.

In the bottom lane duo, the two sides are basically evenly matched.

In the early stage, the policewoman relied on her long hands and a Bard, and the two of them were still very powerful online.

At 4 minutes and 15 seconds, Victor felt a little uncomfortable online, and Meteos came to support again.

In this wave, he is not afraid of the wine barrel counter-crouching, because the wine barrel has just cooperated with Gnar on the top lane to defeat Bobby's double move.

Syndra ate Victor's death ray, and Li Hao launched EQ in the direction of the spider.

Meteos in human form dodged, got close and threw the cocoon towards Syndra.

This wave of extreme confrontation caused many commentators and the audience to scream in surprise.

Syndra, who moved back, deflected Meteos's prediction. This was extremely critical, allowing Syndra to successfully escape from Victor's gravity field!

The subsequent damage done by the two of them was not full. When Li Hao arrived under the tower, his health was knocked out by more than half, but it was not fatal.

If you eat a cocoon, after 1.6 seconds of control time, you will be stunned by the gravity field for 1.5 seconds, which is more than 3 seconds of control, and you will basically die.

I took two bottles of medicine in a row and got back to my best state.

The wine barrel came to C9's F4 from the top lane. Syndra positioned herself close to the top half and began to push and consume troops.

During this period, Viktor took another QW plus basic attack, and only had half health left. Syndra had equipment that could do more damage, and her blood volume had recovered to nearly two-thirds due to the drug addiction.

Li Hao had the opportunity to push E, but he didn't. Now that Jensen's health is just right, he won't have a big sense of crisis.

While waiting for the CD, push the blue soldier under Victor's tower.

4 seconds later, Jensen’s expression changed drastically.



C9's teammates were warning, but it was too late.

Take a sip of wine from the wine barrel, throw Q in the middle of the E skill, knock Victor unconscious under the tower, hit it with a basic attack, roll the barrel and explode with thunder.

Syndra A takes the QEW and takes the kill!


Wang Duoduo shouted: "Meteos got it, Zzr got it too."

"The script is the same, but Jensen doesn't have the powerful reaction of The King. The King moved to avoid the spider's E, but Jensen was hit by the wine barrel's E. Everyone's fate was different."

"The King, Syndra, now has three heads, and C9 won't be able to deal with it later!"

"C9's situation is very bad. Meteos should come to the middle earlier. If there are spiders in this wave, Snake doesn't have the summoner skill and won't dare to jump the tower."

"Do you see what he is doing, dominating the wild monsters?"

"Roo, this is not Meteos's fault alone. Jensen's problem is also huge. I said it during BP. He is no match for The King in the lane. That guy is very strong. He should take Syndra first."

"Or maybe the Tsar, that's his signature."

"His Victor is far behind Crown in the World Championship. He was so suppressed online, otherwise he wouldn't have such a big disadvantage."

Another blond commentator chuckled: "If I were Jensen, I should always be alert to see if there is anyone on the wall on the F4 side. Have they really watched Snake's game? Don't they understand the tactics of the opponent's jungler around the middle? ?”

"The King got the most kills in the group stage. Although he is a veteran, he is more of an old killer. Look at how calm he was in the previous waves."

"The data doesn't lie. If you give your head to someone with the highest damage conversion rate in the World Championship, it will definitely be difficult to beat him later!"

In the North American commentary box, the three commentators had great opinions on C9's performance.

This group of people doesn't hide anything, and they just start complaining when they're not happy.

Li Hao accepted this wave of soldiers, reaching level five, and immediately controlled Syndra to move down the road.

C9 noticed the movement of Syndra and the barrel, and the signal on the mini-map kept pinging. The policewoman and Bard hurriedly retreated.

Gangzi and Jiezou cleared the line and pushed the troops under the C9 tower.

Meteos comes to defend, and his ward is in the blue zone to prevent the opponent from overshooting the tower.

Snake didn't have that plan at all. Just now, the wine barrel carried the tower in the middle, and Cuihua was not in full condition now. They gathered four people in the river in the lower half and took away the first water dragon.

Li Hao asked: "How long has it been since we met a fire dragon?"

Jiezou was a little depressed: "There are really many games."

"Flando, are you too unlucky?"

"Gangzi, you GDX, you can blame me for all this"

C9 gave up tactically, and Snake took away the first dragon in the chat.

Li Hao started this topic because he found that the atmosphere in the team was a little tense.

This has nothing to do with advantages and disadvantages. It may be because everyone's nerves are tense because of the knockout rounds.

After talking like this, I can feel that everyone relaxed a lot.

The voice in the team is also more active than before.

Li Hao continued to develop in the middle. Victor was now behind in all directions. Jensen's position was cautious. He also bought a real eye and placed it in the grass on the F4 side to guard against the barrel coming again.

Jensen's face turned dark in the C9 player's seat, and he always realized what a two-man lane is.

Li Hao pushed the ninth wave of soldiers into the first tower of C9. This was a wave of speeding soldiers, and his Syndra was also upgraded to 6.

After returning to the city, the audience witnessed the violence of The King!

The last hit plus salary is close to 1,800 yuan, and the total for three heads is 1,000 yuan.

In addition to buying straw sandals and the missing chapter when I go home. (PS: This version of the "lost chapter" only costs 900 yuan, which is not that expensive.)

Mejia's Soul Stealing Scroll!

At 6 minutes and 47 seconds, Victor was knocked down by half of Syndra's skills.

Jensen was so shocked that he didn't even dare to take any medicine and went home directly.

At this time, Meteos' spider ganked down the lane. After Bader flashed and controlled Nami, the spider formed a cocoon, and the policewoman released the clamp again. Sneaky, with her elegant hair, used the policewoman to get the key kill.

Li Hao cooperated with the wine barrel to catch him, but Damu was worthy of being the first generation of SKT. He fought in the bottom lane, and after disappearing in the middle lane, he didn't take any of his soldiers. He went straight to the top lane and made a wave of self-isolation in the bushes.

The North American audience was immediately excited and applauded Impact's wise choice!

However, C9’s breakthrough is still too obvious.

After Victor came online in the middle, Wine Barrel did not take any detours. He threw a big move at Victor on the right side of the defense tower. Li Hao judged the landing point of Wine Barrel's ultimate move and continued to control EQ.

The barrel stepped forward during the 1.5-second stun period, and was stunned by the impact of the flesh bullet.

Li Hao W then R, the murder book came to the 8th floor!

At 7 minutes and 45 seconds, Li Hao had the intention to capture, but C9's ward position was still in place. This wave eliminated one true ward and did not cause any more trouble.

Meteos made his voice heard. At 8 minutes and 56 seconds, he came to the bottom lane again, not only knocking out the flash of Destiny Master, but also forcing Nami to use Nami's ultimate move.

This gives C9's duo a certain advantage.

However, just 15 seconds later, bad news came again from the middle.

Jensen's screen goes black again!

Meteos grabbed it like crazy, and Zzr caught it like crazy. Let’s see who’s dad is more awesome later.

That's what he said, but Meteos can't stand it anymore. Syndra has a murder book. If you keep stacking it up, it will be over in seconds!

Meteos really didn't want to waste time helping Jensen in this disadvantageous lane, but it couldn't be ignored.

At 10 minutes and 29 seconds, Meteos on the C9 player bench really wanted to slap himself.

Fake, why should I come to the middle?

Victor was sent home. He saw Syndra pushing the tower and came to make up the line.

As a result, the wine barrel bypassed F4, and the E flash stunned the spider. With the damage of the wine barrel, Syndra didn't even have to deal with her ultimate move. QEW took Meteos's head with one basic attack.

At 13 minutes and 24 seconds, Barrel and Syndra captured.

The top laners of both sides teleported over, and there was a huge melee under the tower. Although Poppy used his ultimate move to hammer away the fortune teller and Nami.

However, Syndra's damage was already off the charts!

The barrel's ultimate move broke up the C9 formation, and Syndra's QEW killed Bard first.

Poppy and the policewoman attacked Syndra, but Li Hao cooperated with the damage of Gnar and the barrel, and killed Sneaky unreasonably with one big move!

After all, Poppy failed to replace Syndra, who was flashed. Teacher Omu was kited by three Snakes, and finally died under the three rings of Brother Holy Gun.

After a wave, Syndra's murder book reached the terrifying 22nd floor!

"This Syndra must be killed once!"

"That's right, knock down the layers of the Soul Stealing Scroll!"

"Jensen, please be steady."

"I've made the negative cape."

Jensen was wronged. Although his performance was at the level of a war criminal, Syndra's murder book had so many layers. He really didn't stack it up alone. Everyone here had a share.

Even European commentator Coster has noticed this.

"The game has lost its suspense."

"The King's murder book is like C9's Death Note, but the names of five people from C9 are written on his soul-stealing scroll."


At 16 minutes and 17 seconds, C9's wild assistant coordinated and cooperated with Victor to surprise the middle!

C9 really wants to end Syndra, and this wave is extremely crucial.

However, Meteos' E skill was dodged again! !

Jensen's face darkened. If you don't know how to predict, why don't you?

With a ghostly blue phantom, Syndra walked out of Victor's gravity field.

Bard's ultimate move froze the air.

In an instant, the North American audience gasped.

C9 has all four teams empty, just like the famous scene when FNC played against ALL in the European division. It is known as the "Three Consecutive Yellow Stars" in the history of e-sports.

Three control skills were empty, and TheKing turned C9's show upside down!

Crazy Jensen flashed in front of Syndra and poured out Chaos Storm and his own QE continuously.

You're very good at positioning, right?

I will punch the old master to death in North America!

Although Jensen's equipment was not good, he still created dangerous situations.

Syndra's level is three levels higher than Viktor's, but after all, the master's body and equipment are also extremely powerful.

Victor took advantage of the fact that he had a friend, and his desperate tactics indeed knocked down more than half of Li Hao's health bar.

Moreover, Chaos Storm is still providing continuous damage.

C9 saw hope. On the big screen, Snake's others kept rushing towards the middle, but Spider and Bard were already frantically sticking up. Spider released WQ and was about to turn into spider form.

Soul Stealing Scroll?

I'll kill you right now!

However, the dark ball was released with Li Hao's backhand during his movement, and Bader was hit.

Just this time, the expression of the auxiliary player Smoothie in the camera changed immediately.

One Q, and one third of the blood is gone!

Before he could speak, Syndra's energy poured out!

A large amount of magic damage poured into Victor's body, causing Jensen's head on the screen to flash red.

The weak retreat (E)! !

After the burst of the ultimate move, the ground was filled with dark orbs.

Magical power burst out from Master Fa's body, and the magic balls on the ground were touched and poured out in all directions!

——The goddess scatters flowers! !

The three C9 people who attacked in a cone shape were collectively stunned, and Victor was smashed to death on the spot!

Syndra grabbed the ball with her backhand, and the telekinetic ball caused a large amount of damage between Bard and the spider. The Grand Head just pursued a basic attack, and Bard died.

Meteos was frightened, gritted his teeth, and controlled the flying spider to rush over, preparing to kill Syndra.

Li Hao's flash had been used in the previous wave, and now he has no skills.


Gangzi shouted: "Brother Hao, don't panic!"


The fortune teller used long-range cacai to immobilize the spider and make C9 despair.


"How dare you touch my brother Hao!"

"Die to me!"

Gnar, Barrel and Nami all arrived and brutally surrounded Meteos.

Li Hao looked at the murderous books that were still full, showing a look of relief.

After this wave, C9 basically couldn't find a chance to make a comeback.

The game reached 24 minutes and 52 seconds. At this time, Li Hao's head count had reached 11.

Luden's Echo, Big Hat, Magic Shoes, Morello Codex, and a full layer of murder books!

C9 lost all six outer towers, and Snake had captured the Baron 15 seconds ago.

Now, the five Snakes who came out of the spring directly advanced with their troops until they reached the C9 lower road high ground.

"This may be the last wave."

"C9 can't defend this wave. It's estimated that no one will dare to step forward. TheKing, Syndra, can beat anyone, and Poppy is doing the same thing!"

"This piece of equipment is so outrageous!"

"Policewoman, Bud, and Victor, these three people will die if they appear within Syndra's range. They don't even need to use their ultimate skills."


However, something unexpected happens!

Near the high ground, Bard, who had missed his entire ultimate move, was suddenly favored by the goddess of luck.


A golden light penetrates the sky, harmonizing destiny and leaping 1,000 yards.

This time, Smoothie stood in an inconspicuous position on the high ground in the bottom lane and threw his most proud game!


"Bard's ultimate move R hits three people!"

"Barrel, Jhin, and Nami all entered stasis!"

"Oh my god, C9 wants to fight back!"

In the voice of the C9 team, someone shouted excitedly:


"Good job Smoothie!"

"Up, up, up!"

Everyone looked at the tense scene on the big screen.

Bard's ultimate move was controlled for 2.5 seconds. Everyone in C9 turned from defense to attack, and Snake pounced on him!

Taking a big move towards Bard, Victor, who was speeding, released a gravity field, and the policewoman got the clamp.

Li Hao moved back, and Meteos saw Syndra leaning against the wall. He knew this was a great opportunity!

Flash cocoon!

Syndra has no room to move. If she pulls back, she will be knocked against the wall.

Li Hao flashed!

Meteos turned into a spider and thrust his face towards Syndra, which happened in almost one second.

When Meteos was outputting towards Syndra, Li Hao gave the dark ball with a backhand!

This was very painful, and Meteos' eyelids jumped!

I can't bear it!

Li Hao didn't hesitate at all, and his energy poured out (R)!

Five balls directly knocked Meteos into a disability.

The rest of C9 rushed forward. Victor had just thrown Chaos Storm and the death ray swept across. The three people hit by Snake and Bader had just escaped from the ultimate move and suffered a lot of AOE damage.

However, before Snake exploded, C9 ushered in its own big explosion!

The entire Chicago Theater also let out a huge exclamation!

After Syndra reduced the spider to residual health, Flandre's Gnar next to him accumulated anger with a basic attack.

Li Hao took a look at the position of everyone in C9.

——The weak retreat! !

This E pushed the ball on the ground into scattering directions! !

The spider was killed on the spot, and the four people behind C9 who rushed out from the high ground were collectively stunned! !

"Oh my God!"

"The King dropped Meteos in seconds, and the goddess scattered flowers to knock out the four C9 people!!"

"It's four people!"

"It exploded!"

"Brother Holy Spear is coming! This is a big Gnar!!"


The commentators shouted crazily, and the audience also burst into a huge roar as the pictures on the big screen appeared!

In Snake's box, Flandre's eyes were red!


Gnar yelled, a giant beast appeared, and then Flandre flashed and pounced on the C9 crowd!

Under the dazed gazes of everyone in C9, Gnar's Tathagata palm cleared away the dust on the ground, and slapped all four standing C9 people against the wall on the right!

Dizzy, dizzy again!

After Gnar's ultimate move, everyone in C9 was already standing in a pile.

At this time, the Dark Head of State used his telekinesis.

——Such a powerful energy!

After the revision, she grabbed 3 dark orbs from the ground and hit the C9 crowd with a violent blow!

——Boom! !

It exploded, the whole C9 exploded! !

The large amount of magic damage exploded directly in the crowd. In conjunction with Gnar's output, the policewoman, Bard, and Victor, who were not satisfied with their health, were instantly killed!

The shocking feeling caused by the disappearance of the health bar made the alliance audience's scalp explode!

"Four kills!"

"The double C assist was instantly defeated!"

"The King has four kills!!"

"This is going to be a five-kill! It's going to be a five-kill!"

Gnar slapped Poppy again and gave Poppy another stun. Nami gave Bubble Control, Wine Barrel's E skill took over the control, and Fortune Master gave Cadenza.

Poppy was nailed to the spot, unable to move!

Snake and the others did not use basic attacks and almost surrounded Poppy.

Syndra's Q skill with a short CD improved again. After a magic explosion sound effect, the former SKT generation fell to the ground!

At this moment, whether it was a North American audience or an audience from other regions, the entire Chicago theater was completely ignited!


"Impact is dead too!"

"Penta kills! The King's five kills in the World Championship!"

"Transform into a cocoon and become a butterfly in just a few seconds, and become a god in seconds!"

"Hahaha, audience friends, the Chicago Theater is completely crazy!"

In Summoner's Canyon, the exciting system prompt sounded:

"——Penta kill~!!"

"Penta kills!"

There were corpses all over the ground. Everyone in C9 stared at the gray screen and Syndra's figure standing on the battlefield, with disbelief on their faces.

They never imagined that this game would turn out like this.

Snake's team's voice was already bursting with laughter, and the on-site commentators and audience were also extremely excited.

When the director played the replay, Syndra dropped the spider instantly and knocked out the four C9 people. Gnar fell from the sky and followed up with a perfect ultimate move. Syndra threw three magic balls towards the C9 crowd. The damage from the explosion was once again Present in front of the audience!

This is an audio-visual feast for league e-sports! !

After 4 days, the atmosphere of the Chicago Theater reached its peak!

In the European and American commentary booth, Coster, a wolfberry fan, roared in a long voice: "TheKinggggggggg~~!!!"

In the LPL commentary box, the three commentators spoke excitedly:

"The first pentakill in S6!"

"This is also the first pentakill in the history of LPL in the S competition! It makes up for our LPL division's regret in the S competition!"

"He's from TheKing!!"

On the big screen, Snake and the others stepped on C9's body and began to demolish it from the bottom high ground, demolishing C9's old crystals in a wave!

"Congratulations Snake!"

"1-0, Snake leads C9."


The commentators were all gasping when they said these words. Everyone was chatting just now, it was so exciting.

It’s hard to imagine that Chicago theaters would be so excited today!

('-'*ゞToday is another day.

PS: Just a brief mention, in the S6 World Championship version, Syndra could catch 3 magic balls, but later she couldn’t because she was cut again.

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