LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 126 The decisive battle at Staples Center!

"Congratulations Snake! Congratulations Snake!"

Miller shouted excitedly: "Three to zero! Snake sealed three stars in the semifinals!"

"Time seems to go back to 2014. The last time our LPL division had such a record was the group of OMG top laner Gugu Gang. They defeated South Korea's Najin White Shield 3-0 in the Busan quarter-finals! "

"However, this Snake team is even more brilliant. They swept away the 9 consecutive victories before the semi-finals. The tactics expressed in every game are amazing! Snake's tactical reserves now give people a feeling of uncertainty! "

Changmao smiled and said, "Especially The King, it's really surprising!"

"Brother Crown is already one of the masters of the hero Victor. I didn't expect that The King's Victor would be so perverted! It's not just Victor. After these three games, The King's performance can only be described as amazing."

Wawa interjected: "I have seen TheKing's information. Before 2014, he was a member of WE. He entered OMG in the spring of 2014, and TheKing was on the bench during the first game in Busan. In 2015, he came to EDG. He went to Europe with the team but did not play. During MSI in the spring of 2016, I saw TheKing on the bench for RNG in Shanghai."

"His experience is so rich. As a veteran who has watched the LPL World Championship for many years, he must know what the LPL region needs!"

"When he led this snake team, we saw a tough style that was rarely seen in the LPL before!"

“Next, we will witness the last miracle of this e-sports summer in the City of Angels!”

When talking about The King's experience, the three commentators were all sighing.

After struggling silently for so many years, I finally waited for the moment to shine on the stage.

So inspiring!

There is a thin line between ideal and reality. Keep your mind focused and down-to-earth.

Who can keep the clouds clear and see the moonlight when there is no storm or heavy rain?

"Viewers, don't miss it. On October 30, we will be at the Staples Center to witness the final battle!!"

LPL official TV station, a barrage of barrages came.

You can see a lot of barrages such as ‘Snake is awesome’, ‘Goji God God’, ‘666666’, and ‘3-0’ at a glance.

"I'm a fan of The King for ten years. When I was a fan of him, he didn't have a thermos bottle. Wow, think about it now, time flies so fast."

"Brother Wolfberry is already number one in the world in my heart. No matter how unknown his 'late years' are, his current dominance is rarely seen in the entire history of e-sports."

"It's so damn exciting. I knocked Samsung to the ground and hammered it. I will be a fan of Snake for the rest of my life! From S3 to S6, this is the most exciting time! Five Chinese people can't do it? Han Za flies first!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm in tears, it has to be my Brother Wolfberry!"

"Brother Wolfberry, you will always be a god!"

"SSG lost! 0-3. It's a pity that they fell on the stage of the semi-finals. We can't see the LCK vs. LCK finals."

The Korean commentator's words were a little depressing, but his expression changed again and he said quite passionately:

"But we still have SKT!"

"They are the most powerful team on the planet. After defeating ROX, SKT has entered a new level. SKT is chasing the third championship, and the Big Devil is also chasing his own dynasty."

"In six days, LCK will reach the top again, and we will witness it together in Los Angeles!"

The kimchi-clad Korean commentator speaks tough and has full confidence in SKT.

However, in the training room in New York, the SKT team is quite busy.

In Snake's game against SSG, too many elements were exposed.

The fast-paced transition line, the weird sea, land and air bombing, the female gun plus ice system, these are all things they have to take into consideration when they draft next time.

Tactics is one thing, and another thing is.


This guy is really strong in this World Championship!

The Victor just now felt even scarier than Crown.

It's difficult, Kkoma has a headache.

However, when he saw Guapi's serious and focused expression, Kkoma felt more relaxed.

Xiang He definitely doesn’t want to lose.

This is the first dynasty!

At the scene in New York, after everyone in Snake celebrated, they came to SSG to shake hands.

The members of the Samsung team were very frustrated. No one said a word during the entire handshake. Crown Brother did not express anything except exchanging a look with Li Hao.

Watching Snake's team members board the stage over there, everyone in SSG felt even more bitter. How they wished it was them standing on the stage.

Coach Kim came over, patted their shoulders, and comforted:

"Cheer up. Although I didn't achieve the final goal, compared to the spring split, being able to get to this point is already considered a success."

"Whether it's the 0-3 defeat or the various doubts from the outside world after returning to China, everyone should not think too much about it."

"The road to success is always full of ups and downs. As long as we keep the pace of progress this year, next year, we will find what we have lost and we will take revenge!"

"There's no way Snake will be as strong as he is now next year!"

Hearing what Kim said, all the Samsung generals came to their senses.

They are so autistic now, largely due to being beaten by that guy.

Yes, the ruthless butcher's knife of time has already been placed on The King's neck.

In everyone's opinion, even SKT in this World Championship could not beat them so badly. Snake's three axes really meant to stun them.

Therefore, Kim's words gave the right medicine, and everyone's eyes regained their brightness.

"Yes, we want revenge!"

“The venue for next year’s global finals has been determined, it’s the Bird’s Nest!”

"That's a big stage, and we're going to take revenge there! Recover everything that's been lost!"

Kim said something else: "Of course, that's assuming we can still see Snake's team."

"I hope The King can maintain this status."

After thanking the audience, Sjokz invited Li Hao for an interview.

"Congratulations to Snake, and congratulations to you, The King!"

"The next stop is Los Angeles. Is there anything you want to say?"

Li Hao raised the microphone: "I long for that stage, very much."

"In that place, people will feel that their e-sports dreams are much closer to them."

Sjokz nodded and asked again: "In the second and third games of the semi-finals, you used tactics that have never been used before. This is very surprising. Everyone is looking forward to it. You will face SKT in the finals. When the time comes, will there be any surprises?"

Li Hao shook his head very seriously and said sincerely:

"Unfortunately, Snake's tactical reserves are also limited."

"In this game against SSG, we exposed almost all of our trump cards. Facing SKT, who was on guard, the tactics we used may have no effect."

"But we don't know anything about SKT's trump card."

"So, from our Snake perspective, this round of the finals is a very huge challenge."

Kkoma, who was watching the live broadcast, looked at the serious look of the man on the screen and almost believed it.

"He lied!"

The stupid chicken accused: "Don't believe it, this person is much more cunning than Sang He!"

Of course Kkoma wouldn’t believe it.

However, even if they take precautions, they still don't know what cards their opponents have.

If you are not careful, you may fall into a trap.

Snake swept SSG. If anyone underestimates this team, they are really stupid.

Everyone in SKT is under a lot of pressure. Ask yourself, even they may have a hard time beating SSG 3-0!

"They are very capable, but"

"We don't allow failure!"

"This is the dynasty that belongs to SKT!"

After the semi-finals, there were many topics about Snake and SKT's finals in e-sports related forums.

Especially before the quarter-finals started, the comments on the Internet were not favorable to Snake.

"Being suffocated by three LCK teams" is mentioned most times. Even many LPL fans have little confidence in Snake.

However, when Snake defeated Samsung 3-0 in the semifinals, the opinion suddenly changed.

The notions of Group D's comfort zone and the lack of gold content without competing with LCK teams were completely shattered!

12 consecutive wins in the S competition, sweeping 9 consecutive winning teams, a rich tactical system, a complete team, and the most dominant mid laner in this world championship.

In the summer of S6, many people laughed scornfully at the commentators' statement that "this year is the most promising year." But by this time, many viewers had changed their attitudes.

At this moment, even the E-Sports Louvre was shocked.

Post after post, all are discussing this Staples War!

The old friend turned into a data analyst and analyzed every Snake player. Everyone's ID has been mentioned here.

Of course, there is another topic that cannot be discussed, and that is The King! !

"With 12 consecutive wins, I really never thought that Snake could reach the finals with such a record. Also, Brother Wolfberry. When we played against Samsung yesterday, Brother Wolfberry was so good! In three consecutive games, he showed off his scalp of Samsung. Numb!"

"You can check my post record. I said during the summer split that if The King is not injured, Snake has every chance to compete for the summer split championship. He is the absolute core of the Snake team."

“Our IG is at a huge loss!”

"Why did IG lose money?"

"Why not lose money? It is said that TheKing's contract with RNG expired in the summer, and it was Chris who proposed to Zuo Wu to sign him. The Snakes had no intention of signing TheKing before. It was a complete accident. And Chris, at first I was about to go to IG, but I was suddenly recruited by Snake. In other words, in this S6, our IG originally had a chance to get this fierce guy TheKing!"

"Brother, I am a dog fan who watched Gouzi play from S3. When I think about Gouzi entering RNG this summer, and TheKing just leaving RNG, I feel extremely depressed. What on earth does the operations department do!!"

"The pigs and dogs finally found a common topic. When Brother Wolfberry was in EDG, he was still playing big trees. Why didn't he give him a chance to play mid lane? Eh~!"

"You have to ask Tank about Brother Wolfberry's escape. He is the one who eats the beef noodles."

Snake fan: "Haha, thank you Tank, thank you for the beef noodles!"

While the outside world was talking a lot, the Snake team had already set off for Los Angeles the day after the game.

Los Angeles is located in southwestern California, the United States. It is the second largest city in the United States and the largest city in the western United States.

The English name is Los Angeles, and Angeles means angel, so it is also called the City of Angels.

The Staples Center is located in downtown Los Angeles.

It is one of the most popular sports centers in the United States and can accommodate more than 20,000 spectators.

In recent times, many league esports fans around the world are paying attention to this.

Because everyone knows that a grand audio-visual feast is about to begin.

Snake and his team took a flight from New York and arrived in Los Angeles after more than 6 hours of flight time.

The official competition day is October 30th, but you have to come early to familiarize yourself with the environment.

Having moved to several cities in North America, everyone is no longer unfamiliar with these.

Both Snake and SKT teams were the same. After arriving in Los Angeles, they immediately entered into intense preparations.

On the evening of October 30, 2016.

The just-released song "Ignite (Finals Remix)" was officially performed at the Staples Center.

As more than 20,000 spectators followed the countdown on the big screen.

When the number froze at '0', the lights of the Staples Center converged on the 100-piece orchestra, and passionate music suddenly sounded!

Following the music, the live MV incorporates European and American hardcore animation elements, taking players to review the representative moments in every competition since the 2011 Global Finals!

Every audience at the scene was immersed in that atmosphere, and even the audience in front of the video could feel the strong atmosphere of the alliance.

The special effects of Nami's waves, the sound effects and movements of Ice Archery, Vladimir's blood pool, and Jarvan IV's catastrophe

Those scenes of passionate scenes in the league were fed back to the field by designers through technology in a very real way. Those special effects were blended together. People could hear the roars of the heroes and see the water of the river flowing. At that moment, it felt like being in a Summoner's Rift.

When the lights became brighter and brighter, the images on the big screen changed to cities in North America. Among the high-rise buildings, the faces of SKT and Snake players continued to appear on the screen.

About 10 minutes later, a middle-aged hard-core bearded man with silver hair walked onto the stage at Staples Center.

Next to him is the championship trophy that all teams are longing for!

"ladies and gentlemen."

"This is the Staples Center, and the 2016 League of Legends Finals is about to begin!"

"On this stage, the real king of 2016 will be determined!"

"First, let's welcome the first team to take the stage."

"They are Snake from the LPL region!"

There was a burst of cheers at the scene. During the World Championship, although he was a newcomer and was the third seed, Snake conquered many viewers with his performance and became the biggest dark horse of this S6!

Especially when shouting ‘TheKing~~~! ! ’ When this ID came out, the Staples Center also went into a boil!

After introducing Snake’s team members, the host began to raise his voice:

"Next, let us welcome the two-time global finals champions of S3 and S5, and the 2016 MSI champion, SKT T1!"

The audience wildly shook the red and blue fluorescent sticks in their hands, which represented "Ice and Fire", and the stage lights also moved to everyone in SKT.

When the host introduced the Big Devil, the cheers in the venue reached its peak.

Guapi, who wore round-framed glasses, had an expressionless face and simply waved to the audience.

In addition to Benji and Kkoma, teammates changed one after another, and the opposite mid laner also changed one after another.

The devil is still standing on this pinnacle stage.

At this moment, he will attack the Triple Crown Dynasty!

On this night, many league fans from all over the world gathered in front of the screen to enjoy this annual ultimate battle!

In the LPL commentary box, two "retired gods of war", the Haier brothers, PDD and Cube Dragon, were sent out at once today to help out.

"Hello, audience friends, this is the S6 Global Finals. We are at the Staples Center. The atmosphere is extremely hot! Players on both sides are debugging equipment and the competition will start soon."

"Everyone, cheer for Snake. There is definitely a chance today. Snake will sweep through Samsung. Their strength is no worse than SKT!"

Saozhu smiled and said: "I have a hunch that The King will definitely explode today!"

"I met him backstage just now. The look in his eyes was different today."

"It is no exaggeration to say that if I faced The King, I would basically surrender."

"Hahaha, this is not an exaggeration. The King used Crown's best hero to defeat Crown. When I looked at the camera, I felt that Crown's defense was broken."

LCK commentary box: "Today is the battle of dynasties! It is Faker's battle to become a god again!"

"SKT, come on!"

European commentary seats.

Coster: "Charles, get ready to kiss the donkey's ass!"

Charles shook his head: "The Song of Ice and Fire should accompany the rise of the dynasty, and SKT will reach its peak today!"

At the home stadium in North America, a bearded commentator was frantically stirring up the atmosphere. Just when the BP background music was about to sound, he shouted loudly into the microphone in front of him:




The hottest moment!

Thousands of people shouted together!

Staples Center shakes!

2016 Finals!

BP officially begins! !

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