LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 120 Ten thousand barrages and eight thousand tears

2-0, C9 wants to defeat Snake, and now the only way left is to let the two chase the three.

The North American audience at the scene was waiting for a miracle.

However, this miracle did not happen after all.

In the third game between the two sides, Jensen originally wanted to take the Czar, but at the suggestion of Coach Reapered, he chose Snake, the hero he had won two times in the group stage in San Francisco.

On Li Hao's side, he got the Enchantress.

Perhaps due to the influence of the previous two games, Jensen's operation was somewhat deformed.

When Cuihua Wine Barrel was caught at level 3, he could have used W first to prevent the wine barrel from moving and escape calmly. However, the W was slightly off, and he did not react when being dodged by the wine barrel's E.

The Enchantress stepped forward and used QWE to fire up the output, and the wine barrel also hit the snake girl with thunder.

Jensen flashed and did not open the chain. After the second stage E collapsed, he was killed by the Enchantress with two basic attacks.

This wave of mistakes and deaths had a huge impact on the C9 team. Enchantress wandered down the lane at 6 and a half minutes, and cooperated with the barrel tower to kill EZ. Nami's head was also killed by Gangzi's Jhin.

Braum who was carrying the tower on Snake's side was killed, but Jiezou's head was Nami's.

After this wave of explosions, C9's bottom lane has been at a disadvantage.

The Snake duo pressed the line, and Zzr cooperated with the Enchantress to enter the C9 wild area and invade, catching and killing the spider that was fighting the Demon Swamp Frog.

At the beginning of 9 minutes, Jensen wanted to cooperate with the spider to kill the enchantress instantly. His ultimate move of petrification only affected her back, and the enchantress could easily escape with her W displacement.

Just ten seconds later, Jiugong visited the middle lane and blasted Jensen's snake girl out with a big move.

The snake girl with remaining health was instantly killed by the enchantress QRWE.

In this game, EZ in the bottom lane was also very miserable.

Sneaky lasted more than ten minutes, 0/2/0, and 72 CS, which made him unable to hold back the three phases even if he wanted to.

At the beginning of 12 minutes, Snake was about to fight Xiaolong, and everyone from C9 gathered over.

Because it is a fire dragon, C9 doesn't want to let it go. Although Mr. Omu's Rambo on the road has average development, he can still do some damage when combined with his ultimate move.

C9 didn't want to be snowballed and wanted to win something back.

As a result, before the team battle started on C9's side, Jiugong exploded the C9 formation with a big move. Gangzi's Jhin fired a big move from a distance. When the C9 lineup was scattered, Li Hao came from the other side of the blue buff wall. Cut in with a scan on one side!

Cooperate with Ignite, WRQEW!

At that moment, black roses bloomed in the Windy City!

Only an extremely long chain was seen sweeping through the air, touching Ezreal's body and detonating the demon mark on him.

Sneaky was killed, and Snake took advantage of the victory and played a wave of 1 for 3 in the C9 blue zone.

Snake won the team battle and took down the Fire Dragon. C9's disadvantage became increasingly large.

In the 20th minute, Li Hao and others came to the Dalong Pit and defeated the Dalong on time.

C9 had no chance to grab it. 10 seconds ago, Spider was photographed against the wall by Danar at the double stone position. Li Hao's Enchantress killed him through the wall.

At 23 minutes and 08 seconds, the Enchantress' vision was blocked below the high ground.

Braum flashed his ultimate move, knocked Snake away, and used EZ's E skill.

Li Hao hit EZ's face with W through the wall, and QRE instantly killed him.

Jensen reacted to the petrification, but was dodged by Enchantress' second W, and only hit Braum.

Although Nami used her ultimate move to mitigate Snake's brief attack, she still couldn't stop them from charging forward.

After the snake girl was knocked unconscious by the wine barrel E flash and then killed by Jhin with a headshot, Gnar of the Holy Gun Brother chased Nami to death. Teacher Omu used Rambo's ultimate move to burn Bron to death, and his own head was killed by two Take away the enchantress who rushes up for the first time.

Spider failed to cut Jin Solo, and was pulled back by Gangzi's treatment to kill him.

C9 played five for one.

At the beginning of 24 minutes, Snake leveled C9's base.


Changmao shouted: "Congratulations to Snake, advancing to the semi-finals 3-0!"

"Congratulations Snake!"

Zeyuan and Wang Duoduo were very excited, and they kept telling:

"Snake played so beautifully. I didn't expect them to be able to perform like this for the first time in the World Championship. It was such a surprise!"

"In these two games, everyone in Snake performed well. Viewers of the league should know that Snake is a team that dares to play. They have continued this style to the World Championship. Although the other three teams in the LCK are very strong, But I think Snake is the most ferocious team among the top four!"

"The King's hero pool is very deep. More importantly, Snake is fought around The King. This makes Snake's tactics changeable and he has many weapons!"

Colonel Guan also said with a smile: "Indeed, I am extremely optimistic about this Snake!"

"Brother Holy Spear is the top top laner in the LPL. Brother Crystal once was able to assume the role of the Snakes as a four-guarantee and one player. In this World Championship, he also used Draven to get four kills. Jiezou is a veteran support and is very experienced. . Zzr, there’s no need to talk about it anymore, everyone started calling him stupid chicken and little Cuihua.”

"As for The King, it's not too much to say that he is the strongest mid laner in the current World Championship, right?"

"So, to win three stars in the next stop, everyone must have confidence and cheer for Snake. Everyone will be a beam of light."

In the barrage at this moment, in addition to congratulating Snake, there were also many people shouting, "Shut up," and "Stop being a jerk."

3-0, our LPL ranking has not fallen!

Of course, there are inevitably some Han Zas and Han Zas pretending to be there saying things like ‘being surrounded by LCK’.

So what if I'm surrounded?

There is hope for that too!


Then we'll break out of the siege!

"LPL viewers, our team is still fighting!"

"The next stop is Madison Square Garden in New York!"

The camera on the big screen also scanned Snake's player seat.

Li Haozheng took off his headphones and stood up.

Behind him was the red dragon jersey. The jersey was not good-looking, but the red was gorgeous. Li Hao's face was cold and solemn. He clenched his fist slightly in front of his chest and stared deeply into the distance for a moment.

The photographers in front of the players' seats, who were hunched over with their cameras, accurately captured that moment.

Although C9 was eliminated, and Snake, who eliminated this local team, was right in front of him, this still could not stop the audience from applauding Snake.

The Chicago audience adjusted to the man's expression.

This is a dream chaser.

He fought hard in the ancient S2 and has been working in obscurity to this day.

In the later years of his career, he finally won the lights, stage and applause with his own efforts.

At this moment, viewers who love e-sports will not hesitate to clap their hands.

At this moment, there are ten thousand barrages and eight thousand tears.

"Brother Hao, we won!"

"we won!"

Gangzi, Flanduo, Jiezou, and Cuihua were all very excited.

"Well, I won!"

“Everyone is great!”

“Next stop, the Big Apple!”

The five Snakes formed a circle, and everyone put their hands together, feeling each other's strength.

At the C9 player table, everyone looked relieved.

When shaking hands, there was a sharp contrast with everyone in Snake who looked happy.

When Jensen shook hands with Li Hao, he still said reluctantly:

"If I have a chance next season, I will definitely take revenge. I hope I can still see you then."

Jensen, wearing khaki glasses, was very serious when he said this.

He is a Dane like Bjergsen. When he entered the North American competition, Jensen threatened that he would prove that there is more than one outstanding Danish midfielder.

He joined C9 in 2015, replacing C9 mid laner Hai who announced his retirement at the time.

It was the leader of the crazy tower-stealing Demon Sea who said, "I saw a card in the grass, I endured it" and then crawled forward.

This is the second year of Jensen's career. He is three years younger than Li Hao. Of course he will think that there will be opportunities for revenge in the future.

Li Hao's expression did not change, and he just responded seriously: "I'll wait for you, but you have to hurry up for revenge. I don't know when I will retire."

"After all, the passage and destruction of time cannot be stopped."

After hearing this, Jensen became solemn, and the hostility in his heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

Looking at Li Hao's back, Jensen patted his forehead.

Yeah, this guy is right.

He is already the oldest of the group of veterans. He will decline every year in the future. Whether he can be on such a stage is a question mark.

After bowing to the audience and thanking the audience, S6’s story about Chicago came to an end.

Ren Dong, the host of LPL, conducted interviews with Snake players respectively.

"Brother Holy Spear, how are you feeling now?"

"I'm very excited. This is my dream since I started playing professionally. Originally, I had little chance of coming to San Francisco this season, let alone New York. The Snakes have a big brother, which is very happy."

The smile on Brother Shengqiang's face couldn't be concealed.

To the same question, Brother Crystal responded:

"Happy and excited. I hope I can seize this opportunity."

"Cuihua, many people now say that stupid chicken is a little Cuihua, what do you think of such a comment?"

"I'm very happy. It means I did nothing wrong. This is my goal." Cuihua smiled.

When the host asked Jiezou how he felt, he took a breath and responded.

Jiezou: "Everything is very novel. For me, this can be said to be a fantastic journey. I am very grateful to my teammates and Brother Hao."

When Jiezou said this, his voice was trembling.

Li Hao walked up and patted him on the shoulder.

In the original plan, Jiezou planned to retire after the summer split.

One is because I am older and have passed the best age for e-sports. More importantly, he suffers from neurological migraines and cannot stay up late, and high-intensity training is also very difficult.

Many professional players have experienced injuries and the erosion of time.

Li Hao can understand Jiezou's mood very well.

When the microphone reached Li Hao, he said solemnly:

"Snake is a unit. We have been working hard all summer. To reach this point, we must be excited and nervous, but one thing is for sure, that is, our belief will not waver!"

"As Gangzi said, we must seize this opportunity."

"TheKing, many people are saying now that three of the top four are LCK teams, and the LPL is surrounded. What do you think about this?"

Li Hao looked calm and spoke calmly:

"When I was playing professionally, I experienced M5. Their creativity at that time subverted the European order. Many people thought M5 was the champion that year. Unfortunately, it was TPA Assassin who won the cup in the end."

"I have also experienced many difficulties, even being disconnected from the Internet for eight hours in the dark. E-sports is full of surprises, and quantity does not absolutely represent anything."

"Snake can feel a lot of pressure."

"But we're also looking forward to that fight."

At the end, Li Hao showed a tough smile.

"Everyone, there is something in Brother Wolfberry's words. Everyone should get it!"

"What Brother Wolfberry means is: when I was playing professionally, they were still using urine and mud!"

"No, no, no, Brother Wolfberry wants to say: The Troika are all rubbish!"

"It has to be my Brother Wolfberry. When you open your mouth, you will see S2, and when you open your mouth, you will disconnect the network cable. The smell of veteran is simply pungent! It tastes right!"

"Brother Hao is so handsome and cool. I really want to have an online relationship with Brother Hao!"

"Go find the factory manager for online dating. He likes A Midsummer Night's Dream the most!"

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