LOL: This man is so strong!

Chapter 135 Big Contract! Extremely regretful teams

The departure of General Pawn made fans of Guodian feel a little sad.

The third young master said "Edg need me" back then, Pawn fought through injuries and selected Kassadin to carry in the competition, which moved many viewers.

Although Pawn later said that he had never said this, his performance during his time in EDG, whether it was civil war or foreign war, was clear to everyone. As a foreign aid, Pawn can definitely be regarded as a conscience.

Deft, on the other hand, is quite criticized.

This AD, who was killing randomly in the LPL civil war, made a lot of mistakes in the competition, and it was not uncommon for him to die suddenly after passing the light.

He was even considered an actor for a time because of his "loyalty to serve the country" performance.

Li Hao and the Snake team members got off the plane and while eating at the airport, they also saw the latest messages from Pawn and Deft.

Of course he also saw the questioning comments from netizens.

Li Hao smiled, this was really a misunderstanding.

Deft, who returned to South Korea to play in the World Championship again, is still the Mr. Dai that LPL viewers are familiar with.

The World Series and the league are really two different things.

After returning to the base, Snake and the others slept in a deep sleep, finally getting back the jet lag.

November 7th, Snake Club.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Orochi came to the club and found Zuo Wu and Chris early.

Including Shuangquan, the four of them entered the 'Crystal Hub', which was the Snake Team's conference room.

"Look, these are the quotes for The King."

"It's not just LPL teams, there are also many North American and European teams."

Looking at the pile of copywriting, Zuo Wu had a headache. Shuang Quan was prepared and took out a relatively concise report.

Although the string of numbers above are all amazing.

However, it did not go beyond Zuo Wu and Chris' expectations.

Zuo Wu looked worried and asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Snake, what do you mean?"

Mr. Snake pursed his lips and asked, "You two know more about The King. Do you have anything to say? In fact, I already have an idea, but I just want to hear your opinions."

They looked at each other and understood what Boss Snake meant.

Zuo Wu's words were very simple: "If The King is still with Snake, then Snake's goals for next season will be very clear. Even if his operation will decline next season due to age and other factors, I believe that with Li Hao's training intensity, It’s going to be a Waterloo-like decline.”

"Snake was able to play so wonderfully and efficiently in the World Championships, all thanks to Li Hao's command. Outsiders only saw his unparalleled operations, but they didn't know that he was the real brains of the Snake team in the center!"

"Furthermore, I believe Mr. Snake is also very aware of Li Hao's influence in the LPL region at this time. In less than a week, our number of Snake fans has skyrocketed to several times what it was before!"

"It can be seen from those comments that many of them are here for the ID of The King. When Li Hao exists, other people in Snake are also inspired. He can influence his teammates and make them better."

Zuo Wu said a lot in one breath, and he valued Li Hao very much.

Mr. Snake nodded and looked at Chris again.

"Snake's winning formula is completely based on The King. He is now the flag and soul of this team."

"Flandre and Crystal are both talented players, and they also have their own arrogance. However, The King is the one who convinced them. With such a big brother, Snake can have the cohesion it has today."

"Then, even if Li Hao's level regresses in S7, Snake, who clenches his fists, still has a chance to break out of the LPL division and even enter the Bird's Nest!"

"Once The King is lost, Snake's team will immediately loosen up and its future is uncertain. Then the foundation built now because of the world championship may soon be lost."

Mr. Snake kept nodding his head, and after listening to these two words, he couldn't help but smile.

He took out a folder from his arm and pushed it on the table.

"Thank you both for bringing The King to Snake in the summer. This is the most successful signing in 2016."

"The bonus at the end of the year will definitely not be small."

"The new contract is here"

"Zuo Wu, you'd better go and talk,"

Chris and Zuo Wu breathed a sigh of relief, and then responded with smiles on their faces:

"Okay, Mr. Snake!"

Outside Snake's base.

Shuangquan asked: "Boss Snake, are you not worried at all when you offer such a big contract?"

Mr. Snake shook his head: "Actually, I'm very worried."

"But, thinking about what Team Snake was like before, I feel like I can definitely take a gamble."

"What we are most worried about is The King's condition. Once he declines from a cliff due to age or injury, this business will be very loss-making."

"However, during the summer split, The King was injured once, which lasted for two weeks. When he came out with the injury to save Snake, to be honest, I was really moved. But at the time, I still thought rationally that it was An act of bravery, but it ended up slapping me in the face."

When it came to slapping him in the face, Mr. Snake smiled instead.

"The King is very charming. He continues to create miracles. He should not be defined by ordinary thinking."

"Shuang Quan, think about it outside of this circle. Which veteran who suddenly comes back can use such a short period of time to take a team that is struggling in a losing streak out of the league, and then go all the way to the top of the world? !”

Shuangquan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Haha, Boss Snake, I understand."

"Businessmen have a gambling mentality. The King is a magical guy. It's normal for me to show a little more sincerity."

"Besides, I really made a lot of money this time. Even if The King doesn't perform at a high level in the new season, I won't lose. The extra money will be used as a thank you to him for helping me revitalize the Snakes."

"Also, you should seize the time to deal with the cooperation with advertisers."


After lunch, Zuo Wu and Chris called Li Hao into the crystal hub.

Everyone is familiar with it, and there is no need to do some nonsense.

"These days, many sky-high contracts have been offered to you, many of which are over eight figures. Take a look first."

Li Hao saw the document in Zuo Wu's hand. He casually picked one up from the table without saying anything.

[RNG team, quote 12 million.]

After seeing a series of clauses at the back of the contract, Li Hao quickly threw it aside.

Spring had just bid farewell to the prison, and he was not interested in this contract no matter how good it was.

Without looking at the details, Li Hao directly took a look at the report.

The tycoons in North America are really generous and the prices are ridiculously high.

For Li Hao, it was his first contact with eight-digit money. The old man could not earn it even if he killed pigs at home for the rest of his life.

It was inevitable to be a little excited at first, but it soon calmed down.

No matter how much money he was given, it would be impossible for him to go to North America to help the poor through technology at this time.

Defending the Bird's Nest and attacking Incheon is what Li Hao has always been looking forward to.

Zuo Wu and Chris didn't interrupt either. A few minutes later, Li Hao looked at Zuo Wu with questioning eyes.

"What did Mr. Snake say?"

Zuo Wu smiled: "Your performance is obvious to all. In other words, you are the biggest fish in the 2016 winter free market."

"Snake can win the world championship this season, and Brother Hao deserves the most credit!"

"Boss Snake means to offer you another one-year contract with a maximum salary premium of 15 million!"

"An additional signing fee of 3 million yuan will be given, which will be paid immediately after signing the contract. The club does not restrict your live broadcast contract. Just like advertising endorsements, you only need to give the club 10% of the share."

"However, in the 2018 season, the Snakes still have your priority to renew your contract. As long as the salary matches, you cannot leave the team and add a 1 million transfer clause."

Li Hao's eyes brightened slightly. To be honest, given the current environment, this condition is really very generous.

And he was given enough respect, which was what satisfied Li Hao the most.

Snake can make a decision so quickly, which shows that they don't have too many worries and are still looking forward to next season.

For veterans, this respect is heartwarming.

"no problem."

Hearing his straightforward agreement, Zuo Wu and Chris felt reassured.

After the formal signing, Zuo Wu and Li Hao shook hands ceremonially.

"The official opening time of the winter transfer window is November 22, when we will send the contract to the ACE League."

Li Hao nodded and asked about his teammates.

"Don't worry, Flando and Gangzi's contracts are longer than yours. Snake has made a lot of money this time. Mr. Snake has compensated their salaries. Cuihua has also successfully renewed his contract. With you, the winning lineup is basically whole."

"Everyone is quite satisfied with their contracts and there is no need to worry about harmony within the team because of this."

"Jiezou plans to retire due to physical reasons. In other words, we still lack an assistant."

Li Hao asked: "Planning to activate Ella?"

Chris on the side responded: "We have not renewed the contract with Ella. Although Ella is an assistant who is good at protection, there are communication barriers with foreign aid after all."

"In the auxiliary position, we still prefer to find a Chinese."

"You are a good example. Our Chinese are no worse than foreign aid."

Chris smiled and asked: "Brother Hao, do you have a suitable candidate?"

In fact, Chris just mentioned it casually, but he didn't expect Li Hao to actually pick up the conversation.

"When I was playing ranked before, I did meet an assistant, and I was quite impressed."

Chris's eyes lit up, Brother Hao had an impression on him?

Zuo Wu was also curious: "Who is it? He has actually caught the eye of Brother Hao."

Li Hao smiled: "Are you familiar with the TCS team?"

Chris didn't react immediately, but Zuo Wu knew all the team information.

"It must be the team that defeated SNS 2:1 in the finals to win the championship in the 10th City Heroes Competition last time, and then qualified for the LSPL league."

Zuo Wu frowned slightly: "However, they lost to OMD in the summer split and failed to avoid relegation. Now the team has been disbanded."

"Brother Hao, are you sure you're not mistaken?"

Li Hao said sternly: "It shouldn't be wrong. I met him when I was playing ranked, and then I specifically asked about him. He is the support of this team."

"Of course, my vision may not be accurate, but I can arrange to come over for a trial training."

In the words of Mr. Orochi, Li Hao is now the treasure of the Snake team.

Although neither Chris nor Zuo Wu was impressed by this assistant, Brother Hao named someone to ask for, so of course they had to do something.

This time, even if this support is Silver, he still needs to be brought over for a trial training.

"Brother Hao, don't worry, Lao Zuo will take care of it right away!" Zuo Wu patted his chest loudly.

"I'm looking forward to it too," Chris said with a smile.

Li Hao smiled and said nothing more.

In the next few days, Snake entered a stable training phase again.

On November 10, everyone set off for Wuhan.

In the 2016 Demacia Cup Suzhou Station held from June 30 to July 3 this year, Snake, EDG, RNG, and IM successfully broke through and advanced to the 2016 Demacia Cup Finals.

At that time, except for IM who was in the same group as RNG and appeared second in the group stage, EDG, RNG, and Snake all ranked first in the group during the group stage and advanced to the knockout stage.

In the quarter-finals, the four teams passed relatively easily, four 3:0, and they deserved their status as top four.

Li Hao actually doesn't want to play in the German Cup, so he can just send a second team there.

But Snake's family is very poor and he still doesn't have a German Cup trophy.

Among everyone, the one who was most interested was probably Gangzi.

Ever since he got his first championship trophy, this guy seems to have developed a serious trophy collecting habit.

"Do you think there will ever be a day when I can replace all the flower pots on the flower pot rack in the back with trophies?"

Cuihua smiled: "Brother Gangzi, there is definitely a chance. Your flowerpot shelf is not big. You can put four or five yuan in it and it will be full."

Flandre rolled her eyes: "Isn't this simple?"

"There's a trophy vendor on the street next door. I'll give you a few. You can have any title you want."

"I'll send you another certificate with the words 'World's No. 1 ADC' on it. How about it? I'm very satisfied."

Gangzi made a sound and muttered shit.

On November 11, the audience at the Wuhan Sports Center Stadium was excited.

Although it was only a German Cup, all Snake's main players were present!

Darling, this is the 2016 championship lineup!

At the moment Snake appeared on the stage, the doll in the commentary box loudly introduced:

"Welcome the 2016 LOL World Champion!! Snake~~!!"

This roar is really full of confidence.

The audience in Wuhan was also very impressive, with the whole audience shouting for Snake.

There were even more young ladies holding signs of support for ‘The King’.

Looking at the huge heat, the surrounding teams were extremely envious.

On the other side of EDG, Abu and the factory director stared at the man in the middle of Snake, feeling longingly.

"Abu, do we have a chance to get The King?" The factory director's eyes were filled with the desire to help.

Cuihua can be a dog, so can I, the pig factory!

"It's not clear yet, we won't have any results until the winter window starts."

"Our contract offer is quite generous and the conditions are very good, but the Snakes can still match it. Even if the conditions are the same, TheKing may not necessarily choose EDG."

"Boss Zhu still has concerns. I suggested a larger contract, but he didn't dare to open it."

Jarhead asked: "I'm worried about The King's decline."

"Of course it is. This is also a concern for all major teams."

"However, there are still opportunities. Snake may not have the courage."

"RNG seems to have offered a big contract, but as you know, they have strict conditions. Moreover, RNG has Uzi, and TheKing does not have the same tactical status as Snake, but our EDG is different."

"I heard that VG is also taking action, but their competitiveness is not as good as ours. The King will have to compete with Marquis. If the jungler is Dandy, communication will be difficult."

"After all this calculation, our EDG is more reliable."

Abu frowned and hesitated to say, "But."

"I'm just afraid that Snake will take a gamble, right?"

Abu nodded, naturally that was what he meant.

Ancestor Seven sighed: "If I had known this would happen, why would we have sent Li Hao to RNG in the first place? We shouldn't have let him play with big trees."

"RNG must be suffering from your problem now."

"They may wonder why they didn't think of bringing The King up from the bench when RNG was in trouble during MSI in the spring of 2016. Maybe the entire league structure in 2016 will change drastically."

"Time has gone forever. We have no way to go back to the past, we can only look forward."

When the factory director heard this, he felt a little annoyed. He asked unwillingly: "Abu, do you regret the decision you made at that time?"

Abu rolled his eyes at him: "Nonsense, of course I regret it!"

"What the hell, that's the younger The King!"

"Look at his performance on S6. That kind of reaction ability is so extreme! If he is one year younger, his physical fitness will definitely be better in all aspects. What kind of dominance will that be!"

"It's a pity that we were blind at the time."

The factory director saw that Abu was a little excited and patted the shoulder of this old man who had been fighting to the death together.

"Don't be depressed, OMG and WE are more depressed than us."

"Yes, I feel much better just thinking about them."

The factory director was right. At this time, the live broadcast of the Wuhan Demacia Cup was being played in the OMG base.

Seeing the cheers like a tsunami, the big boss of OMG became jealous.

He tore up a piece of information in his hand and threw it angrily into the air. Their roars filled the entire office.

"Year 2014!"

"That was 2014!"

"What we have is a younger version of The King! He is two years younger. He was only 21 years old at that time. It was a time when his experience, age, and mentality were very good!"

"How strong would it be if I hit The King!"

"Damn, what did we miss!!"

The big boss of OMG suddenly thought of the heartbreaking things OMG fans said when they attacked them.

"We have missed the era of the dark forces!!"

At the same time, WE Club.

Watching the live broadcast of the Demacia Cup, the entire operations department felt a little lost.

What they had at the time was.

19 years old, super young version of TheKing! ! ! !

Time seems to have returned to S2, and the young figure with extraordinary talent at that time is still shaking in front of his eyes.

Some WE old people can still think of the original scene.

TheKing had a bad mentality and unsatisfactory performance in several games, and was directly deemed as a "waste brick" from the "cornerstone of the dynasty".

What a waste!

Why not give one of these units a try!

Why not be a little more patient!

The cornerstone of the dynasty!

We threw away the cornerstone of the dynasty with our own hands!

As the German Cup broadcast progressed, when WE saw Snake sweep IM 3-0, and then beat EDG 3-1 the next day to win the cup, they were really depressed.

"Prepare another contract and we will make a higher offer!"

Hearing the words of the operations director, the staff on the side whispered: "Minister, that is our limit!"

"Also, I think there is a greater chance that The King will stay with Snake."

"Yesterday, someone went to check on Mr. She. They didn't even want to hear how much the transfer fee was."

"Are you so determined?"

"I heard that Mr. Snake has made a lot of money. I want to make a big bet this time."

Taking advantage of this moment, people from the WE operations department came over.

"Minister, IG proposed a deal to us."

"What deal?"

"The iG team wants to trade support player Ben with us for TheShy."


His head was so foggy that he didn't even think of it at first.

The staff reminded: "In March 2015, TheShy was loaned by us to the Korean secondary league team Awe Max to participate in the 2015 Korean Challenger League Spring Split. TheShy made his debut, but his strength was average, and Awe Max also stopped in the top 16."

"As of now, TheShy has no games to play."

The minister nodded. Although Ben is also an assistant, he can rotate with Zero.

It’s useless to have Korean players in other positions. The appearance of two Korean players is the limit.

"Okay, the deal is done, add some transfer fee requirements."


In the Wuhan Sports Center Gymnasium, Wawa loudly announced: "Congratulations to Snake, they won the 2016 Drascia Cup championship!"

The audience was celebrating and cheering.

The reason why today's German Cup scene is so lively is mainly because Snake returned from winning the championship in North America and brought back the honor he wanted most from the LPL division.

This year is the most promising year.

This sentence finally no longer needs to be said.

For Snake, this German Cup went smoothly.

IM's combat power has declined a bit, while EDG, after losing two games in a row, successfully captured the factory director in the third game, which made Deft unable to fatten up, the bottom lane collapsed, and Snake lost the game.

In the fourth game, the junior boy in the middle failed to withstand it and was single-killed by Li Hao's Syndra. Then Cuihua kept hitting and the snowball rolled until it couldn't stop. Snake won the game.

Although the German Cup is not very valuable, it is the first time Snake team has won it, which is the icing on the cake.

After participating in the official event, Team Snake did not leave immediately.

There hasn't been much going on in the past few days. Everyone has been having fun in Wuhan for a few days.

The Yellow Crane Tower is not very fun, it is a concrete building, and Brother Shengqiang keeps complaining about it.

Li Hao thought it would be better to take pictures of the bridge while standing on it. The scenery along the ridge of Snake Mountain was also pretty good. No entrance fee was required. We walked all the way to Hongshan and Wuhan University. There were scattered scenic spots along the way, and there was also a renovated tomb of Chen Youliang.

We went to East Lake and the museum again, and then came to Hankou from Wuchang, and went to the concession buildings. It was nice to take pictures of several churches, and there were a lot of food on the way.

After that, we went to Hubu Street, Liangdao Street and other places to find some special snacks.

I also met some fans along the way, and even a few hot Wuhan girls took advantage of taking photos to take advantage of Li Hao, which made Gangzi and others laugh constantly.

November 16th.

The day before leaving Wuhan, Snake and the others went to a fish restaurant.

Cuihua asked curiously: "Does this fish have many bones?"

"The fish always has some spines. This fish has fewer spines, but more spines than the sea bass." Gangzi said seriously.

Flando became more knowledgeable: "The authentic Wuchang fish only has 13 and a half bones."

Zuo Wu raised his head: "Ah Qiang, you understand quite well."

Gangzi: "Damn it, he tricked me."

"Haha, I just checked Baidu."

The dishes were served, Jiezou turned around and added a pair of dishes, and Chris stood up and closed the door.

Everyone tasted it and it tasted really good.

Li Hao said quietly: "I drink water from the Yangtze River and eat Wuchang fish."

"Winning the World Championship this time, I have just begun to experience the feeling of forging ahead bravely and overcoming the waves."

Zuo Wu said excitedly: "Yes, I hope we can forge ahead in the new season and continue to pursue glory!"

Jiezou looked at everyone's excitement and said bitterly: "I really want to continue fighting with you, but I can no longer keep up with the team, so I can only retreat bravely so as not to hold anyone back."

"However, being able to win an S-race championship is like a dream to me."

"Brother Hao, and everyone, thank you very much!"

Speaking of this, Jiezou's eyes were a little hazy, and the white mist in the dish also rose upwards. Chris on the side patted his shoulder.

"Needless to say, this championship is won by everyone together, everyone is indispensable!"

"We worked together to get this result, and it was the result of everyone's hard work."

As Li Hao spoke, he raised the small Sprite in his hand and gestured to Jiezou.

Everyone raised their glasses.

"There is no such thing as a feast that lasts forever. I wish you smooth sailing in the future."

"Yes, come back and see the brothers when you have time!"

"It's a must. I hope everyone can make further progress in S7!"

"work hard together!"



In the steaming heat, there were several sounds of clinking glasses.

Young faces full of excitement, joy and anticipation are thinking about the upcoming 2017 season.

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