LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 132 World famous paintings! Golden Rain, you are full of poetry!

The Staples Center in Los Angeles was filled with cheers, and many people stood up from their seats.

The special effects of exploding crystals still filled the huge screen at the scene.

At that moment, the 2016 season was over!

Snake, is the champion!

"Win the championship, win the championship!"

"Win, Snake wins!"

Miller was extremely emotionally involved, with tears in his eyes. He roared, and his voice even trembled:

"LPL wins!"

"LPL finally won!"

"The King is awesome, Snake is awesome!"

"The LPL has been waiting for this day for thousands of days and nights. For e-sports, which is measured in milliseconds, this is a long time. We fell on that stage again and again, and fell into despair for a time. One group of people retired, but another group People are still fighting, and their tenacious faith and will have witnessed today’s victory!”

"3-1, Snake defeated SKT. At this moment, we are the strongest. This is the strongest voice of the LPL!"

The doll also shouted excitedly:

"I have commented on a lot of games, but at this time I really had all kinds of feelings in my heart, which were difficult to express, and in the end I was just moved."

"Snake has been coming all the way from the summer split. No one could have imagined that they would reach this point. When Snake recruited TheKing to the team, I'm afraid no one would have thought that he could be so amazing and even lead the Snake team to sweep the group. , swept the quarter-finals, swept the semi-finals! Finally, defeated SKT 3-1!"

"A knife, a sword, a horizontal death ray, a vertical death ray, four games, constitute a 'king'. He dominated the finals. He is The King, the true king of the 2016 season!"

The prostitute teacher kept applauding:

"2016 must be an unforgettable season, LPL finally got what it wanted."

"Five Chinese people can also overturn the alliance world!"

"The King is definitely the biggest discovery of this season!"

"Although he is a veteran from the S2 era, he used his actions this season to tell everyone that if you work hard and work hard, you will finally see the light!"

"Quoting a passage from TheKing's interview:"

"For me, when I am on the competition stage and my eyes can touch the trophy, I have to consider whether this is the only opportunity in my life!"


"If you think about it from the perspective of The King and the oldest veteran, this is such a heavy topic! But, he did it!"

"Congratulations to TheKing, and congratulations to all members of Snake!"

"Yes, congratulations Snake!"

"Congratulations Snake!"

In the studio, the commentators had loud voices, constantly conveying their excitement.

At this moment, in the Snake player's box, everyone took off their headphones, and with the roar and screams of the Staples Center, everyone was shouting and celebrating, cheering.

No need to suppress your emotions anymore, all the intertwined complex emotions burst out!

Jiezou's eyes were blurred and he felt dreamy.

Gangzi took off his glasses and thought of his flower pot. The softness in his heart was touched and he rubbed his eyes with his clothes.

Brother Shengqiang hugged Cuihua and shouted excitedly.

When the camera is shown to the middle of Snake's player stand, everyone can see it

The man who led Snake all the way from San Francisco to Los Angeles, the man who killed SKT five times!

At this moment, he was lying on his back on the gaming chair as if he was frustrated, and seemed to be exhaling loudly.

Everyone can feel that this god-like man on the field

After staying focused on fighting for so long, he was also tired!

And I was so tired that I even forgot to celebrate and cheer for the first time!

The cameraman recorded this scene, which is destined to be a famous painting in the e-sports world!

The king who has reached the pinnacle, after fighting for everything, can only remain silent on the throne for the first time.

Perhaps, The King is tired and has more pressure on his shoulders than anyone imagined! !

However, he never said a word of complaint and kept working hard silently.

Just like an old ox, when it is almost unable to stand up, it is still trying to drag the plow truck forward...

Teammates ran over and pulled up the king.

Afterwards, everyone can see it under the camera.

The cold face that terrified teams all over the world in North America now revealed a bright smile.

It turns out that even the coldest killing machine can have such a gentle side.

The weapons are stored in the warehouse and the horses are released in Nanshan.

The ice and snow melt, and the sun warms like fire.

The warmest smile is left to the teammates who fought together after the victory.

Perhaps, at this moment, people get closer to the heart of this tough man.

LPL TV station, the barrage has exploded!

"The King is very tired. This is the happiest I've ever seen him smile!"

"Brother Wolfberry!! We have won!"

"Brother Wolfberry's smile and Brother Wolfberry's subsequent career, let me protect him!!"

"The King has taken on too much, he is so dedicated, it is so tiring! His professionalism and desire to win show me a perseverant and strong personality!"

The old man of LPL sighed: "There will be times when there are strong winds and waves, and sails will sail across the sea. The King, LPL is lucky to have you!"

The girl's fans were already in tears: "Wow, wow, I feel so sorry for my brother!"




Neat voices resounded throughout the venue, announcing to the entire e-sports world the final winner of the 2016 season!

The North American commentator at the home court also amplified his voice and shouted:

"Snake played the final melody of the Song of Ice and Fire. This was their note. They dominated the Staples Center!"

When Snake formed a circle and hugged each other to celebrate, Li Hao's eyes were slightly moist.

The stage I once dreamed of is now at my feet!

The barrage of the LPL official TV station is so dense that it even makes the live broadcast room a little laggy.

"LPL champion! Snake is awesome!"

"Brother Wolfberry will always be awesome!"


"I love this Hua Zi!"

"As long as you say Brother Wolfberry is awesome, we will be good brothers!"

Snake and his team walked to the SKT player bench.

At this time, everyone in SKT was confused.

The powerful SKT, lost in Staples Center.

The road to dynasty was suddenly interrupted.

When Li Hao shook hands with the big devil, it could be seen that Guapi's eyes were red.

Perhaps not wanting to show his cowardly side in front of his opponent, the Demon King restrained his expression.

When the two of them were shaking their hands, the unwilling Demon King suddenly said forcefully:


Li Hao saw Guapi's eyes and naturally understood what he meant, so he responded forcefully:


The two brothers Li made an agreement.

The two people's hands parted, and after Li Hao shook hands with Bang and Wolf, he and the Snake players came to the stage set up by Riot Games at the Staples Center.

Everyone in SKT looked at this scene reluctantly, tasting all kinds of bitterness.

The big devil is even more worried, full of regret and pain.

He is very familiar with this arena.

Three years ago, this was the beginning of his journey to becoming a king. It was the place where he realized his talent and achieved fame.

Originally, on this stage today, he had the opportunity to crown the Triple Crown dynasty where the dream began and become a true league legend.

However, all the sweet dreams were destroyed by that man!

With the sudden emergence of Snake, he dominated Staples in S6!

The big devil wants revenge and is unwilling to admit defeat.

Next year, be crowned with glory again in the Bird's Nest and take back everything!

The big devil's face was solemn, and he was very confident in his heart.

He is three years younger than The King!

He is younger and more energetic!

TheKing can do it, and Faker certainly thinks he can do it too!

The big devil secretly made up his mind and prepared to adjust his plan.

Next year, he will train and chase even more crazily!

I heard that The King is very hardworking, so I, Lee Sang Hyuk, will definitely not be worse than you!

If you train for 16 hours, I will train for 17 hours!

In the SKT player box, the big devil turned grief into strength, with a look of determination on his face!

The month-long e-sports world war came to an end at Staples, and a new king was born!

Snake and everyone walked to the stage. At this moment, the e-sports world focused on this.

When the reporters' cameras flashed

The scene that all professional players in the league have been looking forward to and dreaming about has appeared.

The golden rain, which symbolizes glory and splendor, fills the sky, flies from the sky, and falls rustlingly!

Snake was bathed in it, and cheers and applause broke out one after another.

Walking to the trophy, Snake and everyone held up the silver trophy on the exhibition stand!

That trophy represents the league's highest honor!

Li Hao kissed the trophy affectionately.

The day the silver dragon is raised, the knight returns.

At this moment, the scene of holding the cup is frozen in the camera of the cameraman.

Riot officials stood aside, picked up the microphone, and announced quite emotionally:

"The winner of the 2016 League of Legends Global Finals is."

"Snake team from the LPL division!"

"Congratulations to them!"

Under the watchful eyes of the e-sports world, everyone in Snake held up the trophy. Everyone's face was full of joy. This was their glorious moment.

Soon, the evaluation results of Fmvp also came out.

The selection is based on data from multiple angles such as last hit, damage, matchup lead, team participation rate, damage conversion rate, KDA, etc., and is completely fair and impartial.

However, everyone already has a clear answer in their minds as to who is the MVP in this S6.

From San Francisco to Los Angeles, The King's performance showed everything an MVP should be.

That series of classic operations and famous scenes still remain in the minds of the audience.

It can be said that TheKing has added a completely different color to the S6 this time.

It can even be described as art.

After getting the first pentakill in S6, he used Juggernaut to stage an epic and unprecedented pentakill in the finals! !

Not to mention, the opponent is a legendary team like SKT.

The host took the microphone and said with a smile:

"The Fmvp winner of the S6 Global Finals is."

She hesitated, then pointed to the big screen.

At that moment, a picture of a player appeared on the big screen.

The tough style of painting is contagious to everyone.

"TheKing! Congratulations, Fmvp!"

When Li Hao received the Fmvp trophy, the Staples Center became noisy again, and many people shouted from the bottom of their hearts:




This is the answer that everyone agrees on. Every night at Staples, only by conquering the audience here can the shouts of MVP resound over the Staples Center.

"I'm so touched. Brother Wolfberry finally got that trophy. He spent thousands of days and nights by the water dispenser, and he gained all this with his unremitting efforts and hard work."

"I am inspired by The King, and I will work hard in the future!"

"This is the ending I want to see most. This is Brother Wolfberry's best opportunity. No matter what the future holds, Brother Wolfberry's career is complete."

"Killed the Juggernaut five times and defeated SKT. Only The King beat the Korean team like this!"

"Even if Brother Wolfberry dies next year and disappears from everyone, I will never forget the series of stunning scenes in the S6 arena, nor will I forget him lying on his back on the e-sports chair in a daze. If you ask me which one As the strongest mid laner in the league, I only have one answer now, and that is The King of S6!"

"I am willing not to masturbate for two years in exchange for The King being one year younger. Next year he will be in the Bird's Nest, at our doorstep. Someone in the LPL needs to stand up!"

"Water fountain: I'll give you the trophy. Don't kick me next time."

On the stage, the two big bosses of Riot Games also appeared.

Ryze and Tryndamere smiled and greeted the summoners. They brought medals and hung them up for everyone in Snake. At the same time, they hugged the Snake team members one by one.

When they arrived at Li Hao's place, Ryze said with a smile when he took out the medal:

"TheKing, your performance is outstanding. The league needs players like you, and the audience will never hesitate to applaud and cheer you. Riot employees have all watched your game, and they all like you."

"I was just watching the game from the sidelines and it felt great."

Of course Li Hao could understand what he said:

"Thank you for the compliment."

"Actually, I am also very interested in designers. After all, the heroes I use are all designed by designers."

Ruiz smiled and said, "I'll tell you something. Designers are all giving reports to me recently."

"The heroes you use have attracted everyone's attention. I will receive many nerf reports a day. You are really outstanding. One person can cause such a big wave. This is rare in the entire Riot."

"Thank you also for helping the alliance find a more reasonable balance."

"We have put in a lot of effort to keep the balance of the alliance!"

Li Hao forced a smile:

"Balance can improve the vitality of the alliance. It is indeed a great job. Your work is really hard. I am extremely grateful to those designers who have worked silently."

Riz walked away with a happy face.

"Brother Hao, what did he just say?"

"He said that we need to nerf the heroes and nerf all the heroes we use. He also praised our spirit of finding balance for the alliance."

Suddenly, everyone couldn't hold back any longer.


Will cut it!

After the awards were given, everyone in Snake changed into their winning clothes.

The host Sjokz appeared on the stage, and the officially arranged translator was also well-dressed.

The post-match interview officially begins.

The first question was given to Li Hao.

Sjokz: "TheKing, congratulations on getting Fmvp!"

Li Hao: "Thank you."

Sjokz smiled and asked: "When you were in San Francisco, you once said that you would seize this opportunity. Now standing on this stage, what do you want to say?"

"Of course, I have a lot to say."

"First of all, I would like to thank my teammates for accompanying us all the way and finally achieving our biggest goal of the season. I would also like to thank the fans for their support. We have been greatly encouraged."

"For me personally, this is a major breakthrough in my life. Ever since I entered the league, I have always imagined a scene like this."

"I want to thank my past self and say to him: Your efforts have not been let down."

Hearing this, the Staples Center burst into applause again.

Sjokz was also applauding. She had done her homework and learned a lot about the man in front of her, so she was very moved after hearing these words.

"Fans are shocked by your performance this season. What are your prospects for the future S7 season?"

Li Hao raised the microphone and responded seriously:

"It's hard for me to guarantee my status. I'm just like every player, I will try my best to show my best side."

"As long as I am on the court, I will try my best to compete."

"Everything about next season is unknown. It will be more difficult than this season. No one can control the problems of time, injuries, etc. But I still hope that through my own efforts, I can leave a little bit of light in the future S7. footprints.”

People listened to The King and recalled his experience.

For a time, many people sighed and sighed.

One version after another, the S7 is certainly unknown.

Moreover, for veterans, time is the biggest enemy.

Given TheKing's age, S6 can be said to be the ultimate sublimation of his career.

By S7, even if you rely on training to maintain your condition, there will inevitably be a decline.

If you want to see the grand scene at this time, how is it possible?

Those veterans who have passed their prime can only gradually spend their time in wasted time.

Maybe I can only leave this sentence: Who is not a genius boy?

Flando, Gangzi, Jiezou, and Cuihua were all interviewed, and everyone expressed their excitement and emotion.

Interviewer: "Snake's guarantee system in the finals is a bit like the four guarantees and one guarantee back then. How did you develop this system?"

Chris: "The four-guarantee-one system is ultimately a type of core-protection. Maybe more cores have higher fault tolerance and possibility. However, when a very powerful 'one' exists, one core can also become a winner." password."

Part of Chris' long bangs rested on his glasses. He was even disheveled because he was too excited just now, but at this moment, his eyes were shining and his face was full of pride and joy.

One door was closed back then, but now another unimaginable door has been opened.

From Royal Family to LGD and then to Snake

Chris didn't make it too clear in order to avoid hurtful words.

But he knows that after coming to Snake this season, he finally found the only "one" in his tactical system!

Interviewer: "In the summer of S6, The King was buried for a while. How did Snake discover him?"

When Zuo Wu faced the camera, he certainly wouldn't say anything about finding veterans to develop a 'team culture'. He was not that stupid.

Zuo Wumu, who had already drafted the manuscript, said with emotion:

"Snake has been paying attention to The King for a long time! Such gold will of course sparkle from time to time."

"However, this started from that twilight night in 2014. Because it was raining, I hid in an Internet cafe."

"At that time, I happened to hear the announcement at the bar: The player online on machine No. 7 is the strongest king from Ionia."

"That's where the story begins."

Zuo Wu compiled a short essay, explaining everything about how to discover The King, how to track The King's information, how to pay attention to The King's contract, how to provide The King with recruitment information, and how to determine The King as the core of the Snakes team. The process is very legendary. .

The third young master who wrote the diary called him an expert, and Li Hao was stunned when he heard it.

The audience applauded continuously!

Gee, it turns out that The King was so hardworking at that time!

After everyone at Snake was interviewed, they moved the trophy weighing dozens of kilograms back to the backstage.

Riot's arrangement is that this trophy can be kept with the Snake team for one year and returned to the headquarters before the next year's World Championship, and then Riot will compensate with a replica model.

After returning to the lounge, the entire backstage was filled with joy.

After winning the championship this time, the outside world also caused a huge response!

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