LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 131 Destroy SKT! The dynasty collapsed! That man is unstoppable!

The stupid chicken was startled. He didn't care about farming anymore and hurried to the middle.

Cuihua's blind monk also came around from the river. Yasuo didn't have much health. He protected Li Hao and pushed this wave of lines under the SKT tower. The Desert Emperor did not bring teleportation. This wave of artillery lines was a loss to the Big Devil. My scalp is numb!

Those few last hits that overwhelmed Yasuo in the early stage, this advantage is now gone.

Although Yasuo is at low health, the blind monk is by his side.

Li Hao still had the power to kill the big devil. The stupid chicken was afraid of being shown off and didn't dare to act rashly.

He wanted to use his body to block the line of troops from the tower, allowing Faker to come forward to take advantage of the troops.

However, the Blind Monk and the Swordsman immediately pressed forward, and the stupid chicken had no choice but to surrender his troops into the tower.

After Yasuo retreated to the city, Cuihua controlled the blind monk and harassed the spider to prevent him from interrupting. At this time, the director moved the camera to the bottom lane.

Fan Zi Ma RQ exploded with spiritual flames and hit Nami.

Rhythm turned around and threw the Prison of Blue Waves. Wolf, perhaps because the Desert Emperor was single-killed in the middle, seemed a little anxious. He moved forward and was stunned and knocked away by this Q skill.

The fortune teller took out another gun and fired a brilliant shot at Karma who was knocked away, imprisoning him in place.

Bang fired thousands of arrows and opened Q to attack Nami, who had already lost her health.

The junglers all showed up in the middle, so the bottom duo immediately became explosive.

The fortune teller's AQ hit Fan Zi's body, which was a whispering passive shot. Combined with the Manwu grenade, the wolf was almost killed on the spot!

There was a scream in Los Angeles.

Bang on the side quickly handed over the treatment, and Hanbing changed his target and locked on Jhin who was loading bullets.

Han Bing, whose enthusiasm for war has been superimposed, hits A twice more. The soldiers on both sides are focusing on the opponent's hero. Bang calculates that the fate master has loaded his bullets and takes advantage of it, and then decisively distances himself.

Han Bing's basic attack range was 50 yards beyond the Divination Master's, so Gangzi immediately turned around and couldn't hit A.



On the small map, Benji kept pinging signals. He was restrained by the middle line of troops, while the blind monk was already heading down the road. Wolf's bloodline is not healthy, and once he is hit by the Tianyin Wave, he will be killed immediately.

Bang could only retreat, and the impact of being single-killed in the middle lane had already radiated to the bottom lane.

The Tsar returned to the line, and a large wave of soldiers only captured a few.

Li Hao has reached level 4. This wave of return to the city costs nearly 800 yuan to buy a Dolan sword, attack speed sword and reusable potion.

The equipment was in the lead, but Li Hao did not move forward when he returned to the line. Miss Jess and Flandre kept reminding him.

Just now, a large wave of soldiers entered the tower, and the stupid chicken just used the tail knife. When the next wave of soldiers came online, they happened to be stopped in front of the tower and were not reset in the middle. The big devil took away those few soldiers, and the soldier line was still there. Close to the blue side defense tower.

However, this wave of blue soldiers is obviously more numerous, and the Czar cannot control the line.

The opponent disappeared, and Li Hao was careful not to move forward.

Yasuo's fault tolerance rate is lower than that of the Desert Emperor. If he is caught and killed in this wave and loses the wave of soldiers around the Tsar, the middle lane will collapse.

And if you want to find a chance to kill the Desert Emperor again, you must set the line.

"Duke wanted to come to the middle to support, but The King was still stable! He knew he didn't dodge, so he didn't give him a chance."

"There is a signal from Snake on the mini map. He must have noticed Duke's movement."

"Kenan pushed the troops into the tower, and Bojes lost some experience."

Jace returned to the line, and Lee Sin's Retribution F4 obtained the True Sight buff, eliminated the wards and made wards again, and took away the river crabs in the upper half.

SKT noticed the blind monk's position, and the Demon King saw Yasuo blocking the line of troops from the tower with his body, but taking into account the blind monk, he did not dare to step forward to clear the troops. If the stupid chicken was called to clear the line, now the midfielder 2v2, impossible to beat.

Controlling the minions in front of the tower is a very comfortable position for Li Hao.

If the Tsar dares to move forward, even if the Demon King goes home and makes straw sandals this time, Yasuo can still use his E skill to continue to pursue him.

Then the Tsar can only WEQ to escape. Without the displacement skill, not only will the Tsar's mana be reduced, but the big devil without the displacement skill may not dare to stand any further.

4 minutes and 20 seconds.

A gust of wind gathered on Li Hao's body, he stepped forward and slashed continuously to close the distance, blowing the desert emperor away, then took a step forward to cross the tsar's body with E, and continued to pursue A.

The low-level crispy chicken was instantly knocked out of half of its health.

Faker didn't dare to fight back. When he saw the next wave of troops coming, he could only WEQ and move farther away.

At 5 minutes and 35 seconds, Fan Zi found an opportunity to swim from the bottom lane ahead of Nami, hoping to help the Czar relieve the pressure.

This is also SKT's plan, because the stupid chicken is also counter-crouching.

If Lee Sin comes over, SKT can instantly form a 3-on-2.

However, what Wolf never expected was that a jewelry eye inserted by Nami in the river could clearly detect his movements.

Snake kept sending signals, and the fortune teller retreated and came to the blue zone from the grass behind the first tower in the bottom lane.

Wolf followed the river to the grass in the middle. At this moment, Yasuo had wind on his body and was forcing the Czar to move forward.

Wolf's eyes lit up. This was a good opportunity. He was preparing to attack from the flank with a shot of Psychic Flame to slow down the damage. Once it hit, he could speed up and hit Yasuo with a W. The King did not flash.

Stupid Chicken can definitely flash up and connect the control chain to Cocoon. Together with the Big Demon King and the other three, it is enough to knock out Yasuo instantly.

Many considerations stayed in Wolf's mind for a short time, and he had already started to mark Yasuo's head.

The big devil and stupid chicken also received the signal.


At this moment, the blind monk's Tianyin Wave came through the wall!

Huacai, who was well prepared by the fortune teller, shot the unsuspecting fan mother from a distance of nearly 3,000 yards from the blue zone!

Wolf was unable to react in time and was locked in place for 1.25 seconds. Yasuo, who was pressing the Tsar in the middle, suddenly turned around and walked towards Fan Ma.

The Blind Monk's second-stage Tianyin Wave follows up and hits Thunder with a flat A.

Yasuo's strong wind came, blowing the fan mother into the sky, and continued to control.

In an instant, Wolf was beaten to less than half health.

Li Hao controlled Yasuo to get closer, and stepped forward to pass through Fan Ma's body at a distance of 475 yards. At the same time, A launched a basic attack.

Cuihua saw the right opportunity, and the thunder broke through the bones and muscles.

There was a 'boom' sound, and the damage was dealt with a 20% attenuation slowdown that lasted for 4 seconds.

Wolf's expression changed drastically, he weakly trapped Yasuo, turned around to RQ, and then flashed and fled towards his own red zone.

The stupid spider formed a cocoon in Snake's blind field of vision, trying to cover Wolf's retreat.

But Li Hao's reaction power is beyond the stupid chicken's imagination!

The moment he saw the spider webs flying towards him, a wall of wind suddenly stood up!

The wind wall's limit was closed, and Jiezou came from the bottom lane. The flash of water bubbles pressed the fan mother forward. Wolf turned his head and was a little slower, and was rolled up by the prison of blue waves.

Nameyasuo and Blind Sin both chased Wolf. Under the output of the three, Karma became disabled. In the next steel-cutting flash, Wolf gave away his 300 yuan.

Yasuo got the second kill, and Faker's eyelids jumped in the SKT player bench.

Forced by the three Snakes, Benji's Spider retreated to the middle defense tower.

Nami conveniently inserted the jewelry eye into the opponent's F4 position, and there were no wild monsters in the camp for the time being.

Jiezou returned to the bottom lane. Once Wolf died, Bang was unable to step forward to take advantage of the enemy.

At just over 6 minutes, Yasuo reached level 6.

The big devil has a hard time, so he can only use sand soldiers to perform last-ditch attacks.

At 6 minutes and 27 seconds, the blind monk encountered a spider in the river in the upper half. There was no line right in the middle, and the stupid chicken didn't dare to grab the river crab.

Kennen suddenly emerged from the line of troops and was hit by Jace's EQ, reducing his HP to low.

Flandre used the E skill to retreat, and then pressed the B button to return to the city. Everything was reasonable.

Duke wasn't surprised either.

However, Kkoma, who was behind SKT, was shocked.

Yasuo in the middle just couldn't control the lane and pushed a large wave of soldiers into the Tsar Tower, while a gust of wind gathered around him.

After returning home, Kennen's TP was in the ward position where Nami inserted in F4 in the previous wave.

"The big devil hasn't flashed yet, and he's still a little short of six experience points."

"Snake has already planned this move!"

Stupid Chicken knew that this wave of lanes was very important to Faker, so he gave up the remaining little wolf and went directly to the middle to support.

Sure enough, on the middle route, the blind monk showed up.

If he didn't come this time, the Tsar would definitely not be able to take the line.

The blind monk has not reached level 6. Even if there is wind on Yasuo, he will not dare to R up when this wave blows. The two of them are still very safe under the tower.

Duke was the first to notice something was wrong. After Kenan returned to the city, he disappeared. Several swords were missed on the line, but Kenan still didn't show up. This was obviously unreasonable.

Duke quickly sent a signal in the top lane, but by the time Benji and Faker realized it, the middle lane was already thundering!

Kenan flashed over the F4 wall, and Ten Thousand Thunder Heavens captured him!

The big devil who did not flash was ready to WEQ to escape through the wall, but the wind accumulated on Yasuo suddenly blew.

Almost as soon as the thunder came down, the strong wind blew the body of Desert Emperor Azir into the air.

Gale Breath Slash (R)!

The ancient Ionian spell suddenly sounded:

"——Sou Liaqi Pain!"

The stupid chicken immediately put the cocoon on Kenan, but he himself was stunned. The blind monk Tianyinbo Q hit the stupid chicken, and the second stage of Q followed up in the tower. The E skill captured the two people and hit the spider head. Thunder hits.

Duke on the road saw this and quickly pressed teleport toward the middle lane, but the teleportation guidance time took 4.5 seconds.

Kennan was one step ahead of the Tsar to free himself from the control. The lightning dart followed by W beat the Tsar to death, and at the same time he threw the shuriken in his hand at the spider.

The swordsman landed with his A and stepped forward to slash through the Tsar's body. Faker's health bar was directly drained!

Yasuo E slashed the spider next to him, and the stupid chicken became crippled by the damage from the three people.

After being released from the dizziness, he quickly transformed into the black widow form and flew into the air.

Knowing full well that the stupid chicken was about to dodge, Snake and the other three immediately came out of the tower. Blind Monk W took out a shield on Flandre's body, which offset part of the damage from the defense tower. Kennen saved his life in a thrilling way!

Duke teleported down and fired a fatal shot with precise ballistic trajectory in the direction of Kenan's escape!

However, Yasuo's wind wall ruthlessly confiscated the shell. Li Hao was in very good condition, and Duke did not dare to pursue him at all.

In the player's seat, he curled his lips depressedly.

As for the big devil, after seeing a large number of minions under the tower being eaten by spiders and Jace, he felt a strong sense of emptiness in his heart.

Faker couldn't help but swallow the mouthful of saliva.

The Gale Swordsman is on a killing spree!

Snake's attack did not stop, but instead came like a gust of wind.

At 8 minutes and 47 seconds, Snake's midfielder teamed up to seize the bottom lane.

Bang and Wolf wanted to retreat, but the fortune teller kept people safe.

Bang wanted to use his ultimate move to interrupt the fortune teller, but Nami stood between him and the fortune teller, and was already on guard against this move.

When the first shot hit Kalma's body, Wolf's expression changed.

Then, Nami, who was moving forward, summoned a huge wave and swept towards SKT's next tower.

Ice Flash dodged, but Wolf's Flash hadn't turned around yet.

This time he was knocked away by the waves, and the CD of Yasuo's ultimate move was only 80 seconds. At this moment, the swordsman who was near the triangle grass slashed his sword energy into the air along a white line!

Severe Breath was used to keep Wolf alive, and Jhin's fourth shot hit Karma, leaving Wolf severely disabled!

Yasuo's ultimate move landed and AEQ passed through Kama's body, and the ring-shaped blade killed the enemy freely.

Following the bottom lane, Li Hao chased directly into the SKT defense tower with his silky E that even the question mark could not catch up with. The blind monk touched the wall and flashed close to the ice under the tower. Shenlong swung his tail and kicked Bang. On the body.

Han Bing released a magic crystal arrow before being knocked away.

Although the blind monk was stunned, Yasuo had already arrived.

With three Yasuos with perfectly developed heads, the damage AD simply cannot bear.

Yasuo chased the ice, and Bang was forced to hand over the treatment.

The cooldown time and release speed of Steel Flash will increase as the attack speed increases. At an attack speed of 1.415, the Q skill can reach the minimum cooldown of 1.33 seconds.

Han Bing, who used the treatment to pull away a little bit, was blown into the sky by a strong wind, and then was killed by a basic attack.

The magic crystal arrow at close range did not stun the blind monk for too long, and the damage from the defense tower was not enough to kill Cuihua. Bang's desire to replace the head was destined to be impossible.

In the SKT player seat, five people heard the system’s voice prompts at the same time:

"An enemy is Unstoppable!"

——The Gale Swordsman is unstoppable!

Yasuo helped push the line, and E came and went happily.

And this happiness is based on the pain of everyone in SKT.

The Czar developed a wave in the middle, but the first tower in the bottom lane had been pushed down by Snake.

Li Hao stepped on the river acceleration circle and returned to the middle, closing the line of troops and F4.

The duo and the jungler took down the water dragon together.

On SKT's side, the one who is developing the most normally right now is Duke.

Moreover, Duke's shots on the road were quite accurate, and Kenan was beaten home again.

The LCK viewers in South Korea who were watching the game were about to place their hopes on Duke, but something happened to Duke.

After Snake arranged the upper half of the jungle field of vision, Yasuo came to the top lane at 12 minutes and 14 seconds.

Seeing Li Hao coming from the river, Kennen, who was on the road, rushed forward with his E skill and made the first move.

Jace, who originally had a chance to fight, saw Yasuo, and Duke, whose stun was lifted, hit Kennen with an E.

When Li Hao passed by the river, he had already accumulated a layer of whirlwind slash effect.

He Qed in the top line of troops, and a strong wind blew up from his body. He moved forward with an E and was already close to Jace.

The next second, the audience burst into screams.

Yasuo's W wind wall connected with his Q, hiding Q's forward swing. At that moment, Jace flashed out!

However, Yasuo's wind did not blow directly at Jace who was leaning against the wall. Instead, it blew predictably to the right side of the first tower on the blue side's top road.

What's terrible is that the direction Duke flashed is exactly there!

In the SKT player seat, Duke looked horrified!

"——If you want to die, it's easy as a slap in the face!!"

The white line appeared, and after Breathless Slash, Yasuo QE, used E to cancel the back swing of Q, turned around and killed Duke with a basic attack.


Dominate the game!

Li Hao knew that Duke had a chance to dodge, and the probability of dodge in that direction was higher. Because the blue minions were coming, Duke had no reason to dodge in the direction of the soldier line and be easily caught by Yasuo's forward slash.

Therefore, it is not difficult to predict the flash position this time.

However, this does not affect the emotions of the audience.

At the Staples Center in Los Angeles, a young lady who cosplayed Jinks was sitting in the auditorium on the left side of the venue, holding her face with both hands.

"Oh~! John, this is incredible!"

"How did The King do it!!"


Next to him, Cos Ezreal, a man with yellow hair smiled and said:

"I've said it before, The King has a real big heart! He is Mr. Big Scene!"

"Even if you are a rookie in the league, you should know how to predict and flash! This is very difficult, and it is not just as simple as luck."

"On the finals stage, only The King dares to try this kind of operation! How about becoming a fan of The King like me! Look, the cold machine, how cool it is!"

The little yellow-haired man in the cosplay said proudly: "Julie followed my advice. She must have enjoyed watching this round of the finals, haha!"

"Look at him, this guy wearing SKT uniform, he can only watch the game with trembling eyes!"

"The LCK dynasty will end before it even begins!"

Girl Jinx suddenly turned to look at him: "John, who is Julie!?"

The little yellow-haired man suddenly froze.

The guy who was shivering in the SKT uniform turned around and said, "Julie is a big-ass black girl with curly hair and white teeth when she smiles. Last time I saw them kissing together to celebrate Snake's victory. .”


A scream was drowned out by the boiling sounds of the Staples Center.

"The King must be having fun! He's so daring to operate! He directly predicts Duke's flash position!"

"This will definitely become a classic picture!!"

"With 6 kills, Yasuo grows explosively! The King is going to take over the game!"

"The defensive tower on the top lane has been pushed, and Snake's economic lead has reached more than 4,000 yuan. This one has a good chance!"

"The blind monk began to cooperate with Yasuo's invasion, and the stupid chicken's wild area was smashed to pieces."


At 16 minutes and 58 seconds, the sun disk erected by the Desert Emperor at the first tower collapsed, and Snake grouped into the second tower of SKT's middle lane.

At this time, Yasuo's equipment already included an exaggerated electric knife and endless attack speed boots.

The last hit count reached 188.

SKT did not give up on the second tower, and even Jess on the road came over.

Li Hao gathered his troops together and a strong wind blew up. Cuihua's blind monk took a detour and came to the back of the tower.

SKT's eye position captured the blind monk's position, and Shanzi Ma received a spiritual flame through the wall.

However, the existence of blind monk also affected the position of everyone in SKT.

In the voice of Snake's team, the sound of 'open, open, open' was heard constantly.

Nami stood forward, took a cannonball from Duke, and looked back to summon the roar of the roaring waves!

The waves spanned 2,550 yards and surged toward the bottom of SKT's second tower!

——The perfect curtain call!

Jhin launched his ultimate move, and with Yasuo in front, he didn't have to worry about being cut off by Ice R.

When SKT's formation was scattered, the blind monk hit Fan Ma through the wall!

The second stage Tianyin Wave followed up, and Cuihua wanted the dragon to swing its tail, but the big devil reacted very quickly and pushed the blind monk back with a big move.

Li Hao's eyes widened, and he stepped forward to kill the shuttle soldiers, avoiding the stupid chicken cocoon.

Then, after entering the SKT tower, EQ rolled out a circular gust of wind twice.

Bang fired his ultimate move and the magic crystal arrow flew away.

But before the magic crystal arrow hit Yasuo, Yasuo's EQ's ring-shaped wind leaped over Bang's arrow and flashed into the SKT crowd!

The commentary booth immediately exploded!

"The King fought in! Dodged the magic crystal arrow!!"

"The most extreme EQ flash!"

"It exploded! SKT exploded!"

Stupid Chicken, Jess, and Han Bing were blown up!

The ancient Ionian mantra is sung under the SKT tower:

——Cryactal pain! !

On Snake's table, Brother Holy Gun's eyes were red, and he flashed into the tower from the other side of the wall, using his rocket belt to close the distance!


Thunder fell from the sky, and everyone in SKT took a bath in the thunder and lightning.

The big devil WEQ flashed away and the blind monk came over from behind the tower, flashed and kicked the stunned Karma on the outermost side.

Wolf flew out and hit the three people under the tower.

Yasuo lands on the ground and kills three times with one strike of Steel Blade! !


"Triple kill~~!!"

"My god~!!!"

The Staples Center in Los Angeles has gone crazy! Screams resounded over the venue!

Jhin's fourth bullet flew and killed Karma.

SKT only has faker left.

On the high ground, the emperor of Shurima was extremely sad, watching his land lose ground every inch.

The second tower in the middle, the high ground, was bulldozed in one wave.

The second tower on the lower road was also pushed down.

SKT's red zone was cleared, and the second fire dragon was collected by Snake.

After this wave, SKT's economy fell behind by nearly 8,000 points.

The gap between the two sides is too big, and SKT is already very difficult to beat.

Backstage at SKT, KKoma let out a long sigh.

At 19 minutes and 24 seconds, Duke, who was leading the lane on the top lane, was chased by Yasuo who came out of the grass behind the first tower.

Duke knocked Yasuo away, but was caught up by Li Hao's E soldier.

With two Qs, one E, and three basic attacks, Duke, who was wearing armor-breaking armor, died neatly.


On the field, the man whose whole body was wrapped in the strong wind was not only full of the romantic poetry of Ionia in his forward slashing, but he was also an ultimate killer with raging sword energy!

In 20 minutes, Snake directly beat the baron.

The stupid chicken successfully got around to the dragon pit, but when his spider came down, Snake stopped collectively. In less than two seconds, the spider turned into a corpse.

Snake accepted the dragon without any surprise.

At 23 minutes and 12 seconds, SKT's three-way high ground was broken! !

At that moment, dusk seems to have arrived

When densely packed super soldiers crowded onto the high ground of SKT, even the tough-talking stick couldn't find any reason to make a comeback.

A brutal team battle unfolded at 24 minutes and 37 seconds.


"Bang is down! Duke replaced the blind monk and was killed by Yasuo's sword!!"

"The magic crystal arrow immobilized Flandre, the big devil killed Kenan, and then killed the fortune teller! He flashed the remaining blood and escaped!"

"Yasuo's combat power was too strong. The spider coiled its silk and was killed! Wolf was also caught in a gust of wind!"

"Kill Wolf again and Yasuo gets three kills!"

"Only Faker is left in SKT!"

"All the soldiers on the high ground are gone! SKT is gone!"

"Snake is going to win!!"

"No one can stop it!"

The big devil replenished his blood from the spring and came out again. He wanted to defend the base.

However, after a wave of team battles, Yasuo's A hit his troops a few times and he was full of blood again.

Yasuo and Nami stood in separate positions, dismantling their front teeth together with the super soldier.

The big devil WQ, stabbed Nami hard, and took away Jiezou's head.

However, when the Demon King's sand soldiers poked at Yasuo, he allowed him to deal damage while the opponent was moving, not caring at all.

At that moment, all the voices in the LPL commentary box were ‘tear it down, tear it down, tear it down’.

The incisor tower is broken!

The Korean audience closed their eyes in anger, while the LPL audience reveled!

At the last crystal hub, in front of everyone's eyes, the Gale Swordsman struck one sword after another, and his health was quickly emptied!

When the Tsar used the Sand Soldier E to get in front of Yasuo, it was too late!

The Emperor cannot save Shurima.

Even the devil can't save his dynasty!


A bang!

The crystal fragments flew, and the big devil's hand left the keyboard.

Feeling his mouth dry, Faker picked up the cup on the table.

"Tons, tons, tons~~"

Cold water enters the throat and causes pain in the heart.

This time, there was no Eun Jung.

There are no trophies either.

There was a hint of sparkle and unwillingness in his eyes, and the devil's eyes seemed to be able to see through the compartment in front of him, to Snake's player seat, and to the man sitting in the middle seat.

It's this man

Single-handedly destroyed the dynasty that belonged to SKT and him!

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