LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 127 Brother Wolfberry kills the LCK with one blow!

The last time Chris lost to Kim in guessing the coin, this time the Snakes sent out Zuo Fog.

Li Hao and others were not disappointed.

Zuo Wu scored twice and lost to Kkoma.

Although Snake and SSG competed for the red side in the last round, in the first game, SKT still chose the blue side where S6's big data BP was more dominant.

Snake exposed so many systems that the red side simply couldn't ban them all.

"SKT defeated the female gun in the first move. The Tigers once used the female gun system to steal the match point from SKT. In the last round, Snake revealed that he knew the secret of this system. After studying it for several days, SKT still couldn't Dare to let it out."

"Snake kills Olaf first!"

"The stupid chicken started the game. This is a sign of respect for the stupid chicken. In the first game of SKT's game against ROX, the little peanut was holding a spider in his hand, but the stupid chicken Olaf got everything he wanted in the jungle."

"SKT beats Syndra again!"

In the second move, Snake knocked off Leopard Girl.

After SKT took down Zyra and Snake took down the last troll, the fight between the two sides ended.

"SKT is directly locked on the first floor, the big devil's Ryze is here!"

"The first hand I took out should be based on The King's hero pool. When The King played Crown in the last game, Ryze also showed off the whole game. If I had taken it later, it might have been locked up by Snake."

While the commentators were talking, Snake took down Lucian on the first floor.

On the second floor, the avatar is changed to Twilight Eyes.

"Shen? It's locked!"

"Hey, Snake brought something out in the first game. He has participated in this Hero World Championship before, but this is Snake's first time to win it. Is he a global leader?"

"Rock Bird and Card, these are the heroes that The King is very good at."

"On the second and third floors of SKT, Ikegar Excavator was selected. This is a very conventional choice."

At this time, the camera jumps to Snake.

The heads on the third and fourth floors shook frequently, and the audience's emotions were aroused.

When the two heroes locked up almost at the same time, the entire Staples Center let out a huge exclamation!

The commentators in each major competition area also looked dizzy just like the commentators in the LPL competition area.

On the third floor of Snake, choose the Jewel Knight.

On the fourth floor of Snake, choose Morgana.

Sun Yalong: "Damn it, what kind of monsters are these!"

Miller opened his mouth wide: "Snake is locked! Really locked! How to separate this road?"

"I can't understand, and I can't understand either." Wawa smiled and spread his hands.

"Ya'er, has the Snake team become more artistic? With this choice, be careful on the road. Gem-assisted. Morgana can only let The King use it to walk. Something is wrong. This lineup does not do enough damage. The big devil Ryze rises up to Snake. It’s hard here.”

"What's going on!"

"This is the global finals! Is it a machine failure? Is this a selection accident?"

"Something's wrong, Snake didn't request a timeout! BP is still going on!"

What's even more exaggerated is that when the OB director showed the camera to Snake's player box, Coach Chris, who was holding a tactical book, even showed a smile that didn't deserve a beating.

It looked like his evil plan had succeeded.

Cube Dragon rubbed his head, and a few more of his few hairs fell out:

"Do you see anything?"

"Does this lineup have a victory password?!"

"No, it really didn't happen this time. However, I definitely don't believe it if Snake and his gang choose randomly to get high. There is also a last move, which may be some ultimate move."

"SKT has not chosen anyone for a long time, and they are also hesitating!"

Dousha TV, SKT, Shanniruo live broadcast room.

After seeing Snake's lineup, the chairman of Painchi Group couldn't suppress the smile on his face.

"Brothers, be careful, this one is not the wrong one."

"Ahem, the fish ball was not wrong."


Some people who can understand the encrypted calls keep deducting ‘666666’.

This bird's lineup is so unstable that it's a ghost.

At this moment, the flame rat was swinging its legs leisurely.

It’s another day full of energy.

Staples Live.

When more than half of Snake's bizarre lineup came out, the scene was in a state of excitement.

This kind of snake team art makes Europeans feel ashamed after seeing it!

Stupid Chicken said: "I knew that person was telling lies. This guy wanted to trick us as soon as he came."

"But, what's the use of their lineup?"

Kkoma frowned slightly: "No matter what tricks they play, we will fight normally."

"There's not enough time, choose quickly!"

SKT’s last two moves are finalized.

"Jinjana Nami, although SKT's lineup is very conventional, it is very stable. This is very in line with their style."

"What should I do with Snake's last hand?"

"The current damage to these four people is definitely not enough."

The commentators were about to continue talking, but their words suddenly stopped.

"No way!"

"Sword Master!! Are you going to choose Sword Master?!"

"I really have to choose! The avatar has stopped moving. Snake is not kidding, I really have to choose!"

"What kind of system is this?!"

"——My sword is your sword~!"

The Infinite Sword Master, locked on!

The Staples Center crowd was fired up, with many looking in disbelief.

The audience was both excited and confused. When Snake changed the positions of heroes and determined the lineup, everyone realized how Snake was going to separate the teams.

"Shen is the top laner, Morgana is the assistant, and TheKing takes the Juggernaut, but TheKing brings a punishment, and Zzr's gem brings flash and ignite."

"I understand!" PDD slapped his thigh: "This is a four-guarantee-one tactic!"

"Not counting four guarantees and one, there is also Lucian."

Cube Dragon smiled and said: "That's about the same. Lucian absorbs SKT's damage and is also protecting the Juggernaut. This time, Snake will fight around the Juggernaut."

"Be good, gem's ultimate move, Morgana's magic shield, Shen's ultimate move, later the sword master will get up and just cut randomly!"

"Snake really didn't choose randomly!!"

"Sister Li, everyone, Snake's team started out as an artist, and it's normal for them to lose control in the World Championships. In fact, this is also a good thing. It shows that these people are very relaxed now."

In the Snake player box, Chris patted Li Hao on the shoulder and left.

On the other side, Kkoma also came to the stage.

This is not the first time the two shake hands.

During the S3 period, the initiator of the Royal Family's four-guarantee-one strategy was none other than Chris.

That year, the 17-year-old Big Devil was at his peak and led SKT to sweep the Royal Family and win the championship!

At that time, the royal family adopted a "dog son" tactic.

Now, the Snake team is using the tactic of "protecting the wolfberry".

Although time has gone by, the scene from that year seems to have reappeared.

Because, the arena where the Royal Family was swept and fell by SKT was the Staples Center in Los Angeles at this time!

Three years may not be a long time, but in e-sports where milliseconds are measured, it seems a bit long.

For Chris, this is revenge for Kkoma after three years.

Although Chris didn't come up with the tactics on the field, as long as he was a part of Snake, he would definitely be included.

The two looked at each other and held hands together.

The lineup is locked and the game enters a short loading interface.

Blue side SKT: Ekko, Digger, Ryze, Jhin, Nami

Red Square Snake: Shen, Gem, Juggernaut, Lucian, Morgana

"Snake's side, TheKing's Juggernaut brings punishment and flash, and Gem's brings ignition and flash. In other words, TheKing will go to the jungle."


Although Snake's lineup is weird, level 1 is still pretty strong.

The triple control of Morgana and Gem plus Shen is enough to control any hero until death.

Snake's lineup is something that SKT has never encountered before, and they don't even know how the opponent will split lanes in the first place. Even though they are all top professional players, they can't immediately think of a good way to deal with it.

Moreover, the lineup is locked and cannot be changed.

At level 1, Snake directly invades the opposite jungle area in a group.

And leave a field of vision near the opponent's red buff intersection to capture Benji's jungle movements.

Jiezou Q'd the Demon King's Ryze like a lottery, and the Demon King easily moved to avoid it.

Snake had no intention of switching jungle areas. After setting up his vision, he immediately returned to his home to defend.

In the SKT player booth, the Big Devil looked at Tarik who was standing opposite him.

Last night, he thought of 10,000 possible laning possibilities, but there was no way to open them up like this.

In the finals, he got Ryze, and then a gem appeared on the opposite side.

When the army line is close, the gem is very Buddhist, and there is no desire to come up to replenish the army.

Flanduo helped, Li Haohong buffed his hand, and used no punishment to remove the two stones in 1 minute and 49 seconds. He cooperated with the punishment to quickly clear out the stone monsters.

When the first wave of F4 was finished, the time was only 2 minutes and 33 seconds.

At this time, the Juggernaut has reached level 3.

Li Hao used half of the blood and half of the blue, and went directly to the middle.

This is the third wave of artillery soldiers. Ryze and Gems are both level two.

The Big Devil couldn't help but lean back. Originally, he had full control of the lane, but with Juggernaut and Gem together, he lost the lane right directly, and moved back to avoid being attacked by Juggernaut's Q.

In addition to the red buff, Juggernaut also has the gem's E skill, dazzling stun.

The director also knew what the audience wanted to see, and the camera focused directly on the Juggernaut.

The stupid chicken also wiped out three groups of wild monsters and went to the middle to support them.

However, the Snake duo in the middle had no idea about Ryze. With the help of the Sacred Shield on Gemstone and Sword Master Alpha's surprise attack, the duo quickly cleared the line of troops.

A red wave of artillery soldiers in the middle advanced towards the big devil, and the gem and the sword master entered the blue zone.

Originally, the stupid chicken wanted to invade, but with two people on the opposite side playing wild together, he didn't have the capital to invade at all.

On the big screen, Gem first played blue with Juggernaut, and then pulled back with Juggernaut. Gem attracted the Demon Swamp Frog over there, and then returned directly to the middle.

Li Hao used a Q to combine with the good punishment to remove the blue buff. The Alpha Raid covered the Demon Swamp Frog, and the Juggernaut seamlessly started to kill a group of wild monsters.

From God's perspective, the audience saw this small detail, and everyone knew that this was by no means the first time Snake had done this.

Ryze controlled the middle lane, and Li Hao did not fight with the stupid chicken to grab the river crab. After brushing off the three wolves, the Juggernaut went to the middle lane again. After the second wave of artillery lanes were eaten, the Juggernaut reached level five, and Ryze's The level is even higher!

The blue on the big devil's body was almost exhausted, so he could only retreat back.

The stupid chicken ate the river crabs and went to the bottom lane for a gank. However, this Snake was very stable and did not cause any trouble in the bottom lane.

Lucian has E, and Morgana has black shield. Apart from knocking down Jiezou's health, this wave of stupid chicken has no other gains.

Apart from being suppressed by the last hit, Holy Spear Brother didn't have any major problems on the road.

Snake's seemingly strange lineup has been stable in the early stage.

After seeing the big devil's mana, Li Hao decisively cleared the wave of lines behind the artillery with Gem. At this time, even if the idiot came to 2v2, Ryze, who had insufficient mana, would not be able to do any damage.

Refreshed F4, plus two stone monsters.

The Juggernaut has cleared this wave of wild queens and has reached 6!

"The King has reached level 6, the highest level in the game. The excavator of Benji is only level 4 because of a wave of captures in the bottom lane. The gap has widened instantly!"

"What an exaggeration, 6 minutes haven't come yet!"

"The key is that SKT lost Juggernaut's vision for a period of time. They don't know the information about Juggernaut yet. Duke's awareness is good. Just now The King came to six and wanted to catch Ekko, but Duke didn't get greedy and retreated directly. If Give Holy Spear Brother E the distance to dodge, this Sword Master has R, Ike can't escape."

Li Hao's economy for this return to the city was 1834 yuan, 650 yuan to synthesize the Red Punishment Saber, and he bought a 1000 yuan recurve bow, plus a real eye.

Go home and enter the blue zone again, get rid of the three wolves, and then go around to the middle, just when the big devil pushes his troops over again.

Faker originally had a chance to roam, but Juggernaut combined with the gems to clear the line again.

On the big screen, Benji is squatting on the wall outside his F4.

Faker's acting skills are on point, and there are no flaws. He still moves carefully.

However, Juggernaut didn't come up with Q at all.

After taking away the next wave of F4 and red buffs, the Juggernaut once again went to the middle to clear troops.

Then, the two of them started scanning the gems together and started walking down the jungle area.



On the blue side, SKT keeps sending out early warning signals.

Bang and Wolf were immediately alert. They abandoned their military line and retreated directly to the tower.

At this time, Wolf is basically at full health, and Bang's Jhin is at most of his health, with half of his mana remaining.

The SKT duo stayed under the tower for the first time. The Big Devil and Benji came here to support them. Du Buchuan on the road also teleported, and there was no line of troops under the tower for the first time, and they could see Morgana and Lucian. , it is quite safe no matter how you look at it.

However, a completely unreasonable scene occurred.

In the grass behind the next tower, Juggernaut and Gem directly jumped over the tower!

"Snake Nakano came directly from behind and got in!"

"SKT's midfielder is also coming this way. Something might happen to Snake."

"The Juggernaut activates his ultimate move directly!"

"Without waiting for anyone, these two people jumped directly over the tower!!"


The commentators were shouting, and Bang and Wolf were stunned for the first time.

Master Yi of the Source Project skin said "Uh-huh~", and the plateau bloodline was activated, immediately increasing the movement speed by 25%.

The E skill during this period has not been cut. In addition to true damage, it also has an additional passive 10% attack power bonus.

When the defense tower launched the first attack towards Juggernaut A, the Gem Knight gave W and turned on E and R at the moment Juggernaut Alpha struck.

Wolf was about to press the Juggernaut to release the blisters, but all he heard was a 'boom'!

Why gems paired with Juggernaut are too OP and unhealthy? There is a basic understanding: the W of gems can not be torn off when Juggernaut releases Q skill.

Comparing Clockwork E horizontally, when Juggernaut activates Clockwork Q, the ball will return to him no matter how close it is to him. And due to the judgment characteristics of Juggernaut Q, the distance between Juggernaut and the opposite hero is 0 by default before the Q skill lands. It's hard to react to Shi Gem's E, it's basically a sure hit!

At this moment, the basic damage of the main E gem is 150+50% AP+30% extra armor, and it also causes a stun effect of 1.25 seconds.

Wolf didn't react and was stunned, and Nami was instantly disabled.

Bang received treatment, and Duke, who was on the road, pressed teleport and carefully activated his ultimate move.

Juggernaut AWA resets the basic attack, and then because there was a layer of passive before, Nami, who was two levels behind with two swords in the next second, was killed directly.

Because of Alpha Strike, the damage from the defense towers is transferred to the gems.

However, Cosmic Glory (R) has fallen from the sky, and Master Yi and Taric are immune to any damage for 2.5 seconds.

This resulted in Jhin's first A shot being effective on Juggernaut, but the subsequent Whisper shot being passively immune.

After killing Nami, under the passive of plateau blood, in addition to extending the time of the ultimate move by 7 seconds, the CD of other ordinary skills is reduced by 70%.

Master Yi was like a mad dog chasing down the fortune teller. After two basic attacks, the Q skill was refreshed again. Zzr had already put his ignition on Bang's head, and the fortune teller was already severely disabled.

Ekko's teleportation, Shen's ultimate move, the wandering mage drove the excavator, and the Snake duo followed up. The support speed of the two teams was not bad, and 10 people gathered in the bottom lane in an instant!

Of course, Wolf is already a corpse.

Duke regretted it as soon as he teleported it. Alpha, the sword master, attacked and killed the fortune teller!

As soon as the gem walked out of the tower, the effect of the damage-immune ultimate move passed. The stupid chicken dug into the tunnel and was knocked away with a flash.

However, the other one, Morgana, who was closer, flashed up directly and put her dark shield on the Juggernaut.

The excavator's attack was ineffective. Duke EAQed towards the sword master under the tower. The teleported Holy Spear Brother released a defensive barrier while taunting the stupid chicken in front of him.

Li Haoping A'd two knives, using the double-dagger passive, and then A'd again, and the Q skill was refreshed again.

Morgana threw Dark Prison (Q) at the trapped excavator, and the stupid chicken in the SKT player seat suddenly changed her color.

Lucian followed up with the output towards the excavator. Li Hao's Q avoided Ekko's W time field, and used two basic attacks to take down the excavator's head.

Shen flashed and escaped, but the big devil took advantage of every opportunity, and QWQE took the head of Brother Holy Spear.

Seeing the Mad Dog Sword Master rushing towards him, the Demon King did not hesitate, flashed across the double stone walls, and ran away.

The four Snakes took turns to carry the tower, and Duke was finally killed by Lucian with two shots!

After a wave of fighting, the bottom lane was full of SKT's corpses!

The summoners at the Staples Center in Los Angeles were completely excited. Many people were holding their heads and looking excited.

Others shook their hands and the popcorn in their hands fell to the ground.


"My God~~!"

"No one can stop The King! I was chased by Aunt Mary's mad dog last time, but I swear I can't run as fast as the wandering mage."

"This is crazy!"

In the LPL commentary box, the commentators are already in a frenzy.

"It's crazy! The King's mad dog mode! Just under SKT's bottom lane tower, fight in and out!"

As the prostitute teacher spoke, he moved his hands up and down in a vertical position, "It's just like chopping vegetables. Watermelon, radish, stick, they were all chopped into pieces. He raised the knife with his hand and dropped it with his hand. Nami and All the fortune tellers' heads fell to the ground, and they also killed a stupid chicken that was put in front of their mouths."

Miller spoke hurriedly: "If Faker hadn't run so fast, The King might have had five kills in this wave!"

The doll laughed loudly: "The big devil is very decisive. He flashed and ran for his life. If it weren't for a wall, this Porizi might not have been able to escape."

Sun Yalong also shouted: "Brothers, with just this wave, this game is basically over!"

"The King has nothing to lose after returning home. Snake is definitely a super black technology. The Juggernaut is shielded by Morgana, and he uses a gem ultimate move. He can't control it and can't be killed. The damage of the Juggernaut is so high. Wait a minute. If you grab SKT’s back row, you’ll kill them randomly.”

"Shen can also give you a big move, and then taunt him after it's over, including the stun provided by the gem's E skill. This set has no solution at all!"

PDD continued: "There is also a very critical point. This is the first time SKT encountered this lineup. Ryze was too developed, and the midfielder was not strong enough in the early stage. They did not suppress Juggernaut's jungle upgrade rhythm. When TheKing took shape, It’s too late to come to your senses!”

"At first we were still questioning Snake's choice, but now we look back and realize that Snake is on the fifth floor this time!"

After finishing the bottom lane wave, Snake directly pushed down the bottom lane tower.

What's exaggerated is that all 650 yuan of tower money was given to the sword master.

Snake the others and go directly to fight the first wind dragon.

The Sword Master arrived after pushing the tower, punished the wind dragon, and also took down the bottom road crab.

After returning home, he had more than 2,600 yuan, which made him a rich man.

Jungle Knife Blood Blade Synthesis (625), Pickaxe (875), Explosive Wand (850).

After buying these three items, there are still dozens of dollars left for shoes, so selling the reusable potion is enough.

The current version of Yang Dao is not the Yang Dao after version 6.23.

The total price of the sheep knife in this period is 2,500 yuan, with +30 attack and +40 magic power.

The only passive: +8% attack speed, +3 attack power, +4 magic power for each basic attack. It can be stacked up to 8 layers. Melee combat can be stacked 2 layers at a time. When the 8 layers are full, the Wrath of Guinsoo effect will appear.

Guinsoo's Wrath: When the basic attack hits, it will cause additional magic damage to the target and the target unit. The damage is equivalent to 20+15% additional attack power and 7.5% magic power.

This version of the Yang Dao is already very powerful. Li Hao remembers that in version 6.23 at the end of the season, the price of the Yang Dao will become 3,600 yuan, and exaggerated Yang Dao angels, Yang Dao weapons, Yang Dao VN, etc. will all appear.

Before the gem's ultimate move was ready, Li Hao controlled the Juggernaut to go wild and eat lanes, without stopping his development for a moment.

A little over 10 minutes later, I went home and updated the Sheep Knife.

At 10 minutes and 30 seconds, another cruel scene occurred in the middle!

Gem plus Juggernaut, directly jump over the tower and kill Ryze.

Although the stupid chicken counter-crouched and successfully knocked the Juggernaut away, the radiance of the universe made the Juggernaut immune to damage for 2.5 seconds.

The big devil imprisoned the Sword Master with his backhand, but with a 'boom', Gem's E skill also stunned Ryze.

After the knock-up effect of the stupid chicken, Juggernaut A connected with the double sword, and then followed up with a basic attack, and the passive stack of the sheep sword was full!

At this time, the attack speed bonus reached an exaggerated 64%!

Coupled with the 30% attack speed bonus of the ultimate move, after the effect of the gem's ultimate move passed, the lightning from the defense tower was just knocked down, and Alpha Strike turned good again.

"——One strike kills thousands of machines!"

In the SKT player box, the big devil stared at the gray screen with a very ugly look on his face.

He's dead, there's nothing he can do!

Cuihua controlled Tarik and came to the foot of the tower. Around the excavator, the infinite sword master's sword light had taken on a layer of purple phantom, and attack effects similar to those of a Hydra appeared.

The stupid chicken man was paralyzed, watching his blood dripping down. He just killed Ryze, and the Q skill CD was returned to 70%. The next Alpha struck with a knife, and killed the excavator again!


The Infinite Sword Master is unstoppable!

"Nice! Kill!"

"Kill again!!"

"Kill him, just jump over the tower and kill him by force!"

"Ya'er, it's so scary. The blood of Wandering Mage and Excavator is just like fake. The real damage plus attack special effects plus attack speed are like a snowflake falling on a soldering iron!"

"As I said just now, The King can't limit it. Once the gem's ultimate move is good, it will kill without thinking!!"

"I have a hunch that if this fight continues, The King will cause a big tragedy for SKT!"


The commentators were all excited, and the words from their mouths were spraying out with passion like machine guns.

The barrage on the LPL official TV station is densely packed with:

"Crazy! Brother Wolfberry is crazy!"

"On October 30th, at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, watch Brother Wolfberry kill a top LCK player!"

"Sword combination, this is a sword combination!"

"Everyone has understood what Brother Wolfberry means. If you want to be as strong as him, you must not only have Wolfberry, but also take care of yourself."

"Shocked: Brother Wolfberry does that kind of health care in front of a global audience! The scene is bloody!"

"FBI, open the door!"


Backstage at SKT, Kkoma, who had always been calm, was breathing rapidly at this moment.

The situation on the field was something Kkoma never imagined!

('-'*ゞI saw someone’s birthday in the comment area, and I wish my book friend ‘My Sister Yuan He’ a happy birthday! I updated more than 10,000 words today, and I wish you 10,000 years of happiness!

Everyone, go to bed early. Staying up late is really bad for your cell phone.

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