LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 128 Although there are many enemies, they will all be killed with one strike!

The anti-tower gem walked out, the Juggernaut pressed A against the defensive tower twice, and then the Q blue soldier came out of the tower.

The two cleared their troops, and under the high attack speed of Juggernaut, SKT's middle tower was destroyed.

Entering SKT's red zone, brushing off Benji's F4, Bang and Wolf in the bottom lane all retreated to the vicinity of the second tower.

After the gem returned home, Li Hao ate the lower river crab, went to clean up the blue zone again, and then returned to the middle lane to eat the line, which kept growing.

The pressure on the advance-developed Juggernaut was too much, not to mention that there was a gem as a tool, and the stupid chicken seemed to be timid when farming in his own jungle area.

It's no exaggeration at all. Now as long as the Juggernaut receives the Q and brings the stun of the gem at the same time, the excavator can't bear the real damage at all.

The two sides started a battle of vision.

Morgana and Gems began to move their wards forward, lighting up most of SKT's jungle area. Although SKT was also lining up and doing wards, they were at a huge disadvantage and were afraid of being controlled by counter-crouching, so their vision was somewhat limited.

At 14 minutes and 24 seconds, the SKT duo retreated in the second tower of the bottom lane.

The big devil and stupid chicken drove behind the previous tower, cutting off Shen's escape route, and cooperated with Ike to successfully capture Brother Holy Spear.

Snake's last tower doesn't have a lot of health, so he can leave it to Duke to demolish it alone. In addition to saving some money, it can also lead the troops out, and the pressure on the field of vision will be less.

However, before Ryze and Excavator could return to defense, something happened in the bottom lane.

Juggernaut and Morgana, who were scanning all the way, appeared from behind the second tower of SKT. Wolf's Nami immediately launched her ultimate move.

However, Morgana on the main E can provide a shield of 350+70% AP, providing immunity to restricted skills for up to 5 seconds before the shield is broken!

The sword master held the shield of darkness, ignored Nami's waves, and drove straight towards Bang under the tower.

The movement speed bonus of the ultimate move has reached 35%, and the attack speed bonus has also reached 55%.

Coupled with the attack speed boots, blood blade, sheep knife and Bilgewater scimitar, the swordmaster's attack speed is incomprehensible, and the damage is even more incomprehensible.

Although Bang is known as the ‘number two machine’ of the S6, there is no room for maneuver in front of this terrifying ‘number one machine’.

After being attacked by Juggernaut's Alpha, he used A followed by W to reset his basic attack and slash out his double swords, instantly crippling the fortune teller.

Bang pulled A and Q on the head of Juggernaut to output output. Juggernaut's scimitar sucked him in. Coupled with Master Yi's movement speed, Destiny Master couldn't pull away at all, and was cut to death by the two subsequent basic attacks.

Morgana launched her Q towards the tower, and Wolf moved to avoid it. The Juggernaut turned around and slashed Nami again. He made two basic attacks and then Alpha's surprise attack to get a double kill.

The effect of the Juggernaut's ultimate move has been extended, and the subsequent wave of troops can be used to easily push down the second tower on the bottom lane.

Li Hao wandered around Benji's red zone, collected all the spawned wild monsters, and then captured the second earth dragon.

"With 7 heads, this sword master is really invincible!"

"Ekko and Excavator can't hold up despite their tankiness. Juggernaut uses E to deal real damage."

"Snake now only needs to fight around the Juggernaut. Morgana put the shield on TheKing in time. Gems grasped the timing of the ultimate move. SKT couldn't take the team fight. You can see the damage from TheKing's duo just now. It was completely overflowing!"

At 17 minutes and 9 seconds, the warded Wolf was hit by Q in the red zone. Juggernaut used the gem's E skill Alpha to surprise Nami, and killed Nami with two basic attacks.

The Great Demon King felt very anxious as he listened to the super-god prompt from the Sword Master.

However, when the game reached this situation, he had no way to save the world.

If you want to defeat Snake, there is only one way now, and that is to kill the Juggernaut.

However, with the two tools of Gemstone and Morgana beside the Juggernaut, it is too difficult to kill The King.

At the beginning of 20 minutes, Bang pressed the vision transformation towards the dragon pit and saw that Snake was indeed beating the dragon.

The disadvantage is already big enough. If Baron loses again, this one will definitely have no chance.

All members of SKT gathered and rushed towards the Dalong Pit. Bang made a perfect curtain call near the blue buff. The Demon Dynasty made a winding jump in the Dalong Pit, and Benji's excavator caught the train.

The stupid chicken has only one idea, which is to hit the Juggernaut with a top flash, and then punish the Baron to buy time for SKT.

However, as soon as he arrived at the Dragon Pit, he heard a scream from Baron Nash.

On the SKT player bench, Benji's expression froze.

This is too fast!

The newly refreshed Baron is already easy to fight. With Li Hao's current equipment, a solo player can kill the Baron, not to mention the five-person Snake attack.

Jiezou hit the excavator with his Q, Lucian WAAQAA, Li Hao directly activated his ultimate move, and combined with the damage of his teammates to kill the excavator in the dragon pit instantly.

The ultimate move was extended for another 7 seconds. On the big screen, only a Juggernaut with full power was seen, charging directly into the SKT crowd with Morgana's shield!

Shen stood behind the dragon pit and fired his ultimate move at Juggernaut. Gem followed, releasing the radiance of the universe before Juggernaut's next Alpha attack.

"——Although there are many enemies, I will kill them all with one strike!!"

After finding Nami, who is the sturdiest and easiest to kill, Li Hao directly attacks with Alpha!

The big devil Q was dodged, the Juggernaut's figure passed through him and Nami, and Duke threw the time field in the direction of Wolf.

The fortune teller's ultimate move was also aimed at the Juggernaut.


This is Gem's E skill. The maxed-out E skill provides a 1.5-second stun effect. In addition to releasing her ultimate move, Nami was killed by the sword master after being Q'ed by the sword master!

"Double kill!"

"With Gem's ultimate move, SKT is completely in despair! The Juggernaut is immune to damage and cannot be killed!"

"Be careful, taunt!"

"The Big Demon King dodged Flandre's E-dodge, and the Sword Master rushed forward again!"

"Alpha Strikes!"

"The attack speed is already maxed out! Sheep Blade is maxed out! Wrath of Guinsoo! Zeal for War is maxed out! Ryze's health is dropping too fast!"

"Dead, the third head!"

"The fortune teller is about to run away, but the sword master is chasing after him!"

"Bang flashed and the Sword Master closed the distance. What's going on? It's so fast!"

"Did The King flash?! Why can't I see any flashing action? Alpha Raid has already arrived on the Fortune Teller!"

"Bang is gone!"

"Four kills!"

"That's four kills!"

"Go crazy! SKT is going to be killed by Juggernaut, and only one Duke will be left!"

"The King is killing like crazy! He's going to kill five times!!"

"Ekko was caught up, Destroyed took a breath, Duke was chopped to pieces by several swords, time went back, Ekko's ultimate move hit the Juggernaut, even the three rings of Ice Fist Ekko couldn't knock out the Juggernaut in seconds, and it was Alpha again Raid!"

"Die, die, die!"


"——Electric light and flint!!!"

Duke, his eyes were gray and white.

"——Enemy Penta kill!!!"

When everyone in SKT heard this canyon prompt, everyone's expressions became tense.

"Penta kills!"

"That's five kills!"

PDD raised his arms in the commentary box and shouted: "The King's five kills in the finals!"

"This is the first five kills in the finals since the S game!"


In the LPL commentary box, several commentators turned into shouting monsters, yelling into the microphone uncontrollably, and everyone's face turned red with excitement.

The North American commentator at the home court raised his voice and shouted:

"Penta kill~~~!!!"


At the Staples Center, tens of thousands of people raised their arms and shouted in excitement, and many people laughed and enjoyed the exciting moment.

In the LCK commentary box, several Korean commentators were dumbfounded and could hardly speak clearly.

In many university dormitories in China, shouts of "Wu Cao" and "Awesome" can be heard.

The e-sports audience in South Korea really finds it difficult to accept this reality.

After Juggernaut killed everyone in SKT, he cooperated with his teammates and followed the line of troops in the middle to end the game in one wave.

The stupid chicken who was resurrected first could not stop the five Snakes from destroying the house.

In the first game of the finals, SKT suffered a Waterloo-like defeat!

The director played the replay, and people were enjoying the scene of the Juggernaut's pentakill.

This is the violent aesthetics in the field of e-sports! !

There was one small detail that attracted people's attention, and that was the Alpha raid when the Sword Master pursued the Destiny Master. Except for the flash afterimage, there was no stiff movement after the flash.

"Oh my god, is this Q Flash?!"

"I've played Juggernaut before, and it's not so fast to flash and then Q. The King is a Q flash!"

"This hero can also dodge! I never knew it."

"I don't know either, haha."

"The King is really scary!"

The Riot designers who were watching the game were all surprised.

How could such an OP combination appear? !

Unconsciously, we came up with such a thing?

At a slight disadvantage, not even teams like SKT can resist.

The Juggernaut eats the wild and the line, and the gem is completely used as a tool man.

Resources are concentrated on the Juggernaut. After level 6, he will use the gem ultimate move and W mechanism to perform various brainless tower jumps and kills, allowing the Juggernaut to develop rapidly. After that, this already extremely terrifying assassin becomes impossible for opponents to deal with. Point, you can only watch him killing randomly in the crowd.

In other words, this is a jungle-centered tactic.

There's nothing wrong with the tactics, but the key thing is, isn't the intensity too high? !

Some designers frowned.

Other designers are already sharpening their knives.

On the big screen, SKT's crystal hub has been broken.

"Congratulations Snake!"

"The first victory in the finals was successfully won!"

"Congratulations to TheKing for winning a super pentakill in the finals that shocked the eSports world!"

"Yes, The King rushed into the SKT crowd with the brilliance of the universe, and almost killed five SKT players by himself. This scene is so legendary!"

"I really want to know a question now. One or two years ago, what kind of terrifying intensity was that younger The King who was buried on the bench?"


The commentators also gasped.

When Snake and everyone went backstage, many audience members gave them applause and cheers.

For the audience, the game just now was so exciting!

After Snake and everyone returned to the backstage, everyone briefly celebrated and immediately began to discuss the tactics for the second game.

Using the sword once is already the limit. If you suddenly catch SKT off guard, it's okay. If you use it next time, you will probably be targeted to death by the opponent in the jungle.

However, for Snake, SKT is not easy to deal with. If they can win the first game, they will already make a lot of money.

In the next game, we may have to fight hard.

On the other side, after returning to the training room, the big devil recalled the game just now.

Li Guapi found that although he was facing the gem.

But there seems to be no pulling, line control, vision, or jungle support between the two sides, not to mention subtle operations such as controlling the hatred of minions and counterattacking with experience upgrades.

The people on the line with him are like corpses. After being beaten, they move back. They try to repair the soldiers they can. If they really can't repair them, they run away and stand in a daze, waiting for the sword master to catch him.

After the Juggernaut arrives, he eats two waves of lanes, limiting him to the middle, and then clears the jungle. After returning home to replenish a wave of equipment, the two of them directly take off for a sweet double tour.

His previous Ryze had no gaming experience at all.

Why is there such a weird tactic?

Although they experienced a disastrous defeat, the generals of SKT were basically experienced in many battles. Except for the considerable emotional fluctuations when they were five-killed, this was not enough to make them lose confidence.

Kkoma has calmed down long ago:

"If they dare to use heroes like this in the next game, stupid chickens will use a strong jungler. You and Sang Hyuk will invade together. We will choose a strong lineup in the early stage to prevent Juggernaut from clearing the jungle."

"Force the Juggernaut to the bottom of the tower to grab the line. He is connected to the gem. We are outnumbered, and then we can catch them on the bottom lane."

Kkoma added: "In the last game, your Rek'Sai level 3 was able to show up directly on the line. In line with Ryze's Swordbreaker's push of the wave of artillery soldiers, the gems had no combat power, and they would definitely not be able to push them over. "

"When they finished pushing the line, two people went to clear the blue zone. Xianghe was involved in the line of troops. If you tried to invade again, it would be too late. I noticed it at the time. It will be difficult for you to fight after that wave."

The stupid chicken kept nodding and understood what Kkoma meant instantly.

After Kkoma stabilized everyone's mentality, he began to plan the tactics for the next game.

About ten minutes later, the staff came over to announce that the two teams were on stage again.

In the second game, Snake defeated: Ice, Syndra, and Snake on the blue side.

SKT defeated on the red side: Leopard Girl, Gunslinger and Ryze.

Snake grabbed Zyra, and SKT took down Olaf Gajin.

Snake targets policewoman Bobiga on the second and third floors.

On SKT's side, the Big Devil chose the very confident Clockwork, and the support team was paired with Fan Ma.

Snake's last two moves were Victor and the Excavator.

SKT countered, and Duke took out the troll.

After the heroes switch positions, the lineup is locked:

Snake: Poppy, Digger, Victor, Policewoman, Zyra

SKT: Troll, Olaf, Clockwork, Jhin, Fan Mom

"Compared with the lineup of the last game, both sides are more regular this time."

"Although Snake's team is playing in the finals for the first time, they still look very experienced. This lineup is quite perfect. After they won a game with a big move in the first round, they then chose on the blue side. With a pretty solid lineup, the second game is crucial and will directly affect the trend of this round of finals.”

"Duke's Troll is quite Conte Poppy. Brother Holy Spear needs to be a little more careful here. Judging from the performance in the semi-finals, Duke's Troll is quite impressive."

At the beginning of the game, Li Hao and the big devil in the middle fought against each other for several waves. Both of them hit thunder. Everyone wasted half a pound of blood, and the line was full of gunpowder.

On the top road, Holy Spear Brother's Poppy was a little uncomfortable being beaten by Troll Counter, and his health was not advantageous.

The duo in the bottom lane pushed each other and played fiercely.

At 3 minutes and 34 seconds, Benji followed Kkoam's tactics and invaded Snake's blue zone, and sure enough he saw the blue Buff.

This is a feature of Snake competition.

When their jungler selects Lee Sin the Excavator, they often don't hit the first blue buff. Instead, they choose to give the blue buff to The King around 5 minutes in, when the mid laner's blue volume is not too healthy. , thus allowing TheKing to play more comfortably and suppress the opponent's mid laner.

Olaf is a hero who clears the jungle very quickly in the early stage. After Benji saw the blue buff at 3 minutes and 34 seconds, he linked up with Duke on the road and took the initiative to compete with Bo.

When the excavator arrived, it had already detected Olaf's movements through the ground hearing, but it was already too late. The blue buff was taken over by the stupid chicken one step ahead.

The excavator eats the remaining mob and turns to brush the Demon Swamp Frog.

Then, Cuihua squatted in the middle.

A very interesting scene appeared on the big screen. Whether it was Cuihua or Stupid Chicken, they all lurked on the wall behind the river in the upper half of their home road, squatting crazily.

As for TheKing and Faker, the two mid laners were just like before, spending their skills between finishing blows and engaging in intrigues, but neither of them showed any flaws.

"Hahaha, here comes the classic tactic!"

"The middle lane becomes a two-man lane. Benji and Cuihua have exactly the same idea."


A few seconds later, neither jungler saw a chance. Digger went to eat the crabs in the upper half, while Olaf went to the lower half.

After Cuihua ate the river crab, she went around the road and grabbed the triangle grass. This wave cooperated with Poppy to knock down Duke's health, but the troll used a beautiful ice pillar to push the two away and escape from the gap back to the tower. .

At 5 minutes and 37 seconds, Benji entered Snake's red zone to steal F4, and all the supports from both sides came to support him.

After Jiezou's Zyra tied up the stupid chicken, the mid laners of both sides started sprinting towards the river almost at the same time.

The stupid chicken started sprinting, the excavator was knocked away from the top, and QAE cooperated with Zyra's damage to beat Olaf to the lowest level of health.

Victor QA beat the stupid chicken into a serious disability.

At this time, Wolf's fan mother arrived, flashed to the shield, and the stupid chicken turned around and threw the axe.

Fan Zi Ma RQ fired the flames of the soul at the excavator.

Li Hao flashed closer, and the death ray turned on CD swept in the direction of Olaf. At the extreme position, the shield of the stupid chicken disappeared, and Victor took a hit.

On the other side, the big devil also flashed up, QWA clicked the thunder, and cooperated with the fan mother to kill the excavator.

Jiezou and Li Hao dealt out the Big Demon King together, but because their skills did not improve, they just disabled the clockwork.

Victor returns to the middle and reaches level 6.

Li Hao looked at his mana level. After his blue minions entered the opponent's tower, the next wave of minions from the red side came online. He directly handed over the Chaos Storm. After a death ray swept across it, he retreated to a safe distance and returned to the city.

The soldiers were electrocuted by the Chaos Storm, and Clockwork had to face the next wave of soldiers. Li Hao gained some time.

At 8 minutes and 31 seconds, Fan Mom noticed the movements of the excavator in Snake's red zone. Benji controlled Olaf to come directly to fight for the red buff. After firing his ultimate move, Benji was not knocked away by the excavator and threw Pick up the axe, and use the iron buddy's standing ability to kill the excavator.

Li Hao arrived in time and took away the stupid chicken head again.

Clockwork was also working, and came directly to the top lane. Duke's Ice Pillar blocked Poppy's path, and he fired Supremacy (R) towards Poppy, sucking away Poppy's health and dual resistance, opening 1000 yards. In the frozen realm, he hammered at Bobby wildly.

The most important thing is that Duke used dodge to dodge Flandre's ultimate move, and his backhand Q skill slowed him down.

Faker rushed over, but it was too late for Flandre to flash.

The big devil QWR dragged Bobby back and hit Thunder.

Duke's troll rushed forward again and hammered Poppy to death with two sticks!

Because both sides' teleportation had been used up, Duke pushed his troops under Snake's upper tower, and Flandre lost a large wave of troops.

It was originally about hero restraint, but after this wave, the top lane was unbeatable.

SKT is very aware of the situation. Olaf and Trolls have advantages. Jhin is exerting his strength. The policewoman has reached a period of weakness. Coupled with a fan mother, SKT's lineup has reached its strong period.

In the 11-minute wave of dragon team battles, SKT had a premeditated plan. They asked the stupid chicken to sprint at a high speed, rush into the battle with the clockwork ball, and immediately hit Li Hao's flash.

Then, with the fortune teller trying to save people, Gangzi's policewoman was shot twice.

Duke teleported to a tricky position, successfully intercepted the policewoman's retreat, and obtained Gangzi's head.

Zyra's ultimate was forced out, but the troll was already a bit unstoppable.

Xiaolong was lost, the bottom tower was pushed, and Snake fell behind economically.

In the next few minutes, Snake kept looking for opportunities. Cooperating with the excavator, Li Hao killed Olaf again.

However, SKT took advantage of the Trolls to influence the top lane and did not lose too many resources. Instead, it pushed Snake away from the tower.

Moreover, the Big Demon King cooperated with Bang at 17 minutes and successfully killed Zyra who was doing vision.

In 19 minutes, the Big Devil single-handedly killed Zyra in QWRA in the jungle!

SKT fans are excited!

Assistant killer, that feeling is back.

With the huge advantage of Trolls, SKT successfully snowballed.

At 30 minutes, the two sides fought a decisive battle near the Dragon Pit. Victor used his ultimate move to deal explosive damage to the SKT crowd. If Bang hadn't flashed quickly enough, this wave of death rays would have directly killed the Destiny Master.

The sprinting chicken turned red all over and rushed into Snake's crowd without fear of any control. He carried Faker's ball like a rugby player.

In conjunction with Clockwork's damage, the Snake duo was killed.

Li Hao sprinted and flashed to avoid the troll's pursuit. After using the gravity field to control Duke, the still-healthy Victor moved to deflect Jhin's fatal shot after activating his ultimate move, and killed Bang with his backhand QEA.

However, Li Hao, who was still alive, was also beheaded by the big devil's clockwork.

When the excavator was hammered to death by Duke's troll, SKT ignored Poppy and ate the Baron with a backhand, while simultaneously destroying two defensive towers in the middle.

Using the Baron Buff, SKT pushed the economy all the way to more than 9,000, and defeated Snake's two highlands.

At 36 minutes and 34 seconds, SKT broke through the Snake Crystal Hub and the two sides tied at 1-1.

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