LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 119 Samsung analyzes wolfberry, North America’s last hope

An exclamation point was put on tonight's Chicago theater.

Although C9's old crystal has been pushed away, the excitement among league viewers has not subsided.

"Five kills! Five kills in the World Championship! I declare that from now on I will only be a wolfberry fan. Even if Jesus comes, it will be useless!"

"Brother Wolfberry becomes a god in one battle. This is the light of the domestic mid laner!"

"Mama asked me why I was kneeling to watch the game."

"Damn it, it's so awesome! It has to be my Brother Wolfberry!"

The old man of LPL e-sports was very excited, but he also sighed: "It would be great if The King were a few years younger. If he were discovered earlier, the hope of LPL would be greater."

"edg, rng, we:????"

Samsung Club.

Chicago training room.

After the end of S4, the big winner Samsung was hollowed out by the LPL tycoons with a golden hoe. It has been in a state of decline since then and has not recovered for a long time.

The current Samsung lineup is actually not much different from the lineup that was in the "rookie zone" last season.

In the S5 season, Samsung's strongest player is their top laner CuVee. He can play a great advantage under specific tactics. However, he can play an advantage but he doesn't know how to lead the team to win the game.

This season, the jungle position has become a star player, a hero of resistance, and a former MVP player: Ambition leader.

The arrival of Ambition has solved two problems for Samsung: one is the lack of stars, and the other, very important, is the lack of experienced commanders.

During the summer split, their record was relatively average.

But since the bubble competition, this three-star team has gradually stabilized, begun to metamorphose, and has shown its fangs.

At this time, the Samsung players were watching the game in Chicago with coach Kim.

They watched it very seriously, constantly analyzed and discussed it seriously during the game.

After all, one of these two teams is their opponent in New York.

When Syndra's damage explosion got the pentakill, everyone in Samsung frowned slightly.

Of course they hope that C9 can win, but it can be seen from the first game that C9 has little hope of going to New York.

The LCK forum was filled with all kinds of talk about SSG sweeping the semi-finals. Of course, it was just the wishful thinking of some fans, and SSG didn't hear it in their hearts.

It's not that easy to win 6 consecutive games in the group stage.

This game with C9 illustrates one thing, Snake is definitely not a bad guy!

Especially the mid laner TheKing.

Syndra's extreme reaction and positioning to avoid control in the mid-term really put a lot of pressure on everyone in SSG.

"Axi, Brother Minhao, this man is so strong." Chi Di raised the corner of his mouth with a hint of surprise.

Crown Brother heard what Chi Di said, smiled, and then said to the most senior leader An: "Brother Canrong, if you fight Snake, you must look at me more, this pair of midfielders are so fierce."

"No matter how I look at TheKing's operation, I don't feel like he is a veteran who started playing in S2 and just suffered a serious hand injury in the summer."

Leader An opened his mouth and smiled. Although Crown said this, he was still very relieved about Crown. During the World Championships, Crown's performance had been stable.

He patted Crown Brother on the shoulder: "Min Hao, you are not Jensen. His Victor is far behind you."

Coach Kim took over: "However, Crown still needs to be careful."

The Samsung coach said very cautiously: "Although The King is a veteran, at this stage of S6, in terms of personal strength, he should be regarded as the strongest in the world."

"The data in all aspects crushes other mid laners. This cannot be achieved by luck."

"This person is extremely good at seizing opportunities and can strictly control his mistakes. His state is so stable that it is almost a horizontal line. It is absolutely reasonable for him to be called a 'machine'."

"Even if this is the glory before the sunset, we must take it absolutely seriously!"

"No one wants to die in New York, right?!"

Everyone in Samsung nodded, and Kim initially formulated a strategy:

"Snake's midfield system has been played for a full season. If we suddenly change our formation and use this system for confrontation, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to adapt instantly."

Afterwards, Kim showed a hint of arrogance:

"We at SSG don't need to use their stuff. Min Hao can stabilize The King. We can execute our own tactics!"

The three-star generals calmed down and continued to watch the next game.

While the audience and commentators were still discussing the five-kill match against The King in the first game, the second BO5 game between Snake and C9 had already begun.

C9, who has the right to choose sides, chose the blue side and Snake the red side.

After the two sides fought, Jensen lost his temper and locked Syndra on the first floor of the blue side.

He was holding back his energy, and it seemed that he wanted to regain the dignity of the previous game.

Of course, this is not just Jensen’s personal idea, it is also Coach Reapered’s second set of tactics.

By getting strong heroes, Jensen can spend the early stage more comfortably.

The main reason is that if the middle lane does not collapse, the top, bottom lane and jungler will not be so uncomfortable.

After Syndra developed in the last game, there was too much pressure on the sidelines and jungle.

Standing behind mid laner Jensen, Coach Reapered looked a little depressed. In fact, he also wanted to implement roaming tactics to prevent Jensen from having too many head-on collisions with The King online.

However, Jensen’s hero pool does not allow it.

If the line cannot be pushed and people are still killed, something serious will happen.

When Snake took out the mid laner Yanjai early on the third floor, Coach Reapered frowned.

The opponent used exactly the tactics he wanted to implement.

After some selection, the lineups of both sides were locked:

Blue side C9: Gnar, Blind Sin, Syndra, Wheel Mother, Braum.

Red square Snake: Kenan, Digger, Rockbird, Lucian, Bullhead.

After a brief loading, the game officially begins.

Following the lessons learned from the previous game, C9 was very cautious at level one and guarded its jungle area.

Jensen gets Syndra and is indeed stronger than Viktor in the lane.

However, this cannot stop Jensen from constantly emptying his skills.

From the moment the minions came online, Jensen wanted to be aggressive.

The midfielder of this C9 is very strong. As long as it cripples the opponent and seizes the opportunity, it can cause a kill.

However, in the early stage when only one of the five Qs hit, Jensen felt a bit numb.

Li Hao discovered that Jensen was actually very honest.

He pretended to hit last, and there was a high probability that he could deceive Jensen's skills. Syndra took advantage of his stiffness to hit last and directly launched Q. Li Hao stopped and pulled back, and Syndra had no Q.

Several waves of skills failed to bring down the rock bird's health, and coupled with the rock bird's pushing speed, the minions were soon pushed under the C9 tower.

In order not to miss any shots, Jensen must use skills to make up some of his last hits.

Although Syndra Q's mana consumption is not high, it cannot withstand Jensen's frequent consumption.

In addition to executing Reapered's tactics, Meteos is also a person who must avenge his enemies.

After defeating two groups of wild monsters in the red zone, Meteos' blind monk directly captured them.

Just like the last Cuihua wine barrel, he squatted in the grass in the lower river for a few seconds.

The rock bird was not far from the defense tower and had been standing close to the army pile. Meteos never found a chance.

He didn't show his head, so he returned to the wild area to brush off the blue buff and upgraded it to level 3, and then came over from the other side of the river.

Meteos, grab the middle!

Jensen felt very happy when he saw Meteos treating him like a dog.

Meteos, you are truly my good brother!

At 3 minutes and 25 seconds, when Yanque avoided Syndra's push, Blind Monk's eyes lit up. He emerged from the grass, W touched his eyes and climbed over the wall, and from another angle, he unleashed his Tianyin Wave!

Meteos, who has mastered a certain pattern, kicked Tian Yinbo to a position slightly behind Yanque.

If Yanque keeps moving forward, he will have no Q in this wave and look very dull.

However, on the big screen, he hit the Q!

Yanque turned around and moved away, as if he had caught his Tianyin Wave.

Now, everyone knows that Meteos is predicting!


Jensen shouted and controlled Syndra to press forward, preparing to cooperate with Meteos to knock out the rock bird's bloodline.

In an instant, the young man with blond hair and glasses in the C9 player seat showed a proud smile.

TheKing, I really saw through your moves!

——Ah it hurts!

The second stage of the blind monk's Tianyin Wave kicked towards the little sparrow!

At the Snake player table, Li Hao smiled secretly.

——Rock protrusion (W).

The blind monk just kicked the rock bird, and the flat A hit thunder.

Suddenly, a rock protruded from the ground, right next to the rock bird, and slammed the blind monk into the defense tower!

When a bolt of lightning came from the defense tower, the excavator suddenly emerged from the F4 excavation!

Follow up, hit the top with a flash!

Meteos's eyes widened, he was going to take the second damage from the defense tower!

Li Hao released the Stone Spreading Formation, but the blind monk with residual blood behind the excavator QAE flashed away and escaped.

Jensen threw a QW cover, but the rock bird didn't care about Syndra's damage. It continuously penetrated the stone and cooperated with the second attack from the defense tower to directly kill the blind monk!

Meteos was a little angry.

You're such a bad excavator, Fuck!

Jensen looked at the red and blue Buff at the feet of the rock bird, feeling like he was being stabbed in the back by his good brother Meteos.

Yanque's push line is originally at the T1 level. You went to brush it blue specifically to transfer the buff, right?

Backstage, every member of the C9 coaching staff was slapping their heads.

They did propose to use a catch tactic, but they didn’t let you step on someone’s eyes and catch them!

After the excavator was red at level 2, he inserted his eyes into the lower river. The blind monk came and was seen clearly.

The Q in Meteos was probably eaten on purpose.

Using the red and blue buffs sent by Lee Sin, Snake's midfielder and jungler knocked out Syndra's flash, which made Jensen uncomfortable for the next five minutes.

The original suppressive power in the middle was instantly knocked down.

After this wave, the situation in the middle changed drastically.

Jensen's battle was more difficult than before. He no longer dared to easily provoke the rock bird with red and blue buffs.

Yanque quickly pushed the line and then disappeared.

Jensen kept pinning misses, and C9's sideline pressure appeared again.

Li Hao had no intention of getting into a fight with Syndra. Although Jensen brought sprint, it could not make up for the gap in support capabilities between him and the rock bird.

At 6 minutes and 47 seconds, Li Hao's first big move went straight to the top, and he cooperated with Kenan to kill Teacher Omu's Gnar.

After killing the people, Kennan did not go home. A dropped the minions into the tower.

Gnar's teleportation had already been used in the previous wave, so the blind monk went to the top lane to make up for the line.

The excavator arrived and the rock bird came back again.

The blind monk who did not flash was killed by jumping over the tower, Meteos died again, and the rhythm exploded.

Jensen controlled Syndra to the bottom lane, but the C9 duo lacked hard control. After Lucian's E skill avoided Braum's Q, Syndra's EQ only knocked out the flash of the bull's head, without achieving greater results.

Compared with the losses on the top road, C9 suffered huge losses this time.

At 10 minutes and 23 seconds, the C9 duo cooperated with the jungler to attack the bottom lane again. They created a dangerous situation immediately. Unfortunately, after the bull head opened up, it did not cause attrition to the Snake duo.

Next, the Rock Bird and the Excavator arrived at the same time, and the top laners on both sides also teleported.

Syndra was moving too slowly and it was already too late.

There was a wave of 5 on 4 in the bottom lane. Jiezou Niutou's backhand WQ knocked away Bronn and Gnar. Kenan opened the big, and the bottom lane was thunderous.

Snake played 1 for 3 in the bottom lane, and only Wheel Mom on the other side saved a life thanks to her E skill.

After Jensen arrived in the middle, he flashed forward and forcibly killed the rock bird with his ultimate move, and then was buried in Snake's crowd.

This wave caused C9 to lose the bottom tower and another earth dragon.

C9's situation is getting worse and worse. Although Jensen killed the rock bird once, he couldn't stop Li Hao from going out to do things.

In the next seven or eight minutes, Snake took advantage of the 3-0 advantage of Holy Spear Brother to start a single-band strategy, and then used the threat of the rock bird to the side to kill the tower guarding Gnar twice.

This caused C9's defense towers to fall one after another, and the resources in the jungle were severely compressed.

And Snake, who has entered this rhythm, is snowballing rapidly.

At 19 minutes and 34 seconds, the head count on the field was 15-5, and Snake was ahead by more than 9,000 gold.

The game went into the early 20 minutes. Snake cleared the field of vision near the baron and then decisively cut off the baron.

C9 came to the vicinity of the dragon pit and was directly blocked in the blue zone by Li Hao's big move, without even a chance to grab the dragon.

After Snake defeated the baron, he started the team with his backhand.

Niutou cooperated with the excavator to take the lead, and the Holy Spear brother rushed into the crowd and opened fire, and the two sides fought together. C9's position in this wave was pretty good, and they were not melted by Kennen immediately.

During the chaotic battle, Yanque spotted Wheel Mom, and after Sneaky handed over his E skill, WEQ killed him.

Jensen cooperated with the damage of Wheel Mom and Blind Sin, and once again used his ultimate move to forcefully kill the rock bird.

Kennen and Lucian harvested the battlefield, and C9 was defeated.

Except for the top laner Gnar, all were killed.

Using the Baron Buff, Snake pushed down C9's two highlands in this wave.

When Snake returned to the city for re-packing and came out again, the rock bird was resurrected and took two super soldiers and the dragon buff to squeeze into the C9 highland.

At this time, it was difficult for C9 to defend these big infantrymen, let alone Snake, a group of heroes who were in great condition.

C9 held on for the last 20 seconds. They used the two incisor towers to barely replace Snake's support and top laner, but all five of their team were killed.

Snake tore down all the buildings and ended the game at 24 minutes and 19 seconds.

At this point in this series, for C9, they probably only have a slim chance.

Compared with the last game where Syndra was killing randomly, what Snake showed in this game attracted the attention of the LCK troika.

C9 fell into a suffocating rhythm, being constantly controlled by Snake, and it kept snowballing.

The single-belt tactic was rarely used by Snake before.

This time, they also have to be on guard against Snake's global tactics.

The North American audience was a little disappointed. C9 changed their strategy this time, but it was not successful.

2-0, the last hope of the North American Division has been pushed to the edge of the cliff.

On the LPL side, the vast majority of the audience is very happy.

It's one thing to beat C9 on paper, but defeating the opponent on the field is the most important thing.

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