LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 134 Crazy! Snake's main phone number was blown!

"Brother Hao, Brother Hao, I'm so angry!"

"Fire!!" The Lancer imitated the tone of the commentators at Staples Center.

"Look, my news is everywhere."

Brother Shengqiang, who was browsing the web on his mobile phone, laughed and was quite excited.

“There are basically no bad reviews, and they even say that I am the top laner in the national server, the best Kennen in the national server, the first Rambo in the national server, the best Shen in the national server, and the best pressure-resistant king in the world! Hahahaha, that’s how I am. fierce!"

He was so happy that his two front teeth were exposed.

Zuo Wu smiled and asked: "How about it, it's better to resist the pressure!"

"Think about the past when you were playing sexy things on the road. Although it was art, was that what we should do?! At that time, many fans said that you were stubborn and that you were too high-spirited. Feng Ping was killed."

"Now comparing them, is there a big gap?"

Flandre kept nodding, and he chuckled: "You don't need to tell me, I've already discovered it."

"I saw Blight, Duke, Crown, Big Devil, and Stupid Chicken coming to catch me, but they couldn't catch me, and I felt really relieved. If they couldn't catch me, they had no rhythm, and then they were killed by Brother Hao seven times. Ling Baluo, I beat the drowned dog hard, and I still got killed in the team battle. Hum, they are probably all pissed off."

"Look at this, the famous scene where I defeated SKT with the second tower in the middle. This is SKT! The team I used to look up to is now bathing in my lightning."

"Actually, I just flash in and fire R, as long as I have my hands."

"This is called gaming experience!"

Flandre was enlightened and felt that the future was bright.

"So, I hope that the teams that will play against Snake in the future will come to the road more often to catch me. As long as I stay steady, these people will not get any good results."

Li Hao began to admire him. Although his words sounded a bit masochistic, Qianzi really understood it at the enterprise level!

What a good brother!

Li Hao gave him a thumbs up in approval.

"Gunzi, next time you talk trash, you will stimulate them and attract firepower."

"Don't worry, Brother Hao, it's safe and sound."

Riot Games was quite conscientious this time. In addition to the big trophy, one person also presented a small, lightweight trophy with S6 engraved on it, with ice and flame patterns, which was quite exquisite.

Jiezou stared at the trophy with wandering eyes.

Cuihua and Gangzi couldn't put it down and kept playing with it.

"This time when I go back, I'm going to replace a flowerpot and put it up!"

Gangzi said excitedly.

He wanted this honor so much.

Li Hao listened and understood it very well.

in the future he knows

When Gangzi read the barrage during a live broadcast, one barrage said: "Why are there trophies on the backs of other retired players, but you have flower pots on their backs?"

Brother Crystal was so angry that he broke his defense on the spot.

Because of the cruel bo10 incident, Brother Crystal suffered a hand injury. Even though he has talent that is visible to the naked eye, his career is almost over because of this, so he has never received honors.

However, in the subsequent live broadcast, he also regained his mentality and introduced his flowerpot to the audience with a good attitude.

He referred to the flowerpot as an AD trophy, and he treasured his flowerpot very much.

This flowerpot was described by netizens as the ‘Best Plant Award’.

Gangzi played with the trophy in his hand with excitement, he really liked it as much as he liked it.

Everyone started discussing the champion skin again, and they were all in high spirits, and the excitement lasted until midnight.

The next day, Riot staff came over and asked about the champion skin.

Jiezou originally wanted to choose Thresh, but it overlapped with Mata's skin in S4. The staff suggested changing it, and finally chose Nami.

Gangzi chose Destiny Master, the hero he used most in the World Championship.

Flandre chooses Kennen for her skin, and Cuihua chooses Excavator.

Li Hao was hesitant at first. He had the Sword Master on his palm, Yasuo on the back of his hand, and the long-legged Syndra also had five kills.

What should I choose? The troubles of happiness.

Chris’s suggestion was Juggernaut, because Juggernaut got five kills in the finals. This was the first time since the S game, which is of great significance in the history of league e-sports.

What's more, the background of Juggernaut Pentakill is still SKT.

Zuo Wu also thought it was a good idea to choose the Sword Master. He even read out a line from the Sword Master:

"——Concentrated will can break through stubborn rocks."

This sentence vividly describes Li Hao's state throughout the summer and even his entire career.

In a career that was not always smooth sailing, Li Hao continued to persist, practiced hard, and relied on his own will to overcome various difficulties and gradually move forward.

Every game is so dedicated.

It is precisely because of such a strong will that we have achieved today's glorious moment.

I have to say that Zuo Wu, who has written a short composition once, feels a bit familiar with it.

Finally, Li Hao locked the sword master.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh.

Li Hao secretly thought, if there is a chance,

This time the palm of the hand, the next time the back of the hand.

After the skin matter was settled, Zuo Wu saw Zuo Wu bringing up the calculator on his mobile phone and tinkering there.

Cuihua leaned over and asked, "What's the bonus?"


“This year is Riot’s first attempt to introduce game item income into the bonus pool. The original bonus pool is 2.1 million US dollars + the player contribution bonus pool is 3.0 million US dollars + the team avatar share is 1.6 million US dollars.”

"The total is $6.7 million!"

"Oh my God, there are so many!"

"How is the distribution calculated?"

Zuo Wu explained: "The amount of the prize pool will be distributed in different proportions to teams with different rankings, and the champion will get the highest share."

"Of course, after the subsequent champion skins are released, there will be skin sharing. If the skin sells well, the corresponding players will get an extra share."

"Within the club, according to the previous contract, the coaching staff as a whole accounts for 5%. The club regards it as a quota and divides it with the players. Each person has about 14%. The remaining part will be given to the club staff as bonuses. Everyone Everyone gets a lottery ticket."

Li Hao listened on the sidelines and simply did the math in his mind.

Just counting the prize pool, it’s a lot of money.

It seems that I am going to live up to my parents’ expectations.

The ancestral pig-killing business in Jinling may be difficult to inherit.

On the third day in Los Angeles, after Snake attended the fan meeting event held by Riot, the club also held a celebration party.

In addition to the players and staff of the Snake team, the commentators, hosts, and some lucky fans who are still in Los Angeles have been invited.

During this period, Li Hao and others did not refuse various group photos and short videos.

Compared to those teams that lost and went home to share the pot, Snake's team was enjoying themselves.

Over in the LCK division, Korean e-sports forums have really exploded these days.

The bottom of the Korean Kimchi e-sports platform is filled with the voices of shameful and angry stickmen:

"Shame! Swim back across the sea. If you can't swim back, feed the sharks!"

"The dead rat is ready to receive!"

"Xiba, it's even more outrageous than White Shield. Three of the top four LCK teams didn't even win the championship! Our powerful flag has been ruined by you like this. Let's all sacrifice the flag!!"

"Fake match, this must be a fake match!!"

"Everyone is a war criminal! You were beaten to shame by an LPL veteran, don't let me see you in Seoul!"

Korean trolls were filled with indignation and only regretted that they were too weak to play.

The trolls did not let go of any of the LCK troika. They even took over the comment area below the club.

Although there are rational fans who analyze the data of Team Snake and The King, keyboard warriors are obviously faster in coding without having to think.

Several clubs in the LCK are in dire straits, but they can only endure it silently.

Shame, grief and anger will be transformed into strength!

All grievances will be vented in the next season!

The LCK team is ready to take revenge at the Bird's Nest, at the doorstep of the LPL!

The losing team is worried, and the winning team is also worried about happiness.

November 3rd.

Magic City, Snake Base.

"The cool breeze blew gently and quietly entered my clothes. In summer, I can't hear the sound when I steal it."

The ringtone of Snake's boss Orochi's mobile phone rang again.

Mr. Orochi glanced at the caller ID and saw that the call was from abroad.

"Hey, who's there?"

"Hello, Mr. Snake, I am Jefferson, the CEO of the 100T team in the LCS division. I want to talk to you about some cooperation."


Boss Orochi suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Although this team was only registered in the spring of 2016, it does not prevent Mr. Snake from knowing it very well.

In addition to being backed by the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers, this team also has industry giants such as Red Bull and Shunda. It is a team that cannot be underestimated!

The super wealthy team, Mr. Snake doesn’t dare to look down upon.

"Mr. Jefferson, what cooperation do you have?"

"Boss Snake, my Chinese is very average. I just express what our Boss means directly."

"Please say."

"100T wants to get your team's mid laner The King. We will offer you a large overflow contract, and Snake will also get dollars in sacks."

"After watching the S6 World Championship, Boss learned about The King's deeds and was deeply moved. He has a strong desire to recruit The King to 100T. Snake has priority trading rights and can match the quotation. 100T will definitely not be short of money. I hope Snakes are always perfect.”

"If it is not convenient to draw up a contract, 100T is also willing to get TheKing on loan."

"Sorry, Mr. Jefferson, I need to think about it."

"Okay, I'll wait for Mr. Snake's reply."

100T is extremely sincere and doesn't even care about leasing.

Boss Snake was sitting on a chair in the hall on the second floor, tapping his fingers on the table.

Beside him, Shuangquan's expression was dull.

"Mr. Snake, this is the fifth phone call."

"North American and European teams are so crazy! The quotations are basically upwards of US$3 million over two years, and there is also a large signing fee! This is even higher than the quotations of those Korean players."

Mr. Snake chuckled: "These people are very smart."

"For example, 100T, they are not short of money, but this team has just been established and has little reputation. The King's popularity after this World Championship has been quite explosive, and it has also gathered a large number of fans in North America. No matter The King's strength declines next season No matter how much, with this wave of popularity, 100T can attract a large number of solid fans to the team in an instant. As long as the follow-up operation is reasonable, it can immediately transform from a new team to a powerful player in North America."

Shuangquan nodded and asked, "Mr. Snake, what are you going to do?"

"I mean, TheKing!"

Mr. Snake said excitedly: "We won the first S championship in the LPL division this time, and the popularity is unprecedented."

"And S7 will be held in the Bird's Nest. This will be an unprecedented wave of traffic in China. No team will be unmoved. On the table in my office, there are a bunch of plans sent by advertisers, and these people can't sit still."

"But I'm not that stupid!"

Just as he was about to continue talking, a phone call came from Shanghai.

Press the answer key.

"Haha, hello, Mr. Snake."

"I'm Abu from EDG. I have something I want to talk about."

"About The King?"

"Yes, we have an offer. Does Snake want to hear it?"

"Tell me."

"EDG offers 10 million, we want to get The King from Snake!"


After a few minutes, the call was hung up.

But as if it was agreed upon, the calls from domestic teams came one after another.

"I am VG's operations officer, Mr. Snake, and VG's quotation is 10.5 million!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Orochi, long time no see. Let's get together when we have time."

"Let's be honest, what's the matter?"

"RNG's offer is 12 million! It includes one year's profit from The King's portrait, advertising revenue, live broadcast contract, and priority renewal rights."

Shuang Quan was dumbfounded. All these domestic clubs were offering big contracts, and they were making crazy offers for The King!

Gold hoe, silver hoe, dig into Snake's corner like crazy!

What's Mr. Snake's plan?

Snake has the first right to renew, but will he match the offer?

If there is no match, TheKing can choose to leave!

However, that is a contract worth tens of millions of dollars!

Just as Shuangquan was thinking about it, Mr. She hung up the phone and suddenly his face darkened.


Shuang slapped the table hard, and everyone was startled.

"What the hell, you think I'm a fool, don't you?!"

"It's not that easy to poach my corner!"

"A multi-million contract, why can't Snake bully me?!"


"Shuang Quan, do you know that these people are digging up my Snake roots? I just started to get better here, and they pounced on me like hungry wolves."

"But, I am rich!"

"In the future, you should remember one thing when running the Snake Team."

Shuangquan asked cautiously: "Mr. Snake, please give me your orders."

Mr. Snake squinted his eyes and said very deeply: "The King"

"He is not for sale to the Snakes!!"

With the end of the S6 World Championship, the transfer situation during the winter window has begun.

On November 5th, everyone at Snake had just gotten on the plane.

Ace League’s e-sports reporter came with a piece of bombshell news:

[In the spring of 2017, EDG players Deft and Pawn will leave EDG and return to the LCK division. 】

Guodian, which dominated the LPL for a summer in 2016, officially disbanded.

('-'*ゞ12,000+ today, good work by the author~

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